Chapter 445 The fight is over

According to Zhang Yang's understanding, when Emperor Jiaqing went hunting in autumn, his men used this kind of deer whistle to help the emperor find prey.

But to be honest, this is just a tool used by the atmosphere team to enhance the hunting atmosphere.

In the royal autumn hunting of the Qing Dynasty, the army first surrounded the wild animals, and finally surrounded them in a small circle for the emperor to hunt.

You can hit your prey with an arrow with your eyes closed.

No need for a deer whistle at all.

What’s really precious about this deer whistle from the Jiaqing period is:
After Emperor Jiaqing, the Qing Dynasty's national power gradually weakened, and there was no longer a serious "Mulan Qiuyi".

The deer whistle is naturally out of print.

Still very collectible.

"Hey, boss?" Zhang Yang reminded the stall owner who was resting with his head down.

"What do you want to buy?" the stall owner asked without raising his head.

"You should at least look up and take a look. The female anchor has been gone for a long time and she hasn't recovered yet?"

"Wait a minute." The stall owner waved his hand, reached out to pick up the tea cup from the side, poured a sip of strong tea into his mouth, patted his chest again, and then raised his head.

It looked like he was really injured internally.

He saw the direction of Zhang Yang's finger, stood up slowly, walked to the side of the stall, and picked up the deer whistle.

Asked Zhang Yang: "Is this one?"

"Yes, it's this horn." Zhang Yang simply pretended to be cute. This wave matched his appearance well and would not arouse suspicion.

"This is not a horn, this is a deer whistle." The stall owner explained enthusiastically.

He looked Zhang Yang up and down and said in a very strange tone:

"You must be from the south, right? Can you understand the deer whistle?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there any impact if you don't understand?"

Zhang Yang was stunned, feeling that the stall owner's words were thorny. He hoped that he was overthinking it, but it turned out not to be the case.

The stall owner said very directly:

"I mean, as a southerner, if you don't even know what this is, why would you buy it?"

"Collecting antiques requires a cultural foundation. It is equivalent to buying a railing and going back to practice hurdling before you have learned to climb."

"Young people, don't read some stories on the Internet and just think that there is money in the antique market."

"You don't understand anything. If you buy it back, it will be a waste."

Zhang Yang almost laughed out loud when the stall owner hit him with this combination of punches.

It felt like I was meeting the most rigid Chinese teacher in the school.

It's really outrageous.

"Boss, are you so principled? Do you mean you won't sell this thing to me if you don't understand it?" Zhang Yang asked with a wink.

"Nonsense, you think I'm talking to those..." The boss hesitated.

Zhang Yang had serious doubts. The boss wanted to say that the other stall owners were "cats and dogs," but he got stuck halfway through the sentence.

Probably because the stall owner next door, who was covered in tendons and meat, suddenly cast an unfriendly look.

In short, the boss finally changed his mind and said:

"Unless you can tell me something about the characteristics, use or value of this deer whistle, I will never sell it to you."

"Okay." Zhang Yang thought it was normal for the other party to have principles.

After coming to Daliu Shu Ghost Market for so long, he also discovered a certain pattern:
Those very enthusiastic stall owners are basically selling fake goods. They want to defraud you of your money, so the service is naturally very good;
The owner of the stall with real treasures usually has a very arrogant attitude, giving people the impression that he has no worries about selling his treasures.

The person in front of me should be in the same situation.

"Then tell me first, if I can tell, how much will you sell me for?"

"If you can satisfy me, I can sell it to you for at least three thousand."

"What if I offer four thousand?" Zhang Yang said nothing and stretched out four fingers.

"Are you kidding? Do I look like someone who is short of that four thousand yuan?"

"Then five thousand." Zhang Yang continued to increase the price.

Anyway, it’s not a loss for less than 30,000 yuan.

After hearing the other party's conditions, Zhang Yang instantly gave up his plan to explain.

"Satisfy me...", such a subjective standard, won't you just play monkey later?

The reality is not like what is shown in the movies. If Zhang Yang clearly explains the origin and purpose of the deer whistle, the stall owner will be shocked and convinced to sell the things at the lowest price.

So it’s better to just talk about money.

"You're very rich, aren't you? Hey, let me tell you, you guys are the ones I hate the most, every one of you..."

The boss was about to have a good chat with Zhang Yang, but the muscular man stall owner next door couldn't listen anymore and interrupted him and said:

"Isn't the deer whistle just the whistle used by nomads to attract deer? How come you have installed such a simple thing?"

"I wonder if you are not a local. This thing is an intangible cultural heritage of Hulunbuir. I am from there. Can you stop pretending to be an expert?"

"How can you call it pretending..." the boss explained sarcastically.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let me make it clear for this handsome guy, three thousand, hurry up and seal the deal."

"That Tank just now, you had to sell things to her even if you didn't make any money. Why didn't you ask her about the history of the guqin? Now, this young man sincerely wants to buy your things. It's disgusting for you to leave it here, isn't it? No more business?”

Damn it, this big brother? Mouth replacement!

Zhang Yang looked at the muscular stall owner in shock.

Then he turned to look at the boss: "What should I say now?"

"Um..." The boss muttered, reaching out his hand and pretending to wipe the sweat from his forehead. In fact, there was nothing on his forehead.

Then he said to Zhang Yang with an embarrassed look on his face: "Brother, how about five thousand as you said?"

"To be honest, I haven't opened a stall in a long time, and I still owe this man..." The boss pointed to the muscular man next to him, "I have several hundred stall fees."

"Okay, but you have to give me one more thing." Zhang Yang took the opportunity to make a trivial request.

Otherwise, why would I spend an extra two thousand yuan?

"Okay, which one do you want?"

"That's it, that red xun."

Zhang Yang pointed to a xun made of red paint, gold and cloud and dragon patterns and said,

In fact, he noticed this just now.

Xun is a traditional Chinese musical instrument, which can be traced back to the Hemudu culture 7,000 years ago.

This kind of bright red instrument with cloud and dragon patterns looks like it is used for weddings, but it is actually an instrument used in ancient palace performances and Shao music (the highest standard music in the Qing Dynasty music system).

There are many similar imitations on the market, but the boss's one is a rare genuine one.

"This..." The boss looked embarrassed, "Brother, I really can't afford to give this away."

"It cost me more than two thousand just to receive this item. If I gave it to you, I would even lose money in business."

"How about you add a little more? Or change it?"

"Tell me how much to add?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Add another five thousand, for a total of ten thousand. I'll pack it for you directly. What do you think?" the boss asked tentatively.

"Damn it, isn't it like buying a xun and getting a deer whistle for free?" The muscular man stall owner just turned around again, showing that he wanted to scold the boss severely.

It seems that he should be the big creditor of this "bottom-line" stall owner.

But this time, Zhang Yang made a stop gesture and interrupted him. "It's okay, just this price, I'm in a hurry."

"When the female anchor came just now, I came here. I have been waiting for you for a quarter of an hour."

Zhang Yang directly took out his mobile phone and gestured: "How can I transfer money to you?"


Three minutes later, Zhang Yang rejoined the crowd carrying two small boxes containing antiques.

When he was about to walk through Area C of the parking lot, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder from behind.


Zhang Yang knew it was Chu Ziqiang without looking back.

In this ghost market, Mr. Beta is the only one who knows me and is so sneaky.

"Brother Yang, have you already bought two pieces?"

Chu Ziqiang walked up to Zhang Yang and took the box from his hand as if he was attentive.

Put it in your hand and weigh it first.

"What's in here? It's so light."

"A deer whistle from the Jiaqing period, and a Zhonghe Shaole Xun from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

"Xun? What musical instrument is it?" Chu Ziqiang lifted the box, as if he wanted to see clearly what was inside through the lid.

"Xun is an instrument that looks like a goose egg. When you hold it in your hand, you can press the holes on it to make different sounds." Zhang Yang explained to Xiao Chu.

"Don't tell me, kid, you haven't seen Xun?"

"I haven't seen it in real life, but I have seen it in TV series." Chu Ziqiang nodded.

He looked at the box in his hand with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Brother Yang, how much are these two things worth?"

"For the deer whistle, it's about 40,000; for that xun, if you're lucky, you can sell it for a small 100,000." Zhang Yang replied.

This valuation was the reason why he paid so happily just now.

The stall owner was still laughing just now, but he didn't know that his clever offer gave Zhang Yang the opportunity to "kill him" in a legitimate way.

"Thank you, Brother Yang. With these two things, I paid for it." Chu Ziqiang smiled so hard that his face wrinkled, "How much did you spend? I will transfer the money to you."

"Huh?" Zhang Yang tilted his head and looked at Xiao Chu with disbelief, "No, brother, I bought this and it will be displayed in the Hailin Museum."

"What the hell? Brother Yang, aren't you here to help me pick up the leak?" Xiao Chu asked.

"Yes, I am helping you, but not for you."

"Brother Chu, didn't you hide shyly when you saw your sweetheart just now? How can I help you?"

"Uh..." Chu Ziqiang blushed and was too embarrassed to say anything to refute.

I could only change the subject and sigh: "Brother Yang is the one who found two cultural relics. Are these two things so amazing?"

"The deer whistle is okay, it must have been used by Emperor Jiaqing;"

"That xun has red lacquer and gold on it, plus dragon patterns. It should be confirmed that it was an instrument used to play court music during the Qianlong period. It can basically be compared with the collection of the Forbidden City."

"Hiss, that's really...a pity." Chu Ziqiang took a breath.

He thought, if he had been firmer just now, these two items would have been his.

But Xiao Chu soon felt relieved.

There is no way, anyone who encounters a top anchor like Hu Niu has to run away. If the other party recognizes that he is the top brother, he will probably die immediately if he flies on a plane like a crow.


But today God seems to want to go against Xiao Chu.

The less he wanted to see Hu Niu, the more he unintentionally walked towards her face.

Zhang Yang and Xiao Chucai walked together for less than five minutes when they saw Huniu and her photographer, surrounded by crowds, like celebrities being watched.

But from the noise and the frequency of greetings to family members inside, it must be a quarrel.

Chu Ziqiang saw Huniu's twin ponytails from a distance, turned around and wanted to run away, but was grabbed by Zhang Yang.

"Brother Yang, let me go, someone will die."

"I sent her a photo of me. Just because she didn't recognize it just now doesn't mean she won't recognize it later."

"What are you thinking about? There are so many people here, and she can still see you behind her?"

Zhang Yang gently patted Chu Ziqiang's shoulder to tell him not to panic.

It's your choice, idol.

"Yes, there are so many people, so I have nothing to panic about." Chu Ziqiang said confidently, and then shrank behind Zhang Yang.

The mouth is tough, but the body is honest.

"But Brother Yang, we can't see anything like this."

"Don't you have her live broadcast room? Open it and take a look. Live broadcast quarrels are Douyin's popularity code. As long as she is not blocked, her popularity will rise immediately."

"Yes." Chu Ziqiang hurriedly took out his mobile phone and entered Huniu's live broadcast room.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yang said, her camera was still live broadcasting the quarrel leisurely.

But something strange is that the people who quarreled with Hu Niu were six or seven beauties with beautiful faces.

"Who are these girls? Why do they look familiar to me?" Chu Ziqiang murmured to himself.

"What?" Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Chu suspiciously.

Finding that his expression didn't seem to be sarcastic, but actually reminiscing, Zhang Yang laughed out loud.

"Pfft~ You are really hungry."

"Aren't these the aunts who just helped us out?"

"How is that possible? Look at their looks..." Chu Ziqiang was about to retort, but when he saw Huniu's appearance and figure in the live broadcast room, he suddenly came to his senses.

The beauty of grooves!

Looking at the hats in the hands of those "beauties", the little yellow hats are obviously the aunts of "Master Zhang's Big Willow Support Group".

At this moment, Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu also understood what the others were arguing about.

It seems that a certain aunt in the support group was hit by Huniu when she was looking at the goods.

Although Auntie is not that kind of delicate rich lady, she is just a normal person.

A normal person would certainly not be able to maintain his balance if he was hit by a Tiger tank.

As a result, the aunt at the beginning fell down, and the other aunts standing in a row fell down one after another like dominoes.

The power of two hundred kilograms is terrifying.

But it's not the most important thing that the aunts fell. What's important is that the place where they fell was in front of someone else's stall.

There were four stalls, which were almost completely destroyed by the falling aunties in an instant.

Of course the stall owner would not let them go, so he took the aunt and demanded compensation.

Huniu was only willing to take responsibility for the damage caused by the first aunt she hit.

In her words: "I just squeezed slightly and you all fell down. This is too exaggerated."

"I seriously suspect that you are the shills of these businesses and want to use this opportunity to blackmail me. How can a normal person imitate dominoes?"

Of course, the aunts were not angry at this and called the police directly to let the police administer justice.

But before the police arrived, the two sides were already at war with each other. They had greeted all the relatives who could greet them, and they felt like they were about to start fighting at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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