Chapter 413 Yanyunjian

Half an hour later, Zhang Yang stood on the balcony on the fifth floor of the museum and watched a black van speed away.

Lao Zhao is up there, and there are a lot of antiques.

At this time, Uncle Shen's phone call came.

"Hey, Zhang Yang."

"What's the matter, uncle?"

"Is Lao Zhao still there with you? Don't worry about what that girl said just now. Listen to me first... Hey, are you listening?"

"I'm listening, you said."

"Okay, here's the thing. I've asked clearly. Lao Zhao may have been deceived by others. It may be someone from Guangdong Province who set up the trap... He and I are brothers who have died. I know that he As a human being, please give me some face and help me think of a way to see if I can make some money."

"It's too late." Zhang Yang responded lightly.

"What's too late?"

"Uncle Shen, your call came late. While we were still appraising the painting, the person Sister Zhao found broke in directly and arrested him."

"What about now?" Uncle Shen asked eagerly on the phone.

"They have already left. I don't know the details, so I didn't dare to ask more."

"What's wrong?" Sister Zhao's voice came from the other end of the phone, but she was not asking about Zhang Yang.

After a while, she took the phone and said to Zhang Yang:

"I'm sorry, Director Zhang, you've worked hard today."

"If you have a chance, come to Yanjing, I'll treat you to dinner, and apologize to you in person on behalf of my uncle."

"No need, I'll hang up now if there's nothing else?"

"Well, then you go and do your work first, I'm going back here too."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang sent a message to Shen Shuyu, asking her to visit her uncle's house when she had time.

After all, he was his best friend when he was young. If Zhang Yang were to put himself in Uncle Shen's position, he would definitely feel uncomfortable at the moment.

After finishing all this, Zhang Yang breathed a long sigh of relief.

The matter seemed quite simple, but when he was blocked in the toilet by the bodyguard just now, he was really nervous.

Now, he finally had time to lie down on the sofa and rest for a while.

As a result, I fell asleep without paying attention.

When he woke up, it was already dark outside and his stomach was growling with hunger.

Zhang Yang picked up his phone and took a look. It was already seven o'clock in the evening. He had slept for four hours and had missed three calls.

The calls came from Shen Shuyu, Teacher Ma and Master Wang respectively.

Fortunately, these three people all left him messages on WeChat, and without exception, they all asked about Lao Zhao.

It seemed that all of a sudden, everyone in the Yanjing circle knew about it.

"I didn't do anything." Zhang Yang shrugged helplessly.

What can be done? These three people were all important, and he could only spend time replying to them one by one.

I was busy until eight o'clock before I made it clear to them all.


Zhang Yang also had plans for the evening. Chen Yanguang was back, and the two made an appointment to meet and catch up on old times.

The location is in the private room of Wei Fuguang's newly opened hotel.

By the time Zhang Yang drove up, everyone else had already arrived, except for the three brothers Huang Bin, Wei Fuguang and Chen Yanguang who hadn't seen each other for a long time, and Tao Chang who appeared out of nowhere.

"Where's my sister-in-law?" Zhang Yang was a little curious when he didn't see Cheng Shihui.

He originally wanted to ask how Mr. Cheng was doing recently.

The last time we contacted him, Mr. Cheng said he wanted to do something big in Italy, but he never heard back from him.

If Chen Yanguang hadn't said last time that the Cheng family and his daughter were visiting fashion shows in Europe, Zhang Yang would have suspected that he had been arrested by foreign police.

"Hui Hui went to visit the prison and will not return to Linhai until the day after tomorrow." Chen Yanguang smiled and pulled Zhang Yang over to sit down. The two of them had shared the joys and sorrows in Indonesia, so their relationship was naturally extraordinary.

"Brother Yang, you are not interesting enough." Wei Fuguang held a wine glass and toasted to Zhang Yang, while saying in a slightly plaintive tone, "I heard that you are in Indonesia, and you have even hooked up with the oil man."

"He's still out salvaging the sunken ship."

"With such a great thing, why didn't you call me? Do I lack the money for the air ticket to Indonesia?"

"Hahaha, Aguang and I just happened to meet each other. We really didn't make an appointment in advance."

"Meeting those two Saudis was purely accidental. We didn't know each other before. I originally wanted to trick them." Zhang Yang explained with a smile.

By the way, I told Chen Yanguang about encountering the two Saudi royal families when I came back.

"I know about this." Chen Yanguang was not surprised at all. He told Zhang Yang, "When Huihui came back from Milan, she heard about this and insisted on dragging me to get to know Bashay."

"When we arrived in Riyadh, the father and daughter had just flown over from China, so we met twice, only a few days apart."

"Oh~" Zhang Yang nodded meaningfully.

"Have you discussed business?"

"Hehehe, yes." Chen Yanguang smiled, but he did not rush to explain what business was being discussed. Instead, he gave Zhang Yang a look, indicating that he would talk about it later.

Now, at that time, those who drank drank and those who ate ate.

Zhang Yang was not interested in eating or drinking, so he settled the battle first, and then went to sit on the sofa in the private room and play with his mobile phone.

Just when he was about to play an exciting game of bloody mahjong, the sofa next to him suddenly sank, followed by a faint fragrance.

A woman sat next to him, very close.

Zhang Yang glanced at the other party's outfit in white stockings and JK short skirt, and knew that he was not a good guy.

When he raised his head, he almost bumped face to face with the other person. He quickly lay back and distanced himself from the other person.

"Brother Zhang Yang." The young girl with light makeup greeted him with a smile.

"you know me?"

"Hey, Brother Yang, this is my sister." Wei Fuguang stood up at the wine table in the distance.

"My name is Wei Weiwei." The little girl introduced herself.

Hey Hey hey?
If this name is even weirder, why should I make a phone call here?
Zhang Yang looked at Wei Fuguang at the dinner table with a puzzled expression.

Awei, your sister seems to have no concept of social distance. She is so close, why is she still leaning against me?

"Brother Yang, don't be afraid, she is your fan."

Wei Fuguang was a little drunk and staggered over.

Zhang Yang thought he was coming to introduce each other, but Wei Fuguang came to the side, suddenly patted his sister on the shoulder, pointed at Zhang Yang and said:
"Quickly, kneel down for Master."

"Okay." Wei Weiwei immediately turned around and walked to kneel in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang quickly dodged: "What's going on? The Spring Festival has passed. There's no new year's money for kneeling now."

"Can't you see this?" Chen Yanguang was watching the fun with a smile at the wine table, "She wants to become your teacher and learn how to identify treasures."

"What?" Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wei Weiwei.

This childish person pretending to be mature must still be a high school student, right?

Wei Weiwei noticed Zhang Yang's gaze, pursed her lips, and nodded with a very firm expression.

It means that Chen Yanguang was right.

"Wait, let me ask first, how old are you, sister?"

"I'm seventeen."

"Oh, you are indeed younger than me. But seventeen years old, isn't it the time when you are in high school?"

Did you come out to hang out before even finishing high school? Are you ready to inherit your family's underworld business?

Considering the identity of the other party, Zhang Yang felt it was unlikely.

No matter how bastard the Wei family's parents are, it's impossible that they still care about their little daughter when they have already raised a Wei Fuguang.

"No, she is in the international class. She will not take the college entrance examination. She is going to go directly to a foreign university." Wei Fuguang explained from the side.

He was so dizzy that he couldn't stand still and slumped on the sofa like mud, but he still spoke very eloquently.

"There are still more than half a year before she goes abroad. My parents are thinking that they can't let her follow me around for fear that I will lead her astray..."

"Uncle Wei is wise!" Huang Bin shouted from the side. "Fuck you." Wei Fuguang responded, suppressing his tiredness, he stood up, grabbed Zhang Yang's hand and begged, "My sister said she just wanted to learn how to identify treasures, and you happen to be her idol, brother Yang. This is a favor." , you have to help your brother!"

"Yes, brother Zhang Yang, I really want to make progress."

Wei Weiwei blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhang Yang, which shocked him.

Zhang Yang hasn't graduated from university yet, and he still has very clear memories of the international classes at the high school in Linhai.

In that class were the "second generation rich" + "reservists of international students".

The chaos is similar to that of international students.

Why do people like this want to learn antique appraisal?
Unless Zhang Yang’s IQ regresses twenty years, back to when he was two years old, I really can’t believe it.

"Are you sure you want to learn antique appraisal?"

"Sure." Wei Weiwei replied very definitely.

"That's ok. We have a master in the museum with decades of experience. Let me introduce him to you. He will definitely be willing to accept you as his apprentice."

Zhang Yang thought of Lao He. Librarian He was skilled in martial arts and could indeed take on an apprentice.

Maybe he can also get connected with the Wei family, so that Lao He might be able to bloom a second spring in his later years.

"Ah?" Wei Weiwei was stunned.

Then she looked at her brother Wei Fuguang with a pouted mouth.

But Wei Fuguang was drunk and couldn't hold back his sleepiness. He had raised his head and snored loudly.

"Is it okay?" Zhang Yang asked while the iron was hot, "If it's okay, I'll call Librarian He over. He should have just gotten off work right now."

"There's a problem." Wei Weiwei quickly interrupted Zhang Yang.

As soon as these words came out, except for Wei Fuguang, who was already unconscious, everyone present looked at her with suspicion.

What's going on? Didn't you just clamor for apprenticeships to learn about treasures?
"Weiwei, you'd better tell the truth while your brother is asleep." Chen Yanguang asked in a low voice.

Wei Weiwei seemed a little afraid of him, she was so nervous that she kept blinking her eyes, and finally told the truth slowly:
"Actually, I...I want to learn the skills of brother Zhang Yang and become an internet celebrity, not to learn how to identify treasures."

"Hey, that's it." Chen Yanguang smiled first, "I thought you had some serious thoughts about Brother Yang."

"..." Zhang Yang had a dark look on his face, shook his head and told Wei Weiwei, "It's easy to become an Internet celebrity, as long as your family is willing to spend money."

"It is true that you can become an Internet celebrity by appraising treasures, but this profession is too difficult for women. You should think of other ways."

Wei Weiwei was silent for a while, then asked Zhang Yang in a low voice:

"Then can I live broadcast in the name of Master Zhang's apprentice?"

"Of course not." Zhang Yang waved his hand, "I haven't left the school yet, so I can't accept disciples, otherwise I will definitely be expelled from the school."

"If you don't believe me, ask them. They all know who my master is."

"Yes, yes, it's like this, we (we) all know it." The remaining three people hurriedly helped Zhang Yang.

The four of them talked earnestly and finally persuaded the female high school student.

Seeing that he failed to become his master, Wei Weiwei didn't want to stay any longer, so she kicked her brother's feet hard and ran away.

"What's going on with Ah Wei? Can't he wake up even after being kicked like this?" Zhang Yang looked at the sleeping Wei Fuguang and clicked his tongue in surprise.

"He is under too much pressure. He is forced by his family to learn how to do business every day." Huang Bin sighed, "Actually, I am about the same."

"We are a trio. Now only Brother Guang doesn't have to inherit the family business, so the pressure will be less."

"Yes, to rub salt into my wounds, did I want to not inherit the family business?"

"The trumpet is the big one at home, what can I do?"

"Oh my, I was wrong brother."

"As long as you know you were wrong, don't cue me next time."

Chen Yanguang pretended to be angry when he spoke, which relaxed the atmosphere a lot.

The few of them chatted together for a while. Huang Bin felt bitter and drank until he became drunk.

Now the only ones awake in the room are Zhang Yang, Chen Yanguang and Tao Chang.


"Master Zhang." Tao Chang, who had not spoken for a long time, finally spoke, "I have a client who said he came to see you. What was the result?"

"Oh, he should be on the plane back to Yanjing by now."

Zhang Yang knew who Tao Chang was asking. Of course, the news of Lao Zhao's arrest could not be spread from his mouth. He could only use a more clever explanation.

"Then what I sold him, did you see it?"

"I saw it."

"How do you feel?" Tao Chang asked expectantly.

She looks a bit like a primary school student waiting for praise from the class teacher. She is surprisingly well-behaved.

"Yes, the level is very high. The chicken cup is very imitative."

"Speaking of which, do you often give imitations to people like them?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"It's not that often. In the past, it mainly depended on the price of the bid."

"Now we basically don't do it. That person's identity is a bit special and we can't push him away."

"Who are you talking about?" Chen Yanguang didn't understand at all.

"An old client of Miss Tao came to me for a treasure appraisal today."

"Oh, I thought he was a tomb robber. It's boring."

Chen Yanguang took a big gulp of wine, let out a sigh, and turned to Zhang Yang.

"Brother Yang, I came to see you today because of something."

"Let's talk if you have anything to do. Which one of us will follow the other?"

"It's a matter for the Saudi royal family..."

Chen Yanguang told Zhang Yang that the couple had gained a lot in Riyadh.

Saudi Princess Bashar and Cheng Shihui hit it off immediately, and the two parties decided to hold a Chinese art exhibition in Saudi Arabia in May this year.

When Chen Yanguang came back this time, apart from visiting his wife in prison and celebrating his grandfather's birthday in prison, the main purpose was to prepare for this trade fair.

"Saudi Arabia is too particular. I have to consult Brother Yang."

"But I've never been to Saudi Arabia?" Zhang Yang spread his hands.

Chen Yanguang's activity is very meaningful, and Zhang Yang has already planned to "take a ride".

But he really doesn't understand the taboos in the Middle East.

"You don't need to go to Saudi Arabia, I've already found out everything."

Chen Yanguang opened the memo on his phone and told Zhang Yang:
"First of all, anything related to religion is not acceptable."

"Whether it is the local Islamic religion, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Taoism, as long as it is a religious artwork, it is taboo in the local area, and even related patterns cannot appear on the products."

"Is it so strict?" Zhang Yang was a little surprised.

"Yes, we are so strict with outsiders." Chen Yanguang nodded with a serious expression. God knows how shocked he was when he was doing his homework.

"The second thing is weapons. All kinds of weapons, especially those with inscriptions, are not acceptable."

"Furthermore, tobacco and alcohol culture, animal fur, and Chinese herbal medicine are all prohibited from sale. If you appear at an exhibition, you are in danger of being attacked..."

Chen Yanzhao took the notes in his hand and mentioned a dozen things to pay attention to.

After listening to this, Zhang Yang's mind was empty and he could no longer think of anything that could be sold, except for the headscarf.

"We have looked at it so far and it seems that only porcelain can be sold."

"Brother Yang, do you have any ideas?"

"Porcelain, porcelain is good." Zhang Yang nodded in agreement.

"But it can't all be porcelain. The sales of porcelain there are not good." As a native of Jingdi Town, Tao Chang still has a strong say in the sales of porcelain.

"Then let's take bronze." Zhang Yang said without thinking.

"Ah? Bronze can't be sold, can it?"

"Hahaha, who said we would sell real bronzes? Haven't you heard of Yanyunjian Village?"

(End of this chapter)

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