Chapter 424: Personal Marking
An orphaned national treasure?
Although there were already speculations in his mind, Zhang Yang still couldn't help but feel a few waves after hearing what Xiao Chu said.

Mainly because the stimulation has been a bit frequent recently.

Before the research on the Bo people's golden mask was over, the tip of the iceberg was unearthed in that strange cave.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, another national treasure will be unveiled.

This probability is ridiculously high.

But if you think about it carefully, Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu were able to find these two cultural relics almost as if they were digging up their ancestors' graves.

If it were anyone else, or if someone was too lazy to follow up on any of the links, these two cultural relics would have continued to be buried underground.

It will never even see the light of day again.

Maybe, before Zhang Yang entered the cultural and museum world, some precious cultural relics in some unknown places had tried to show up on their own initiative, but they were ignored.

For example, the mysterious jade seal passed down from the country may be helping to press sauerkraut at a farmer's house.

"Okay, can you give me the ladder?"

"Hey? Young Master Chu?" Zhang Yang waved to the people outside the pit, indicating that he was coming up.

Otherwise, when the excavator comes later, he will not call for digging out of the pit, but calling for digging out.

"Sorry, I almost forgot." Chu Ziqiang stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and quickly climbed down the ladder.

After Zhang Yang got to the ground, without saying a word, he punched Chu Ziqiang's left shoulder with all his might.

The main theme is to vent one's anger.

Chu Ziqiang groaned in pain, but he didn't dare to feel any resentment.

Who told him that he was not a human being just now!
After Zhang Yang finished the beating, he immediately returned to normal and said to the people around him, "Okay, then my mission is completed."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

The age has been determined, and the grade of the cultural relics has even been preliminarily estimated, and Zhang Yang is ready to retire.

Next, it’s Xiao Chu’s turn to take charge.

I guess he still has to think carefully about how to dig and transport this thing.

"Where should we go back? Back to the guest house or Linhai?" Xiao Chu asked.

"Of course we're going back to Linhai." Zhang Yang looked up at the sky. It was quite early and he should be able to reach the provincial capital today.

I'll be home by flight tomorrow morning.

"Ah? Are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Thanks to you for reminding me, I'm going to prepare for the engagement." Zhang Yang responded with a smile.

It wasn't Chu Zi who forced this move, but Zhang Yang almost forgot about the engagement, a pre-marriage step.

He was originally waiting for Master Ma to notify him.

Now that I think about it, it is really the man who should take the initiative to bring up this matter.

"Okay then." Chu Ziqiang spread his hands helplessly.

Zhang Yang thought he was fine, so he greeted the remaining people and prepared to take a car to the provincial capital.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the vegetable garden, he saw Xiao Chu waiting for him by the car without knowing it.

Zhang Yang stepped forward and asked cheerfully: "What? You can't bear to leave me, why do you want to give me away?"

"Brother Yang..."

Chu Ziqiang said hello inexplicably, with a constipated expression on his face, a bit embarrassed, which shocked Zhang Yang.

Once this kid looks like this, he's bound to be up to no good.

"Let me state it in advance, if you keep messing with me, I will fall out." Zhang Yang reminded.

"Ah? But Brother Yang, this is my second uncle's death order. If you don't ask, I will kneel in the ancestral hall when I go back."

What kind of family, in the 21st century, still kneels in the ancestral hall so outrageously?

Zhang Yang shook his head disapprovingly in his heart. It seemed that the shade of the big family was not for future generations to enjoy casually.

"What do you want Lao Chu to ask me?" he asked.

"He asked me to ask... I'll be tactful, Brother Yang, don't be angry."

"The second uncle just wants to know how you determined the age of the stone coffin by looking at the tomb bricks outside?"

"Is this difficult?" Zhang Yang asked, "A single tomb brick is also a cultural relic. As long as it is a cultural relic, it must have the characteristics of a cultural relic."

"However, the tomb bricks from the Liao Dynasty and those from the Jin Dynasty are of the same origin, and there is no difference in appearance."

"Then let's look at Qinse." Zhang Yang said disapprovingly.

"I took the photo and showed it to my second uncle, and he said he couldn't tell it by looking at the color. He couldn't even determine what dynasty the stone coffin was from."

"That means your second uncle is not good at learning." Zhang Yang explained with a smile.

This is of course a joke. When situations like this happened before, everyone would attribute it to Director Chu not coming to the scene.

Zhang Yang thought it would be the same this time.

But this time, Xiao Chu's expression was unusually serious.

"Brother Yang, your explanation is untenable."

"It's like the final exam of a nationwide genius class. You finish the paper in ten minutes, and the results are all correct; the rest of the students finish it for two hours, and the results are all wrong."

"It can be explained that you are a genius once or twice, but if it is like this more than ten times, it is a bit unreasonable, right?"

Ok? ? ?
These words are not like what Xiao Chu can say!

Zhang Yang raised his head and glanced at Chu Ziqiang, finding a look of recollection on his face.

This means that what he just said was not something he said as soon as he thought of it, but something he recited while recalling it.

"It seems that Director Chu is very suspicious of me." Zhang Yang smiled mockingly.

"It seems like that." Chu Ziqiang admitted helplessly.

Although Xiao Chu didn't want to think so, it was the fact. Even he could hear the suspicion about Zhang Yang in Chu Zhenmin's words.

This is not a good sign.

If the suspicion cannot be resolved in time, the final result is likely to be disbandment.

This was something Chu Ziqiang absolutely didn't want to see, so he rushed over to stop Zhang Yang and ask him clearly.

"If you insist on an explanation, I can only say that genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration."

Zhang Yang really felt that there was nothing to explain.

Although he had anticipated this day, he had also made some preparations, such as buying a few shelves of books related to antique appraisal to show off that he was working hard.

But if Chu Zhenmin really wanted to find out, he couldn't fully explain it.

There are traces of true genius.

Only rebirth and cheating are so abrupt.

What Zhang Yang can do is to prove from all aspects of daily life that there is nothing wrong with him and he has never done anything bad.

In this way, even if others have doubts, they will keep it in their hearts.

"Please help me convey this answer to Director Chu."

"You, the Chu family, are my creditors. If you are really worried, find a trustworthy girl to keep an eye on me."

"Brother Yang, that's not what I meant..."

"I know." Zhang Yang interrupted Chu Ziqiang's explanation and gave him a trusting look, "Don't worry, it's normal for the elderly to be suspicious. We young people should just stop making a fuss out of a molehill."

"Didn't your second uncle also suspect that there was something wrong with your sexual orientation before?"

"Um, didn't we agree not to mention this?" Chu Ziqiang scratched his head in embarrassment.

However, after Zhang Yang intervened, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two suddenly became much more relaxed.


Two days later, Zhang Yang returned to Linhai.

I originally planned to go to Yanjing to meet Shen Shuyu and her family after live broadcasting for a few days. Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the museum, I found that someone from the Chu family who was responsible for keeping an eye on him had arrived.

Chu Zhenmin took action himself.

After giving instructions to Chu Ziqiang and listening to Zhang Yang's reply, Chu Zhenmin thought for a long time.

He still couldn't figure it out.

Before the old man was born, the fortune teller pointed at the belly of his mother, Grandma Chu Ziqiang, and said:
This child will be good at everything from now on, just a little bit, and won't pretend to be confused.

Chu Zhenmin is not like Wang Guosheng, who is a master of pretending to be confused. Otherwise, given his background, he would not end his political career by just sitting in the position of a mere director.

So even though he knew something might go wrong, Chu Zhenmin still came to Linhai.

Moreover, he came with a nanny and a change of clothes, making it clear that he planned to stay for a long time.

Facing Lao Chu's arrival, Zhang Yang said it was a lie to say he had no idea at all, but overall he welcomed it.

Not only did he help Lao Chu arrange food and accommodation, he also organized an office for Chu Zhenmin in the museum to make Lao Chu feel more integrated.

However, Chu Zhenmin seemed not interested in sitting in an office.

The second day after Zhang Yang came back, as soon as he entered the office door, he found Chu Zhenmin already waiting inside.

But because I waited too long, I fell asleep on the sofa.

Zhang Yang looked at the other person's stretched neck and was really worried that he might twist his neck again, so he quickly stepped forward and gently patted the other person awake.

"Director Chu, why did you fall asleep here?"

"I'll call your nanny over and take you back to your room to sleep."

"Yeah." Chu Zhenmin responded vaguely, feeling like he was back in his childhood.

He suddenly woke up and realized that it was Zhang Yang calling him.

"You kid, think of me as your neighbor's kid, right?"

"No, no, aren't we worried about your old man's neck?" Zhang Yang pretended to smile sheepishly, "You know, Chu Ziqiang is just staring at your neck and telling jokes about this!"

"He... is hopeless. I'm too lazy to care about him." Chu Zhenmin's tone revealed deep helplessness.

"By the way, why did you come just now?"

"I remember, didn't you start the live broadcast at one o'clock in the afternoon? Don't you need to prepare in advance?" Chu Zhenmin asked.

Lao Chu came at 10:30, which was already very late, but Zhang Yang was even later, and only set off from home at 11:30.

Of course, the most important person is Xu Jie. He comes now at 12:55 and gets stuck.

"Our makeup artist only goes to work at 12:, so it's useless if I come early." Zhang Yang explained simply.

He knew that the old man didn't actually want to know the trivial details of his live broadcast, but was just curious about when his live broadcast would start.

Lao Chu can't wait to watch the live broadcast.

"That's it. Can your makeup artist help me put on makeup later?"

"Oh?" Zhang Yang was a little surprised. Does this request mean...

"Director Chu is going to appear on the scene later?"

"No." Chu Zhenmin shook his head and responded, "It's just that I haven't put on makeup for a long time. I wanted to be more refined during the two days in Linhai."

Zhang Yang: "..."

Where is this?

Although he felt a little strange, Zhang Yang still agreed on behalf of Sister Gao.

Zhang Yang had seen Sister Gao practice with an aunt from the MCN company before. After putting on makeup, the aunt still looked charming.

Presumably Director Chu is not a problem either.

(End of this chapter)

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