Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 426 Standards of the Live Broadcast Room

Chapter 426 Standards of the Live Broadcast Room
While Zhang Yang and Baoyou were talking nonsense, Chu Zhenmin had already made a decision.

The experience of the old timers cannot be ignored.

"This thing came from Yinxu."

"And there are other cultural relics in the National Museum that are highly related to this tripod."

Chu Zhenmin wanted to tell Zhang Yang this information quickly.

But he was still a little far away from being public. If he shouted directly like this, Lao Chu was afraid that his voice would be transmitted into the microphone and cause a bad impact.

So, Chu Zhenmin gave the nearest Xu Jie a look.

The latter understood and immediately handed him a bottle of water, and then quickly returned it.

He wasn't even given a chance to speak.

Seeing the mineral water in his hand, Chu Zhenmin felt dumbfounded.

How to communicate this?

He had no choice but to make a phone call and walk out of the live broadcast room.

After all, Lao Chu used to be the director of the Cultural Relics Bureau, and his mobile phone address book was full of big names in the cultural and museum circles. With his words, several experts in bronze ware opened Zhang Yang's live broadcast room in unison.

Get ready for a simple academic study together.

Just then, Zhang Yang also started to pretend to do the appraisal.

"Come on, dear friend, come closer and show the decoration."

"Just this posture..."

"That's right. This is a dragon pattern. It seems that this square tripod has blood and is not something that ordinary people can afford."

"Did you find any inscriptions on it?"

Zhang Yang was afraid that Baoyou would be nervous, so he didn't talk about the concept of "ritual utensils".

A square tripod like this, which is only 30 centimeters high, is far more decorative than practical. It is impractical for cooking and so on. It is just right in a place of worship.

As for the inscription, I was just asking casually, and Zhang Yang didn't have any expectations.

I never expected that there would actually be an inscription in the tripod.

It is engraved on the inside of the bronze tripod.

[Bronze with inscription? 】

[I recognize the first word, turtle]

[I also have that word, because what is engraved is a turtle]

[The second one is a bit like a fishhook, probably meant to mock the Air Force for only catching turtles]

[Turtles are pretty good, more expensive than ordinary fish]

"Father turtle."

Zhang Yang subconsciously read out the inscriptions on the tripod.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

There is a supervisor next to him. He can't reveal too much talent right now, otherwise Lao Chu will have to ask himself again later:
"Zhang Yang, who did you learn bronze inscriptions from?"

"Self-taught? Well, I have some oracle bones here. Can you also teach yourself?"

But this time Zhang Yang was really worried.

Although Chu Zhenmin was sitting not far from him, at this moment, Lao Chu was concentrating on controlling his old subordinate on his mobile phone and did not listen carefully to what Zhang Yang was saying.

The conclusions given by experts from far and wide are what Chu Zhenmin is most concerned about.

Seeing that Lao Chu didn't react at all, Zhang Yang was also a little curious.

Even if you are not impressed by your talent, you should still be attracted by this bronze, right?

Director of Cultural Relics, don’t you have this bit of vision?
This thing was stolen and sold abroad in the 40s.

China has chosen a period of 75 years to join the Convention on Stolen and Illegally Exported Cultural Relics, which means that as long as the cultural relics were leaked due to war and smuggling before 1923, the country has the right to recover them.

This is a late Shang bronze tripod with inscriptions. Even if Lao Chu doesn't have accurate information and is a little unsure, he can still give it a try.

Could it be that Lao Chu is waiting to see my reaction? Zhang Yang couldn't help but think in his heart.

And the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

It seems that we can't go any deeper.

For the sake of his own future, Zhang Yang thought about it and decided that he could only aggrieve his friend Bao a little and act opposite himself.

"Friend Bao, tell me, which tomb did you steal this thing from?"

"Can you buy a bronze tripod from the late Shang Dynasty abroad? I don't believe it. It must have been dug up by domestic tomb robbers. Are you the buyer, or are you helping to sell the stolen goods?"

"I...I am neither."

"I just bought it abroad. I bought it if I thought it looked good. Anyway, it's just a month's pocket money."

Baoyou scratched his head in embarrassment. He had shown his face in the camera, so he really had no guilt.

He even asked Zhang Yang: "Master Zhang, didn't you say that today is the time to consult with the leaders of the Cultural Relics Bureau? Why did you start torturing me again?"

"If the anchor is dead, just go and bite the lighter. Don't delay my business of consulting the leader of the Cultural Relics Bureau."

[Baoyou is right! 】

[Yes, yes, that’s what it tastes like]

[Overseas IP is really tough, I bet Master Zhang doesn’t dare to go abroad]

"Okay." Zhang Yang nodded and glanced sideways at Chu Zhenmin, who just raised his head and looked at him.

After asking Lao Chu for his opinion, Zhang Yang told Baoyou:

"Now, you can consult the leader."

"Okay." Baoyou responded happily, and then asked, "May I ask the leader, if the anchor breaks such a bronze vessel, how many years will he be sentenced?"


"There is a sixth child." Zhang Yang sighed with emotion.

If this treasure friend breaks the bronze and sends it to himself, then report it.

If you are not prepared, you might actually get caught.

Sure enough, it makes sense to have a dedicated person collect the express delivery.

"Haha, if it's this thing, I think a five-year sentence shouldn't be a problem." Although Lao Chu is old, he is still very entertaining and even answered Baoyou's questions seriously.

Zhang Yang laughed awkwardly.

Chu Zhenmin's words wouldn't turn into a boomerang and hit him, right?

"Five years? Too little?" Baoyou seemed a little dissatisfied.

"It's really a lot. The main thing is that the things are too small."

"This bronze vessel of yours should have been unearthed from the Yin Ruins pit numbered YH134. The owner of the bronze vessel is a noble named Ding."

"There was a complete set of bronze vessels unearthed together at that time. Most of them were very small ritual vessels like yours, and without exception, they were all engraved with the inscription of Guifu Ding."

"It is currently known that three of this set of ritual vessels are collected in the National Museum of China, four more are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and one is in the collection of the British Museum..."

[What is professional? 】

[This is the first time I have seen someone who can quote scriptures better than Master Zhang]

[This is leadership, strength is a mystery]

[Anchors can step aside to make way for talents]

"Wonderful!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but applaud.

"Thank you for the knowledge the leader brought to us. I believe you know what to do, friend Bao, right?"

"I know, donate it to the British Museum and get them a pair." Baoyou quickly replied.


"It's wrong, wrong, it should be donated to the Hailin Museum so that the anchor can have the capital to negotiate terms with the National Museum."

"Isn't this wrong?" Chu Zhenmin said aloud.

"No, no, no, this is the standard answer in our live broadcast room." Zhang Yang nodded and said very seriously.

What's the meaning? Chu Zhenmin glanced at Zhang Yang in surprise. Why does the tone of voice sound like it's not a joke?
Does the Hailin Museum have such a big appetite?
Zhang Yang didn't know it yet, but his cheerful words made Lao Chu's thoughts wander again.

But even if he knew it, Zhang Yang still said the same thing:

Chu Zhenmin is free.

A normal person at this age would definitely retire and play mahjong at home. Who would be like him, wandering around and causing trouble for others.


"Brothers, welcome the third treasure friend with a round of applause."

Before Zhang Yang saw this treasure friend's things, he already had some concerns in his heart.

Later, as long as Baoyou's stuff is not true, he will deliberately report some wrong information to show his ignorance.

Otherwise today is another perfect day, so genius.

Of course, this degree needs to be mastered better.

At least it can't hurt the treasure friend's feelings, and at the same time, it can't let the treasure friend have hope that "things are real".

As a result, this third treasure friend is really quite impressive.

I came out with a set of very modern "pastel three-star statues of fortune, wealth and longevity".

Zhang Yang only took one look and knew it was fake.

The one holding a child in his hand is the lucky star among the three stars.

It is said that the prototype is the governor of Daozhou during the Tang Dezong period. He was respected by the people at that time for protecting the dwarfs in Daozhou. Later, it was integrated with the Taoist "Zhang Xian" of "sending children", and gradually became the image of a lucky star that brings blessings to children.

But why does this child not look very smart?
As for Lu Xing, he is the one holding Ruyi.

The prototype of Lu Xing is Bigan. He was the earliest Wenquxing. If you want fame and wealth, it is always right to worship him.

The last old man with all white beard and hair and a big brain is naturally the most well-known birthday boy.

Although there are many legends about the longevity star, after research, it was found that it actually has no clear prototype, or that all long-lived old people are his prototype.

"Teacher, this thing I have should be pretty good, right?"

"I heard from a knowledgeable master that this is the work of Zhu Maoji."

"It should be worth 5 steamed buns?"

Zhang Yang knew who Baoyou was trying to influence.

Zhu Maoji, a master of palace ceramic Maitreya Buddha in the late Qing Dynasty, was very skilled.

Later, due to the fall of the Qing Dynasty, his works began to be open to the public, and many authentic works were circulated among the people.

But even if the number of genuine works is not rare, because Zhu Maoji's reputation is so great and there are many fans in the market, the price of his porcelain sculptures can still be maintained at 40,000 to 50,000 per piece.

"Zhu Maoji?" Zhang Yang deliberately pretended not to know him and said, "I don't know how much his works are worth."

"I'm not very familiar with this kind of modern porcelain sculpture artist."

"If you want to inquire about prices, you'd better check out some art websites."

Is Zhu Maoji modern? Zhang Yang's answer made Lao Chu look askance.

Chu Zhenmin said to himself that it seems that Zhang Yang’s knowledge of modern porcelain is a bit weak.

You should know the Eight Friends of Zhushan.

"Huh?" Baoyou couldn't believe Zhang Yang's answer and asked, "Teacher, you really don't know Zhu Maoji?"

"But I remember that in December last year, you just appraised a porcelain Maitreya Buddha by Zhu Maoji? At that time, you also gave us a popular science, how awesome is Zhu Maoji?"

"It was after listening to your introduction that I decided to buy this thing."

"Really? Then I don't remember." Zhang Yang shook his head numbly.

He has already felt Lao Chu's scrutinizing gaze, and now he can only continue to say: I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense.

He really didn't remember what Baoyou said.

However, this seems to explain why Zhang Yang has memories related to the porcelain sculpture author.

It must have been at that time that I forced myself to memorize it in order to popularize barrage knowledge.

"Anyway, this is a modern handicraft."

"If you sell three pieces in a package, you should be able to sell them for dozens of yuan. If you can sell them for more than a hundred yuan, you will be considered to have harvested leeks."

"Well, it seems that I was led astray by the anchor." Baoyou muttered somewhat uncomfortably, "I thought there really were many genuine products in existence, but it turns out they are also fake."

[Wow, this person is so stubborn after buying the wrong thing]

[There are still 100 million pieces of bronze ware in existence, and there are not many fakes out there.]

[If you think about it, you can buy a real one at any time, so why would you sell it for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan? 】

[This person actually doesn’t believe it himself, otherwise he wouldn’t have just quoted five thousand;]

"Okay, see you then, my dear friend."

Zhang Yang didn't have much favorable impressions of this treasure friend who stabbed him in the back and muttered.

After hanging up, without any pause, he directly connected to the next friend.

"Hello teacher, what I brought is a statue of Manjushri Bodhisattva."

The treasure friend came up and directly took out the treasure to show off.

The golden light almost blinded Zhang Yang.

"Wait a moment." Zhang Yang had a few questions that he wanted to ask before the appraisal.

“Friend Bao, I haven’t seen this thing of yours before, right?”

"No, this is my first time coming for appraisal."

"OK, then have I appraised the same type of artifacts before? Do you still remember?"

"It seems... not even." Baoyou said matter-of-factly, "Actually, I haven't been watching the live broadcast for a long time. I only paid attention to the live broadcast of treasure appraisal recently."

"This statue of Manjushri Bodhisattva was brought back by my father to protect me from my college entrance examination."

"Oh? College entrance examination?"

"It seems that your father knows a little bit about Buddha statues."

Manjushri Bodhisattva is in charge of academic wisdom. Whether a person can advance to higher education and whether his IQ is improved or not depends on him.

Baoyou's statue of Manjushri is the most typical one holding a sword in the right hand.

He held a sword in his right hand and swung it to the back of his head.

It's a bit like "opening up your brain".

But actually the essence of this posture lies in the left hand.

The correct image of Manjushri Bodhisattva holds a sword in his right hand and the Prajna Sutra in his left hand.

This is what is called the God of Wisdom.

Like Baoyou, his left hand is spread out and a palm is placed on his chest without any movement, making him look more like a warrior god.

"But if I look at it, your cultural relic, the Bodhisattva statue, should be wrong."

"I can't say what's wrong with it, it's just weird."

[That’s right, it’s strange, but how can we not blame it for fakes?]

[As a layman, I don’t think it works]

[The anchor asked Baoyou, would it be effective to take this Buddha statue back? 】

[I feel like the Buddha statue is useless, my friend is still not enlightened]

"The shape of this Manjushri Bodhisattva statue is wrong." Chu Zhenmin suddenly reminded him from the side.

He didn't think about the aspect of "Zhang Yang has no knowledge", he just felt that as a guest, he should help explain.

"And the era is wrong. This style should be a common style from the 11th to the 14th century. The gilt bronze Buddha statues from that period would not be so bright even today."

"Yes, that's what I want to say." Zhang Yang quickly agreed.

But what he said was a bit superfluous.

Chu Zhenmin immediately cast a questioning look.

(End of this chapter)

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