Chapter 444 Mulan Qiuyi
"what do you mean?"

It was rare to be scolded, and the old man's face suddenly grew long, he was unhappy.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yang smiled sarcastically.

I thought this old man was shameless when asking for money, but I didn't expect him to be so thin-skinned?

"Eh? Brother Yang, you are here!"

Chu Ziqiang's voice suddenly came from behind Zhang Yang, and then Xiao Chu's generous slap fell on Zhang Yang's shoulder.

Chu Ziqiang stood behind Zhang Yang, leaned forward and asked:
"Which treasure are you talking about? Let me see it too."

"Uncle, do you look familiar? Have we met in the afternoon?"

"Haha." The old man responded with a smile, still staring at Zhang Yang.

The latter turned to Chu Ziqiang and said:
"You're here just in time. This man wants to play some dirty tricks. You go find the market management staff to make an evaluation."

"Huh? What do you want to do?" Chu Ziqiang asked with a bad tone, staring at the old man.

"You can call the administrator if you like. Am I afraid of you?"

The old man didn't panic at all. In front of the two of them, he picked up a piece of yellow cardboard from the ground behind him, took out a pen and wrote "This store only accepts US dollars" on it, and stood it in front of him.

"I'll go, where is this old man sitting here to earn foreign exchange?"

"Brother Yang, is he using currency units to play tricks on you?" Xiao Chu was rarely witty.

"Yeah, the real old lame is old and lame." Zhang Yang shrugged.

I originally thought that this uncle was a capable seller, but I didn't expect that the other party would play this trick with me.

But maybe that’s how people earn their money.

Zhang Yangxin said that in the future, it is better to try not to have this kind of idea of ​​"recruiting people based on their collections".

"Okay, how dare you show such a moth in the big willow tree..."

Chu Ziqiang smiled inexplicably, turned around suddenly, and shouted to the crowd behind him: "Sisters, someone is not following the rules here."


Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, brother, when did you go to Thailand?
But soon, the movement of the crowd behind him answered Zhang Yang's question.

I saw seven or eight aunts wearing little yellow hats rushing over together.

And they gathered around Xiao Chu and asked him: "Brother Chu, who is not following the rules?"

Zhang Yang was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

When did Chu Ziqiang usurp Teacher Jin Dong's ecological niche and become a piece of cake in the eyes of middle-aged and elderly women?
While Zhang Yang was surprised, Xiao Chu's gold content was still rising.

I saw him pointing at the old man in front of him and saying:
"That's him. He's ruining the atmosphere of our antique circle here. My friend agreed with him on the price, but he reneged on it and said he only accepted US dollars."

Aunt A: "Is there such a person?"

Aunt B: "There are such shameless people in the world?"

Aunt C: "Boss, you look familiar to me. Do you live in Building B of Gulan Garden..."

"No, no." Seeing that he was about to be unboxed, the old man covered his face and waved frantically at the ladies, "Go away, go away, I'm closing the stall."

"You have many people and you are awesome. I don't want to do this bad business. Isn't that okay?"

"No!" The aunts were not used to him at all, "The rules of the Big Willow Ghost Market are that the price comes from the mouth, and you can't go back on it."

"Either you continue the business you just did, or you and we go to the administrator and add yourself to the blacklist and never come to the ghost market to set up a stall again."

"So cruel?" Zhang Yang didn't expect that the ghost market had so many rules.

But it’s right to think about it. If a trading market doesn’t follow the rules, its reputation will definitely be ruined very quickly.

There are so many stall owners like this old man, who would dare to come here to buy things?

"Okay, okay, I'm in trouble."

The old man knew that he was no match for such a aunt, so he waved helplessly to Zhang Yang: "Come on, I'll pay you the price you said!"

"I'll give you a big head." Zhang Yang shrugged, "You are such a dishonest person. How can I do business with you?"

"Only being stupid will make you money."

"Put that sign that only accepts US dollars, and I'll see if you can make a business today."

"Hard! Brother Yang, tough!" Chu Ziqiang said flatteringly from the side.

"Okay, stop it, thank you sisters for coming to help me." Zhang Yang thanked the aunts next to him.

"You're welcome, we are from Master Zhang's Da Liushu support group. If you are interested in treasure appraisal, remember to search Master Zhang's treasure appraisal on Douyin!"

After the aunts finished speaking, they didn't notice Zhang Yang who was just standing there in the dark night. They said hello to Chu Ziqiang and left.

Of course, Xiao Chu noticed Zhang Yang's condition. He walked closer and bumped him with his shoulder, winking and saying:

"How about it, middle-aged and elderly female idols, are you satisfied with the offline fighting power of your fan group?"

"How did you contact them?" Zhang Yang asked doubtfully.

No, these people didn't even recognize themselves. How did Xiao Chu hook up with them?
So weird.

"Oh, you are wondering about this. In fact, on the way here just now, I heard these aunts discussing that they said they had bought something and wanted to go to the live broadcast room to see Master Zhang for appraisal."

"Of course I asked them which Master Zhang it was."

"I didn't expect it was you, Brother Yang, hahahaha..."

"You are so lucky." Zhang Yang said with a dark look on his face.

There was nothing wrong with those aunts just now. At least they had a strong sense of justice and did not embarrass the viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Okay, have you found a stall with good treasures?"

"Of course I found it, otherwise I wouldn't have searched for you all over the world."

"Let's go, come with me."


Zhang Yang followed Chu Ziqiang around the ghost market in the parking lot for about fifteen minutes before finally reaching the stall he mentioned.

"We have passed this place twice just now." Zhang Yang said coldly.

"Haha, really?" Chu Ziqiang smiled awkwardly, "I can't help it, there are too many stalls."

"Brother Yang, take a look, are the things in the boss's stall very powerful?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yang nodded and looked down at the stall.

The business strategy of this stall owner is very similar to that of the old man before, and the types of antiques he sells are relatively single.

The difference is that the old man sells weapons and armor, while this boss sells musical instruments.

The most conspicuous items on the stall were three pieces of [Zhongni-style qin].

Zhang Yang doesn't know much about Guqin, but he still knows a little bit about this Zhongni-style Qin.

Because this kind of guqin is so famous, it accounts for almost half of the guqins handed down from generation to generation.

The reason why it is called Zhongni style does not mean that it was designed by Confucius, but that its shape is the simplest among all guqins. There are only two recessed lines on the waist and head of the body, and there are no other lines on the whole body. Ornamentation.

This simple and smooth, subtle and generous shape is consistent with the Confucian moderate and restrained style, so later generations named this type of guqin after "Zhongni".

Zhang Yang didn't even notice the names of these three guqin pieces on the stall.

Although there are many signs of wear and use, it looks like a modern handicraft.

Of course, even if the guqin is a modern handicraft, it is not cheap. A slightly better material can cost thousands.

The three pieces like the ones by the stall owner are all made of paulownia wood, with paint on the outside. The materials and workmanship are only average, and they are still worn. The market price should be around one or two hundred yuan.

In addition to the guqin, there are many other musical instruments at the stall.

Just as Zhang Yang was about to take a closer look, a girl wearing Hanfu suddenly stepped in from the right side and blocked him and Xiao Chu. And it completely blocked the two people's vision.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering such rude people, Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu would directly ask the other person to step aside.

But this time, they both had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything. Instead, they looked at each other and smiled, then walked aside.

Because two people combined may not be able to defeat the "Tiger Tank" in front of them.

When the two of them walked around, they discovered that this hunky-backed Hanfu beauty was actually an anchor.

There was a short, thin young man next to her, taking pictures of her with his mobile phone.

Zhang Yang took advantage of his height and glanced at the live broadcast room screen on the other party's mobile phone from a distance.

His live broadcast room has more than 900 viewers, so he is considered a somewhat famous anchor.

The name is "Hu Niu challenges Antique Street for 200 yuan".


Zhang Yang heard Xiao Chu behind him take a breath of air.

He turned around and asked, "Do you know him?"

"Well, I've seen this girl before." Chu Zi forcefully tugged on Zhang Yang's sleeve, pulled him to the side, and then took out his mobile phone to show it.

In Hu Niu's live broadcast room, the super powerful beauty camera made her lose half of her body shape.

Of course, with such a powerful space-distorting magic, the guqin next to it was naturally bent out of shape.

But as long as the anchor is not embarrassed, it is the audience who will be uncomfortable.

"The content of her live broadcast was to spend 200 yuan to pick up missing items in the antique street. To be honest, I don't believe it. How about we expose it to her later?"

"When did you have such a sense of justice?" Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Chu in confusion.

The latter said without blushing, "Have I always been like this?"

"is it?"

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, clicked on the comments column of the live broadcast page on Chu Ziqiang's mobile phone, and said "Ahhhhh" with lightning speed.

As a result, we saw that in the live broadcast room, [Chu Liuxiang], a level 21 Huniu brand, also said "Ahhhhh".

At the same time, the female anchor not far away from the two people said in her voice: "Brother Chu, you haven't been here for a long time."

"Brother Yang, listen to my explanation..."

"No need to explain, Brother Chu." Zhang Yang responded with a pinched voice.

"No, I really need to explain this. I just want to find loopholes in her live broadcast. I don't really have any thoughts about her."

"Well, I believe you." Zhang Yang patted Xiao Chu on the shoulder with a tragic face, already thinking about his new nickname: Beta.

And Huniu in the distance was still showing off: "Brother Chu, I'm in the ghost market in Yanjing today. You said you wanted to bring me here before, but then I couldn't contact you, so I had to come by myself..."

"Brother Yang, I have a stomachache. Let's go first." Chu Ziqiang couldn't bear it anymore, so he held his stomach and ran away without looking back.

Zhang Yang is fine.

He wanted to stay and see how this kind of leak-picking anchor played.

Huniu chatted with Brother Chu for several times, but when she saw that the other party neither replied nor exchanged gifts, her attitude suddenly became cold.

Finally returned to the topic.

She pointed to a blue Zhongni-style piano on the stall and asked the boss:

"Boss, can you sell this Guqin for 200?"

"Two hundred? That's impossible. Modern handicrafts cost more than two hundred." The boss shook his head like a rattle.

"But I only have two hundred." Huniu said coquettishly to the boss, twisting her body while speaking.

There is a sense of beauty like an elephant shaking off water after taking a bath.

Damn it, who can stand this?
Zhang Yang glanced at the boss in shock.

He originally suspected that the boss was a shill, but Zhang Yang soon discovered that the boss's face looked a little strange after being coquettishly acted like this, and he directly covered his mouth with his hand.

I feel like I'm going to vomit in the next second.

This scene was so funny that even Huniu’s cameraman was laughing.

But the person involved completely ignored this and continued to output to the boss:

"Handsome boss, please help me. I only brought two hundred yuan today. If you do my business today, I will be your repeat customer from now on..."

"Stop talking." The boss turned around with his back turned and responded, "You can take the two hundred yuan and just scan the code over there."

"thank you boss!"

After scanning the QR code to pay, Hu Niu directly grabbed the guqin with one hand and carried it on her shoulder.

After taking two steps forward, he turned the guqin over and said to the camera:

"Another mistake, brothers."

"Look, what's written underneath is, Made by Zhu Zhiyuan, Chicheng."

"Chicheng is an ancient city to the north of Yanjing. The place name Chicheng came into being during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, so this should be a Guqin from the Yuan and Ming Dynasties."

"Let's go to the antique dealer over there later and let the boss estimate the price to see how much money we can make today. A conservative estimate would be tens of thousands..."

ah? Is it tens of thousands?

There was Chicheng in the Yuan Dynasty, so does the stuff belong to the Yuan Dynasty?
This is all nonsense, there is no logic at all, and the audience in the live broadcast room is fooled into thinking they are fools, right?

Seeing Huniu walking away with the cameraman, Zhang Yang stayed where he was and did not follow her.

You don't need to think about it to know that the owner of some antique store must be part of their live broadcast, so there is no need to watch.

The Zhongni-style harp just now is obviously a modern handicraft.

There are words on the bottom, which means it is a replica of an antique. Because the original antique has words on the bottom, the imitations also have it, that's all.

Zhang Yang was even sure that the piano was copied from the collection in the Forbidden City.

Forget it, this kind of live broadcast that picks up leaks is just a script, which is not interesting.

Zhang Yang returned to the stall just now.

The boss, who had just suffered a biochemical attack, was sitting in the small mazaar with his head bowed and his head in his hands.

It looked like he was recovering his health, so Zhang Yang didn't bother him.

In addition to the guqin, there are many types of musical instruments at the stalls.

For example, the modern wooden mouth organ is like a keyboard. You can play music by blowing air and pressing the keyboard at the same time;
Another example is the single-skin drum of the late Qing Dynasty, also called a panel drum. The biggest difference from ordinary drums is that it only has one skin covering it. It is a commonly used instrument in Peking Opera performances;
Other musical instruments, such as Yueqin, large and small gongs, sheng, wooden clappers, etc., are available from the late Qing Dynasty to modern times.

However, there is little interest in publicizing this kind of folk cultural relics.

The only thing on the stall that caught his eye was a [Dragon Pattern Deer Whistle].

A deer whistle looks a lot like a horn, but is actually used in the opposite way.

The trumpet blows air outward;
The deer whistle is made by inhaling air into the stomach, and making a sound of "ouch" or "ouch" depending on the size of the inhaled airflow.

Ancient nomadic peoples, such as the Oroqen people, used this tool to imitate the cry of a male deer to attract other deer and hunt them.

The boss's deer whistle is carved from nan wood and inlaid with horns as an inhalation mouth.

But what really made Zhang Yang take a special liking to it was the decoration on it: a serious dragon pattern.

After confirming the age information, Zhang Yang was able to conclude that this was something from the Qing palace.

Looking at the history again, it turns out that it was made by the craftsmen of Emperor Jiaqing and used by the emperor himself, Mulan Qiu.

(End of this chapter)

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