Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 417: Vegetable Thief Mao 7

Chapter 417 The vegetable thief Mao Shiqi
"What you are saying is meaningless. If Mr. Cheng also goes in, wouldn't all the men of his Cheng family go in?"

"When the time comes, you will be a mere son-in-law, and you will be able to become the master."

"Ahem." Chen Yanguang pretended to cough twice, "I stress again, I am not a son-in-law."

"And is there a possibility that I am the master?"

"Hahaha, okay, just say so." Zhang Yang covered his mouth and smiled.

After questioning, it was revealed that Chen Yanguang and his wife planned to avoid the Year of the Widow and get married next spring. Zhang Yang knew that Mr. Cheng might not be able to come back for a while.

Chen Yanguang said that his father-in-law recently went to the beach in France to feast his eyes on it, and he has already lived an enviable retirement life ahead of schedule.

Things to do about Zhang Yang can only wait.

But that's okay. Zhang Yang has a lot of business at hand. It's best to pay off Lao Chu's debt before the end of the year.

It's almost time to arrive at the airport, and Zhang Yang and Brother Bang have to go their separate ways.

Although Chen Yanguang hasn't appeared in the live broadcast room for a long time, he has done too much in the past. It is estimated that his reputation as the top brother on the list will last for more than half a year.

This time, Chen Yanguang was going back to Linhai, and he and Cheng Shihui made an appointment to meet there.

Zhang Yang is going to Tongwei in Longxi.

An ancient tomb was discovered there.

Because Mao Shiqi discovered it while traveling, Chu Zhenmin's archaeological team has priority in conducting archaeological excavations.

Of course, Zhang Yang heard that people from the local cultural protection department had sent people to the scene.

The current state of the staff of the cultural protection department, let alone being in a stalemate with Mao Shiqi, should be staring at him anyway.

If any shocking national treasure appears, no one will take it out of Longxi.

When Zhang Yang arrived, Xiao Chu had also arrived.

After so many times of cooperation, everyone has reached a tacit understanding. Basically, Chu Ziqiang will handle the communication with the local cultural protection department and government agencies, while Zhang Yang will just keep his head in the tomb.

Anyway, if something big comes out of the tomb, everyone will be credited with the credit, and Zhang Yang doesn't look like the kind of person who would just keep it all to himself.

"Long time no see, Brother Yang."

As soon as the car was stable, Chu Ziqiang took the initiative to open the door and welcome Zhang Yang out.

Then comes a bear hug.

"Wait, didn't we just separate not long ago?"

Zhang Yang resisted and avoided Xiao Chu's affectionate behavior.

With such enthusiasm, there must be a demon when things go wrong.

Chu Ziqiang was laughed at by Zhang Yang before. He has never found a girlfriend. Is he gay?

Since then, Xiao Chu has been paying attention to the distance between him and his male friends, for fear of being caught by Zhang Yang.

But at this moment, leaning against him so affectionately, with a fake smile on his face, it was too obvious - there was something wrong with Xiao Chu.

"One day without seeing you is like three autumns."

"Ganggun, tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Hehe, Brother Yang really has a keen eye." Chu Ziqiang smiled sheepishly, "That's right, Mao Qiyi was arrested by the police."

"Ah?" Zhang Yang looked at Chu Ziqiang in shock.

Your men were arrested, and you smiled so happily?
It's too perverted.

"Why don't you quickly find connections to recruit people?"

"It's okay, it's okay, the person has been released."

"Can you please stop breathing heavily when you speak?" Zhang Yang said angrily.

"Brother Yang, please listen to me and don't interrupt me."

"Mao Shiqi was arrested because the ancient tomb he discovered was in the vegetable garden in someone's backyard. He sneaked into the vegetable garden without their permission."

"Originally, they were regarded as food thieves, but later they revealed their identity as an archaeological team and called in staff from the local cultural relics protection department. We all thought that the matter was over."

"I never expected that Director Wan of the Cultural Relics Bureau here, when he heard that we wanted to excavate it ourselves, was very reluctant and directly called the police and arrested Mao Shiqi."

"The reason is to steal food."

Zhang Yang laughed when he heard this, hahaha, Mao Shiqi was probably going to die of embarrassment.

A vegetable thief is worse than a tomb robber. "Of course, after I came here, I talked with Director Wan and the people were released." Chu Ziqiang added.

"Let me go, are you so powerful now?"

Zhang Yang admitted that he was a little impressed by Chu Ziqiang.

In the past, I thought he was at most a second-generation official with no brains. He had a strong background and was reckless, but he was still very effective in combat.

I didn’t expect that even local snakes can handle it now.

"I don't have much strength. The main thing is that you are valuable, Brother Yang."


Three big question marks appeared on Zhang Yang's head.

"Worth it? Did you sell me?"

"Absolutely." Chu Ziqiang smiled sheepishly again, making Zhang Yang have a headache.

"Brother Yang, you don't want Mao Shiqi to pick up soap in the detention center, right?"

Zhang Yang nodded: "I want to see it."

Chu Ziqiang: "..."

"Just kidding, okay, tell me what conditions Director Wan offered?" Zhang Yang asked.

Zhang Yang will definitely help Mao Shiqi.

It wasn't because he was a colleague of the archaeological team, but because Mao Shiqi was arrested, Zhang Yang was somewhat involved.

Mao Shiqi originally wanted to travel to Bashu just after the New Year, and pick up some interesting things. If he accidentally discovered any ancient tombs, he would use them as materials for the archaeological team to find work.

But Zhang Yang had just completed a TV series with a Longxi theme at that time, so he persuaded Mao Shiqi to go here.

Longxi is definitely an ancient place, and its clearly recorded history can be traced back to the Yiqu State of the Shang Dynasty.

By the time of King Zhaoxiang of Qin (272 BC), Yiqu State was destroyed and merged into the territory of Qin State, and "Longxi County" began to exist.

Later, the Qin Dynasty implemented the system of counties and counties, and Longxi County was also one of the thirty-six counties.

From then until the Tang Dynasty, Longxi was one of the most prosperous places in the northwest.

There are definitely a lot of ancient tombs in this place.

Under Zhang Yang's persuasion, Mao Shiqi changed his route.

Unexpectedly, he was eventually imprisoned as a vegetable thief, which was disappointing.

"Director Wan said that he hopes you can live broadcast together with the people from the Cultural and Tourism Bureau to promote local cultural and tourism attractions."

"Me? Are you sure?" Zhang Yang always thought that only a super internet celebrity like Yu Hui or an innocent illiterate like Pearl could promote cultural tourism.

Can I also be a treasure appraiser?

Dear treasure friends, welcome to visit the tombs in Longxi. The pits here are so good...

You should be beaten this way.

"Brother Yang, please be more confident. Your eloquence and professionalism are not going to overwhelm ordinary Internet celebrities? Your live broadcast is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to them. Show your arrogance, okay?"

"Don't rush to brag, I haven't agreed yet."

"Isn't Director Wan from the Cultural Relics Bureau? Why is he related to the Cultural Tourism Bureau?" Zhang Yang had to ask clearly to avoid being betrayed twice.

"Cultural Relics Bureau, why don't I go to their museum to help look for fakes, and the custodian will be quiet when they find them."

"Don't, don't, don't, people have made it clear that we want to promote cultural tourism."

"The deputy director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau is also named Wan." Chu Ziqiang reminded, and there was no need to say more.

"Then I understand." Zhang Yang nodded helplessly.

There is no other way. It seems that we can only take a trip.

Who made Xiao Chu agree to it? It only took half a day.

Anyway, the land of the ancient tomb has been circled, and Director Wan promised to leave it to Xiao Chu's archaeological team to dig, and even helped hire migrant workers.

With such great sincerity, Zhang Yang can go to the live broadcast to experience it.

 Feeling dizzy, one update today

(End of this chapter)

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