Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 440 Are you really a professional collector?

Chapter 440 Are you really a professional collector?

"This is 7501 porcelain."

Old Tang just took out the tea can from the cabinet. When he saw the expressions of Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu, he consciously stopped what he was doing and leaned over to explain.

"You two may not have heard of it at your age. This 7501 porcelain is said to be a contemporary imperial kiln. It was once used as daily porcelain exclusively for leaders. There are more than pieces in total."

"In terms of quantity, the craftsmanship is good and it is very precious. Even though it is just a spittoon, the current market price is more than 100,000 yuan."

"Is contemporary porcelain so expensive?"

Xiao Chu had never heard of 7501 porcelain, and there was a look of uncertainty on his face.

"It's not that it's expensive, it's that it's worth the market price in the first place." Old Tang explained patiently, "Let's not talk about the fact that the material itself is out of print. Just ask, do the patterns on it look good?"

"It looks good..." Chu Ziqiang agreed to his boss's words, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Zhang Yang.

"Look at what I'm doing, I don't understand this either."

Zhang Yang pretended to be innocent and shook his head: "I study antiques. This kind of modern art, I really don't know how to do it."

In fact, Zhang Yang not only understands it, he even has 7501 porcelain in his own collection.

That was given to him by Chen Yanguang.

Previously, the eldest brother on the list bought a house in Jingdi Town, which contained 7501 porcelain left by the previous owner. In order to thank Zhang Yang for helping him identify it, Chen Yanguang specially sent a set over.

But to be honest, Zhang Yang felt that things were quite annoying.

This type of porcelain is intended for daily use, but it is too valuable to bear to use.

You can’t sell it, it’s Chen Yanguang’s wish after all.

As for Old Tang’s spittoon...

Zhang Yang felt that there was a possibility that it was a real spittoon.

Produced in the 1990s.

It's just a coincidence that it is also the underglaze color of white porcelain, and at the same time, it is printed with the famous "green bamboo and plum blossom" pattern in 7501 porcelain.

This thing can be mistaken and kept in a special cabinet. It can only be said that Old Tang has a rich imagination.

"Really don't understand? Do you mean you don't understand?" Xiao Chu asked in a very low voice close to Zhang Yang's ear.

Sensing the suspicious look from Old Tang across from him, Zhang Yang smiled and replied in a normal voice: "No, buddy, just buy it if you like it. Why do you, Mr. Chu, still feel sorry for this little pocket money?"

"Forget it, forget it." Understanding the implication of Zhang Yang's words, Xiao Chu waved his hands repeatedly, "When I get old, I will buy this thing for myself."

"Hahaha, actually some people believe this thing is Phoenix Tail Lord."

Old Tang laughed with him, more like a joke.

He was not in a hurry to persuade Chu Ziqiang to buy this spittoon. He was an old man and could still keep his temper.

"Go on, you two, I haven't started brewing the tea yet."

"I'll do it." The proprietress took the things from Old Tang's hand and pointed at the counter, "You have a good chat with the customer."

"Thank you, eldest sister." Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu nodded to their aunt at the same time.

"You're welcome, take your time and choose. We have a lot of good stuff here."

"You two can look at it as you like. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

Old Tang stood aside very respectfully, and paired with that long gown, it looked just right.

On the counter, next to the spittoon, was also a piece of porcelain.

A porcelain pillow.

Judging from the shape and decoration, it should be imitating Cizhou kiln.

After all, the most famous porcelain pillow is Cizhou Kiln. Many municipal museums use Cizhou Kiln porcelain pillows as their treasures.

The reason is that compared to ordinary porcelain pillows, such as blue and white, original celadon, and white porcelain, only Cizhou kiln pillows have traditional ink painting patterns on them.

Porcelain craftsmen in the Song and Yuan Dynasties combined traditional Chinese paintings with porcelain pillows to make the porcelain pillows of Cizhou kiln more artistic.

Seeing that Zhang Yang's attention couldn't be moved away from the porcelain pillow, Old Tang felt that something was amiss, so he quickly came up and introduced:
"How about this? Is this okay?"

"The authentic tiger-shaped porcelain pillow from Cizhou kiln has a white background with black and brown colorful lotus patterns. I collected it from the descendant of a down-and-out Lord Beile. It must be the real thing."

"If you two want it, I only need this number..."

Old Tang made a very expert gesture.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu couldn't understand it at all.

The way businessmen use gestures to negotiate prices on their sleeves only exists in movies. In reality, a business involving hundreds of thousands of dollars can be decided with gestures, which is too abstract.

"You said you got this from the descendants of Grandpa Beile?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes." Old Tang kept nodding.

"Don't think it's strange, you two. In fact, in Yanjing City, all kinds of relatives of the previous dynasty have gone to sea. Just last month, I met an aunt on the bus who claimed to be It’s a pure white flag!”

"I don't think it's strange." Chu Ziqiang shook his head, "To be honest, my ancestor was the former King of Chu, a descendant of the Eight Banners, etc. You have to look back a little when you see me."

"That's cool." Zhang Yang held back his laughter and gave Xiao Chu a thumbs up, then pointed at the porcelain pillow on the glass counter and said, "Boss, this porcelain pillow, to be honest, doesn't seem right."

"Huh? Wrong?"

"Yes, most of the Cizhou kilns of the Song and Yuan Dynasties were unearthed and have not been passed down to the world. But your piece has no traces of soil on it. I suspect that you may have been deceived by the descendants of Mr. Beile. He is really I’m afraid his identity is not that noble.”

"It makes sense." Xiao Chu nodded in agreement, "I also think that this year is 2024, and the Qing Dynasty has been dead for more than a hundred years. Even if the real surname is Aixinjueluo, the valuable things in the family should be long ago. Is it sold out?”

"This..." Old Tang scratched his head.

Of course he knew that this thing was fake. To be able to support such a large antique store, he still had some foresight.

What Old Tang was confused about was:

Do these two people speak so directly?
Today's young people really don't care about martial ethics and don't follow any rules.

Even if it's fake, you shouldn't say it in front of your face. The rules passed down for thousands of years are not to tell if you see through it.

Old Tang thought to himself that he might have just met a fool.

The way he looked at Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu couldn't help but feel strange.

It seems that two people will not take the bait with a simple bait.

"I didn't expect that you two are so discerning at such a young age." Old Tang pretended to sigh, nodded and made a gesture of invitation, "In that case, why don't you just come and see the treasure of our store? "

"What do you mean? Except for the store's treasure, the rest are all fake, no need to read it?" Chu Ziqiang asked with a puzzled face.

Old Tang almost spit out his blood.

Fortunately, he instantly thought of how to explain: "Of course I didn't mean that. It's just that the quality of these treasures is genuine and I can guarantee that they are genuine."

"I've been in this business for a few years, and I still have some experience. I can only have a rough idea of ​​things like porcelain, but as for snuff bottles, I have a name throughout Big Willow."

As he spoke, Old Tang had a proud smile on his face.

It can be seen that he is indeed very confident.

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of his finger. The counter with the window in the middle was divided into small grids.

In every small grid, there is a snuff bottle.

The types of snuff bottles involved were almost all that Zhang Yang had seen and could think of.

The snuff bottles here are made of Hetian jade, jade, ceramics, copper, gourds, colored glaze, purple sand, crystal, etc.

Basically, all the materials commonly used in ancient containers and snuff bottles were used.

"You two, come up and take a look?" Old Tang said with a smile on his face. Chu Ziqiang didn't say anything, but turned sideways and took a look at Zhang Yang first.

"I asked you to try it out, why are you shy?" Zhang Yang waved his hand to Xiao Chu and let him play by himself.

Snuff bottles are indeed a fine category of antiques from the Qing Dynasty to modern times.

Those who could afford a good snuff bottle back then had some wealth or social status and had high aesthetic requirements for such things.

In addition, the three emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, were all loyal snuff lovers (the glass snuff bottles were made by Kangxi by craftsmen), which led to the fact that the snuff bottles of the entire Qing Dynasty were all devoted to works of art. of.

This is also the reason why a snuff bottle could be sold for 500 million yuan.

But now, to a certain extent, snuff bottles are a type of collection that is in rapid decline, just like stamps.

No way, there is no need for snuff in modern society (except for snow areas);
At the same time, the snuff bottles are too small and placed on antique shelves. Guests have to get close to them, and some even need to use a magnifying glass to see the ingenuity of the items.

The two factors combined directly lead to the fact that the price of snuff bottles is not too high.

Generally priced in the low to mid-1000s range.

With Xiao Chu's current net worth, he could still afford this cabinet of snuff bottles, even if they were all genuine.

Only then did Zhang Yang let him get started casually.

"Choose whatever you want?"

"Then I want to take a look at this one first, the one that looks like bamboo." Xiao Chu fell in love with the forgiving-colored snuff bottle in the cabinet at a glance.

Old Tang quickly took out the things.

A snuff bottle decorated with bamboo leaf patterns on the outside is made of glass, bamboo-shaped, and has enamel paint on the outside.

The shape is so unique and the decoration is so simple and elegant. It looks like it belongs to the Yongzheng Dynasty.

"Eh? Can this lid be twisted open?"

Xiao Chu found that the lid could be twisted, and he felt like he had discovered a new world.

"Okay, you can get started."

Seeing Old Tang agreeing, Zhang Yang hurried forward and took out his mobile phone from his pocket to pretend to take pictures, but in fact he was recording the video to leave evidence.

Otherwise, when the lid is opened later, the whole snuff bottle will be completely broken and will be replaced directly.

Facts have proved that Zhang Yang was worried too much.

This snuff bottle is quite reasonably designed. After the lid is unscrewed, it even comes with a white glass spoon fixed in the center of the lid.

It turns out that the inside of the snuff bottle is like this, and this is the first time Zhang Yang has seen it.

"Boss, if I want to buy this, how much will it cost?"

"This is something from Yongzheng. If you sincerely want it, this number..."

Everyone understood Old Tang's gesture this time, a big slap - five thousand.

It's definitely not 50,000 yuan. The gilt copper one sells for 50,000 yuan, which is about the same.

"It seems that the snuff bottle market is indeed not very prosperous." Zhang Yang said in his heart.

Such a special-shaped snuff bottle is likely to be the only one on the market.

At least Zhang Yang has never seen anything similar.

And it is an authentic product from the Yongzheng period.

Although it may not be for imperial use, almost all glassware in the Qing Dynasty was produced by the glass factory of the Qing Palace Building Office.

Therefore, the glass snuff bottles of the third dynasty of the Qing Dynasty are very close to the craftsmanship level of imperial kiln porcelain, especially in terms of shape and decoration.

Such a treasure is actually worth five thousand?
That really declined.

"Okay, let's keep this one first." Xiao Chu didn't say buy it, nor did he say not to buy it. He wanted to compare it again.

"Boss, can you help me take a look at that corn one?"

Seeing Old Tang take out the things, Zhang Yang was instantly sure in his heart that this should also be an orphan.

The styling is so cool.

This corn-shaped snuff bottle can only be confirmed after taking it out and holding it in your hand. It is made of porcelain with yellow glaze, which is very similar to the yellow glaze bowl of the Qianlong period.

But its firing difficulty is much higher than that of ordinary porcelain.

The only pity is that its cover is made of vulgar jade.

If it were changed into the shape of pink cornrows, this baby would be a killer and could definitely win the Best Style Award in the Snuff Bottle category.

"This is good, boss, how much do you want?" Xiao Chu continued to ask the price.

"As I said, if you sincerely want it, just take it for five thousand yuan."

"Boss, is there anything here that doesn't cost five thousand?" Zhang Yang asked proactively.

The boss gave the price without any analysis at all, which gave Zhang Yang the illusion that all the snuff bottles in this cabinet were priced at a fixed price.

Under what circumstances will the seller pay the fixed price?
There is only one situation, and that is when the real price of other items inside is less than 5,000.

Whoever spends five thousand will be fooled.

"Hey, it's almost the same, except for those jade and seed items..."

Old Tang randomly selected a few items and introduced them to Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu.

Jade snuff bottles are easy to understand. The price of jade in the market is already expensive. Even if it is sold at the price of jade, it cannot be less than 5,000.

As for the seed snuff bottle, Zhang Yang only found out after Old Tang pointed it out that there was actually a snuff bottle, which was forcibly taken out from the skinned seed material of a Hetian jade.

The top part of the lid is also inlaid with a small oxblood red coral, which is used as the button of the lid.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a work of art.

Therefore, Zhang Yang was not surprised at all when Lao Tang quoted a price of 150,000 yuan for this seed snuff bottle.

The Hotan jade seed material itself costs almost RMB 100,000. Coupled with the red coral and craftsmanship, the price is so good that it feels like a kid.

After hearing Old Tang's quotation, Xiao Chu pulled Zhang Yang's clothes and signaled to the boss: "Sorry, let's discuss it."

"Brother Yang, what do you say? Should I buy it for five thousand, or should I buy it for 150,000?"

"Everything is fine. This boss Tang is a professional collector of snuff bottles. You can't beat him at the market price. If you want to pick up the leaks, he will definitely make money." Zhang Yang responded in a low voice.

"I suggest you just choose what you like."

"Are you so pessimistic?" Xiao Chu didn't believe what Zhang Yang said, "Aren't we here to pick up the leaks?"

"If we want to pick up the slack, we have to do it ourselves. We can't always listen to him."

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Yang."

Xiao Chu nodded, and finally chose a snuff bottle made of natural gourd, with eight horses carved on the outside.

Afterwards, Zhang Yang asked Xiao Chu why he chose this thing, and Chu Ziqiang replied:
"This thing is the biggest among all snuff bottles. I plan to buy it back and use it as a wine bottle for my grandpa."

"Only drink this small pot at most a day, and strictly control the amount of alcohol."

"But what if it smells like tobacco?" Zhang Yang asked rhetorically.

"That's another profit. My grandfather happens to be a smoker, so I can quit smoking. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"

"Indeed." Zhang Yang nodded, "It's really a blessing to be your grandpa."

(End of this chapter)

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