Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 422 Liao Dynasty Wooden Coffin

Chapter 422 Liao Dynasty Wooden Coffin
"What do you call brother?" Zhang Yang stepped forward and asked, wrapped in a blanket.

After being treated like this, even though the police told him not to communicate with Xiao Xixi, Zhang Yang still insisted on asking.

You have to ask the other person clearly what they are planning, right?

The police probably also felt that it was a bit too inhumane to not let Zhang Yang ask questions at all.

So he turned around and urged Xiao Xixi to answer quickly.

After being kicked several times, this unruly man was finally willing to speak.

"My name is Zheng Youwei, and Commander Xiang is my master."

"I will avenge my master today. If I don't succeed, you are lucky. Be careful when you go out in the future."

"Hey, you still dare to threaten people?" The policeman who controlled Zheng Youwei slapped his knees twice. The latter's knees softened and he almost knelt down.

"Thank you, comrade police." Zhang Yang said to the policeman who acted righteously.

"You're welcome, I know you, Master Zhang."

"You are a national treasure-level expert."

"This kid wants to hurt you just for some personal grudge. He is definitely tired of living."

"I am over-flattered."

Zhang Yang raised his hand to the policeman.

He has one last question:
"Zheng Youwei, you locked us in the cellar, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't it just like the prison that restricts your master's freedom? It also restricts my freedom?"

"Hehe, that's about it." Xiao Xixi smiled, "I'll lock you up until the police come to your door. I'll let you experience what it's like to be in jail."

"Anyway, it's not the first time I've been in jail. It doesn't matter if I trade with you."

"By the way, how did you contact the police?"

"Does an expert like you have 24-hour police protection?"

Zhang Yang had no intention of paying attention to the questions raised by Xiao Xixi.

Just turn around and leave.

Someone wanted to imprison him underground for 17 years (Xiang's sentence). Zhang Yang was afraid of getting his hands dirty, otherwise he would definitely punch Zheng Youwei.

Let alone answer his questions.

But Zhang Yang could bear it, but Xiao Chu couldn't.

He stepped forward, clenched his fist, and punched Zheng Youwei hard in the stomach.

The latter immediately squatted on the ground holding his stomach in pain.

I almost rolled on the floor.

His fists were as big as sandbags, but he still had some strength.

Xiao Chu still wanted to hit him again.

This time, I was stopped by the police for fear of getting into trouble.

"Forget it, let's go." Zhang Yang stopped him, "Don't make it difficult for the police comrades."

"It's an advantage for you." Chu Ziqiang glared at Zheng Youwei fiercely.

Mao Shiqi finally followed and walked to Xiao Xixi.

He looked at the man squatting on the ground, shook his head numbly, and sighed.

I don't know if this sigh was for Xiao Xixi, for Xiang Xiangtou, or for himself.


After this incident, the archaeological team and Mao Shiqi definitely couldn't stay any longer.

Early the next morning, he stuffed a letter into Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu's room.

Inside was his resignation letter and his salary card.

"It's over, I have one less subordinate." Chu Ziqiang held the envelope and sighed as he looked at Mao Shiqi's back downstairs, who was gradually walking away with his bag.

"Brother Yang, why do you think this is?"

"Mao Shiqi's parents and children have severed ties with him. The one named Xiao Xixi will definitely not seek revenge on his family."

"How could such a poor reason make him rebel?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Zhang Yang asked, sitting on the bed and scrolling through his phone.

"I think so, don't be so pretentious."

"It's very simple. This case, from beginning to end, was a game that Mao Qi Qi made in order to redeem himself." Zhang Yang explained lightly.

With a physique like Xiao Xixi's, he was completely puffy. He couldn't even withstand Xiao Chu's punch, and Mao Shiqi could kill him at will.

But Mao Shiqi still chose to cooperate with the other party.

Cooperation was not complete. I was still thinking about how to ensure the safety of Zhang Yang and Chu Ziqiang.

He was obviously in a very troubled state.

On one side are brothers who robbed tombs together in the past, and on the other are Zhang and Chu who have learned a lot after being released from prison.

Mao Shiqi did such a thing in a very twisted state.

As a result, it seemed that he was completely relieved.


"I seem to understand a little bit." Chu Ziqiang nodded, "Brother Yang, you mean that he wanted to send his former brother, Xiao Xixi, in from the beginning."

"I don't want to be in our archaeological team anymore."

"So the two things came together and this happened."

"It's okay if you understand it that way." Zhang Yang nodded reluctantly. For some reason, when Xiao Chu said it, it seemed that Mao Shiqi was very perverted.

It seems as if Xiao Xixi must be sacrificed for liberation.

In fact, it is just a process of reconciliation between normal people and their past.

Zhang Yang can understand, but cannot forgive.

So before Mao Shiqi came to deliver the letter, he had already agreed with Chu Ziqiang to fire him.

"In that case, we should pay more attention to recruiting people in the future." Chu Ziqiang habitually began to reflect. This was a bad habit he developed during the exam.

"What are you paying attention to?" Zhang Yang asked with interest.

He was looking forward to what Chu Ziqiang could summarize.

"I don't know, Brother Yang, what do you think?"

"Well, from now on you can just recruit minions whose boss is no longer around."

"Just like A Guang's father-in-law, if Mr. Cheng's master was still there, he would probably be similar to Mao Shiqi."

"It makes sense." Chu Ziqiang said with a look of approval, and then asked a question, "What about Qiao Shan's master and leader?"

"He's here today, doesn't he want to reconcile with himself?"

"Qiao Shan's master is probably no longer here."

Zhang Yang recalled it.

Qiao Shan is different from others. He simply pays money to become a teacher. There is no saying that "one day is a teacher, and a lifetime is a father".

"That's good, Brother Yang. I'll go to the station to pick up Brother Qiao first. You can wait for us at the scene later."

"Where is the scene?"

"Look at the location I sent you."


Xinzhan Village, Tongwei County.

The vegetable garden of a villager named Meng was very lively today.

A yellow cordon was put up around the vegetable garden, and police officers were on site to maintain order.

The villagers could only watch from outside the cordon.

In the center of the cordoned-off site, Zhang Yang stood beside a pit, carefully directing the staff below.

"Slow down, be careful not to damage the tomb bricks."

"Don't smash that clod of earth. Be careful that there are burial objects inside."

"Come on, come on, give me a hand..."

Because Mao Shiqi left, Zhang Yang and his party did not know the specific situation of this tomb.

Although Qiao Shan also knows about ancient tombs, he knows nothing about archeology.

After arriving at the scene, we only determined a location where we could dig a robbery hole. We were told that if we dig in from there, there is a high probability of entering the main tomb directly.

"What are you going in for?" asked the veteran expert at the scene.

"Of course we need to bring out all the funerary objects inside. After all, isn't archeology just for the funerary objects inside?"

Qiao Shan's words almost made the old expert borrowed from the county archaeological team become anxious. He had to show off and help explain, saying that Qiao Shan was just having fun.

Of course it was impossible to break into the hole, and the police were watching.

Zhang Yang could only instruct the migrant workers to dig slowly downward and outward along the perimeter of the stolen hole site.

After digging half a meter into the ground, we finally found the tomb bricks.

As the area of ​​​​the earthwork became larger and larger, the tombs of this unknown dynasty finally appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out to be a strange square tomb.

Zhang Yang roughly estimated that it was three meters long and three meters wide, a complete square.

But the tomb chamber, which is only nine square meters in total, is somewhat small.

It shouldn't be a big tomb.

Based on the information on the tomb bricks, Zhang Yang determined that this was a tomb from the late Northern Song Dynasty.

Looking at the chronological information, at that time, this place should be at the junction of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom.

Is it from the Northern Song Dynasty or the Liao Kingdom?

It is difficult for Zhang Yang to determine the ownership of the tomb simply based on the age.

After all, even historians cannot accurately divide the territory of the Liao Kingdom on a map.

I only know that the Liao Kingdom was very big at that time, and both Xixia and the Northern Song Dynasty were squashed.

The shape of the top of this tomb is a bit strange. It is an octagonal dome, which imitates the roof of a wooden palace.

Tombs made of normal bricks generally have an arch structure for easy support.

This kind of dome is quite rare, at least this is the first time Zhang Yang has seen it.

"Brother Yang, does this roof indicate the noble status of the owner of the tomb?"

"If you were very noble, would you only dig a nine-square-meter tomb?" Zhang Yang asked rhetorically.

"Uh, I guess not."

"So this guy is a rich man?" Chu Ziqiang guessed, "This kind of person has money but no status."

"We can only quietly make the small tomb more beautiful."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. It must be related to status anyway." Zhang Yang could only confirm this.

China's feudal society made a very sharp distinction between "big" and "small".

The size of the cemetery that each class can use is strictly regulated.

If it is made too big, it will exceed the rules and will be punished.

The higher the class, the more luxurious the tomb. The feudal rulers not only care about you in front of you, but also care about whether you can enjoy great happiness after death.

The owner of the tomb in front of him has obviously been manipulated.

I only dare to build a small house of nine square meters.

"Go on, dig this way." Zhang Yang commanded.

Now that we have decided to excavate, of course it will not end with just looking at the roof of the tomb.

Based on the archaeological knowledge he had learned in Yangcheng, Zhang Yang asked the migrant workers to dig up the soil at the door of the tomb first.

If you lift the roof of the tomb directly, it will easily hit the things in the tomb, so the best way is to go through the main entrance.

It can be regarded as respect for the deceased.

In this case where the scale of the tomb is not large, the integrity of the tomb can be ensured by walking through the main entrance.

It took more than three hours, and the tomb door was finally completely exposed.


The audience at the scene burst into continuous exclamations.

Everyone was surprised, even Zhang Yang himself was no exception.

The preservation of this stone tomb is a bit better than expected.

Especially the decoration on the tomb door, after thousands of years, large red patterns can still be seen.

"Brother Yang, what is painted on this?"

"Window and door." Zhang Yang replied while standing at the door of the tomb, and also told the people around him, "Just think of this sarcophagus as a miniature palace."

"These red parts are the red walls outside the palace."

"It's just that the windows, doors, etc. are all embossed."

Zhang Yang was amazed at the exquisiteness of the stone tomb in front of him.

The last time I saw something like this was the stone coffin of Concubine Wu Hui from the Tang Dynasty.

It is also a stone tomb in the style of a miniature palace.

You know, Concubine Wu Hui’s stone coffin is a first-class national treasure.

Compared with that one, this one has no pattern on the outside and is completely painted red. Otherwise, it can compete.

After Zhang Yang thought about Concubine Wu Hui's stone coffin, he had some guesses about the origin of the stone tomb in front of him.

Which country would bury people according to the customs of the Tang Dynasty in the late Northern Song Dynasty?
The answer is: Liao Kingdom.

The Liao Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, and actually learned from the Tang Dynasty in many aspects.

It is also normal for funeral customs to be inherited.

"What do you mean, start now?" Chu Ziqiang squatted beside the pit and asked.

He already had a crowbar in his hand, and when Zhang Yang gave the order, he would jump down and take action.

"Let's go, it's too late to regret now."

From the time this ancient tomb was discovered, there was only one way to complete the excavation.

Otherwise, even if we backfill now, we will be attacked by tomb robbers sooner or later.

Moreover, there is another important reason why Zhang Yang chose to open the tomb directly, that is, he felt that the stone tomb could be removed entirely.

The small tomb chamber also has small advantages. As long as it is dug well, the whole tomb can be moved to a museum for protection.

"Come on!" Chu Ziqiang jumped down with a smile.

"Come on, everyone, give me a hand."

"Brother Yang, please go up first and come down later."

"Okay." Chu Ziqiang's excitement was visible to Zhang Yang.

The complete stone coffin from the Liao Dynasty may only be encountered by those present here once in their lifetime, and everyone would be a little excited.

Everyone exerted their strength together, and the door of the tomb was pulled outwards and fell down.

Fortunately, Xiao Chu hid quickly, otherwise he might have been the first archaeologist to be crushed by the tomb door in 2024.

After the tomb door was opened, a strange woody fragrance came from inside.

While Xiao Chu was still sniffing the smell with his nose, Zhang Yang had already put on the mask and jumped down.

"Where did you get the mask?" Chu Ziqiang quickly asked, covering his nose with his sleeve.

"I picked it up from the front desk of the hotel."

"Aren't you afraid of some ancient virus in a tomb like this that's thousands of years old?"

"Fuck!" Chu Ziqiang screamed and climbed up quickly.

He took other people who didn't understand the situation and climbed out of the pit.

"What's going on? Is it a fake corpse?" the onlookers asked after seeing this.

"It's okay, I have glutinous rice in my pocket."

"Really? Break me up quickly..."

Zhang Yang still didn't know how much of a shadow his joke had cast on Xiao Chu, so that whenever he saw antiques, Chu Ziqiang would wear a mask first.

At this moment, he was using the light of a flashlight to shine on the situation in the tomb.

Inside, there was only one coffin.

A coffin within a coffin, or in other words, this stone tomb is the same as Concubine Wu Hui's stone coffin, so it should also be called "stone coffin".

Zhang Yang has never seen what the coffin in Concubine Wu Hui's stone coffin looks like, but the one in front of her should be able to give it a try.

It is an oversized wooden coffin in the shape of a wooden boat.

It is divided into upper and lower floors, a ship-shaped coffin and a rectangular coffin seat.

"How is it? Has it been shipped?" Qiao Shan asked curiously from the side.

"It's out, and it's a first-class cultural relic."

"Xiao Chu, you can call your second uncle now!"

(End of this chapter)

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