Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 442: The fish crosses the dragon gate and turns into a dragon

Chapter 442: The fish crosses the dragon gate and turns into a dragon

Zhang Yang was not uninterested in the carriages and horses in the cabinet.

Many of the things inside are cultural relics from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and they can be used as special display cabinets in your own museum.

But for one thing, Old Tang dared to ask for 30.

The remaining chariot and horse pieces, especially one with an inscription on it, are worth something I can’t even imagine.

The reason for buying the jade-inlaid copper chariot is that this kind of chariot and horse pieces that combine metal and jade are very rare and can fill in the archaeological gaps.

There are many simple bronze chariot and horse pieces in museums.

Zhang Yang evaluated it and felt that there was no need to spend this wasted money.

In fact, as long as this kind of bronzes were not robbed from tombs in recent decades, they would be left largely unattended.

Zhang Yang even feels that as long as they are not national treasures, it is not a big deal for a small amount of genuine bronzes to circulate in the market.

In the past, the price of bronzes may have been high, which led to rampant tomb robbers. Now, there are tens of thousands of fake bronzes on the market. Most people would not believe the tomb robbers who claimed that they dug them out by themselves.

Tomb robbers must first compete with counterfeiters for market share.

Zhang Yang's purpose in asking Lao Tang to produce the "Collection Registration Certificate" was more to help Lao Chu find out the mole in the team.

How can we do good cultural protection work with such insects?

As for Lao Jade, Zhang Yang really wanted to prepare some gifts.

Whether it is the Chu family or the Ma family, there are many female elders.

Just give gold, silver, old jewelry or ornaments that look tacky and have a bit of history, which is good and fits the identity of the two families.

"Jade is good." After hearing Zhang Yang's words, Old Tang quickly agreed.

His wife is wearing old jadeite from the Qing Dynasty and showing off outside. Of course he has all kinds of fakes here. He was originally prepared to deceive people with the jadeite.

Originally, Old Tang was still thinking about how to divert Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu's attention from antiques to jade.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang came to his door.

Old Tang's mouth was about to burst with laughter.

"Both of you, when it comes to jadeite from the Qing Dynasty, the one thing we can't get around is this finger ring."

"You two, look over here and take a look at this jadeite finger ring from the third generation of the Qing Dynasty."

"You know, to make such a ring, the jade material consumed is three times that of ordinary jade. Now unless someone spends a lot of money to customize it, basically no jade merchant is willing to make such a thing..."

"Forget it about the jade ring. This thing smells like Lafayette. None of my grandmothers will like it."

Chu Ziqiang rejected Old Tang very directly.

The reason was a bit strange, but Old Tang couldn't refute it.

Although Jade became famous because of Lafayette, her reputation is indeed not very good. Maybe except for the descendants of the Eight Banners, few people think that being like Lafayette is a good thing.

"It's okay, it's okay." Old Tang was not discouraged.

He had all kinds of emeralds here, and he couldn't believe that the two young men in front of him could find reasons to reject them all.

"How about Jade Ruyi? This thing has been a treasure since ancient times."

"The history of our Chinese use of Ruyi can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. Jade Ruyi means 'turning back'. It is said that in ancient times, when soldiers were fighting abroad, their families, in order to pray for safety and return home safely, would let the soldiers wear a piece of Jade Ruyi before departure. ..." Old Tang explained with all his treasures.

"Okay, okay, then take out this Ruyi and take a look at it." Zhang Yang interrupted Old Tang's science popularization.

A nice antique shop owner who talks nonsense and wants to take the public exam?
Zhang Yang has only heard of "as you wish, as I wish". Isn't this better than the meaning of "ruyi" worn by soldiers?

"Hey, you have a good vision."

Old Tang smiled sheepishly.

He carefully took out a piece of jade Ruyi from the cabinet, and blew gently to blow off the thin layer of dust on it.

After blowing away the ashes, even Chu Ziqiang discovered something was wrong with the jade Ruyi.

The soil on top is a bit heavy.

The middle and ends of Ruyi have been eroded so much that the color has changed.

Unearthed cultural relics?
"Boss, what year is this piece of yours from?" Chu Ziqiang asked curiously.

"Ancient times." Old Tang replied in a cunning manner.

He also noticed the looks in Xiao Chu and Zhang Yang's eyes, and secretly thought something was wrong.

This fake has been kept for too long. It was originally faked by knocking and chemical dyeing, but now there is something wrong.

Therefore, the originally prepared rhetoric of "late Qing Dynasty" is a bit hard to say, because in more than a hundred years, genuine jade will not be corroded like this at all.

"Okay, okay, ancient times, right?"

Chu Ziqiang smiled.

"Then if I guess correctly, this should be an jade, right?"

"You have such good taste." Old Tang smiled awkwardly and took the Ruyi off the counter very casually.

Although this seemed a bit clownish in his cautious manner just now, it was still better than being slapped in the face all the time outside.

Moreover, Old Tang was not only patient, but also very thick-skinned.

He himself denied what he just said: "Actually, the meaning of wishful thinking is really not very good."

"Let's come see the Jade Guanyin!"

"You don't need to introduce Guanyin, we all know it." Xiao Chu waved his hand in advance and cast a silencing spell on Old Tang.

"I have heard a saying that men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha. When we buy jade, we want to give it to the female elders in the family, so we can skip the Guanyin."

"Buddha? I also have an emerald Buddha statue here. How about Maitreya Buddha?"

"What does the Emerald Maitreya Buddha have to say?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

He was really curious whether Old Tang had prepared a corresponding explanation for every piece of jade in the store.

"Of course there is a saying that Maitreya Buddha does not stick to trivial matters, smiles at everything, and has a big belly that can tolerate everything in the world. This means that people who wear it can be open-minded in dealing with things and always smile..."

Old Tang showed an exaggerated smile. Not to mention, he looked a bit like Maitreya Buddha.

But unfortunately, his smile is as fake as the jade in his store.

Zhang Yang scanned it and found no real old jade pendant.

He quietly frowned at Chu Ziqiang, who immediately understood that the Maitreya Buddha jade pendants in this store were all fake.

So after listening to Old Tang talk about the many uses of the Emerald Maitreya Buddha, Xiao Chu suddenly said:
"What you said is very good, but the elders in my family already have this kind of pendant, why don't I change it to another one?"

Old Tang almost spit out blood in his heart.

Didn't you say this earlier? I told you earlier that I wouldn't be here to introduce you.

"How about you two watch it yourself?" Old Tang was a little tired.

"Okay, let's take a look at this jade statue of a fish turning into a dragon." Zhang Yang said, pointing to the treasure inside the counter.

It was the only old thing he found.

It's like digging for gold in the sand.

"Is the fish turning into a dragon? The boss is really an expert." Old Tang suddenly became excited again.

"Li Bai, the great poet in ancient times, has a poem: The three-foot carp in the Yellow River originally lived in Mengjin. It couldn't become a dragon when it touched its forehead, but it returned to accompany ordinary fish. It is the story of this carp jumping over the dragon gate."

"In our ancient times..."

"Uh, stop for a moment." Zhang Yang couldn't hold himself any longer, "Boss Tang, please take out the things first and let me take a look, okay?"

"Oh, I forgot, sorry."

Old Tang quickly took out the jade-carved fish that turned into a dragon from the cabinet.

One end is a fish, the other is a dragon, surrounded by patterns of clouds and water splashes, which represent the carp leaping over the dragon gate.

There is a mahogany base underneath, carved with seawater patterns, which perfectly matches the theme of the statue. It should be original.

Zhang Yang took a closer look and had a good idea of ​​this thing. After Old Tang finished speaking all the words, Zhang Yang said slowly: "Boss, the jade material of your thing is not very good."

"Is it yellow or green? Why does it look so much like a sculpture made from scraps?"

"The boss doesn't know something." Old Tang explained very skillfully, "This is a treasure from the late Qing Dynasty. The understanding of jade at that time was different from now."

"When we look at jadeite now, we pay attention to purity, transparency and smoothness. But hundreds of years ago, whether it was Emperor Qianlong or Empress Dowager Cixi, they only had one requirement for jadeite: beauty."

"The most obvious one is the jadeite cabbage, which is said to be a national treasure. In terms of material and carving skills, it is not as good as the machine-carved jadeite today, but it is still a serious treasure."

"So when we look at old jade ornaments, we mainly look at the cultural atmosphere."

"It makes sense." Zhang Yang nodded fiercely like a newbie who had been deceived.

"How much do you plan to sell this fish-turned-dragon statue?"

"As for the price..." Old Tang touched his forehead and pretended to think.

He was wondering how much money they would have to defraud Zhang Yang.

It was too expensive, and he was afraid that they wouldn't accept it if he publicized it.

He bought this jadeite fish-turned-dragon piece at the ghost market. It cost him more than 30,000 yuan at the time, and he threw it away after buying it.

Old Tang thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and said:

"Let me give you a preliminary price first, 430,000, and you two can make a counter-offer."

"How much?" Chu Ziqiang suspected that he heard wrongly.

Zhang Yang had clearly told Boss Tang just now that the material of this jadeite was not good, so why did the price dare to be so outrageous?

"Four hundred and thirty thousand, didn't you hear me clearly?" Zhang Yang repeated to Xiao Chu.

Then he turned his head and extended his right hand to Old Tang: "Deal."


"No, Brother Yang, is this thing really worth 400,000?"

It's been almost half an hour since he left Lao Tang Antique Store, and Xiao Chu is still worried about the jade fish-turned-dragon statue in the trunk.

Although that antique from the Western Zhou Dynasty is also expensive, at least it is still there.

"No matter how expensive an item from the late Qing Dynasty is, it's not worth the price, right?"

"Late Qing Dynasty? Who told you?" Zhang Yang smiled directly.

"Ah? Where is it?" Xiao Chu also understood and guessed, "from the third generation of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Guess more carefully." Zhang Yang encouraged.


"That's right." Zhang Yang touched his chin and said with a smile, "And it's a royal ornament used in the palace."

"How can you tell this?"

Just as Zhang Yang was about to explain, Xiao Chu reached out to stop him.

"Brother Yang, please stop talking. I'll analyze it myself first."

"Is it because of the yellow part on it? In ancient times, yellow was a color that could only be used by emperors, and the same was true for dragons. If ordinary people used yellow jade dragons, it would be transgression."


"It's not far off." Zhang Yang replied in agreement.

"You have indeed grown, but I can determine the age of this thing because I took a look at the jade-inlaid base while the boss was not paying attention. Just below the jadeite, in the covered area, there is "Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty" Make] a few small words.”

"Ah? When did it happen?"

Xiao Chu recalled it and found that he couldn't remember when Zhang Yang opened the base.

Of course he couldn't remember it, because Zhang Yang never picked it up and looked at it.

It is completely displayed by item information.

Old Tang has been making up stories about the down-and-out royal family, but he doesn't know that the jade he picked up from the Big Willow Ghost Market is the real treasure sold by the descendants of the royal family.

To a certain extent, he wasn't lying.

"Forget it, I can't remember." Chu Ziqiang gave up thinking and asked Zhang Yang, "Brother Yang, what is the actual price of this thing?"

"Let's double the price of Old Tang." Zhang Yang said without thinking.

"Just double it?" Xiao Chu was a little dissatisfied, "Isn't it too little?"

He originally thought he could add a zero at the end.

It looks like I made a small profit of 400,000, but if you include that piece of clothing, I actually didn't make much money.

"I knew I would have bargained with the boss just now." Chu Ziqiang said with regret.

He thought that for every dollar he talked about the price, he would earn an extra dollar.

But Zhang Yang refuted his idea.

"What's the price? Let's go to the ghost market early. Isn't it better than anything else?"

Zhang Yang couldn't tell Xiao Chu that he found many modern antiques at Old Tang's place, which were collected by Old Tang himself at the Daliu Shu Ghost Market.

There are really leaks in the ghost market.

So he could only say it from another angle:
"Think about it. The Big Willow Tree is so famous. I must be more than a master tonight. If we arrive late, we won't even be able to eat the leftovers."

"It makes sense." Chu Ziqiang nodded in agreement, and he couldn't help but step on the accelerator a little deeper.

On the way back to the Daliushu Trading Market, the light turned green and the two of them arrived at the entrance of the parking lot before nine o'clock.

But the situation in the parking lot surprised the two of them.

It's a regular parking lot during the day, but at night, there are all kinds of cars with their trunks open and stalls set up inside?

The parking space was transformed into a stall?

"Should our car still drive in?" Chu Ziqiang was a little hesitant.

"What are you going in for? Just find a place and pull over."

Zhang Yang was a little excited when he saw the scene inside.

Using the trunk of a car as a ghost market stall is what a cyber ghost market is!

If there were ruins and fire around, it would really feel like going to a doomsday market.

The two of them packed up, got out of the car and walked to the parking lot.

At the entrance, each person spent five yuan to buy a small head-mounted flashlight for easy viewing later.

When scanning the QR code to pay, the aunt who sold the goods took the initiative to chat and asked Zhang Yang:
"Is this your first time coming to the ghost market?"

"Yeah, is it obvious?"

"It's a bit obvious. Veterans usually bring their own lights."

"Since this is your first time here, let me give you two some advice."

"Oh?" Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at his aunt curiously, "Please tell me."

"The first point is: look at the goods without asking the price, look at the goods without looking at the person. Can you two understand?"

"This is easy to understand, we all understand it." Chu Ziqiang replied.

"Well, there's a second point. Stay away from cameras, especially cell phone cameras of women wearing heavy makeup."

"Why is this?" Xiao Chu asked without understanding.

"Because this kind of people don't come to the ghost market to do business. They come to live broadcast. They will deliberately find passers-by to create program effects."

"If you are targeted, especially this handsome guy." Auntie pointed at Zhang Yang with a smile on her face, "Then you will suffer the same consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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