Chapter 414 Dutiful Son
Three days later, Yanyunjian Village.

In order to buy good products in this nationally famous bronze handicraft village, Chen Yanguang not only roped in Zhang Yang, a top foreign aid, but also brought in old employees of Hedong Group.

"Brother Yang, this is Lao Liu." Chen Yanguang introduced him helpfully.

Lao Liu was a middle-aged man with a full beard. He had just come from Yangcheng. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and was shivering from the cold.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Liu." Zhang Yang nodded kindly and smiled at the other party.

Unexpectedly, his kind smile actually made Lao Liu shiver.

"Lao Liu, don't be nervous, Master Zhang is a good friend of me and Huihui."

"I, I'm not nervous." Lao Liu's teeth chattered and he responded tremblingly, "Hello, Master Zhang, we met in Yangcheng."

"Have you seen it?" Zhang Yang thought for a while but had no impression.

"During the ghost market."

"At that time, you arrested a bronze ware seller. That person was my brother-in-law. I was watching from the side."

"Uh... I'm sorry." Zhang Yang scratched his head in embarrassment.

It turns out that this old Liu, like Cheng Shihui, is a family member of the "victim".

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, he just deserves it." Lao Liu did not show any dissatisfaction with Zhang Yang, but responded, "I just asked him to sell fake bronzes. I didn't expect that he would have to sell the stolen goods to tomb robbers."

"Then who can you blame?"

"Brother Yang, don't worry, Lao Liu is very upright." Chen Yanguang said helpfully, "Didn't you lead someone to take down the Guangdong branch of the Hedong Group? Lao Liu had all his accomplices in the bureau. The confession has been made, and you have made meritorious service."

"He had 80% of the credit for the collapse of the Guangdong branch of the group."

"And he didn't cheat money in the first place. He was mainly responsible for purchasing goods from Yanyunjian Village and then distributing them to various distribution points in Guangdong Province. So in the end he was sentenced to probation and did not have to spend a day in jail."

"Okay, congratulations." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

This is the top mole, the brothers are all in, and he is cool outside.

As long as those people don't get out of jail...

Zhang Yang wanted to shake Lao Liu's hand, but looking at him, he seemed to be afraid of him, so he had to give up.

Zhang Yang understood that the other party might be under psychological pressure because he had been a young boy, although Lao Liu was a righteous young boy.

There was a veteran who had come to Yanyunjian Village seven or eight times a year in the past five years to guide the way. Zhang Yang and his party's journey went smoothly, and they soon arrived at the entrance of a workshop.

"Laowang Workshop." Chen Yanguang looked at the sign at the door, "Representative inheritor of bronze restoration and reproduction technology."

"Brother Yang, look, this is still an intangible cultural heritage."

"It's normal. Many imitations now come from such studios."

Zhang Yang had already read the report at the Cultural Relics Bureau. The antique market was flooded with fakes, and Chu Zhenmin and the others had taken action.

Many pheasant workshops have been destroyed.

But there is one absolutely no way, and that is to have an officially certified studio, not only for intangible cultural heritage, but also for locally protected traditional craftsmen.

If people have this craft, it is no problem to rely on their craft to make a living.

The shipments are all based on the price of handicrafts. People who get the goods can't stand it, so they repurchase them and treat them as fake antiques to deceive people.

It's a bit like the saying in the technology circle, "technology is innocent", antique imitation or copying itself is also innocent.

So who has a problem?

Zhang Yang glanced at Lao Liu who was leading the way. It was him before, but now...

Suddenly there was the sound of two men arguing in the workshop.

One person said: "I have told you that this replica of the Four-Yang Fangzun was not produced here. How many times do you have to ask?"

Another person retorted: "You say it's not true, right? I've been staying here for half a year, and I've seen you selling fake antiques like this."

"Just because I sell the Four-Sheep Fangzun, it doesn't mean that what you buy belongs to me."

"Then who do you think still has one?"

"Then...then how do I know? Anyway, if you continue to make trouble unreasonably, I will call the police."

"Report it, you see who is afraid of who..."

Zhang Yang and Chen Yanguang looked at each other and shrugged.

Obviously, this is someone who bought fake antiques.

The original intention of the two of them was to listen outside for a while and wait for the people inside to finish arguing before going in to discuss business, but Lao Liu didn't seem to think so.

Lao Liu had a relationship with the owner of this workshop. When his old friend had a problem, he rushed in anxiously.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang and Chen Yanguang had no choice but to follow.


There were more people in the room than they imagined. Lao Liu, who came in first, just stood outside the crowd and looked inside, unable to squeeze in at all.

Some of the onlookers were wearing suits and some were wearing work clothes. It seemed that there were both bosses and local workers who came to purchase goods.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yanguang jumped up and couldn't see what was happening in front of him.

"Just wait, we'll find out later."

"No, I want to see what's going on."

"Then you squeeze in. If I get beaten later, I will pretend I don't know you." Zhang Yang laughed.

"Maybe, there's no need to squeeze?" Chen Yanguang smiled obscenely and rolled his eyes, making Zhang Yang feel that nothing good happened.

Sure enough, Chen Yanguang suddenly retreated to the door quickly, then hammered the big iron door hard, attracting everyone's attention, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone, be quiet and give way. Master Zhang from the Cultural Relics Bureau is here!"


Zhang Yang's head is full of black lines.

No, who knows Master Zhang?

The crowd of onlookers heard this movement and had a buzzing discussion. Unexpectedly, they actually made way for Zhang Yang.

Some onlookers even greeted Zhang Yang: "Master Zhang, you are here!"

"Well, come here and study." Zhang Yang could only reply with a fake smile.

"Okay, Brother Yang, are you so powerful now?" Chen Yanguang followed up and whispered behind Zhang Yang.

"In your formation just now, you just called for the emperor to arrive. I guess they would give in..." Zhang Yang responded angrily.

"Master Zhang, it's really you." A man wearing glasses in the middle of the crowd came over to greet Zhang Yang, held Zhang Yang's hand, and said very enthusiastically, "I thought someone was using your name to deceive you! "

"I shouldn't be able to defraud you much money with my sign." Zhang Yang smiled, pointed at the man's back and said, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, Master Zhang, when it comes to this matter, I must ask you to help bring justice."

The man led Zhang Yang forward, pointed at the middle-aged man who was slumped next to the bronze, and said, "This man has a problem with his understanding. I can't communicate with him."

"You only have a problem with your understanding. Your whole family has a problem with their understanding." The man on the ground countered.

"Look, his quality is quite poor." The man wearing glasses smiled helplessly.

After a brief introduction, Zhang Yang finally understood the current situation.

The man wearing glasses, whose surname is Han, is the actual boss of this "Lao Wang Workshop".

Lao Wang is the technical director here and the real inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, so the workshop is not called Lao Han Workshop.

Mr. Han didn't know the name of the man who was lying on the ground, so he asked Zhang Yang and found out that his surname was Hu and he was from Handong.

The bronze next to it was not bought by him, but by his father two years ago.

I spent several years of my pension to buy and donate it to the museum, and at the same time, I asked Mr. Hu for a job as a museum security guard.

Everything was fine at first, but just half a month ago, there was an accident. "The Qingzhou Museum cooperated with an auction organization and came to Handong to hold some kind of treasure appraisal conference. My father took the bronzes with him."

"Not only were the items identified as fakes by experts, they were also ridiculed and insulted by many other collectors on the spot. As a result, he became more and more angry after he came back. When he was browsing the short video, he saw someone filming him and calling him stupid."

"When he gets angry and anxious, he gets sick."

"The doctor said it was a stroke, and I will basically be in a wheelchair from now on."

"I found the person who sold the bronzes to my father. He said that he was just ordering the goods for my father. The real culprit is in Yanyunjian Village."

"It depends on which workshop of yours it is."

This was originally just a fake antique. According to the current market situation, the village's shipment price was only more than 10,000.

But because it was related to his father's stroke, the workshop owners didn't know how responsible they were, so no one came forward to claim it.

Mr. Han is an unlucky guy. He just came back from discussing business abroad yesterday and has no idea about this matter.

Today I was preparing to ship some goods to customers, but I just happened to run into someone’s rights protection.

Naturally, it ended up being him.

"Master Zhang, you are an expert. Please help me to see if this bronze is our craftsmanship." Mr. Han said that he was also a fan of Zhang Yang and had taken pictures in Zhang Yang's live broadcast room before.

Afraid that Zhang Yang wouldn't believe it, he even took out his shopping records.

In fact, even if he didn't say anything, Zhang Yang would still help.

Who told him to host that unfortunate treasure appraisal conference?
This person didn't find Linhai, so Zhang Yang could just have some fun!

"Wait a minute, let me take a look."

Zhang Yang bypassed Mr. Hu, who looked wary, and walked to the side of the replica Siyang Zun.

In terms of the level of imitation, it’s pretty good.

At least the production method is the "block molding method" used for the authentic Siyang Fang Zun, and obvious mold lines can be seen around it.

"This does look like the craftsmanship here in Yanyunjian Village." Zhang Yang said calmly after reading the item information.

But as soon as these words were spoken, the scene suddenly became an uproar.

Local people's doubts echoed around Zhang Yang:

"Master Zhang, can you tell the place of origin?"

"It's really fake. The bronzes here can be fake and real. If they are really from our village, you will never be able to tell."

"Old Han, are you sure he is the expert online? He looks too young."


The only person who supports Zhang Yang is Lao Hu on the ground.

"Look, I'm just going to say it's a fake you sell here, right? You have to be an expert, what else do you have to say."

"Ahem." Zhang Yang cleared his throat, "Everyone, don't be impatient."

"Mr. Hu, don't be happy yet."

"This Four-Sheep Square Zun is indeed a handicraft produced in Yanyunjian Village, but it was at least three to five years ago."

"Pay attention to the rust color on the outside. The floating rust caused by the old work has some signs of falling off. It is obvious that it has been out of the factory for some time."

"Mr. Hu, you said your father bought it two years ago. Where did the intervening years go?"

"That's right." Mr. Han agreed, "If it were five years ago, it would have been three years since that thing left our village."

"In three years, Lao Wang's grandson has learned how to make soy sauce from birth to now. Your father bought fake goods, can you blame us?"

"Fart, my dad bought it from people in your village. I have a witness for this. Otherwise, why would I have come all the way from Handong?" Old Hu said plausibly.

"Master Zhang, what he said seems to make sense." Mr. Han asked Zhang Yang in a low voice, "Can you help determine who produced this thing?"

"Aren't you being too difficult?" Chen Yanguang couldn't help but speak for Zhang Yang.

"It's okay, it's not difficult at all." Zhang Yang waved his hand, signaling the eldest brother to calm down.

I have to do business with Mr. Han later.

"Actually, Mr. Han, you shouldn't come to me for this kind of thing. Can't you just go to Master Wang directly?"

"He has been in this village for so many years, but whose craftsmanship can't be seen at a glance?" Zhang Yang said in the same low voice.

"Master Zhang, what do you mean..."

"Yes, it's what you think." Zhang Yang smiled restrainedly.

"I'll blanch it!" Mr. Han was a smart man and immediately understood the implication of Zhang Yang's words.

This imitation of the Four-Sheep Square Zun may be the work of Master Wang, the technical director of the workshop.

Mr. Han was so frightened that he quickly turned around and looked at the other works placed around him.

Under the psychological suggestion of Zhang Yang's words, Mr. Han now feels that the decorations on every item in his workshop are exactly the same as those on this Four-Yang Square Zun.

That's it, let's get started.

"Oh, Master Zhang, you told me earlier!" Mr. Han suddenly said loudly and inexplicably, "Come on, come on, brother Hu, get up first."

"What's going on?" Old Hu on the ground looked confused.

"It's a good thing. Our Master Zhang said that it is easy to find the source of this thing, but it will take time."

"He needs to visit other workshops in the village to determine the craftsmanship characteristics of each place, and then he can determine the origin of this Four-Sheep Square Zun."

"Really?" Lao Hu looked at Zhang Yang.

The latter smiled slightly and was noncommittal.

"Of course it's true. Oh, you get up first." Boss Han stepped forward and helped Lao Hu.

"We are not acquainted without fighting. This matter is related to the reputation of our Yanyunjian Village. Master Zhang happens to be here. Let's get to the bottom of the matter together."

"Yes, check, we must check carefully." Chen Yanguang echoed from the side.

After Mr. Han's deliberate operation, the people in the room who came to watch the fun slowly dispersed.

Even Lao Hu agreed to go have a meal first and come back in the afternoon to talk about this matter.

When the outsiders were almost gone, Mr. Han saw that there was no one around, so he quickly walked to Zhang Yang, sat down anxiously and said:

"Master Zhang, I should understand you correctly, right? This thing really came from our place?"

"Yes." Zhang Yang nodded, "Don't you think its craftsmanship is similar to other items in your store?"

"I don't understand. In my opinion, the craftsmanship of all bronzes is the same."

"Stop doubting, you are the criminal." Chen Yanguang threatened from the side.

"Okay, this matter is not that complicated. As a big boss like you, why don't you just return the money to others?" Lao Liu also helped with ideas.

"Of course I have no problem, I'm just afraid that the guy named Hu won't agree."

"It's okay, he will agree." Zhang Yang comforted.

He had already seen it just now. This Four-Sheep Square Zun was bought by a man named Hu Quanyou and asked his father to take it to the appraisal meeting for appraisal.

Several places were damaged due to this.

After Hu Quanyou left, Zhang Yang had confirmed it with the bronze experts who participated in the event.

The person who appraised Siyang Fangzun was indeed an old man, but there was also the old man's son nearby who was videotaping the entire process.

Such an item is obviously fake, or did Hu Quan find someone to buy it himself? Is there anything that can be identified? Want to record?

Zhang Yang could only think of one explanation:
That is, the person named Hu wants to cut off the beginning and end and use spliced ​​identification videos to deceive people.

(End of this chapter)

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