Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 439 Can this thing be sold?

Chapter 439 Can this thing be sold?
A week later, Yanjing, Daliu Shu Trading Market.

When Zhang Yang and his party arrived, the sun had already set.

He and Xiao Chu originally planned to take a look at where the place was first, then go shopping nearby, and then wait until around ten o'clock in the evening to visit the serious Da Liushu Ghost Market.

Unexpectedly, after arriving at the scene, Zhang Yang was shocked by the situation in the trading market.

There were actually people everywhere.

The erected shed was filled with a dazzling array of products, and not even a single stall was empty.

Even in the vegetable market near Zhang Yang's house, there has not been such a grand event for many years.

What about the ghost market that was promised? It's broad daylight now.

"Is it the way I opened it? Why does it feel more lively here than Pan Jiayuan?"

Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Chu doubtfully.

The latter had the same expression on his face.

Chu Ziqiang murmured to himself: "Damn, why are there so many people?"

"Brother Yang, please wait a moment. I'll ask someone."

After a while, Xiao Chu asked clearly about the current situation.

"Let me ask the old man to make it clear. This is a flea market during the day. It is not the same group of people who set up stalls as the ghost market at night."

"Brother Yang, look, the things they sell are just like a traditional market. There are no old goods, they are all brand-new products from the factory."

"Hey, to be honest, isn't it true that you're trying to sell dog meat on a sheep's head?" When the passing uncle heard Xiao Chu's explanation, he added familiarly, shook his head and left.

"Who is this uncle?" Zhang Yang asked.

He thought Xiao Chu knew this person, but Chu Ziqiang shook his head, frowned and said, "You should also come to visit the ghost market, right?"

"Then this guy has some strength." Zhang Yang commented while looking at the old man's back.

"I saw that the huanghuali bracelets on his wrists all had ghost eyes. The last time I saw such a serious bracelet player was at Chen Yanguang's house."

"His second uncle had a bunch like this, and I heard it cost a small hundred thousand."

"Brother Yang, if you want to say that, I actually saw something. This old man is wearing crocodile leather shoes customized by Tongshenghe."

"It's a century-old store. My second uncle owns a pair of the same style. It's said to cost more than 8,000 yuan, so this person must have some wealth."

"Awesome, it seems that we both chose the wrong career. We should become detectives. What clues can escape our eyes?" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that makes sense."

Zhang Yang and Chu Ziqiang looked at each other and smiled.

This is what happens after working in the cultural and museum industry for a long time. I always subconsciously have a desire to get to the bottom of the origins of the people and things around me.

Since the current Daliushu Trading Market only wholesales goods, the two of them did not plan to stay longer. They planned to go shopping in the nearby food street first and come back later.

But before the two of them could turn around, they saw an aunt not far away rushing towards them with a bamboo basket in hand.

As he ran, he shouted: "Handsome guy, two handsome guys, wait a minute."

Everyone called him by name like this. Zhang Yang felt it was a bit inappropriate to leave, so he stopped where he was to see what was going on.

"Two handsome guys, you guys are here to visit the Daliu Shu Ghost Market, right?" Auntie walked up and said.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yang responded quickly.

The reason for giving face like this was entirely because after the other party approached, Zhang Yang discovered that the bamboo basket in the aunt's hand was actually an antique from the late Qing Dynasty.

The craftsmanship is pretty good.

This thing is far from precious. If placed on the market, it would only be worth one or two thousand yuan at most. But when it appears in a place like Big Willow, the implication is a bit obvious.

It's like telling you clearly: "I may have a better baby here."

In addition, Auntie’s bracelets are also very talkative, with a wide-open Qing Dynasty jadeite bracelet.

Of course Zhang Yang had to study it after exposing so many "flaws" to hint at himself.

"Then you are here early. There is no ghost market yet. People like me who came early are just here to get a seat. The stalls won't be out until ten o'clock in the evening..."

The aunt talked freely to Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang. She told the truth and tried her best to show her kindness to Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang.

"It's okay, then we can come back later." Xiao Chu said nonchalantly.

He felt that the aunt was a liar, and his tone was somewhat impatient.

He was eager to interrupt the other party's conversation, and obviously wanted to block the aunt's next sales pitch.

But what Xiao Chu couldn't understand was that Zhang Yang actually followed the aunt's instructions and said:
"Boss, it turns out you are also a stall owner in the ghost market, so you should have a lot of good stuff there, right?"

"Hehe, yes, I have an antique shop at home."

"When I look at the two of them, they are very capable buyers." The aunt replied with a smile.

Xiao Chu snorted coldly after hearing this and asked: "A capable buyer? Are you talking about leeks? Do you think we look like Kaizi?"

"Auntie, you are right, we are indeed very capable." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Brother Yang, she is..."

"Hey, Xiao Chu, my aunt is chatting with us kindly, why don't you be so defensive? Everyone comes to the ghost market to make money, right?"

When Zhang Yang spoke, he vaguely raised his eyebrows at Xiao Chu.

Only then did the latter understand what he meant, nodded obediently, and stopped messing around.

The aunt next to her was a little dizzy because of Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu's singing, but she recognized one thing clearly, that is:

Although the somewhat ugly young man on the left, Xiao Chu, is well-dressed, he obviously listens to what the really handsome guy on the right, Brother Yang, says.

She immediately changed her strategy and said directly to Zhang Yang: "What this handsome guy said really spoke to my heart."

"Everyone who comes to Daliu Shu, except those Internet celebrities who do live broadcasts, is hoping to make money by relying on their eyesight. In fact, those of us who set up stalls often go to other people's stalls to try our luck."

"Whoever makes money doesn't make money. Businesses and sales are a win-win situation."

"Who says it's not?" Zhang Yang smiled. He didn't have time to spend time with his aunt here, so he asked her straight to the point, "Anyway, it's still so long before the ghost market starts. How about we follow you to your antique shop? have a look?"

"Hahaha, I think so too." The aunt smiled contentedly.

She said to herself that she was indeed right, the two people in front of her were serious Kaizi.

Although Chu Ziqiang dressed very low-key, for an old Yanjing like her, it was obvious at a glance that Chu Ziqiang's outfit was all custom-made at the century-old shop in Wangfujing.

How do you say that?

The really rich old Yanjing, except for the flamboyant fools, who buys those luxury clothes with trademarks, they all buy them from masters in old shops with a history of hundreds of years.

What he wears is that way.

"Did you two drive here?" asked the aunt.

"Yeah, it's in the parking lot over there."

"That's good. My car is over there too. Our store is also quite close to here, only five miles away."

"I'll lead the way later?" "Okay, then I'll trouble my eldest sister." Zhang Yang nodded and agreed.

On the other side, Chu Ziqiang, who didn't know whether to interrupt or not, was almost exhausted.

He could tell that Zhang Yang must have seen some kind of antique treasure or sign in the aunt.

Now I took him to pick it up.

But where did you see it?

Chu Ziqiang couldn't understand, it seemed like there were ants crawling on his body.

So as soon as he got in the car, he impatiently asked Zhang Yang:
"Quick, Brother Yang, tell me, what is it about this aunt that fascinates you?"

"You said it as if I was really hungry..."

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, and gave Xiao Chu a roll of his eyes before explaining: "The bamboo basket she is holding should be the work of a professional craftsman in the late Qing Dynasty."

"The bracelet on her hand is also from the Qing Dynasty. But I suspect that the jade bracelet is her bait, used for fishing."

"So you were looking at jade just now." Xiao Chu suddenly realized, "Brother Yang, why are you always staring at Auntie's wrist?"

"Just now I was thinking to myself, Auntie's wrists are as thick as my feet. Even if she wears an jade bracelet, she won't be very attractive, right?"

"You think I want to see it." Zhang Yang almost laughed angrily at Xiao Chu's words, "If I don't stare at her bracelet, how does she know that I understand jade, and how does she believe that we are the fish she wants to catch?"

"Nowadays, people who cut leeks offline are very good at it. I know that people who are most likely to be fooled are those who are full of water but don't make any sound, and half-filled cans of water make a tinkling sound."

"On the contrary, people who don't know anything, don't know where the money is, will be worried about money, and will easily call the police if they get caught."

"I understand." Xiao Chu stretched out his hand and made an OK gesture.

"But I still have a question. Isn't Auntie's bracelet made of cotton? Isn't this kind of material used in the Qing Dynasty?"

"It's okay to be full of cotton. I'm just asking you if it's green?"

"It's quite green."

"Green is the right thing. In the Qing Dynasty, the greener the jadeite, the better. Whether it is transparent or moisturized is not that important at all."

"Even the imperial jadeite has a lot of cotton material. During the Qing Dynasty, the ore mining in Myanmar was not possible, and many deep pits of raw stone were not dug out."

"I got it." Xiao Chu nodded.

He followed Auntie's little electric donkey and drove all the way into the alley of the old community.

When Xiao Chu was being directed to reverse the car, the aunt who had just led the way was already winking at the people in the shop.

Her husband is not stupid. When he saw the Bentley that started with Jing A and ended with 888, how could he not know that the rare leek came to his door?
So when Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu got out of the car, they saw the male owner of the shop, wearing a gray slanted-breasted gown and Hanfu, standing at the door with a smile on his face.

Behind him is a small signboard that says "Old Tang Antiques".

The shop is well decorated. Although it is not big, it has red walls and green tiles, and there are two stone lions at the door of the shop. If it weren't for the lack of support on the owner's chest, Zhang Yang would have doubted that he had traveled to the private residence of a Qing Dynasty eunuch.

As for why it was a eunuch, it was mainly because the smile on the shop owner's face was too fake, with a kind of Li Lianying beauty.

"Two distinguished guests, welcome."

"Thank you. Sister, your store is so impressive." Zhang Yang said with a thumbs up.

What is laopoxiao? Zhang Yang had no idea about this before, but now that he is here, he has a clear understanding of Lao Po Xiao.

This place is not far from the core area of ​​Yanjing city, but low-rise one- or two-story houses can be seen everywhere around it.

Depending on the condition of the house, it could be at least fifty or sixty years old, and its style is completely different from modern architecture.

"What a grandiose thing." The aunt smiled and shook her head, "We are all unworthy descendants. We have sold off our ancestral property to survive."

"I'm not afraid of you two making fun of me when I tell you this. When our antique store was first built, every antique in it was handed down from our ancestors. It's really no different from a down-and-out Eight Banners kid selling his family's property."

"What about now? Haven't your ancestral properties been sold out yet?" Xiao Chu asked.

His question almost shut down the couple who ran an antique store.

What used to be sold was ancestral property, but now it’s fake?
That's definitely not the answer.

The male boss, also known as "Old Tang", replied: "Now, we mainly sell used goods that we collect from nearby."

"We are in an old city here, and every household has some treasures. If any family encounters difficulties, they sell them to us."

"The price we gave them was also very suitable. After repeated visits, word of mouth spread, more and more people were willing to sell to us, and the store gradually became bigger and stronger."

"The two bosses are so righteous. They lend a helping hand to our neighbors when they are in trouble. You two deserve to be rich." Zhang Yang said deliberately exaggeratedly.

Anyone who believes what the boss said just now is a fool.

Here, Zhang Yang saw four antique stores while driving all the way. It is estimated that a small amount of the items bought in the stores were local old things, and most of the others were fakes imported from small workshops outside of town.

"You flatter me……"

"It's not too much. Since we are here today, let's do our best for the two bosses. Later, we will have to buy some, don't you think, Xiao Chu?" Zhang Yang continued to use his strength and gave Chu Ziqiang a Eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes, Brother Yang is right." Xiao Chu nodded repeatedly, holding back a smile and said, "I was a little hesitant at first, but because of the kindness and righteousness of the two of you, I won't counter-offer later."

"The counteroffer can still be repaid." Old Tang smiled awkwardly, bent down and made a gesture of invitation, "You two, can you come in and take a look?"

"That's annoying."


The facade of Lao Tang Antique Shop is indeed small, its length and width are about the same as an ordinary garage rolling door.

But when I walked in, I realized that there was something special inside.

The hall was at least fifty square meters, and the room was filled with cabinets of various sizes. Paired with the dim light and Old Tang's attire, it gave Zhang Yang the feeling of being in a modern antique shop.

It's similar to the antique shop in the TV series "Legend of Liulichang".

It really tastes like old Yanjing.

"What do you two want to see first?" Old Tang asked while standing behind the counter.

"Don't look at me, I listen to Brother Yang." Xiao Chu spread his hands and said.

"I can do that... How about we go around the counter first?" Zhang Yang suggested.

He mainly wanted to see if Old Tang had anything valuable here.

"Okay, you two are welcome." Old Tang made a gesture of invitation.

"I'll make you some tea."

"Good job."

Zhang Yang did not refuse.

Everyone is planning to kill themselves like pigs, but they still deserve a cup of tea.

He took Xiaochu and looked to the right from the leftmost counter.

The first thing in the cabinet caught his attention.

Isn't this thing just a spittoon?

(End of this chapter)

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