Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 436 It’s all a scam of cutting leeks

Chapter 436 It’s all a scam of cutting leeks
"You've got free shipping, so you should have the recipient's information, right?" Zhang Yang felt that he had caught the blind spot of the problem at once.

Because there were courier thieves in the past, but now there are cameras at courier collection points, so criminal suspects have no way to hide.

"Yes, the recipient's name is Zhang Yang, but I don't remember the phone number."

"As for the delivery address, it seems to be the address of the new campus of your museum, Mr. Zhang. That's what you told me at the time."


Zhang Yang thought for a long time and thought to himself, when will the museum have a new campus?
This liar can deceive even more than himself.

We should find people like this to come over and discuss investment with the government. They will definitely deceive the leaders.

[Hahaha, it’s real]

[Opened the host’s real-name information and took a look, it is indeed called Zhang Yang]

[Name, phone number, and address are all correct]

[How can there be such a coincidence in the world? It must be the anchor himself]

[I announce that this live broadcast room will be renamed Liar Live Room]

"I'm convinced." Zhang Yang looked at the barrage, shook his head and sighed.

Fortunately, today is an information society. No matter how the recipient plays tricks or fills in false information, he will eventually take away the express delivery.

As long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely find this person.

"The Internet police who deal with electronic fraud in the live broadcast room should intervene. I can't explain it clearly to this girl friend."

Zhang Yang had no choice but to ask for help from the Internet police in the live broadcast room.

Fortunately, there are many notes in the live broadcast room now, waiting for the performance of Baoyou to come to your door.

"Ah? What are you talking about, Teacher Zhang?" Baoyou asked in confusion.

"I mean, let the anti-fraud Internet police help you recover that ancestral treasure."

"Wait a minute. Remember to talk to the Internet police who contacted you. That's a comb from the Ming Dynasty. Its market value is about 100,000. The person who cheated you will be jailed."

"But, wasn't it you, Master Zhang, who took my things?"

"Yes, yes, it's me, but it's not me in this world, it's me in another parallel world." Zhang Yang explained helplessly.

"Have you seen the TV series "Loki"? There is a liar from another parallel universe, Zhang Yang, who used my name in this world to defraud you of your things."

"Oh~" Girlfriend suddenly realized, "Teacher, if you had said this earlier, I would have understood. Then I would have been deceived."

"You finally understand." Zhang Yang sighed inwardly and nodded with a dull expression.

After finally making it clear, he didn't dare to say any more, lest Baoyou misunderstood again.

But he didn't say anything, Baoyou himself had something to say.

"Teacher, there is no need for Internet police. To be honest, I have been defrauded of money by fake Internet police before. I don't have much trust in this group."

"Ah?" Zhang Yang almost couldn't hold back.

How could this precious girl be congenitally deceived?

[As expected, I was deceived more than once]

[Sister, I am a student, can I defraud you of some money? 】

[V I am 50, I am Qin Shihuang]

[It’s so funny that not only the anchors, but also the Internet police are coming out to refute the rumors]

"Let's do this." Zhang Yang came up with an idea for his friend, "You should call the police immediately if you hit Yao Yao Ling."

“Have uniformed police come to your door to register your case.”

"The liar has become a prostitute, we can't let him continue to fool around."

"Now?" The baby girl was a little hesitant.

"Yes, right now."

"Then I won't disturb you. Goodbye."

Zhang Yang smiled and waved his hand towards the other end of the video, then hung up Lian Mai at the speed of light.

This woman is still hesitating, it's so perverted.

If it weren't for the fact that the other person was so stupid, Zhang Yang would have suspected that this person was fabricating his own false experiences to blackmail him.

"The anchor will never ask any of you to buy antiques or exchange collectibles in private. Brothers in the live broadcast room, please pay attention. When you are fooled and come to me, I can only help you find the police. I can't help you with anything else. ”

"Okay, now let's move on to the next treasure friend."


"Hello, teacher, can you help me take a look at this thing?"

The new Baoyou is very direct. Things are placed on the table, and the mobile phone is also fixed on the table. The images taken are very clear.

"Are you a well-informed king?" Zhang Yang asked.

This Buddha statue of Baoyou is a kind-faced and bearded immortal man, holding a long-handled umbrella in his hand, which looks like he is holding a spear.

This umbrella is his weapon.

Looking at the statues of gods throughout the ages, the most famous figure who used an umbrella as a weapon was the King of Heaven.

There are many forms of the Heavenly King of Learning, including not only the "King of Heavenly Learning of the North" in Buddhism, but also the "King of Heavenly Learning of the North" who is one of the four heavenly kings who guard the heaven.

The source is actually King Bishamon.

The umbrella of wisdom held by Baoyou, a statue of the Heavenly King, has a particularly long handle. It is obviously the protector image of the Buddha statue.

"Yes, mine is the [Gilt Bronze Statue of the Heavenly King Duowen] from the Qing Dynasty."

"This should be a Buddhist statue made in Beijing."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Zhang Yang was immediately impressed by Baoyou, "Baoyou, you are quite capable."

"With your age and knowledge of Eastern and Western craftsmanship, you at least surpass 99% of the collectors in our live broadcast room."

"How did you get the thing? Can you please introduce it?"

"I bought this from an event. Isn't it good?"

Baoyou smiled, feeling a little proud at first, but for some reason, he seemed to have thought of something sad, and soon his mood shrank back.

He even sighed.

This behavior, not to mention the barrage, even aroused Zhang Yang's curiosity.

"What event? Auction?"

"No, if it's an auction, of course I'd just say it's an auction. It's a redemption event at a cultural relics store."

"Redemption? It sounds interesting. Can you explain it in detail?"

Zhang Yang sat up straight and looked like a professional melon-eater.

But after listening to Baoyou explain what happened, Zhang Yang's expression gradually became serious.

what is it today?
Have victims of fraud collectively reported the crime?

This treasure friend who seemed to know a lot about Buddhist statues was also cut off by a scammer, but the other party's methods were more sophisticated.

It’s not just a matter of cheating people with fake goods, what the other party is selling is the real thing.

However, the value of things far exceeds the market price.

The market price of this statue of the King of Wenwen is only 15,600 yuan, but Baoyou spent 80,000 yuan to buy it.

At the same time, I also got a so-called redemption coupon from an antique store.

As long as he has this coupon in his hand, after three years, he can take the coupon and go directly to the antique store to return the entire principal, and at the same time, the Buddha statue will be his.

In fact, it is equivalent to borrowing 80,000 yuan for three years and paying 15,000 yuan in advance in interest.

[Isn’t this just financial fraud disguised as an antique? 】

[In three years, a principal of 80,000 yuan can earn 15,000 yuan. This annual rate is incredible]

[Isn’t this a scam at first sight? This guy is crazy about money, right?]

"So when did you find out it was a scam?"

"Is it because this cultural relics store ran away?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

After listening to Baoyou's narration, Zhang Yang's opinion was similar to that of the barrage, that is - Baoyou was deceived because of greed and does not deserve sympathy. But now that a living case is before us, it is still necessary to figure out the details of the scammer's deception.

Just as a warning to future generations.

Zhang Yang is actually very curious. With Baoyou's IQ, how did he realize that he had been cheated and come to him for appraisal?
If the other party runs away directly, the police should be able to catch him right away, right?
"We haven't run away yet, but we should be there soon."

Baoyou let out a long sigh and explained:
"The legal person of that store has changed. It used to be Master Cui, but now it has been replaced by someone I don't know. After checking, it seems that he is specifically responsible for the leather bag company."

"I know this, just like a professional debtor."

"But who is Master Cui?" Zhang Yang asked.

Baoyou said a name, but fortunately, Zhang Yang didn’t recognize it this time.

It's okay if you don't know him. As for which cat or dog he belongs to, it doesn't matter. Zhang Yang is just afraid of bumping into an expert he knows.

How embarrassing it is to send acquaintances in.

You know, since the incident with Teacher Che, he has been dubbed the "expert killer" by insiders.

Although it is a joke, sometimes the truth is often said in a joking way.

Many people are still afraid of Zhang Yang.

Once anyone is promoted to Aite in the expert group, they will break out in a cold sweat.

"Okay, friend Bao, I also recommend calling the police in your case."

"Call the police, can the police take care of it?"

"Of course you can. You are raising funds illegally."

Although Zhang Yang doesn't know much about finance, he still has some common sense as a college student.

Moreover, this kind of fake cultural relics shop is completely aimed at collectors who have a little money in the antique circle. This is to dig out the roots of the antique circle.

Of course you can't coddle them.

After sending Baoyou away, Zhang Yang still felt upset and posted the situation of the cultural relics store in the Cultural Relics Bureau's group chat.

Since last year, the bureau has had a dedicated team to crack down on crimes related to cultural relics. I guess Expert Cui thought it was a great idea to use cultural relics as a cover, but he just happened to be within the perfect range of the attack.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yang's live broadcast room welcomed a very special treasure: an international friend.

The other person's face showed up as soon as he came up. He had a high nose, beard, and earrings. He looked a bit like a German.

It has to be said that Zhang Yang's intuition about human race is very keen.

The other party introduced himself in English and said that his name was Muller and that he was indeed an authentic German.

I work in the Chinese branch of a German company and have been living here for a year (two and a half years).

Unfortunately, Zhang Yang's English barely passed CET-6. It was really difficult to understand the other party's English with a German accent.

In the end, I had to use translation software on the web to translate what the other person said while communicating with him through text.

"I love Chinese culture very much. In the past year, I traveled all over China and bought a lot of good treasures."

"My master said that I am already a beginner in the collection industry."

Mueller's tone was quite proud, but Zhang Yang immediately became happy when he heard that he was talking about "antiques bought at tourist attractions."

Good guy, when it comes to leeks, they must be a Germanic variety.

He earns Euros, and people selling fake antiques in the scenic area will probably be pissed off when they see him.

[Chapter 1 of Introduction to Antique Collecting, "Psychological Construction after Being Deceived"]

[This German guy is so cool]

[How about selling him the screws packed in the German sewers as antiques]

[Quick, quick, quick, I want to see how much money this foreigner has lost]

"Mueller, there is an old saying in China... You should take out the collection first and take a look."

Zhang Yang originally wanted to complete the proverb, but was afraid that the translation software would get stuck, so he quickly changed his words.

"Okay, let me ask everyone to take a look at this first."

The German took out a small glass box from the paper box, with a glass cover and a wooden seat.

It’s a bit like a smaller version of a museum glass display case.

This kind of shape looks like a souvenir from the scenic spot.

But what's inside the glass cover is a bit special.

"Advance the camera, focus..." Zhang Yang commanded.

Soon, a pentagonal pendant-style clay sculpture pendant was displayed in the center of the picture.

The shape of this thing is very similar to a common jade or metal pendant, but the material is replaced by mud.

The theme of the pendant is Vajrapani, a relatively unpopular Bodhisattva.

But in fact, in Tibetan Buddhism, it is ranked alongside Guanyin Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva, and is claimed to have the power of "eliminating evil and subduing demons".

In Tibetan literature and play, his image appears more frequently.

As for Baoyou's collection, there is a special category called "Casa".

It is difficult for people who are not often exposed to Tibetan literature to know this kind of literature and art.

The so-called "Tsa Tsa" is actually a kind of Buddhist artwork such as small Buddha statues and pagodas, which are pressed into soft clay and other materials with a concave mold and pressed into shape.

Its purpose is actually somewhat similar to the wooden portable Buddhist niches worn by many wandering monks. It is convenient for visualizing and praising anytime and anywhere, and accumulating merit.

"Do you know what this is?" Zhang Yang asked.

Muller looked at the translated text, shook his head, and replied:
“I just thought it was unique and bought it.”

"It doesn't look like it's made of ordinary mud. It should be very religious."

"The scientific name of this thing is Tsa-tsa."

Zhang Yang didn't know if the translation software could translate the name. Anyway, many people in the live broadcast room didn't know it, so it was just for popular science.

"It is indeed not ordinary mud."

"The maker mixed ashes into the mud."

【Ha ha ha ha】

[Wow, a German guy who comes into contact with Tantric things will really suffer a lot]

[Is rubbing with ashes called bone rubbing?]

[I remember that only the ashes of eminent monks who passed away can be used for bone rubbing, right? 】


Mueller looked at the thing in front of him and shivered a little exaggeratedly.

"What animal's ashes?"

"Awesome." Zhang Yang explained.

This bone eraser is fake. In order to imitate the texture of the real bone eraser, the faker added some cow ashes to it to create this color.

All I can say is that it’s a pity that it’s not true.

Otherwise, Zhang Yang really wants to see what people who use Adolf shampoo would think of Tantric practices.

"Are the ashes of cows mixed with soil?" Muller asked curiously.

"Yes, it's a modern craft."

"I understand." Mueller said OK repeatedly, but his expression showed that he was not as relaxed as his tone.

"I bought this thing for three thousand euros."

"Is it worth it?"

"It's not worth it. Even if it's genuine, it's only worth three thousand RMB at most."

Zhang Yang tried his best to maintain his professionalism and ensure not to laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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