Chapter 446 Begging for mercy
[One against six, why don’t you run away? 】

[The anchor is so miserable, he can’t really be bullied by such a woman, right?]

[Hahaha, I like to watch women fight the most]

"Brother Yang, do you think you can beat six against one?" Chu Ziqiang looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and asked Zhang Yang beside him.

The latter frowned slightly and asked: "Didn't these aunts help us just now? Why don't you stop being a fun person now?"

"Um, it seems so." Xiao Chu reacted and gave himself a slap.

He also felt that his behavior while watching the show just now was a bit too inappropriate.

"Then what should we do now? Is there any way we can help them?"

"Don't worry, let me think about it..."

Zhang Yang looked at the live broadcast on his mobile phone. The people around him were noisy. He couldn't hear what the people in the live broadcast were arguing about.

Just when he raised his head and wanted to see the detailed situation of the scene through the crowd in front of him, the people around him suddenly turned back, and then consciously made way for a passage in front of him.

ha? what's the situation?
"Okay, please give way." A generous male voice came from behind.

Zhang Yang turned around and realized that it was the market managers who had arrived.

Everyone is not making way for him, but for those who are here to uphold justice.

But this is an opportunity.

After the market management staff passed by, Zhang Yang quickly followed him. Xiao Chu also understood very well and followed Zhang Yang's pace.

The two successfully squeezed into the front line of eating melons.

The situation at the scene was more shocking than in the live broadcast room.

After all, the area that the camera lens can capture is limited, and there are still many details that are not shown, such as:

There was a stall owner who was silently collecting the broken pottery in front of him. Beside him, someone was holding a calculator, as if he was calculating the full value of the damaged things;
One of the aunts in the support group had suffered a bit badly just now. Her forehead seemed to be bleeding from a bruise, but she didn't care at all. Among the people, she was the one who scolded her the most;
In the live broadcast room, you can only see the profile of Hu Niu. It feels like she is being surrounded by several aunts and is at a disadvantage. But in fact, she is very fierce. Her mouth is like a machine gun, clicking, clicking, crazy output, and she is not afraid at all... …

What’s a bit funny is that when the market managers arrived, they were used as human shields by Hu Niu and pulled in front of them to block possible physical attacks from the aunties, while she hid behind them and continued to talk.

The innocent managers could only cover their faces to prevent the saliva from both parties from splashing on their faces.

Just when Zhang Yang thought that this farce would not be able to end unless the police came, an accident happened.

The boss with the calculator seemed to have finished calculating the losses, picked up the folding stool behind him, and made a strong cut.

He shouted loudly: "Stop making any noise!"

"Listen to what I, the victim, have to say first. Do you think this is true?"

"That's right" "There's nothing wrong with it" "You should really listen to what others say".

The onlookers, including Chu Ziqiang, all spoke out to support the stall owner.

Under the pressure of so many people, both parties to the conflict had no choice but to shut up to avoid arousing public anger.

After the aunts and Hu Niu calmed down, the stall owner waved behind him, and his accomplice quickly handed over the calculator.

"When you were arguing just now, I had already calculated the losses clearly."

"I have been setting up a stall here for four or five years. Everyone around me can vouch for my reputation and character. I will never cheat you for a penny more..."

Zhang Yang understood what the boss meant.

But why does this "not many pitfalls" sound so weird?

Does this mean that as much as you originally planned to cheat, you will cheat now?
"Both of you..."

The stall owner was about to talk about the loss, but Huniu interrupted him.

"Boss, just tell them your loss. I won't pay compensation and I don't want to know."

"If you fart, you'll have to pay for it!" the aunts quickly retorted.

"Shut up!" The stall owner pushed the folding stool in front of him, frowned and said, looking at Huniu, "Don't think that because you are fat, I won't dare to hit you."


The scene was instantly filled with joy.

However, Huniu was not stupid. She knew that the man in front of her was angry, so although her face turned red, she did not immediately refute him.

Save yourself from taking all the firepower.

The stall owner continued to talk about the losses:
"It doesn't matter who is responsible for now. The issue of responsibility will be decided by the police later. The police can't control it and there are courts. Don't talk to me here."

"You broke a total of forty-three pieces of my pottery, including twenty-five from the Han Dynasty, four from the Song Dynasty, and fourteen from the Ming Dynasty."

"The total market price is 85,600. I won't make it difficult for you. Just add a zero and give 80,000."

"Now you put the money together and give it to me first. I will issue you a receipt. When the police confirm your responsibility, you can redistribute it."

"is that OK?"

Seeing this scene, the remaining three stall owners who had been harmed also hurriedly took action. Some took out their mobile phones, while others took out paper and pen to calculate directly.

They were just enjoying themselves, thinking that in a society governed by law, someone would definitely compensate them, so they didn't panic at all.

But now that I have realized it, these two groups of people have been shirking their responsibilities. What if it is because they have no money to compensate?
Therefore, the first person to confirm the loss is the most likely to receive full compensation.

"How much? Eighty thousand?"

When Huniu heard the offer, she couldn't hold it in any longer.

She moved closer to the managers of the trading market and shouted loudly:
"Are you crazy about money?"

"There is a lot of junk on this stall. I think eight thousand is enough. With such an exorbitant price, I seriously suspect that you are trying to defraud money."

On the other hand, the aunts’ reactions were much more sensible.

Several people gathered together to discuss and silently observed the situation at the scene.

"Brother Yang, how do you calculate this?" Chu Ziqiang asked Zhang Yang quietly.

"I feel that a lot of things from that stall owner are fake, but what if his purchasing price is so expensive? What if he just spent 80,000 yuan to buy this bunch of fakes?"

"In this case, if we compensate according to the actual value, it would be a bit unreasonable, right?"

"What can't be justified? The compensation must be based on the actual value. Now it is calculated as the amount of civil compensation, not the final value."

"But shouldn't you focus on another issue right now?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile on his face.

"Another question? What?"

"Han Dynasty pottery figurines are sold at street stalls?"

Zhang Yang gave a simple reminder, and Chu Ziqiang understood it instantly.

Those from the Han Dynasty could not be bought or sold.

He asked in a low voice: "Brother Yang, do we want to take action?"

"Of course." Zhang Yang nodded and explained, "Otherwise, if the stall owner insists on asking for 80,000 yuan, it will be troublesome for these aunts to drag them into lawsuits or whatever."

"While visiting a ghost market and being run over by a tank, you still have to pay for it. What an unreasonable disaster!"

"It makes sense. Let me pretend to do this later." Chu Ziqiang took out the Bluetooth headset from his pocket and put it in his ear.

"I'll go up and make myself look embarrassed later. Brother Yang, please call me remotely to teach me."

After Xiao Chu finished speaking, he planned to do it, but luckily Zhang Yang caught him in time.

Otherwise, the folding stool thrown by Huniu would just hit him.

When Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu were talking, the situation got out of control.

The stall owner insulted Huniu's appearance, probably saying "you fat pig" or something like that, which directly made the female internet celebrity furious.

She snatched the folding stool from the stall owner's hand and threw it three meters away.

The stall owner was so frightened that he took several steps back and threatened in a stern voice:
"You, you, you, don't mess around." "There is surveillance here. I tell you, the police will be here soon, and then they will arrest you and put you in jail."

Huniu didn't answer, but showed a ferocious smile on her face, which made the male compatriots around her feel cold in their crotches.

"It's your turn." Zhang Yang patted Chu Ziqiang's shoulder and said.

He had already seen all the things sold by the pottery stall owners, and they were all fake.

Originally, when the other party was talking about the pottery figurines of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Yang thought that the boss was some big shot with a background.

Just like the old man who opened an antique store.

So I dare to sell banned cultural relics in a ghost market openly.

In other words, he is a tomb robber, and all the goods sold at the stall are stolen goods.

When he took a closer look, he found that they were all fakes, which really troubled him.

No wonder they started pretending to count the losses as soon as the things on the stall were broken. After all, the opportunity to "sell" all the fake goods at once is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Okay, don't make any noise."

Chu Ziqiang stepped forward and instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Because a fight was about to break out, even the market managers were holding their heads in fear of hurting themselves. Those who dared to stand up now were somewhat of a man.

Of course Huniu also noticed him.

After seeing Ziqiang's face clearly, the expression on her face changed from confusion to surprise in an instant.

"Brother Chu!"

"Ugh~" Zhang Yang just turned on his phone and almost stopped when he heard the clipping sound.

The person involved, Xiao Chu, was quite capable, and without changing his expression, he waved his hand and pointed to the mobile phone where Hu Niu was broadcasting live.

That means, female anchors who often live broadcast know:
The top brother on the list cannot appear in the live broadcast.

Otherwise, there will be no licking dog to give her popcorn in the future.

Huniu understood this meaning and nodded a little moved. She did not continue to speak, but stood aside silently.

Both eyes looked at Chu Ziqiang, and stars were shooting out.

"Sure enough, it has to be Xiao Chu for this occasion." Zhang Yang sighed in his heart.

If it was him who walked out at this time, Huniu would definitely not stop moving, and the stall owner would definitely suffer.

The stall owner, who had survived the disaster, looked at Chu Ziqiang happily, but before he could say thank you, his gratitude was instantly emptied.

Because Xiao Chu said as soon as he came up: "First of all, let me state that I am just a stranger."

"The main reason is that I heard that there are pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty in your stall. As we all know, pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty are not only untradeable, but they are also likely to be the stolen goods of tomb robbers."

"So I want to ask you, which ones are from the Han Dynasty?"

Chu Ziqiang pointed to the stall full of fragments and asked: "If there are no complete ones, fragments will do. I just want to see them."

"Anyway, when the police come later, they will definitely study this issue."

Antiques before the Yuan Dynasty cannot be traded. Zhang Yang often mentions this in live broadcasts. Although the cultural relics protection law has not been revised much, the implemented policies have long since changed.

But in reality, many people don’t know.

Otherwise, where would there be a market for fake bronzes? If you buy a fake one and get cheated, you will be sentenced if you buy a real one.

So as soon as Chu Ziqiang's words came out, some people in the crowd of onlookers immediately began to discuss buzzingly:

"What does this man mean? What ancient cultural relics?"

"Whatever, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

"My ancestors have lived in Yanjing City for generations, and I have never heard that antiques cannot be traded. The police control the sky and the earth. How can they control my free buying and selling?"

"Nowadays, these young people are really using chicken feathers as arrows. This is a ghost market. There are so many rules."

Of course Zhang Yang heard all these sounds.

He wanted to say: The ghost market is not a place outside the law. Please do not test the law by yourself.

In the past, when the Internet was an anonymous platform, wasn’t it possible to say anything? Now, Zhang Yang's own live broadcast account has to be authenticated with his real name because of his large number of fans.

If you click on his profile picture, you will know that the owner of "Master Zhang Treasure Appraisal" is called "Zhang Yang".

But at this moment, Zhang Yang had no time to care what the people around him thought.

Xiao Chu has already started to fight with the stall owner.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." The stall owner pretended to be stupid and said, "Don't you have to pay for breaking other people's things?"

"Why are you here talking to me about something or other?"

Chu Ziqiang didn't know how to answer this question, so he quickly waved behind him.

Zhang Yang smiled helplessly, thinking that Xiao Chu was still not familiar with the cultural relics protection law.

Isn’t this problem easy to explain?
He quickly turned to his phone and responded to the boss's question in a low voice.

Soon, Chu Ziqiang, who got the reference answer, coughed twice.

"Ahem, you are so ignorant and don't realize it!"

"If the pottery figurines of the Han Dynasty are truly unearthed cultural relics, whether you bought them from others or dug them out of your own ancestral graves, they are national treasures."

"They damaged the country's treasure, and the country wants compensation. Is it your turn?"

"As for if the item is fake, haha, then it will be priced as a fake. How can it be priced at 80,000?"

"Okay!" The aunts and Huniu in the support group cheered for Xiao Chu in unison.

The two groups of people who were at war with each other just now are now Chu Ziqiang's fans.

Zhang Yang could tell that Xiao Chu enjoyed this feeling.

But now is not the time to show off, you have to take advantage of the boss's hesitation and quickly counterattack.

Under Zhang Yang's command, Xiao Chu picked up a ceramic duck head on the stall.

This is obviously a piece of imitation green glazed pottery duck from the Han Dynasty.

"Hey, what are you doing..." The stall owner wanted to stop Chu Ziqiang.

"Huh?" Huniu took half a step forward.

Due to the pressure brought by the giant creature, the stall owner said nothing and allowed Xiao Chu to hold the ceramic duck head and display it in front of everyone.

"This one, if I read it correctly, was originally supposed to be an imitation of a pottery duck from the Han Dynasty."

"As for why when I look at the duck head, I can tell it is an imitation. The reason is very simple. Please pay attention to the disconnected stubble."

"The real Han Dynasty pottery ducks have been buried deep under the soil for so many years. They will have a different color inside the pottery itself and the environmental soil."

"This is a trace left by time, and there is no way to completely imitate it artificially."

"This guy is professional", "Awesome", "It's really a fake".

People around him were talking a lot, but they all agreed with Xiao Chu's statement.

"Okay, let's move on to the next thing."

Chu Ziqiang turned around and was about to take down a piece of pottery when the stall owner suddenly knelt down on the ground.

"Brother, I was wrong, leave me a way to survive!"

Seeing that he was no match, the stall owner directly chose to beg for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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