Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 441 Just say whether you want to buy it or not.

Chapter 441 Just say whether you want to buy it or not.

While Old Tang was packing the gourd snuff bottles, Zhang Yang quickly looked at the other counters in the room.

Just now he deliberately pointed out where the two fakes were, just to see Boss Tang's reaction.

This is a little trick taught to him by Master Wang, called "throwing stones to ask for directions."

Show your hands a little bit, explore the other party's true and false, and also evaluate the level of this antique store.

The result is not bad.

Zhang Yang quickly determined that Old Tang was indeed somewhat capable, at least he was considered a semi-expert in collecting snuff bottles.

More than half of the snuff bottles sold in the store are genuine.

The level is higher than the big antique shops outside.

This made Zhang Yang have a lot of expectations for other things in the store.

There are stalls in the antique market. Sometimes a blind cat bumps into a dead mouse, and there are still one or two genuine items.

Old Tang is obviously not a blind cat, he should be more than just a genuine snuff bottle.

It would be nice to have some ancestral treasure.

Zhang Yang checked each counter one by one. The other two people in the room were chatting about gourd snuff bottles and didn't notice him at all.

On the far left, there is a pile of counters with ceramic spittoons, all of which are porcelain.

Basically all are fakes.

Counterfeit porcelain has become widespread to a certain extent.

In particular, fakes imitating the official kilns of the Ming and Qing dynasties have been imitating them since modern times. Until now, they have not stopped for nearly a hundred years.

The number of imitations is thousands of times greater than the genuine ones.

In addition to fakes, there are also some authentic blue and white porcelain from modern folk kilns on the counter on the left.

However, the patterns and shapes are very ordinary, and there are no authentic products from famous brands, so they are not enough to arouse public interest.

Sure enough, I wanted to pick up official kiln porcelain in Daliushu, but I thought too much.

It's already 2024, and I don't know how many experts and scholars have come here and looked at it. It's really difficult for anyone to slip through the net.

Needless to say, metal statues are even more problematic.

Zhang Yang even discovered several Tibetan Buddhist statues that were obviously questionable in terms of shape and subject matter.

If a devout Buddhist saw this, they would inevitably drag Old Tang and argue with him.

After looking at several cabinets of Buddha statues, Zhang Yang felt a little cold.

But soon, something in the next window ignited his hopes.

In a square transparent glass cover, there is a cylindrical object about fifteen centimeters long.

At first glance, you don't even recognize what this is.

But real antiques can speak, just like the one Zhang Yang just discovered.

A glance at an antique.

The two ends are made of jade, and the middle part is made of metal. The rust color should be copper.

The jade body part is embossed with chilong patterns and cloud patterns. It should be an unearthed cultural relic, so it has a very deep soil Qin, which even vaguely affects the structure of the jade;

There is an obvious gap in the middle copper part, as if it is divided into two parts;

The place where jade and copper are combined is made into a zigzag shape, probably for easy fixation.

"Name: Jade inlaid copper tassel (ni two tones) Fu (yue four tones) ornaments"

"Material: Copper, Hetian Jade"

"Production time: 992 BC (Western Zhou Dynasty)"

"Detailed information: A pin is a pin inserted into the connection between the shaft and the yoke of ancient chariots and horses. The traditional material of the fu is mostly bronze or gold and silver, and the combination of jade and copper is extremely rare.

If this kind of material can be used as components of chariots and horses, the owner of the chariot must be very noble and should be a noble of the Zhou Dynasty. "

"Item source: Western Zhou tombs unearthed at Fenghao site in 1998..."

"Brother Yang, is there something wrong with this thing?"

Chu Ziqiang had just supervised Old Tang to pack the snuff bottles. When he turned around, he found that Zhang Yang was leaning against the counter, looking at the things in the glass display window, as if he had never seen the world.

He tried to follow Zhang Yang's gaze, but he didn't know what Zhang Yang was looking at, so he could only ask questions.

"Boss Zhang has really good vision!" Old Tang quickly came over and said.

In fact, he didn't know what Zhang Yang was looking at, but no matter what the situation, it was always right to brag first.

"Really? I think you are really discerning, Boss Tang."

Zhang Yang stood up and looked directly at the boss and smiled.

This piece of silk came from the hands of an insider of the archaeological team that excavated the Fenghao site.

Fenghao Ruins was the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Its significance to the Zhou Dynasty was equivalent to that of the Yin Ruins to the Shang Dynasty.

There are certainly many tombs in such a place.

So far, there are more than 1000 recorded Western Zhou tombs excavated by the archaeological team at the Fenghao site.

However, because the excavation timeline is very long and there are so many people involved in the excavation, it is inevitable that some small artifacts will leak out.

Zhang Yang is used to it.

Seeing that the source information of such things involves the archaeological team, his emotions will not fluctuate.

In the Northeast, first-class cultural relics like the Jade Pig Dragon were leaked out. For Zhang Yang, there was no precious treasure that he could not accept.

He even hopes that more national treasures will be spread, and his contribution will be greater by then.

Zhang Yang said that Old Tang was discerning, referring to the process of how this cultural relic came to this antique shop.

This piece of bamboo was actually bought by Old Tang at the Daliu Shu Ghost Market.

The ghost market really has leaks.

Twenty thousand yuan bought a treasure worth hundreds of thousands, and it was from the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Although this happened four or five years ago, it still proves that Old Tang is an expert collector with both vision and luck.

"Boss Zhang, you are mistaken." After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Old Tang explained with a smile, "I don't have the vision for these carriages and horses. Most of them are inherited from my family."

"Didn't I tell you two before? The elders in my family still had some strength back then. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to buy such a large family property in Yanjing, where every inch of land is very expensive."

"Oh, it's passed down from our ancestors." Zhang Yang nodded, touched his chin, and said with a thoughtful expression, "So, Boss Tang, your ancestors were tomb robbers?"

"Why did Boss Zhang say that?"

"Because the soil of this thing is a bit heavy, it can only be an unearthed cultural relic." Zhang Yang said, pointing to the Minfu in the cabinet.

Only then did the remaining two people know what Zhang Yang had been talking about.

Hearing keywords like "grave robber" and "Tiqin", Chu Ziqiang instantly became interested, and like Zhang Yang just now, he came to the counter.

But before he could take a closer look, Old Tang opened the door and took out the things.

"This thing actually catches the eye of Boss Zhang?"

"Of course, the jade-inlaid bronze chariots and horses from the Western Zhou Dynasty were something only scholar-bureaucrats could afford at the time. Of course I'm interested."

"It's just..." Zhang Yang looked embarrassed.

"Just what?"

"This thing is a bit too old. Even a layman can tell at a glance that it comes from the soil."

"Yes, yes." Xiao Chu nodded repeatedly, making it clear that he was the layman, "The jade on this has been corroded, don't buy it, the cultural relics police will arrest us both."

"Oh, it turns out that this is what you two are worried about."

Old Tang's face showed an expression of sudden realization, and then he smiled relaxedly.

"Don't worry, there are ways to trade the unearthed things."

"As long as I can prove that it is an antique that has been circulated in an orderly manner, or a cultural relic returned from abroad, the cultural relics department will generally not take care of it."

"Oh?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows. It's kind of interesting. Originally, he was just asking casually, but he didn't expect to get something unexpected.

How could an antique bought from a street stall five years ago be circulated in an orderly manner?

Could it be that the old man who set up the stall could help issue a certificate?

To be honest, Zhang Yang was smart and could see the origin of things clearly, but even he couldn't prove to everyone that this thing was really circulated in an orderly manner.

There were so many people handled in the process that there was no way to trace them back.

Chu Ziqiang also felt very outrageous, because according to Old Tang's tone, as long as the buyer paid, he seemed to be able to issue any certificate.

Is this okay? It's totally a slap in the face of Uncle Chu.

Right under the nose of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, some people are taking the cultural relics protection law seriously.

He followed up Zhang Yang's words and asked: "Boss Tang, what you said proves that the circulation is orderly. How to operate it?"

"Can you teach me for a fee?"

"I can't teach you. Sorry, it's a business secret."

"I can only tell you two that I have a way."

"The Cultural Relics Bureau will also investigate both buyers and sellers, and will not only target buyers, so I won't risk my life. Don't worry, you two. You just need to tell me whether to buy or not to buy. That's fine. ”

After Old Tang declined Xiao Chu politely, he then pushed the carriage and horse items in his hand towards Zhang Yang.

"Boss Zhang, can you take a look?"

"No need, I'm already optimistic about it and will buy it directly." Zhang Yang replied.

"Yes, I bought it!" Chu Ziqiang agreed, and he instantly understood Zhang Yang's thoughts.

In fact, even if Zhang Yang didn't say anything, Xiao Chu would still buy it.

Old Tang's attitude just now made him very unhappy. Even if Chu Ziqiang lost money, he still had to find out the methods behind the other party.

In the end, it became yellow.

"You two are so cool!" Old Tang clapped his hands excitedly, his face instantly turning rosy.

As for the reason why he was so excited, of course it was because he was going to make a lot of money.

"Although this carriage and horse piece is passed down from ancestors, it has a market price now. If you two really want it, just take it for two hundred and eighty-eight thousand."

"It's a bit expensive, but to be honest, a few years ago, a Frenchman came to my store..."

"Expensive? Who said it was expensive?" Zhang Yang interrupted Old Tang.

The foreigners in the antique shop owner's mouth are just like "I have a friend". They are pure price-raising tools. They have the same stories, and Zhang Yang doesn't want to hear them at all.

Two hundred and eighty-eight thousand, which is more than double the normal price, is indeed a bit expensive, but Zhang Yang can completely accept it.

Because today’s consumption will be paid by Mr. Chu.

Zhang Yang still owes a debt to the Chu family. Even if he has money, he can't show off in front of his creditors, right?

And he was very happy to let Xiao Chu pay for it.

When he thought about being able to follow the clues to find the people behind Old Tang and help him issue fake documents, and uproot the industry chain, Chu Ziqiang had to hold back not to laugh out loud.

"Yes, just two hundred and eighty-eight thousand, wrap it up." Xiao Chu agreed.

"Okay, thank you gentlemen." Old Tang bowed very politely, a little overjoyed and very beautiful.

So quickly, I got three hundred thousand dollars.

Families, you can really make money in the antique business!
"Don't forget the certificate." Xiao Chu reminded him as he watched Old Tang packing.

The main purpose of buying this thing is for the certificate.

"I won't forget it. I'll put it in the box later."

"Oh, that's okay..." Chu Ziqiang nodded ignorantly.

"That won't work!" Zhang Yang interrupted Xiao Chu and shook his head, "We have to confirm it to know if you have any invalid evidence and put it in there to make up for it."

"Boss Zhang makes sense. Let's do this. Wait a moment and I'll go get the certificate."

"Yes, yes, you two can have tea first."

The landlady also came back at this time, bringing a cup of tea to Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu, just in time to help her husband smooth things over.

Now that the final step has been taken, of course Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu can wait.

Ten minutes later, Old Tang arrived late.

Holding in hand the document that had just been color printed.

"That's the certificate."

"Hard work." Zhang Yang took it with both hands.

When he saw the signature on the certificate, which was the red seal of "State Administration of Cultural Heritage," he almost laughed out loud.

This is the rhythm of eating melons and getting to the Chu family.

Zhang Yang remembers clearly that Chu Zhenmin's apprentice was responsible for this private collection registration activity.

Look at the title again, "Collection Registration Certificate".

This is correct.

Last year, the country issued new "Detailed Rules for the Registration of Private Collections". Such certificates will indeed be issued to collections that have been appraised and registered by staff.

There are almost no such certificates on the market, so people who usually make fake certificates would never think of forging such certificates.

At this moment, Zhang Yang felt that the signed seal might be genuine.

Things suddenly got interesting.

A smile appeared on Zhang Yang's lips, and he decisively handed the certificate to Chu Ziqiang.

There seems to be a mole in our team.

Xiao Chu was very professional, and he also saw the signature seal at a glance, and his brows instantly twisted into knots.

He hesitated several times and seemed unable to organize his words.

"Okay, okay, put it back after you finish reading it."

Zhang Yang pulled the certificate out of Xiao Chu's hand and handed it to Old Tang, asking him to put it in the box later.

"Boss, I want to give this to an old man as a greeting gift. Please wrap it like a gift."

"No problem, don't worry." The landlady agreed happily.

"Okay, Brother Yang, you can choose gifts better than me." Chu Ziqiang said with a wry smile.

Of course he knew what Zhang Yang meant. This thing must have been given to Chu Zhenmin as a gift.

"You two, let's see again?" Old Tang was still not satisfied.

The two young men in front of them didn't even discuss the price. They just paid for 300,000 yuan. Any owner of an antique store would think about getting rich at this moment.

If you cheat hard again, it will last for a year immediately after opening.

"I can also issue certificates for these carriages and horses."

Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu looked in the direction of Old Tang's finger. The things he mentioned were all fragments of bronze vessels.

All genuine.

If a bronze carriage from the Shang and Zhou dynasties is unearthed, there may be hundreds of fragments, so these dozen fragments are really not that many.

But if there are more than a dozen certificates...

Zhang Yang was already mourning for the traitor in his heart.

"Do you want more?" Chu Ziqiang asked Zhang Yang uncertainly.

"No need, these are not precious."

"Let's take a look at Jade first. The gifts for your grandfather are ready. We also have to prepare gifts for other people in your family, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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