Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 443: The sword is unsheathed and the grudge is resolved

Chapter 443: The sword is unsheathed and the grudge is resolved
"What about me?" After hearing this, Chu Ziqiang pointed at himself somewhat unwillingly.

Isn’t it possible that I am ugly?
"You? Forget it." The aunt said helplessly.

"What do you mean it counts? I am a handsome guy." Chu Ziqiang emphasized forcefully.

"Haha, that's really not the case."

The aunt shook her head, put the payment code into her bag, and stepped back to keep a safe distance of several meters.

"For ten yuan, you want me to say something against my will? Who are you looking down on!"

After saying that, she hugged the big and small bags and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Damn it, I'm really impressed by this kind of person..."

Chu Ziqiang was so shocked that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's okay, just think of her as my sitter." Zhang Yang comforted with a smile.

"It makes sense, Brother Yang. Listen to me and thank you, because of you..."

"Okay, okay, don't be poor. I just took a look and there are indeed a lot of Internet celebrities live broadcasting here. Auntie is not telling lies."

"Is there any? How could you tell?"

Chu Ziqiang stood on tiptoe and looked around. In his eyes, everyone was the same.

I didn’t find many beauties anywhere.

"Actually, you can tell just by looking at how they are dressed. The men wear a peaked cap, and the women wear suspenders and a jacket. There are people holding selfie sticks behind them. These people are basically here to live broadcast."

"Maybe subject three will start dancing later."

"Do you understand so well?" Chu Ziqiang looked at Zhang Yang in shock.

A master treasure appraiser can not only appraise treasures, but also people?

"Nonsense, do I still need to tell you about my work in an internet celebrity incubation company?"

"But those women aren't pretty either. How can they become internet celebrities?" Xiao Chu asked doubtfully.

"You don't want people to be pretty, right? Then you're a bit down." Zhang Yang said while holding back his laughter.

"Uh, forget it, I'll just avoid them for a while."

"Lest someone suddenly pop up and say they want to interview me when we are bargaining..."

"That's wrong." Chu Ziqiang said, suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

He looked at Zhang Yang and finally remembered.

"Brother Yang, if you walk in like this, you will definitely attract bees and butterflies. It's useless for me to just pay attention."

"No, are you really fooled by Auntie? She is an Internet celebrity who is here to live broadcast, and she is not looking for prey. How can she come up to people when she sees them?"

Zhang Yang was talking to Xiao Chu when he suddenly noticed that Chu Ziqiang's eyes were a little strange, and he raised his eyebrows at him, motioning for him to look behind him.

What happened behind you?
Zhang Yang turned around and suddenly a woman stood behind him, which startled him.

The strong smell of powder hit her face, and a young woman with an oval face was biting her lower lip and looking at Zhang Yang timidly.

Due to the close distance, Zhang Yang could see the fine pores on the other person's face. It must be due to poor skin and powder stuck.

Zhang Yang is too familiar with such a woman.

In the Internet celebrity company, he has seen various styles before. This woman raised her head slightly, exposed the beauty in front of her, and pretended to be shy. She was a typical cute girl with pure lust.

In fact, her actual age may be similar to that of Sister Gao, and maybe they are both mothers of three children.

"Handsome guy, you guys look a little unfamiliar. Is this your first time in Daliu Shu Ghost Market?"

"Can I interview you?"

The woman blinked at Zhang Yang, her false eyelashes popping as if they were being discharged.

"What, he and I are not together." Xiao Chu felt very uncomfortable with the scene in front of him and cut off from Zhang Yang on the spot.

"You guys talk slowly and I won't interrupt you."

"Huh?" Zhang Yang turned around and was about to ask Chu Ziqiang what he meant, but found that he had already run away quickly.

Soon Zhang Yang received a text message from Xiao Chu:

[Brother Yang, I’ll go look for potential treasures nearby first, and I’ll meet you later]

This ignorant person... Zhang Yang complained in his heart.

Doesn't Xiao Chu know that rejecting a beautiful woman is also very satisfying?

"Handsome guy?" The woman looked at Zhang Yang and asked, "Do you mind if we go shopping together later?"

Zhang Yang looked up and saw the follower holding a mobile phone behind him, smiling at the camera and shaking his head:

"I'm very mind."

"I'm going to discuss business with someone later. If I see you like this, the other boss will think I don't understand the rules."

"Rules?" The woman opposite heard this and suddenly became excited.

It seems that I have found the material.

"What are the rules? Are they the rules of the ghost market? Can you introduce them to me?"

"Okay, the first rule of the ghost market is: don't ask questions about anything other than antiques."

"Especially like you, asking while filming."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he made a 180-degree turn and quickly left the "crime scene" along the route that the aunt took to escape.

Leaving the female internet celebrity stunned in place, he hid his merit and fame.

After the experience just now, Zhang Yang realized that the Internet celebrity here might be really hungry.

It was probably because he was a young man and instead of an old man with a bad temper, Zhang Yang suspected that the female anchor just now did not have the courage to go up and talk to her.

What if someone gives you a cane?
After thinking about it, Zhang Yang walked around the perimeter of the parking lot, entered through the small door on the side, and officially entered the parking lot branch venue of the Big Willow Ghost Market.

All the street stalls here are set up outside on cars, and the stall owner will move a small mat to sit next to the stall.

Because of the rule of "seeing the goods without asking the price", the stall owners are actually quite free. That is to say, they sometimes help the buyers who stop by to hand over items, and most of the other time they can play with their mobile phones.

Zhang Yang was quickly squeezed into the crowd of buyers.

Following the large group, I walked around and saw someone asking for a price in front of a stall, so I went over to see the excitement and made my own mental evaluation.

There are more than 500 parking spaces in this parking lot, and there must be only a lot more stalls. Zhang Yang can't read them all one by one, so he can only pick and choose.

Just skip the stalls selling dolls, old appliances, and used books.

Focus on antiques.

Soon, Zhang Yang found his first target.

A stall in front of a white Santana.

The stall owner was wearing a black felt hat, with the brim lowered as if he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

According to Zhang Yang's experience, the other party is actually staring at the position in front of the stall to see if anyone has settled down.

Next to the stall owner, there was a coat rack with a complete pair of white armor hanging on it.

Anyone who has watched "Huan Zhuge Ge" knows that this is the armor of the Eight Banners soldiers in the Qing Dynasty. Judging from the color, it should be a white flag.

Zhang Yang had actually seen a lot of armor like this in Yanjing.

When I was in Pan Jiayuan, as long as you wanted it, everyone from Nurhachi to Aixinjueluo Hongli would help arrange armor of the same style as the Forbidden City, and you could embroider a few dragons.

Anyway, everyone knows that this thing is like a costume, worn for fun and cannot be taken seriously.

Buyers are also not surprised.

But Zhang Yang could tell at a glance that the one hanging now was extraordinary.

The reason is simple: it's too plain.

The armor of ordinary Eight Banners soldiers is made of iron, but is covered with a layer of ordinary silk. The reason why it looks metallic is because there are some copper nails sewn on it at regular intervals.

As for the helmet, it is usually painted black and decorated with black tassels.

Other than that, there are no fancy decorations at all.

After all, armor is worn by soldiers for fighting. Decoration that does not increase combat effectiveness is a waste of resources.

Moreover, even if an ordinary soldier died in battle, when the battlefield was being cleaned, the armor on the corpse would have to be taken off and given to subsequent soldiers to wear, so there would not even be any personal decorations on it.

The white armor in front of him basically conforms to Zhang Yang's understanding of the armor of ordinary Eight Banners soldiers.

But whether it is true or not, we have to look carefully.


Zhang Yang walked to the front of the stall and stopped. After a few seconds, the stall owner wearing a felt hat looked up.

Zhang Yang and him looked at each other, both were stunned, and then laughed out loud in unison.

"So it's you, old gentleman."

The stall owner in front of me was none other than the talkative old man I met at the entrance of the market in the afternoon.

This aspect confirms that Zhang Yang's judgment is correct.

The other party is indeed a senior player in the antique circle, and he has some wealth, so he came to the ghost market to set up a stall.

"We are destined. What? Are you interested in what I have here?" the old man asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhang Yang nodded.

The stall owner's words reminded him, and Zhang Yang glanced at the other things on the stall. They were basically cold weapons.

It seems that the old man specializes in collecting or selling antique weapons.

After a cursory look, Zhang Yang didn't find any obviously illegal weapons. This was quite rare in a ghost market with a mixed bag of fish and dragons, indicating that the items were at least high imitations.

"Sir, can I come over and take a look at that white armor?"

"Okay, just come and see for yourself."

The old man stood up and made way for Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang walked up to him and first looked at the metal nails on the armor. The surface of the copper nails was severely oxidized and turned a little black.

In contrast, the layer of cloth wrapped around the armor was very clean, with only a little khaki stain.

Zhang Yang quickly determined that the armor had been repaired.

The cloth wrapped outside is new.

This is normal. Iron armor like this was basically no longer used in actual combat by the middle and late Qing Dynasty, so relatively few were built.

Most of the Eight Banners armors that have been preserved to this day are from the early Qing Dynasty, no later than the Kangxi period. The silk fabrics used at that time have long since become rotten. It would really look better if they were repaired.

Otherwise, it will be dirty and the black iron pieces inside will be exposed, making it look ugly to a new level.

However, what Zhang Yang wants are cultural relics, not just collections. Repaired antiques are meaningless in his eyes.

Fortunately, Iron Helmet had not been touched.

This iron helmet matching the Eight Banners armor is sewn with cowhide and coated with a layer of paint. Due to the time, the phenomenon of peeling off is obvious.

However, because the original color of the old cowhide is relatively close to the paint, it is hard to see it from a distance. This may be because the helmet has not been touched.

The tassel on the top is made of eagle feathers. The eagle is now a national second-level protected animal, so the head tassel made of eagle feathers is relatively precious.

"Boss, are helmets and armor sold separately?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Do you want a helmet or armor?"

"Looking at the price, if it's about the same, I'd prefer a helmet."

"Helmets? Helmets are not just for sale." The old man waved his hand and explained, "Headless armor is so unlucky."

"I sold the helmet alone, how can I sell the helmet?"

"You can wear another helmet." Zhang Yang said jokingly.

"Haha, anyway, A can be sold individually. If you want it, you can take it directly for 600,000 yuan. I will put another 400,000 yuan on my helmet and sell it slowly."

"If you buy the whole set together, I only want you 900,000."

The helmet costs 400,000 yuan, which is not expensive in Zhang Yang's opinion, because this thing is indeed rare.

Basically, in auctions all over the world, it would be nice to have one genuine item come up for auction every year.

But for the remaining armor, Zhang Yang can spend at most 200,000.

This price gap is obviously not negotiable.

And Zhang Yang had a vague feeling that the old man was using the helmet to fish on purpose. In fact, he himself knew that the helmet was worthless.

"Alas." Zhang Yang sighed and said with regret, "Then this business really can't be done."

"It's okay. You can look at other stores. The one I have here is definitely the best and cheapest."

After Zhang Yang walked out, the old man sat down again and pulled down the brim of his hat, preparing to continue to relax.

But he quickly raised his head again, because Zhang Yang's feet did not move in front of the stall.

"What's wrong, changed your mind?"

"No, I just want to ask, how can I sell this knife?"

Zhang Yang quickly found the second treasure worthy of his purchase at the old man's stall.

A carved glass dagger.

At first glance, I thought it was a plastic knife.

Mainly because of the dagger handle, the color of the glass is a bit too similar to white plastic.

The petal-like decoration on the handle is also inlaid with red and blue stained glass.

The sheath is made of wood, covered with a layer of brown cowhide, and the top is also inlaid with a piece of white opaque glass. The pattern is consistent with the dagger handle.

To be honest, when Zhang Yang saw this kind of dagger, his first reaction was that it was from Persia.

Because in traditional Chinese culture, daggers have metal handles and are relatively simple, the old man's one is more like a complete decoration.

But if you look closely at the item information, you can suddenly understand that this is a dagger model made for Emperor Qianlong by the Qing Palace Manufacturing Office.

The purpose of making this glass-handled dagger was that Qianlong wanted to make a dagger in which except for the blade, all other parts were made of top-grade Hetian jade.

But he didn't think about what he wanted for a while.

So he asked the royal craftsmen to use glass instead of jade and made several styles for him to choose from.

The one on the street stall is one of them.

He lost the election and was originally meant to be dealt with, but was brought out by the mole in the palace at the risk of death.

At that time, glass was almost a monopoly of the royal family. This dagger should have been quite valuable at that time, not much worse than jade.

From the current point of view, apart from the roughness of the details, there are no major problems with the thing itself.

"Are you sure you want to buy it?" the old man asked Zhang Yang.

"Don't make fun of me for asking the price for the second time."

"No, no, I'll be here in the afternoon. Do you think I'm the kind of person who makes fun of you?" Zhang Yang explained with a smile.

"I can't tell you, I feel like you are a bit like an anchor."

"Let's do this. I'll write my own price in the palm of my hand first, and you can also tell me a price you can accept, and we'll compare it."

"If my price is lower than your desired price, then you have to buy at my price. Do you think that's okay?"

"Of course." Zhang Yang agreed.

This rule sounds very useful, but there is a bug. As long as Zhang Yang pays one yuan, he can still get the boss's selling price for nothing.

Of course, he wouldn't do that.

"Okay, I've finished writing." The old man wrote and drew in his hands, then clenched his fist.

"I bid 80,000." Zhang Yang reported his inner price.

The old man's eyes instantly lit up. The price was much higher than what he had set.

His fists were clenched tightly, and he didn't want to let go.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yang spread his hands with a puzzled expression, "Old man, you don't want to break the rules, do you?"

"Then I have to call the administrator."

"No, no, no..." The old man loosened his fist with some difficulty and spread his hand with "35000" written on it.

"Thirty-five thousand, right? Transfer or credit card?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Swipe your card, thirty-five thousand dollars, I'm afraid the transfer amount is not enough."

Zhang Yang: "???"

"Why is the unit a knife?"

"It's normal. The currency I usually use is knives, right?" the old man said without blushing.

"Really? So you are a rare dog?"

(End of this chapter)

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