Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 447 The Middle Game of the Antique Game

Chapter 447 The Middle Game of the Antique Game
"Ah? Kneel down now?" Zhang Yang was a little surprised by the stall owner's choice.

Don’t you feel that it’s not reached this level at all?

Is it the pressure brought by Xiao Chu?
But soon, he understood the other party's intention.

The people around me felt that Chu Ziqiang was a bit too much, and some people started to stand up and want to say something:
"There's no need to be like this. After all, I'm the one who suffered the loss."

"You have to be merciful and merciful. Young people should not be too arrogant."

"I've been forced to kneel down, what else can I do?"

"Yes, Daliu Shu has always sold pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty, and I haven't seen the police say anything..."

Chu Ziqiang was a little panicked when he was attacked by so many people.

But in the end, a soft persimmon popped up, saying that pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty had always been sold in the ghost market, which allowed him to find a breakthrough.

He quickly said to this person:

"That's right, there are pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty for sale in Daliu Shu Ghost Market. So, would you like to buy one?"

"I definitely won't buy it." The person who just spoke shook his head, "I can't tell the truth from the fake."

"You don't buy it? Then what are you barking at?"

"Isn't it your money that I spent together? Is it worth whatever others say it is?"

Chu Ziqiang responded directly, and of course all the fans immediately stood up to support him.

"Okay, stop pretending and ask the stall owner to give you a reasonable price." Zhang Yang urged through his mobile phone.

Xiao Chu turned around immediately after receiving the message.

Let the owner of the pottery stall give a more reasonable compensation amount.

The boss hesitated for a long time, and finally said:
He had to do the math again.

At this moment, he couldn't just slap himself in the face and say that the thing wasn't worth 80,000 yuan. If he did, how could he do business here in the future?
However, Zhang Yang and Chu Ziqiang had no intention of letting him go so easily.

Xiao Chu immediately said: "You calculated it in five minutes just now, so I'll give you another five minutes to calculate it for me."

"Tell me when you're done."

"Did you hear what my brother Chu said? Five minutes, five minutes doesn't count. Just wait, I have to ask a lawyer to sue you for fraud!" Huniu also echoed.

"I know." The stall owner lowered his head timidly and began to click on the calculator.

Chu Ziqiang solved the problem of compensation and did not forget the conflict between the aunts in the support group and Huniu.

Taking advantage of this moment when he had some authority, Xiao Chu wanted to stand up and be a peacemaker:
"Okay, let me tell you, you two groups should stop arguing. Just wait for the police to come. Then we will adjust the surveillance to see what is going on."

"Anyway, there are cameras everywhere in this parking lot."

"I have no objection." Huniu nodded.

"We also listen to you." The sisters in the support group said in unison.

"Then today..."

Chu Ziqiang was about to announce that he had succeeded and retired when suddenly a voice from beside him interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, there are still a few of us." The owner of the street stall next to him stood up and shouted.

The three stall owners were silent for too long.

They were so busy calculating their losses just now that Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu almost forgot the existence of these people.

"Have you calculated your losses?" Chu Ziqiang asked.

"Yes, the total is 31,000 yuan. We are a small business and can't add zeros. Do you think it's cash or a WeChat transfer?"

"Damn, another one with more than 30,000 yuan pops up?"

Huniu was not happy when she heard the price, and she did not avoid suspicion. She walked directly to Xiao Chu, took his arm skillfully, pointed at the boss and said:

"Tell us, how did you calculate your money? Look at how my brother Chu slaps you in the face."

"Should I hit him in the face? This would be a bit..."

While Chu Ziqiang was talking, he wanted to pull his arms out of the pile of fat.

After discovering that it was impossible to do it, he despaired.

I had no choice but to shout at the crowd: "Brother Yang, help!"

Unfortunately there was no response.

"Zhang Yang? Foster father!"

"Don't pretend you can't hear me!" Xiao Chu was anxious.

Publicity? Who is Zhang Yang?
The same question came to the minds of everyone present.

But there are a few exceptions, they are the old sisters of the Big Willow Support Group.

Make public! Master Zhang is here?

"Okay, okay, stop barking."

Zhang Yang reluctantly squeezed out of the crowd, with an awkward smile on his face.

Chu Ziqiang is really a coward. As a financial sponsor, he was manipulated by a female anchor.

But don't mention it, the pairing of Brother Chu and Huniu, Zhang Yang is a bit bumpy and has a bit of a deformed sense of CP.

"It's really Master Zhang!"

The reactions of the aunts were similar to those when Hu Niu saw Chu Ziqiang just now, or even more excited.

Some people just took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

"Master Zhang? Who is it?" someone in the crowd asked.

"Is this Master Zhang from Douyin?"

"No, I remember Douyin's Master Zhang is very old."

"The special effects were turned on during the live broadcast, and the light was not good, so the wrinkles on the face were covered..."

People around were talking a lot.

Zhang Yang walked directly to the booth and took the initiative to reveal the answer.

But he said to the stall owner:
"Let me introduce myself, Zhang Yang, the curator of Hailin Museum. I usually broadcast live on Douyin when I have nothing to do. These sisters who broke your products are members of my fan group."

"This pusher, the root of all evil, is a female anchor that my friend likes very much."

"Brother Chu, it turns out you are Master Zhang's friend. Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier about this relationship? It made people worry about you for a long time..."

"Fuck!" Chu Ziqiang couldn't bear it any longer, broke away frantically and ran directly out of the crowd.

Of course Huniu chased him immediately.

"Eh..." Several stall owners wanted everyone to stop Huniu.

But looking at the opponent's behemoth back, he still didn't say anything.

The onlookers were all passers-by, so we couldn't let people risk their lives to stop her.

"It's okay." Zhang Yang pointed to Huniu's cameraman, "Everyone, just keep an eye on this guy and don't let him go."

"He and the female anchor just now are in the same company."

"Don't do anything, I won't run away." The cameraman didn't panic at all and simply raised his hands in surrender.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yang gave this buddy a thumbs up.

Okay, anyone who doesn't cause trouble in this situation is a good person.

"Now, let's talk about losses."

Zhang Yang walked up to the pottery stall owner first. The latter was no longer kneeling at this time and was pressing the calculator with his head down.

"Boss, you probably got all these things from Pan Jiayuan. I looked at them and they all look familiar."

"Otherwise, you can add a little bit more to the purchase price."

"So as not to make it difficult for everyone in the future."

"You..." Boss A raised his head, wanting to refute something.

But seeing the subtle smile on Zhang Yang's face, he felt a chill in his heart for no reason and lowered his head again. He felt that if he refuted, the young man in front of him would not even have the last bit of dignity left to him.

"Okay, then just think about it first and tell the police when the time comes." Zhang Yang didn't mean to fight to death.

He came out to resolve conflicts. It was the job of the police to punish evil and promote good, and there was no reason for him to rob them.

Then, Zhang Yang came to Boss B’s stall.

This store sells wood products and some lacquerware.

Wooden products are not as easy to break as pottery, so the situation at the stall is not that bad, but many things were damaged where someone fell just now.

"Master Zhang, right?" Boss B took the initiative to greet Zhang Yang, "I've watched your live broadcast, and you're pretty good at it."

"I'm not like some people just now who deliberately quoted a high price."

"Those that are not seriously damaged, I will go back and slowly repair them myself, but there are two pieces, and the value will drop sharply even if they are repaired. I can't afford it, and I have to pay for it. This should be no problem, right?"

"No problem." Zhang Yang nodded, "Which two are you talking about?"

"One is this one."

The boss picked up a few wooden boards from the stall.

Zhang Yang initially thought it was a model of a house because it had two wooden boards that looked like door panels.

But after the other party put things up with his hands, everyone saw clearly.

Good guy, this pile of thick and thin wooden boards, some wide and some narrow, turned out to be a suitcase.

It's just that I didn't know which aunt just sat on my butt?

"Master Zhang, you are also an expert. You should be able to tell the secrets of this thing, right?" the boss said, holding the box.

The carrying box, also called the lifting box, can be traced back to the Song Dynasty. It was originally a box used to hold food.

In many costume dramas, this is used to deliver meals to prisoners in prison.

But with the development of the times, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, suitcases gradually turned into wooden furniture.

The shape of the utensils gradually became fixed, and the materials used became more sophisticated.

Like the one squashed by the aunt on the street stall, the suitcase from the late Qing Dynasty was made of authentic huanghuali.

The door handles and joints above are also made of pure copper.

Such good things are of course not just used as lunch boxes, but are usually small cabinets used by wealthy people to store jewelry or banknotes.

Zhang Yang glanced at the other fragments on the ground.

It seems that this box is quite sophisticated. After the door of the box is opened, there should be several smaller boxes inside.

But now they are all flattened and piled next to them like firewood.

Even the main body of the suitcase would fall apart immediately if the stall owner wasn't holding it with his hands.

What a suitcase, it was ruined like this.

"I know, this is Haihuang's suitcase." Zhang Yang didn't pretend to be confused. Even if he didn't say it, the boss would say it later.

"But I have a question, can you still fix it?"

With them broken into pieces like this, to be honest, I might as well turn these wooden boards into huanghuali beads and sell them.

"You don't have to worry about it. We can fix it of course." The boss responded.

"What I want to ask is, based on Master Zhang's experience in appraising treasures for so many years, if this thing is complete, I would estimate it at 60,000 yuan. Isn't that too much?"

"Not too much." Zhang Yang nodded with difficulty.

Everyone's antiques are antiques, and you can't speak out of conscience.

"Okay, if the 60,000 yuan thing is damaged like this, I want 20,000 yuan in repair fees. Isn't that excessive?"

"Um... From what I've seen, there's nothing wrong with it. But the specific situation depends on what the police will say when they arrive."

"Yeah, it's okay, I understand."

Boss B was very reasonable and did not force Zhang Yang to make his position clear.

He just said to a few aunts: "I don't mean anything else. It just so happens that Master Zhang is here, and what he says is more credible than what I say."

"I want to prove myself and not ask for high prices."

"You just quoted more than 30,000 yuan, what about the rest?" Zhang Yang asked.

"That's all that's left."

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of the boss's finger. This thing was easier to understand than the suitcase.

It was just a red [small table] with four legs crushed off.

It was originally a small coffee table placed on the bed, but now it looks more like a red appreciation plate.

"Master Zhang, this late Qing Dynasty red table is worth 50,000 yuan, so it shouldn't be an arbitrary price."

"It's a bit high." Zhang Yang said matter-of-factly, "In recent years, the price of Tihong in the late Qing Dynasty has been falling. It is estimated that 50,000 yuan will be auctioned."

"Then 40,000 yuan." The boss said with a relaxed expression, "Forty thousand yuan of things have been cut off at the waist. I only need 10,000 yuan in maintenance fees. That's not too much, right?"

"In my opinion, it's not too much."

Zhang Yang answered somewhat helplessly.

The boss is really reasonable, and he didn't even quote an exaggerated price.

It is estimated that Xiao Chu's sword show just now was still effective. After the confrontation between him and the pottery boss, other stall owners later had to weigh their losses in their hearts.

Now, Zhang Yang is really curious as to who is the aunt who fucks her so hard.

Wouldn't it make you panic?
This ass can cost 30,000 yuan, so it should be ranked high in the entire Daliu Shu Ghost Market, right?
The good news is, no more valuable treasures have been destroyed.

The boss only charged a thousand yuan in total for the repair costs of the remaining small items.

Zhang Yang also briefly glanced at those things. He even felt that this thousand yuan could not be said to be a conscientious price, it was simply a loss-making price.

Although it is just some modern wooden furniture, it is not that easy to repair.

There was a small jewelry box made of rosewood, which was even worse damaged than the boxwood suitcase. If the fragments weren't so concentrated, Zhang Yang wouldn't even recognize it as a box.

Forget it, that's it. The next step is to wait for the police to adjust the surveillance and divide the responsibilities.

Zhang Yang raised his head and glanced in the direction of the cameraman, and felt relieved when he saw that the other person was still there.

It seems that the MCN company will force anchors to buy a lot of insurance. I guess in this case, they should be able to take out insurance.

Zhang Yang was planning to continue to the next stall and quickly helped the aunts clean up the mess.

An aunt in the support group suddenly came over and pulled up Zhang Yang's clothes.

"Master Zhang, can you come over here for a while?"

"I have important information to tell you."

"Well, you tell me." Zhang Yang followed her to the side obediently.

In fact, they were still under the watchful eyes of the onlookers.

But it seems that taking two steps like this will have a sense of ritual.

The aunt quietly stretched out her hand.

Zhang Yang looked intently.

There was a lot of red dry paint powder on Auntie's hands.

There can be red paint here, but it can only be the lacquerware just now.

So, she is the ruthless person who broke the wooden furniture worth more than 100,000 yuan? !

"Master Zhang, in fact, it was only the small red stool that broke into pieces when I sat on it. When I was pushed down, I sat on the small stool on purpose, but I didn't expect that it couldn't bear the weight at all."

Zhang Yangxin said, "Of course I can't bear it."

That thing is for holding teacups, how can anyone sit there!
"The wooden box next to me must have been accidentally hit when I stood up, but I felt very strange. I felt that the thing seemed to be falling apart, and it completely fell apart without using much force."

"Huh?" Zhang Yang's eyes lit up.

Does this sound like the games made at antique stalls?
(End of this chapter)

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