Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 425 Leaders from the Cultural Relics Bureau

Chapter 425 Leaders from the Cultural Relics Bureau

The live broadcast begins.

In fact, Zhang Yang’s live broadcast room has not been officially launched for a while.

However, compared to some online writers who only publish one chapter a year, he is still a very diligent anchor, so the number of fans has not decreased much.

Not only that, as a well-known electronic mustard anchor, as soon as he starts broadcasting, his popularity will suddenly rush to the top of the "eating list".

Compete with those anchors who sell "pickled mustard" and "hot sauce" for the honor of being the anchor who eats the most.

Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcast room quickly exceeded the 10,000 mark, Zhang Yang cleared his throat and greeted everyone:

"Good afternoon, dear friends!"

There were some days when he didn't face the camera, and there was an old man wearing heavy makeup and keeping close watch next to him, which made Zhang Yang stutter a bit.

The barrages didn’t show any face, and the replies were:
[Good afternoon, pigeon spirit]

[I’m going to burn a piece of paper for my grandpa, saying that the anchor he follows has started broadcasting]

[Isn’t this a big star? He has gone to endorse others. He still remembers his live broadcast room]

Faced with the barrage of cynicism, Zhang Yang pretended not to notice it at all.

You can't be a host if you don't have thick skin.

"Today's situation is a little different from usual."

"We have a special guest in our live broadcast room, a retired leader of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, who is responsible for the protection of cultural relics."

"It can be said that he is the most important guest in the history of our live broadcast room."

Chu Zhenmin was a little surprised to hear that Zhang Yang would introduce himself.

Didn't you agree not to appear on camera? Did you change the script temporarily?
He didn't know it yet, but Zhang Yang loved to pluck wool.

It's not that simple to come to his live broadcast room and leave without leaving.

So at this moment, Chu Zhenmin pointed to himself very simply, then pointed to the camera, and cast a questioning look at Zhang Yang.

It means: Do you want me to come out and say hello?

Zhang Yang glanced at the thick back cover on Chu Zhenmin's face and immediately gave up all his thoughts.

Sorry to bother you.

Sister Gao is so fierce. Chu Zhenmin, who originally had dark skin with some age spots, was stunned to be painted like Liu Neng, fair and clean, which was outrageous.

"However, due to his duties, it is not convenient for him to show up and say hello to everyone."

"However, this expert will be there to help with the whole process."

"Especially for questions related to handing over cultural relics, his answers are standard answers."

"Brothers who have the goods at home, please pay attention. This is an important opportunity. If you miss this master, this live broadcast room will be occupied by the surrender party again in the future."

[It’s real or fake, it can’t be bait]

[The anchor is a pure liar, he just wants to get Baoyou in]

[The expert doesn’t even show his face, who knows if there is such a person]

Most of the comments are filled with doubts, but there is no shortage of people in this world who are trying to take advantage of others.

Soon Zhang Yang got through the first treasure friend.

"Hello Xixi Dongdong."

Zhang Yang found this treasure friend's name inexplicably familiar. He clicked on his profile and found that this person had been collected by him.

In the favorites of "Old Nine Gates".

Zhang Yang instantly changed his expression, and he couldn't help laughing: "It turns out to be an old treasure friend. What did you dig up this time?"

"No, it's still the same thing as before."


Do you still have the previous one?

Just when Zhang Yang was confused, he saw Baoyou's baby.

All the memories came flooding back to me at once.

Isn't this the big brother with the dirt under the house?
His treasure is the Qing Dynasty sacrificial desk.

In the tomb or in front of the tomb, set up a small offering table for fruits and vegetables.

"You didn't hand this thing in?" Zhang Yang was really shocked.

Keep the cubs?
"No, I keep it under the bed."

[Okay, okay, you’re here to surrender, right?]

[You are so brave, put the sacrificial items under the bed] [Laojiumen returns for a limited time? 】

[This big brother is really tough, he still dares to come]

"Then why are you here this time?" Zhang Yang asked.

It was the first time he saw something used by a dead person on a live broadcast, and he was still shocked.

But now, thanks to Sister Gao, Zhang Yang has even touched Gabala with his own hands.

This kind of sacrificial thing is really drizzle.

"Didn't you say there are leaders from the Cultural Relics Bureau?"

"I want to ask the leader, I dug this thing out, can I keep it for my own collection?"

Chu Zhenmin perked up when he heard that he was here to find him.

He originally wanted to get in front of the screen and take a look, but fortunately Xu Jie had quick eyes and quick hands and turned the monitoring screen to face him.

Only then did Lao Chu avoid embarrassment in front of the camera.

"This should be an offering table from the Qing Dynasty." Chu Zhenmin analyzed.

"Yes, this treasure friend dug it out of his homestead. He was planning to sell it for several thousand yuan, but I persuaded him to stop it."

"I originally advised him to turn it in, but he didn't seem to listen at all."

Zhang Yang quietly introduced the details of the incident to Lao Chu.

After listening, the latter stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"If he insists on keeping it, let him keep it."

"But it's best not to buy or sell it. It's a bit immoral for people who don't know its use."

"Friend Bao, did you hear that? The leader of the Cultural Relics Bureau said that you can keep it by yourself and pass it on to your family."

"But it's best not to buy or sell." Zhang Yang, Bao's friend at the other end of the video, repeated.

"Okay, okay, then I'll take it as a family heirloom." Baoyou replied seriously. After saying that, he hung up on Lian Mai without leaving Zhang Yang for a minute.

This sixth man can run quite fast.

Zhang Yang curled his lips inwardly and reminded other viewers in the live broadcast room:

"If you want to use the leadership to stab me in the back, don't come here. Opportunities are rare. Leave the opportunity of identification to those who really need it."

【Who do you really need? What we really need is Laojiumen! 】

[I announce that it is now time to sell stolen goods]

[That old man just now, I finally remembered where I saw him]

[It seems that today is a special show for Laojiumen]

"Okay, now welcome the second treasure friend."

Zhang Yang coughed lightly and accepted Lian Mai.

Without any warning, a four-legged bronze tripod covered in green embroidery popped out of the video.

The tripod is square, and although "one square holds ten circles" generally refers to porcelain, it is also applicable to bronze.

Square bronze vessels are generally ritual vessels and a symbol of the owner's status.

The rim of this bronze tripod is slightly moved outwards. There are two U-shaped ears on the smooth rim, and the four legs are decorated with banana leaf patterns.

The four sides and center of the tripod body are decorated with fringes (protruding strips) that divide the pattern into blocks. There are straight lines and T-shaped decorations on the fringes.

The belly of the tripod is carved with Taotie patterns on all sides, and there is a circle of dragon patterns below the rim.

This pattern is not simple!

"Lao Jiumen came so quickly?"

Zhang Yang directly expressed his highest respect to this precious friend.

Chu Zhenmin next to him was so shocked that his neck pulled up because of this thing.

At this moment, I was holding my neck and enduring the pain, looking carefully at this square tripod, and murmuring:

"Is it from Yin Xu? It should be. I seem to have seen this thing somewhere, but where is it?"

Zhang Yang should be a little calmer, after all, Baoyou looks very confident, so he must be from a serious source.

He asked aloud: "Friend Bao, would you like to introduce yourself to your family first?"

"Based on your actual situation, we can decide whether to call the police."

(End of this chapter)

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