Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 415: I have a great scholar to argue for me

Chapter 415: I have a great scholar to argue for me
Hu Quanyou came back from dinner and was surprised to find that the wind direction had changed.

"I'm from the National Treasure Gang? How is that possible?"

"It was my dad who bought the Siyang Fangzun, not me. It's normal for him to be confused. It's a bit too much for you to wrongly accuse me of being a member of the National Treasure Gang."

"Tch, is that so?"

Chen Yanguang made a sound and took out the evidence he had just prepared - the live video of the treasure appraisal activity.

Since the Yangcheng station event, when Zhang Yang held voluntary treasure appraisal activities in various places, each appraisal station was equipped with live broadcast equipment.

Live broadcast and archive recordings.

Firstly, it is to meet the needs of the audience. Experts such as Bai Hebo have the physique to attract the national treasure gang and often make the scene lively.

Audiences on the Internet also want to watch the show, so it is much more convenient to have a dedicated live broadcast room.

Secondly, it is also for the convenience of having audio and video evidence when a conflict occurs.

Sometimes I really can't think too well of the collectors who come to appraise treasures. There are many people with ulterior motives.

For example, Hu Quanyou is in front of everyone.

"Didn't you just say that it was your father who went to the event site to identify it, and you only found out about it after the accident?"

"Then who is this person?"

Chen Yanguang pointed at the person in the video who was recording with his mobile phone and asked Hu Quanyou.

Originally, Zhang Yang wanted to expose the other party himself, but Chen Yanguang insisted on having fun.

But his aggressiveness is a bit low.

As a result, Hu Quanyou was still quibbling in the face of irrefutable evidence:
"Did you take this video with a smart door lock? The picture quality is so blurry, who can see it clearly?"

"Besides, I don't even know who this old man is."

"Does the person who identified Siyang Fangzun have to be my father? There are so many stupid people in the country, I don't believe he is the only one."


Chen Yanguang was stunned and speechless.

He wanted to feel good, but the other party made him feel good.

Everyone, including Boss Han, could only turn their attention to Zhang Yang.

It's up to the organizer of the treasure appraisal event to explain.

"Ahem." Zhang Yang cleared his throat, took two steps back and said, "Maybe, you really have to believe it."

"All the fools in Handong are just one person."

"According to the information my colleague sent me, a Four-Sheep Square Zun appeared during the entire treasure appraisal event in Handong."

"Yes, there are indeed many national treasure gangs in reality, but no one will carry a 70-pound heavy weapon like the Siyang Fang Zun around."

"If you don't believe it, you can contact the staff of Qingzhou Museum. They should be able to identify you and your father."

"Huh? Are you talking nonsense?" Hu Quanyou frowned and subconsciously wanted to go towards Zhang Yang's face, but was blocked by Boss Han and Lao Liu.

"What happened? You were exposed and you became angry?"

Boss Han crossed his arms with a smile on his lips.

He moved forward head-on and directly confronted Hu Quanyou.

Free fighting is about to begin.

But at this moment, the police arrived.

With Zhang Yang providing evidence, Boss Han had the confidence to call the police just now.

He was quite panicked before, but now, he shouted at Hu Quanyou:

"Come on, you continue to lie to the police and let me see?"

"You're being cruel, just wait for me!" Hu Quanyou said harshly and was taken away by the police with his arms folded.


The problem of fake bronzes was easily solved, and Zhang Yang was treated as a guest as he deserved.

Judging from Mr. Han's posture, he just needed to set up a memorial tablet for his benefactor.

"Lao Liu, you know Master Zhang, why didn't you introduce him to me earlier?"

"You don't know how angry I am for doing such a small business because I have no foundation. If I had known Master Zhang earlier, they wouldn't have dared to bully me even if they had the courage."

"Actually, I just met him today." Lao Liu replied timidly, and couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yang while speaking.

"Oh, that's right, no wonder."

"I'm just saying that if you have anything to do with it, you can't be like this."

Old Han took out a pack of soft Chinese from his pocket, handed it to Zhang Yang respectfully with both hands, and asked the boss to smoke.

"Thank you, I won't smoke."

"I'm sorry." Boss Han apologized immediately, put away his cigarette without saying a word, and reached out to put out the newly lit one on Lao Liu's mouth.

"Do you want your teacher to inhale your second-hand smoke? Lao Liu, please be more careful."

"By the way, Master Zhang, you are here today. What mission do you want to give me?"

"Mr. Han, don't be so formal. We are not performing official duties." Zhang Yang smiled and nudged Chen Yanguang with his elbow.

This kind of occasion should be presided over by Boss Chen who took the lead this time.

"Yeah, relax, we're here to buy things." Chen Yanguang followed Zhang Yang's words.

After what had just happened, the two of them had become somewhat friendly, so he didn't hide anything and directly told Boss Han that he was going to Saudi Arabia to hold the Chinese Antiques Exhibition in a while.

"Selling the bronzes from our village to the oil guys?" Mr. Han was shocked.

There are more than 130 enterprises and small workshops engaged in the manufacture of antique bronze wares in Yanyunjian Village, with an annual output value of over million yuan, and their products are sold at home and abroad.

But the Middle East is a market they have never ventured into.

"To be honest, my biggest overseas customer for bronzes here is Korean sticks, followed by the British."

"Bangzi has always wanted to steal the imitation technology of bronze ware. I will seize this pain point and sell some fake bronze ware that is difficult to imitate to harvest them."

"I can understand people from East Asia and Southeast Asia buying bronze wares. We even sell European bronze wares, but why would an oil man buy this?"

"Pack oil?"

"No matter what they do with it." Chen Yanguang curled his lips and said, "The most important thing for us in business is to make money."

"Mr. Chen, are you specialized in overseas antique business?"

Boss Han did not know Chen Yanguang’s identity in advance.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang hurried up and said:
"Please allow me to introduce you."

"This old handsome guy who has the characteristics of Feng Gong and Guo Dastanson is the man behind the helm of Hedong Group, Mr. Chen Yanguang, one of the four dark kings of the Chinese antique market."

"Of course you can also call him the Cheng family's son-in-law."

"Gungun, you are still the son-in-law of the Shen family!" Chen Yanguang said angrily.

"Hedong Group?" Boss Han scratched his head and looked at Lao Liu, "Aren't all the people in your group reported by you?"

"Why are there still people hanging around outside?"

"Mr. Chen has become a good man." Zhang Yang explained helpfully.

"Oh~" Boss Han showed an expression of sudden realization, stepped forward with great wisdom, and held Chen Yanguang's hand.

His attitude was even more enthusiastic than when he faced Zhang Yang just now.

Only those who are in the antique and counterfeit business know how powerful the Hedong Group is.

Let's put it this way, some national treasures are now organizing offline exchange meetings. If you say that you are a salesperson for Hedong Group, it is basically difficult to get out alive.

"What's past is past."

Chen Yanguang struggled to break free from Mr. Han's hand.

"Do you have any high-quality imitation bronzes that are suitable for overseas exhibitions?"

"How about Siyang Fangzun?" Boss Han replied quickly. Chen Yanguang was unsure and looked back at Zhang Yang.

The latter nodded: "Yes, but it can only be counted as one item."

“A bronze of this size and complexity, a replica that could be construed as a National Museum copy, can still fetch a high price.”

"Then stepmother Wu Ding should be able to do it too, right?"

"No." This time Chen Yanguang shook his head, "That thing weighs more than 1600 kilograms. I am equivalent to transporting a lot of bronze. If it cannot be sold, I will lose money on the freight alone."

"That's the truth." Zhang Yang then asked for Chen Yanguang, "Just now you said that you also imitate the bronzes in Europe. Do you have finished products now?"

"We want to see it."

When it comes to bronzes, most people think of bronze national treasures from the Shang and Zhou dynasties of China.

In fact, in recent years, the archaeological community in Europe, especially Western Europe, has also made great efforts.

Bronze vessels from BC are constantly being unearthed, and the timing is very coincidental, which happens to be around the Shang and Zhou dynasties in China.

It seems that they have made an appointment with the far east to start mass production of bronzes at this time.

Of course Zhang Yang doesn't believe in this kind of "unearthed" stuff.

The Bronze Age went west from China, probably in Central Asia, and had nothing to do with Europe. At most, it spread to ancient Greece, which was still far away from England.

This also coincides with the situation in the antique market.

According to what Zhang Yang learned from Christie's, in addition to Chinese bronzes, the second best sellers there are various bronze sculptures from ancient Egypt, and the third most popular ones are small bronzes from Central Asia.

As for Britain, France and Germany, it is unheard of.

There were previous inferences on the Internet that even if there were bronzes that matched the characteristics of the period, they might have been left behind by people from other civilizations who traveled there.

This is also an important reason why although bronzes have been found locally, they are not systematic and have no connection with each other.

Just because a bronze artifact has been discovered in Antarctica, we cannot claim that there was civilization in Antarctica during the Bronze Age.

However, what Zhang Yang considers are things from the first-class antique market.

Boss Han and others focus on the secondary market, or the sinking market, in the imitations they sell to European buyers.

There is a big gap between the bronzes in Zhang Yang's understanding.

When he and Chen Yanguang walked into the warehouse, they were stunned when they saw the dazzling array of utensils.

Are these actually sold in Western Europe?
Even more exaggerated than the National Treasure Gang!

The most common thing on the shelf is a bronze sword.

Zhang Yang had seen the prototype of the thing, which was the 3000-year-old bronze sword discovered in Germany that caused a lot of fuss before.

The time coincides with the Western Zhou Dynasty in China.

The sword is about 40 centimeters long, which is longer than most bronze swords from the Western Zhou Dynasty. If it is true, then the German bronze manufacturing technology at that time must be better than that of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

In addition to this point related to craftsmanship, there are three raised ridges on one side of the sword, called ridges.

The ridge is a typical characteristic of a composite sword. That is to say, the spine and the blade are cast separately from bronze alloys with different composition ratios, and need to be cast twice.

China did not initially master such superb craftsmanship until the early Warring States Period.

Germany's sword was six hundred years ahead.

What is the concept of six hundred years?

In the present land of China, six hundred years ago it was still the prosperous age of Yongle.

In comparison, the ancient color of the sword's entire body, green and lacquered, is not that important, because its bronze manufacturing process is already leading the world.

Zhang Yang's evaluation is that either the date is wrong or there is something wrong with the thing.

It would make more sense if the thing was from the eighth or ninth century.

"Can I pick it up and try it?" Chen Yanguang looked at the bronze sword on the shelf, eager to try it.

No man can resist a fine sword.

Zhang Yang is no exception.

After obtaining Boss Han's consent, Zhang Yang also picked it up and observed it carefully.

Looking at it, he really found something strange.

"Boss Han went to Germany to learn from it?"

"Why is your sword exactly the same as what I saw in the photo?"

"That's not normal. It was copied from a picture." Chen Yanguang waved the sword in his hand gently and took the initiative to explain to Boss Han.

"You can't imitate it just by looking at the picture." Zhang Yang explained to Chen Yanguang very seriously, "Please pay attention to the position of the hand carefully. These points are made by rivets."

"Only by having contact with the original, or even observing it, can the imitation be so similar."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he stared at Boss Han intently.

He wanted to know how the other party did it.

"Master Zhang, you made a mistake." Boss Han smiled shyly.

"Make a mistake? No, this sword is an imitation of the German one." Zhang Yang was very sure that he had read it correctly.

"Hey, you made a mistake about which came first, the chicken or the egg."


Zhang Yang and Chen Yanguang turned around at the same time and looked at Boss Han in surprise.

What he just meant was...

"That's right, the one in Germany was produced here." Boss Han smiled proudly.

"To be honest, I was shocked when I first saw that sword online, because it was a model that my son helped build, and the prototype was a weapon in a certain game."

"I originally asked a master to make it and sent it as a prop to my son's classmates in Europe. Unexpectedly, it was later bought by someone and became an unearthed cultural relic."

"So, there is no such thing as a composite sword..." Zhang Yang muttered to himself.

Good guy, who would have thought of this?

He suddenly understood why someone posted the photo of the unearthed German bronze sword in the expert group, but no one in the group cared.

Because if you just look at the photos, you won’t be able to see any useful information at all.

Even if you force the analysis, it may be in vain.

They won't show the real thing to your Chinese experts.

Anyway, just a test report slapped on your face, if you believe it, you will believe it, if you don’t believe it, you will be rejected.

"After entering the customs, a great scholar will argue for me." Those who want to believe it will naturally try their best to quote scriptures to prove that things are true.

In fact, composite swords and bronze wares are modern handicrafts full of technology.

Zhang Yang admitted that he was disgusted by this kind of sexual behavior.

But Chen Yanguang was very happy.

He excitedly said to Zhang Yang: "Damn it, Brother Yang, can we go to Europe to fight counterfeiting?"

"Bring some friends from the media over, we can become famous all over the world!"

"Indeed." Zhang Yang nodded, "I will leave such a good opportunity to you alone, and I will help you find the media and so on."

“Is CCTV enough?”

"Really?" Chen Yanguang asked suspiciously, "Can you really help find CCTV reporters?"

"Of course it's true. You are planning to make an enemy of the entire Western archaeological community. As a brother, of course I have to give you a push."

Boss Han is very sober.

In this situation, even if Boss Han himself jumps out and says that the things were made in his workshop.

The public will also think that he is "crazy for fame" and the purpose is to bring goods through live broadcast.

It's better to make a fortune silently like now.

(End of this chapter)

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