Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 423: Orphan National Treasure

Chapter 423: Orphan National Treasure
Chu Zhenmin's neck has not healed yet, so he sits at home every day, as if he is living a life of hemiplegia in advance.

The only consolation is to use Douyin.

During his rest period, he watched all the videos of Zhang Yang from the beginning of the live broadcast to the last live broadcast.

It was quite fun at first, and I giggled while watching the video every day. My aunt at home even suspected that I had Alzheimer's disease.

But as time passed, he discovered a problem.

This flamboyant vision is too good.

Now it is understandable that he has good vision. After all, he is a direct disciple of Master Wang and has learned every move from the master.

Even if he doesn't understand anything, relying on Master Wang's status, Zhang Yang is considered the number one person wherever he goes.

But what about a year ago?

At that time, Zhang Yang and Wang Guosheng seemed not to be related.

In order to answer the doubts in his heart, Chu Zhenmin specially called Wang Guosheng and asked about his apprentice.

Master Wang didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, so he naturally didn't hide it and told everything in his mind.

"Zhang Yang's parents are counterfeiters of cultural relics?" Chu Zhenmin was stunned when he heard this.

"That's wrong. I remember I checked his information before. He grew up in Qidian Orphanage. He doesn't even know who his parents are. Where did he get the family inheritance?"

"I have doubted this too."

Wang Guosheng agreed with Chu Zhenmin's statement, but this did not trouble him at all, because Master Wang's brainstorming ability was also one of the best.

"I think it's possible that his parents faked their death."

"In other words, Zhang Yang's identity as an orphan should be fake. Think about it, under normal circumstances, his family background would not allow him to enter this circle, so he must use a fake identity."

"The reality can only be what I said, otherwise you won't be able to explain many problems. Putting aside his personal ability, why would he go to great lengths to destroy the Hedong Group?"

"It's very possible that Hedong Group is a competitor of his family's industry."

"I disagree with this statement..." Chu Zhenmin was skeptical of Master Wang's speculation. He was a normal person and would not believe in fallacies.

"What should I do?"

Master Wang was also a little speechless. Chu Zhenmin felt that what he said was wrong, but when he asked Lao Chu what he thought, he said he had no idea.

Isn't this just a joke?

Finally, Master Wang gave his own opinion: "No matter what the situation in his family is, we only respect Zhang Yang."

"Your Cultural Relics Bureau's expert pool does not have a political review process. Is it necessary for you to investigate these matters now?"

"It's very necessary." Chu Zhenmin replied decisively, "He is about to get engaged to a daughter of the Ma family."

"That child Shen Shuyu, not only has we watched him since childhood, but he is also Lao Ma's pet peeve, right?"

"We have discovered a problem, can we hide it?"

"You have a traditional mindset. Nowadays, marriage only depends on whether the man and the woman are in love. It has nothing to do with the family." Master Wang retorted.

When an old man who was more than ten years older than him called him "traditional", Chu Zhenmin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Master Wang, don't rush to bully me. Think about it carefully. Is marriage really just a matter of two people?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Wang Guosheng replied helplessly, "You can't ask Zhang Yang about the identity of his parents, right?"

"If it's true, wouldn't this just rub salt into his wounds?"

"I think what you said makes sense, but if it was you, the master, who asked, would it be okay? He would give you some thin noodles no matter what."

"Okay, so you are waiting for me here."

Wang Guosheng is really a little angry now. What do you, Director Chu, dare not say, let me say it?
Isn't this just "commanding fools to fight tigers"? Is it easy to bully me?
"Director Chu, you have a lot of face, go ahead and tell him."

"Anyway, Zhang Yang is a good boy to me. No matter what his family's situation is, I recognize him as a person and he is definitely qualified to be the son-in-law of the old Ma family."

After speaking, Wang Guosheng didn't bother to listen to Chu Zhenmin's words and hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the "beep beep" sound coming from the mobile phone, Chu Zhenmin shook his head helplessly.

Unexpectedly, as Master Wang got older, he would also become more temperamental.

If Wang Guosheng's previous character had been followed, this might have happened.

Chu Zhenmin himself would definitely not ask Zhang Yang.

This is not in line with the old fox's behavior.

He began to think in his mind, who could be the fool who shot the tiger?

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.


"It's me, Chu Ziqiang."

"Who is Chu Ziqiang? Why are you not polite at all?"

"Oh... Good afternoon. My dearest and beloved second uncle, your grandson Chu Ziqiang is sending you greetings from the archaeological site thousands of miles away."

"How are you doing today? Has your sprained neck recovered from playing mahjong? Is your aunt at home still complaining to grandma about your Alzheimer's disease?"

"Okay, okay, you don't have to be polite anymore." Chu Zhenmin said helplessly.

"At this point, aren't you excavating that ancient tomb?"

"Yes, we found a ship coffin from the Liao Dynasty, and it was actually wrapped with a square stone coffin."

"Stone coffin?" Chu Zhenmin frowned slightly.

As the former director of the Cultural Relics Bureau, he is very familiar with this kind of cultural relics.

Because more than ten years ago, a Tang Dynasty stone coffin was sold abroad by tomb robbers. It was he who led the negotiations with foreign forces and brought the cultural relic back to the country.

This incident later made headlines in major newspapers as a typical incident of the repatriation of cultural relics.

But that was more than ten years ago. Xiao Chu and Zhang Yang were still in elementary school at that time, so of course they didn't know about it.

"Are you sure it's a stone coffin? Do you know the difference between the coffin and the coffin?"

"Coffin" is a coffin, which is the burial utensil used by the deceased to rest in peace. "Coffin" is a box-like object that is placed outside the coffin or around the coffin.

There is nothing strange about the sarcophagus, but the stone coffin is different.

"It's the stone coffin. Are you still unsure about Brother Yang's judgment?"

"What is the shape of the stone coffin?" Chu Zhenmin asked next.

"Like a house, no, like a palace."

"That's the room-shaped stone coffin." The specific shape of the stone coffin had already appeared in Chu Zhenmin's mind.

But his judgment differed from Zhang Yang's conclusion.

"It's strange. This stone coffin should be from the Tang Dynasty."

"Ah? Why?" Chu Ziqiang asked subconsciously.

It was not once or twice that Lao Chu and Zhang Yang had differences in judgment.

At the beginning, Xiao Chu took it seriously.

He thought that they were all well-known figures, and it would be interesting no matter who failed.

But after many times, Xiao Chu concluded the pattern - when Zhang Yang and Chu Zhenmin had differences, the second uncle was both wrong.

He called this rule "Grandpa is always wrong."

The reason, Chu Ziqiang guessed, was that Chu Zhenmin was too far away and could not receive all the information.

"Because the stone coffin is unique to the Tang Dynasty." Chu Zhenmin explained helplessly.

Why doesn't he know that "grandpa must be wrong"?

But this time things are really different.

"There are only 31 Tang Dynasty stone coffins discovered in our country."

"A few years ago, before I retired, I could recite what these 31 items were."

"In short, these stone coffins all have some common characteristics, that is, they were all buried before the Anshi Rebellion."

"After the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline. Naturally, the market for this extravagant style that cost a lot of craftsmen disappeared."

"So when you say there is a stone coffin, my first reaction is that it is from the Tang Dynasty, or it can be traced back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties or the Sui Dynasty."

"Is that so..." Chu Ziqiang was a little silent after hearing this.

He is no longer the stupid young man he used to be, and he can understand the seriousness of his second uncle's words.

The current situation is that either Zhang Yang's judgment was wrong, or it was a great discovery that rewrote history. Of course Chu Ziqiang is willing to be the latter.

Then he would be proud of it.

So he added another piece of information:
"A wooden ship coffin was found in the stone coffin."

"This is also very strange." Chu Zhenmin responded, "Ship coffins are generally the funeral mode of ethnic minorities in the southeast."

"They are close to the sea, and ships are an important production tool, so they make all the coffins to look like ships."

"But if I have to explain it, I can barely think of a way to explain it, and that is that there is the Weishui River in the place where the Wei River flows."

“Boats are also very important locally.”

"That's right." Chu Ziqiang nodded, "Since the ship coffin may be local, the stone coffin should be fine too."

Chu Zhenmin tried to understand his grandson's words. His CPU almost burned and he couldn't figure it out. He couldn't help but complain: "Who did you learn this logic from?"

"Anyway, it's up to you to decide whether Brother Yang's judgment is correct or not."

"It shouldn't be right."

"Okay, now let's go to Brother Yang to discuss it in person."

Chu Ziqiang's idea was very simple. The more he reasoned, the clearer he became. If there was any problem, he would hold a meeting to discuss it.

This was done before, but this time, Chu Zhenmin stopped him.

"Wait, don't rush to find Zhang Yang yet."

Chu Zhenmin seemed to have found the fool who dared to fight the tiger.

That is his grand-nephew Chu Ziqiang.

Anyway, Xiao Chu always seems to have no scheming attitude, and any question he asks will change the taste. But it is precisely because of this characteristic that Chu Ziqiang can say some things.

"Chu Ziqiang, on behalf of the Chu family, I have an important task for you."

"You still represent the Chu family? Don't tease the second master."

"I'm not teasing you. Don't you remember what your grandpa said?"

"Remember." Chu Ziqiang said seriously.

The second uncle has already moved out the grandpa sign, so that matter should be very important.

"Okay, listen to me, you can ask this later..."



"Master Chu, where are you?" Zhang Yang shouted outside the pit.

Now there was a difficult problem before him.

Should this boat-shaped wooden coffin be dragged out?

If it were an ordinary cultural relic, Zhang Yang could make the decision himself.

But in this situation, it seems that what was unearthed is a first-class cultural relic?
What if it’s a national treasure?

Zhang Yang was embarrassed. He was afraid that a real national treasure would be damaged because of his own operations.

That would be nailed to the pillar of shame.

That's why Zhang Yang asked Xiao Chu to ask his second uncle if he could directly arrange for some powerful manpower to dig out the coffin and the coffin together.

Then study it slowly.

After all, Zhang Yang hasn't seen the side and back of the stone coffin yet. If there are words on it that can indicate the identity of the tomb owner, then there is a high probability that the stone coffin will be sealed directly and completely preserved.

"Brother Qiao, go and see what's wrong with Xiao Chu?"

"Okay, wait." As soon as Qiao Shan said these words, Chu Ziqiang stuck his head out and greeted Zhang Yang in the pit.

"Here we come, Brother Yang."

"How's it going? What did Director Chu say?"

"Director Chu is not here. Master Ma answered the call."

"Huh?" Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment.

He could only understand that Lao Chu and Master Ma were handling official business together, and it was inconvenient for Director Chu to answer the phone. Master Ma saw the incoming call reminder and helped answer the call.

"Okay, what does Master Ma say?"

"Master Ma asked you, when will your parents come to propose marriage?"

"???" Zhang Yang had a question mark face.

He did not realize the hidden information in Xiao Chu's words, but was confused:
We are currently doing some archeology, why is it related to the issue of marriage proposal?

"Besides this, what else did he say?"

"What should we do with this stone coffin?"

"Then he didn't say anything." Chu Ziqiang shook his head, "He just asked your parents when they would come over."

"This issue should be more important than the stone coffin issue, right?"

"Indeed." Qiao Shan agreed, "This is a lifelong event, much more important than one or two antiques."

"Brother Qiao is right!" Chu Ziqiang gave a thumbs up.

Seeing the two people singing along beside the pit, Zhang Yang felt really helpless.

I had no choice but to get up and make a phone call.

In order to ensure the safety of the cultural relics at the archaeological site, mobile phones are definitely not allowed to be brought into the ash pit, so Zhang Yang can only climb up and retrieve them.

But before he could climb, Chu Ziqiang suddenly pulled the ladder away.

What do you mean?
Thirty-six strategies to take out the stairs from the house?
"What are you doing?" Zhang Yang asked impatiently, "Don't make trouble, we are busy with business."

"Brother Yang, you can come up if you want, but you have to give me a pleasant word."

"When will your parents come to propose marriage?"

"I don't even know who my parents are, how can I ask them to come to propose marriage?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Then, then you didn't look for it?" Chu Ziqiang asked next.

These are all words taught to him by Lao Chu. The key point is guiding questions.

But Zhang Yang is not guided.

"Does this have anything to do with archeology?"

"Isn't that right? Is this a question that your young master Chu would consider? This should be what your second uncle asked you to ask, right?"

“How is it possible…” Chu Ziqiang waved his hand very professionally, “How could my second uncle be so gossipy.”

"I just asked casually."

"Oh, it's so tricky to ask a casual question, that's good." Zhang Yang nodded and said to Qiao Shan beside him, "Brother Qiao, help me call Master Ma."

"The one from Hunyuan Xingyi Tai Chi Sect?" Qiao Shan asked.


"No, the one from the National Museum. I remember you have his contact information."

"You call him, and I will personally respond to his proposal of marriage. I will also ask what he said to our young master Chu."

"No, no, no, no." Chu Ziqiang quickly begged for mercy.

If this phone call is made, it will directly betray the gang and offend others.

It's better to confess yourself.

"Brother Yang, this is actually what my second uncle wants to ask."

"He is now bored at home, and every day he is thinking about the younger generation's affairs."

"You shouldn't be angry, right?" Chu Ziqiang asked timidly.

"I'm angry at Ji Fei. Tell me first. What should I do with this stone coffin now?"

"It's very simple, uproot it." Chu Ziqiang replied seriously.

"My second uncle said that if this set were all from the Liao Dynasty, they would be truly unique national treasures."

(End of this chapter)

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