Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 437: Okay, okay, you guys are here for consultation, right?

Chapter 437: Okay, okay, you guys are here for consultation, right?

"Return to zero~"

The sound of a calculator suddenly came from the other end of the video.

Mueller, a German guy, actually took out a calculator commonly used in wet markets to calculate how much money he had lost.

They are very strict and the exchange rate is calculated based on the latest 1 euro: 7.87 RMB.

As a result, he lost 2,600 euros on this "bone eraser" alone.

Judging from Mueller's actions of pinching his own philtrum, the money he lost should not be a small amount for him.

"Hello anchor, I have another treasure, which I begged from a master."

"That treasure couldn't be bought from the same place as your Tsa Tsa, right?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes, and it's a magic weapon."

"Okay, then take it out."

Zhang Yang guessed that it must be another fake.

Returning magic weapon...

If Germans could buy genuine products at street stalls outside, what would they think of those cut leeks in the live broadcast room?

Soon, Mueller took out a rectangular cardboard box.

Looking at the outer packaging, it looks a bit like the kind of box used to bottle liquor.

When Muller took out the item from the box, his expression was very serious. He even clasped his hands together and recited a few verses from unknown scriptures.

[Don’t Germans believe in Jesus? 】

[This person is a traitor at first glance]

[You’re just pretending, you’d better get out your calculator quickly]

[He can buy real things, I will tell you something during the live broadcast]

After some prayers, a magic weapon with a black metallic luster was taken out.

Zhang Yang understood it as soon as he saw the yellow part in the middle of the utensil.

This is a Gabala bowl.

Except for primate skulls, almost no magical artifacts look like this and are of this color.

This Gabala bowl is different from the ones we have seen before in the live broadcast room. It not only has a base, but also a lid and a button. It is even specially carved into the shape of a vajra.

Zhang Yang directed Mueller to open the lid.

Only then could it be seen clearly that the rim of the bowl was covered with a ring of silver and carved with religious patterns.

The base of the bowl is made of wood and is covered with silver. Just looking at the oxidation marks on it, it doesn’t look like it’s new.

"This is from the Qing Dynasty."

"You should know about the Qing Dynasty, right?" Zhang Yang asked.

Mueller nodded quickly: "I know."

"The Qing Dynasty was the last regime in Chinese feudal society and was established by the Manchu nobles..."

"Okay, you don't have to teach us locals about popular science history." Zhang Yang waved his hand and interrupted the other party.

"This thing of yours is a magical instrument of Tibetan Buddhism."

"According to legend, it was made from the skulls of eminent monks and was enshrined in the Dharma Protector Temple and the training rooms of Tantric masters and practitioners."

"This kind of bowl is usually used to hold water, and sometimes Dharma wine to help monks practice."

"Wait a minute." Mueller waved his hand, pointed at his head and said, "Anchor, are you talking about this skull?"

"Otherwise?" Zhang Yang spread his hands and smiled.

"WTF!" Mueller screamed in shock, "Isn't it really a cult to use human skulls to make magic weapons?"

"You actually treat cult items as antiques and sell them openly on the market. This is crazy."


Zhang Yang really didn't expect that Mueller would say such a thing.

This is because I want my live broadcast room to be exploded.

He quickly patched the live broadcast camera:
"All comments made by Baoyou from Lian Mai in this live broadcast room are Baoyou's personal opinions and have nothing to do with this live broadcast room or the anchor himself."

"If you want to criticize, please identify this friend's account. John Mueller is in China."

"That's right." Mueller nodded, "That's me. I don't think this is right. If you think it's right to use skulls as bowls, you are welcome to come to my account to discuss."

"Now, I want to interview you, the anchor. Do you think this is right?"

"This thing is hundreds of years old, and it's made from the skull of a monk who died of natural causes. I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

"It's a religious practice."

Zhang Yang shrugged. He had also seen the skull water scoop of Liangzhu Civilization.

In terms of blood, Gabala is just average.

Such an exquisite Gabala is made from the skull of an eminent monk, so it’s not a big problem.

"What? You don't think there's a problem with this?"

Mueller asked with a shocked look on his face, as if Zhang Yang had said something that was against Tianhe.

"Haha, let me remind you, Muller, at the same time that this Gabala bowl was made, Europeans were selling black slaves crazily."

"I think if you have the time, you should go to Santo Domingo Island (the place where the black slaves revolted) to worship, instead of criticizing a declining traditional religion here."

[Well said, a German is making trouble]

[A Gabala is on the line here, why don’t we talk about Auschwitz? 】

[Does this mean you bought a real Gabala bowl? Why? 】

[I seriously suspect that the person selling this thing has no good intentions]

"Well, I really am not qualified to criticize anything." Mueller shrugged helplessly.

He took out the calculator again.

"Anchor, I paid 60,000 euros for this artifact. Did I make a loss or a profit?"

"Seize the young master?" Zhang Yang suspected that he heard wrongly.

"Are you sure the unit of 60,000 is Euro, not RMB?"

"It's euros, I'm sure of it."

"The master told me that this was a divine weapon, and he sold it to me at a low price because I was destined to do so."

"Didn't Master tell you that anyone who can afford it is destined to be a destined one?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that although your item is genuine, the price on the market should only be around 50,000 RMB."

"You spent eight times the money to buy him. Of course you are destined."

Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head. Sure enough, the simple domestic deception was still too high-end for these foreign devils.

There is no way, you have to know that the tricks still used in the market today are all tricks that countless scammers have been involved in for thousands of years.

Deceptions with a slightly lower success rate have all been eliminated.

These routines are really easy to use to deal with a foreigner who is stupid, has a lot of money, and doesn't know anything about it.


After meeting three treasure friends who were defrauded of money in a row, Zhang Yang paused the live broadcast to take a breather.

I usually encounter treasure friends who are fooled, but it has never happened so intensively as today.

I guess it’s because I forgot to watch the almanac because it started broadcasting today.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yang also gave a preview to his friends in the live broadcast room about the upcoming launch of his website. "The website has not been built yet. When it is built in the future, the backend staff will privately send you a QR code for every antique that I have identified as authentic."

"This QR code is your electronic ID card for this antique in our live broadcast room."

"Of course, it is useless after leaving the live broadcast room. It cannot be used as evidence of authenticity, and the host is not responsible."

"Someone asked, what is the use of this thing?"

"Of course it will be useless if you only authenticate it online, but if you bring an antique with a QR code to the Hailin Museum offline, or participate in the Hailin Light treasure appraisal activity, after physical confirmation, you will have the opportunity to enter our Officially certified online antique trading platform.”

"If you want to trade in the future, our website will help you act as a middleman and only charge the mailing fee and a 3% storage fee..."

“This price is really cheap, and there are no handling fees for cash withdrawals.”

"I saw some barrage and asked, doesn't this conflict with the auction?"

"Think about it carefully, is there a conflict? No conflict, no conflict at all, because some things really can't be auctioned at auction, such as the Qing Dynasty Gabala just now."

“If it is taken out at auction, it will be trending in minutes.”

"Or those antiques that are worth several thousand yuan, but are very special, such as shackles, torture tools, etc., are also suitable for selling online."

In fact, making money is secondary to the emerging online trading platform. The key is that Zhang Yang wants to expand the platform based on the auction.

This is consistent with his original intention of holding an auction.

Didn't Jack Ma say that he founded a certain platform to make it easy to do business in the world?

That Zhang Yang just wants to make the world free of hard-to-buy antiques.

Compared with auctions, the risks of intermediary platforms are slightly higher, but they are still controllable.

Zhang Yang himself can control the quality of the antiques that can be put on the online platform. Things that are easy to copy, such as jade, can be screened out to prevent them from being blackmailed.

"Okay, I've introduced the new things. Friends who are interested can come and try it later."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he accepted the application for continuous wheat at the front of the queue.

"Hello, hello, treasure friend."

"Hello anchor. Let me make it clear first that I am not here to ask for a QR code. This should be able to identify it, right?"

"Okay, the QR code will be a few days away, not yet."

"Oh, that's good."

After Baoyou answered, a pair of white gloves appeared in the camera, holding a white treasure.

"Fuck, teeth!"

"Friend Bao, is this the root of the ivory? It's so thick."

"Yes, and it's hollow inside and looks like a pen holder."

Baoyou picked up the ivory pen holder and turned it around twice to show everyone the exquisite patterns on it.

I have to say that ivory is indeed one of the best carving materials.

The embossed courtyard painting on the top of this pen holder has several levels, and there is a hollow plum blossom pattern underneath, which is quite high-quality.

If it were made of wood, the feeling would disappear immediately.

However, Zhang Yang only glanced at the ivory twice before his attention was attracted by other things.

Baoyou’s white gloves are very professional, but what’s even more professional is the sky blue shirt sleeves that go up from the wrists.

Zhang Yang has seen him many times at the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

"Friend Bao, do you also want to come to me for appraisal of your profession?" Zhang Yang asked with a tight smile, "Isn't it against the rules?"

"Hahaha, I was discovered by you, teacher."

Baoyou put down the pen holder and moved the camera up slightly, revealing his upper body. It was indeed a sky blue shirt and a navy tie.

[Fuck, sliver]

[Hello, police officer, I haven’t seen the police officer here for a long time]

[The crime of knowing the law and breaking the law will be increased by one level. Call the police immediately and arrest the police]

[Is this confiscated stolen property? 】

[I envy the police uncle, he can play with ivory as he pleases]

"This is the ivory product we just confiscated today. The suspect said that this thing is an old ivory antique and is not illegal. Our place is a bit remote and we can't apply for resources for a while, so I would like to ask for your help to take a brief look. "

"No problem." Zhang Yang nodded.

In the past, Zhang Yang might have been a little worried about whether he was meddling in other people's business, but now, he is from the Cultural Relics Bureau.

To a certain extent, he and Lian Mai's police officers were colleagues in a broad sense.

"This tooth is new."

"It should be poached African ivory, it should be less than ten years old now."

"Is it less than ten years old? But the color is a bit yellow, and there are many small cracks on it, which may not be visible through the mobile phone lens..."

In order to prove what he said, the policeman took out a brand new ivory placard, which showed a very soft pure white color, which was completely different from the ivory pen holder.

"Your innocent card should be made of bleached mammoth ivory."

"This ivory pen holder is yellowed because it was smoked; it has cracks, which are caused by sudden cooling and heating. I heard that such cracks can also appear if you put it in a microwave oven..."

After hearing Zhang Yang's professional explanation, the policeman on the other end of the video showed no temper at all, and no longer bothered with the issue of whether the ivory pen holder was old or new.

On the contrary, the "Nothing" sign was actually made of mammoth ivory, which was a bit difficult for the police to accept.

"We have collected a lot of these innocent cards this time. Are you sure they are from mammoth tusks?"

"You're sure, you can send it for testing and we'll know."

"If the suspect sells it as ivory and is suspected of fraud, it is no less serious than selling ivory."

Since he is a policeman, Zhang Yang's answer is naturally relatively simple.

In any case, the evidence must be tested when the final sentence is imposed.

"Okay, thank you teacher, then I have one last question."

"This is the first time our office has encountered this kind of case of prohibited animal products. I would like to ask, the suspect sold this item at the price of an antique, and sold it to someone else for 300,000 yuan. After the transaction was completed, we were arrested. "

"But according to the price appraisal standard for animal products we found, this kind of ivory that is not a whole piece should be valued at 41667 yuan per kilogram."

"At this time, which case should we report?"

"Of course it's the transaction price." Zhang Yang said without thinking.

[Damn it, a whole piece of ivory is only worth 25 yuan]

[Selling fakes will increase your punishment, right?]

【Why? 】

[Then if I sell it for 100 million and finally decide on a case value of 100 million, wouldn’t that mean I’m stubborn? 】

"Why?" The policeman also had the same question.

"First of all, there are regulations in this regard for the trading of animal products. If the appraisal price is low, the actual transaction price shall prevail."

"Secondly, you have no way of knowing whether the transaction amount of 300,000 yuan was really just for this one ivory. Maybe there are additional services? For example, offline hunting services, or giving away an ivory It contains rhinoceros horn powder and can be taken directly with boiling water.”

"At this time, we must fully respect the laws of the market. I believe that if someone spends 300,000 yuan to buy something, there must be a reason for it, and the thing is really worth 300,000 yuan."

"So that's how it is, wonderful."

The policeman nodded and gave a thumbs up to the camera.

"Thank you anchor. On behalf of my colleagues in the office, I would like to thank you for your help."

"You're welcome. Next time you encounter something like this, remember to come to me for appraisal. You are always welcome."

"By the way, what cultural relics have you not confiscated? I will also help you identify them for free without any charge."

(End of this chapter)

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