Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 418 Impression of Longxi

Chapter 418 Impression of Longxi
Under Chu Ziqiang's personal protection, Zhang Yang got into the TV station's media car and met the enthusiastic Director Wan in the car.

The group of people took the car and went straight to the live broadcast room that had been arranged long ago.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the venue for the live broadcast would be the studio hall of the county TV station.

He has participated in so many activities, but this is his first time on the territory of the official media. I have to say that he is a little curious.

After getting off the bus, before entering the TV station building, many middle-aged and elderly women working in the TV station came up to take photos with Zhang Yang and asked for his autograph, which made Zhang Yang feel a little dazed.

Master Zhang, the idol of middle-aged and elderly women?
Is this what the audience for your usual live broadcasts looks like?

Zhang Yang fell into deep self-doubt.

Until I entered the studio, I heard the cleaning lady in the stairwell say:
"Hey, what a bad luck. It turns out that the new guy who just came to record the show is not Yanzu, and his autographed photos are not valuable..."

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that it was his face that was causing the problem.

Alas, melancholy.

But I don’t have this problem during the live broadcast.

In order to achieve the best publicity effect, the TV station staff specially found the most popular part of Zhang Yang's live video online and put makeup on him according to his appearance in the video.

Completely restored one to one to avoid the original appearance in the official TV cameras.

In the video, Zhang Yang still looked the same as he did three months ago.

He is unshaven and looks more mature. From a distance, he looks a bit like Uncle Motoyama when he was young.

The comments in that video were basically jokes like "Uncle Benshan's early treasure appraisal records" and "The video cannot be faked, it must be real".

The video has millions of views, and it is somewhat suspected of riding on the popularity of the king of sketches. In fact, it has little to do with Zhang Yang's treasure appraisal itself.

But today we are recording the program because the TV station itself is riding on the popularity, so there is no problem in doing so.

After putting on makeup and checking the process, everything is ready and the live broadcast is about to begin.

But before starting the live broadcast, there is one very important thing - taking photos with the county leaders.

Director Wan of the Cultural Relics Bureau is quite powerful. He even invited the county’s third person in charge of culture and tourism to come to the scene and take a group photo with Zhang Yang in the C position.

After finishing this, the live broadcast officially started.

Zhang Yang's partner in the live broadcast is a beautiful host from the city TV station. Her stage name is An Ran, and she looks a bit like the young Yuan Qiongdan.

An Ran's speech has the tone of an official host, which is somewhat inconsistent with Douyin's live broadcast.

He showed timidity as soon as he opened his mouth.

All the anchors said was "Family members, please pay attention." What she said was:

"Dear audience friends, good afternoon."

"I am the host An Ran, welcome everyone to the live broadcast room of Tongwei Cultural Tourism."

“Today, we are very honored to invite Master Zhang, a cultural conservation expert from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, director of the Hailin Museum, and a well-known online treasure appraisal anchor, to visit Longxi Cultural Tourism with An Ran and take everyone to experience the cultural scenery with northwest characteristics... …”

The words are very well written, and the host also spoke unscriptedly, very professionally.

Putting it on a TV show, it is simply the opening of the teaching bureau.

But it just doesn’t match the atmosphere of online live broadcast.

So much so that Zhang Yang didn't know what expression he should make or when he should introduce himself.

As for the barrage, Lezi people went crazy.

[This beard, what year is it today? 】

[Let me go, isn’t this Master Zhang? This beard, was he caught washing his feet? 】

[I haven’t broadcast live for many days. It turns out that it was included in the official media]

[Master Zhang, if you are kidnapped, just blink]

[Just here, is this woman Master Zhang’s new assistant? Open the door]

[Fast forward to sending the female host to jail] The bad barrage atmosphere somewhat affected the program's direction.

A middle-aged man's commanding voice came from Zhang Yang's headset:
"Okay, An Ran, hurry up and hand over the topic to Master Zhang."

"Master Zhang, get ready. The question you will ask later is your first impression of Longxi."

Under the direction of the director, Enron's opening remarks ended in a hurry.

Then she looked at Zhang Yang with a professional fake smile:

"Master Zhang, would you like to say hello to our audience friends first?"

"Hello!" Zhang Yang waved to the camera, "Hello, viewers of Tongwei Cultural Tourism. I am the treasure appraisal anchor, Zhang Yang."

[Senior leeks from Jiucaigou are here to support Master Zhang! 】

[Isn’t there really an audience from Tongwei Cultural Tourism? The previous videos posted by this account had less than 1,000 likes]

[No matter, wherever Master Zhang is, that is the home of our Treasure Guard Gang]

"Master Zhang, first of all, welcome you to our Tongwei area. It was your first time here yesterday. Before you came, what was your impression of our Longxi region?"

"It's pretty good." Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, "Before coming here, I had two impressions of DX City."

"One is the Majiayao site, an important site of the Yangshao Culture in the middle and late Neolithic Age of our country."

"Viewers who have watched my live broadcast in the early days know that a treasure friend once came to the live broadcast room and showed off the authentic Majiayao painted pottery collected in his home."

"So actually, Master Zhang, you and our Dingxi have had an indissoluble bond for a long time." An Ran interjected at the right time, which just relaxed the rhythm of Zhang Yang's speech.

"Is such that."

"What was your second impression?"

"The second impression is, of course, a national treasure unearthed here - [Wang Mang weighs in]."

"This national treasure should be familiar to viewers who are familiar with the history of the late Western Han Dynasty."

"Isn't there a vernier caliper from Wang Mang's period, which is jokingly called the ironclad proof that Wang Mang is a time traveler? Wang Mang weighs it as a cultural relic from the same period."

"It can be seen that Wang Mang had a special fascination with weights and measures after establishing the new dynasty."

"Wang Mang weighed a total of eight items, namely five weights (weights), a scale (scale beam), a hook and a zhang (ruler)."

"It is a pity that there are only two weights and one weight in the National Museum now, and the remaining five have been transported to..."

When Zhang Yang mentioned the last place name, the live broadcast room was directly silenced.

The director's voice came from the earphones: "Master Zhang, don't mention the matter of transporting it to the island province. It will show that we are not doing enough to protect cultural relics."

"It will also make the audience feel that all the good things are on the island."

"Ahem." Zhang Yang pretended to cough and nodded secretly.

Forget that this is a TV station, there are some things that we can't talk about yet.

"As expected of a cultural relics expert." An Ran took over the topic, "Master Zhang mentioned two very famous cultural attractions in DX City without realizing it."

"One is the Majiayao ruins, and related to it is the very famous Majiayao Painted Pottery Culture Museum;"

"The other place is the DX City Museum that houses a replica of Wang Mang's weighing."

"Next, let's connect with the frontline reporters and introduce to you..."

[Does it have to be so deliberate? 】

[Come here, come here, there should be my first favorite museum anti-counterfeiting session later]

[Just a passer-by, would you like to ask about the treasure appraisal today? 】

"Later today, Master Zhang will also connect with our local collectors to conduct a video treasure appraisal activity. All viewers, please stay tuned to this live broadcast room."

(End of this chapter)

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