Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 448 The CP that I stumbled over ended up being BE.

Chapter 448 The CP that I stumbled over ended up being BE.

Zhang Yang heard about this scam when he first went to college.

At that time, when the teacher of the social practice class was telling everyone in class the principle of "Jade cannot be passed on, gold cannot be separated from the eyes", he introduced:

Now there's a scam that's even harder to guard against.

Some unscrupulous stall owners will use real things to blackmail people.

It's just the real thing that's broken.

For example, porcelain or old furniture was broken long ago, but someone used some glue or other substances to stick it together.

It just barely holds its shape and will completely fall apart if touched even slightly when placed on a stall.

Some buyers who are careless and careless will not be able to help but pull out the drawer and take a look when they see a small cabinet with a coating and shape that looks very much like the real thing.

As a result, the entire drawer collapsed as soon as I moved.

It's like the buyer pushed too hard and tore the cabinet apart.

At this time, most people will subconsciously think that they are the ones who caused the trouble.

Even if there is a vague feeling in the heart that something is wrong, if there is one person out of five who dares to stand up and question the stall owner, then it is good.

After all, who lets you touch other people’s things?

At this time, the boss came out and said that as long as a token compensation was required, they could repair it themselves.

Most people will borrow the donkey from the slope and choose to lose money and settle down.

Even if the stall owner is very unlucky and encounters someone who is really knowledgeable and discovers something fishy and calls the police to deal with it, the stall owner will not be punished if he says that he made a mistake.

But today things are a little different.

Zhang Yang and the aunts were surrounded by so many people, and they looked at them like monkeys;
The pottery stall owner just now had already made samples, and he knew that if he asked for more money, he would be knocked to the ground;

In this case, the boss dared to be cunning.

If Zhang Yang didn't expose him, it would really be a shame for him.

Zhang Yang walked to the stall and squatted down to see what was going on with the fragments of the huanghuali suitcase.

When the boss saw his actions, he became nervous instantly and quickly interrupted: "Master Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Don't be nervous." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Auntie told me just now that your price is very reasonable, but it is too expensive. Selling her is not worth so much money."

"So I want to see how damaged your thing is. As for me, I know some experts from the Forbidden City. Have you watched the documentary "I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City"? I know many of the people in it. When the time comes, just take it over and ask them to help repair it.”

"Don't you think everyone is happy?"

What Zhang Yang said was not all empty talk. Many people from the National Museum and the Forbidden City were in the same group as him, and he really knew them.

It's not certain whether people recognize him or not.

As for asking for help in repairing cultural relics? That is even more whimsical.

But Zhang Yang’s attitude is really like that.

So much so that after the boss heard Zhang Yang's words, he didn't know whether to stop him or not.

Just when Zhang Yang was about to pick up the things, the situation at the scene changed again.

Just like when the market management staff arrived, the crowd of onlookers suddenly dispersed through another channel.

Several men and women in uniform came in.

The police are coming!

The boss looked relieved, let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the wood that Zhang Yang had just picked up.

"Master Zhang, since the police are here, let's not destroy the scene."

"Well, that makes sense." Zhang Yang responded with a smile and a nod.

The boss in front of me kept saying that he often watched Zhang Yang's live broadcasts.

But he didn't know that people like Zhang Yang who engage in live broadcast treasure appraisal do not necessarily need to be familiar with antiques.

Being so close and having been stained for so long, Zhang Yang almost saw all of his underwear.

"Comrade police, you are finally here!!!"

The owner of the pottery stall stood up first.

He was almost overwhelmed by the situation just now, but now he could finally stand up and take a deep breath of fresh air.

He hurriedly walked towards the police, but the scene in front of him stopped him halfway.

Among the new police officers, the old policeman who looked mature and was vaguely the leader was smiling and saying hello to several aunts.

It's a bit like neighbors meeting each other.

Zhang Yang was also surprised when he saw this scene, and thought to himself, is the new policeman a relative of an aunt in his fan support group?
But what surprised him was yet to come.

After the older police officer finished speaking to the aunts, he walked straight to Zhang Yang and greeted him warmly:
"Hello, Master Zhang, I am Pan Zhongjian from Daliushu Police Station. I have admired you for a long time."

"Have you heard of my story?" Zhang Yang asked with a strange expression.

Even if the policeman knew him, he shouldn't come over to say hello to him when he went on a mission.

Is it a bit out of line?
"Of course I know, many people in our office are your fans." Officer Pan said with a smile, "Most of the security cases in our jurisdiction are disputes caused by the sale of antiques. The deputy director will take us to watch your videos together if he has nothing to do. , to provide everyone with knowledge about antiques.”

"Hahaha, that's it. Thank you for your support."

Zhang Yang was really happy now.

For some reason, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind:
The tomb robber is watching his videos to learn about Feng Shui;
The police are watching his video to analyze the robbery;

When the police caught the tomb robber, they said: What group of Master Zhang fans are you from?

After the fun was over, Zhang Yang quickly returned to reality.

"Officer Pan, the situation at the scene..."

"We already understood the situation when we came here." As Officer Pan spoke, he turned sideways and pointed to the passage where the crowd had just moved out of the way.

There was a fat woman with disheveled hair limping over here.

The melon-eating people around her stayed away from her, as if they were scared.

Isn't this a Huniu?
If it weren't for the fact that the other party was the same length and width, Zhang Yang would really think he was being deceived.

When this person left just now, wasn't she still a little fairy from the Tang Dynasty? Why do you look like a refugee now?

"When we came over just now, we happened to see this Ms. Hu and your friend, Master Zhang, fighting on the roadside."

"Xiao Chu?" Zhang Yang asked with a shocked look on his face.

"Yes, it's Mr. Chu. He's a little injured. He's going to a nearby social welfare hospital for bandage. He said he'll call you later."

"Well, that makes sense." Zhang Yang nodded in response.

With Hu Niu being in such a mess, it's normal for Xiao Chu to be a little bit embarrassed. It seems that this pair of CPs finally got it.

It was very clear. Xiao Chu and Huniu must have fully explained the situation at the scene to the police officer, and maybe even revealed the identity of the Chu family.

"Officer, excuse me."

The owner of the pottery stall saw the leading policeman talking and laughing with Zhang Yang;
The remaining police officers are also looking for three other stall owners and aunts to learn about the situation;
He just missed himself.

An ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

So I bit the bullet and came for it.

"Did you miss it? I am the stall owner who suffered the most serious losses. Look at my stall. All the good pottery has been smashed."

"Yes, I understand." Officer Pan nodded and looked at Zhang Yang, "Master Zhang, have you seen everything on his stall?" "Yes, they are all fake."

Zhang Yang looked at the stall owner and thought to himself that this person was probably too impatient and didn't even want the last bit of dignity.

Then I won’t give it.

"Officer Pan, go to Pan Jiayuan, find an Lao Mo pottery store, check their shipping records, and you should be able to find the purchase information of our stall owner."

"I bought it all from him."

"Hahaha, okay, thank you Master Zhang."

Hearing the words "Lao Mo Pottery Shop", the stall owner stood there blankly as if he had been struck by lightning.

He looked at Zhang Yang with disbelief, his heart was trembling, but his mouth felt like lead, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

I really don’t blame him. Anyone who hears Zhang Yang say that he knows the boss got these things from Pan Jiayuan will subconsciously think that Zhang Yang is just showing off.

Half of the fake antiques in Yanjing came from Pan Jiayuan. To say this is to say nothing.

But who would have thought that Zhang Yang could clearly explain which store it was sold to?

The stall owner felt like he had seen a ghost.

Zhang Yang and Officer Pan had no time to worry about this humorous boss. They were both veterans. When they saw the other's state, they knew that what Zhang Yang said just now hit the target right between the other's eyebrows.

Officer Pan has begun to care about the other three stalls.

"Master Zhang, there are a few stalls left..."

"I've seen the wood carving. The stall owner should be a habitual criminal who cheats money."

Zhang Yang briefly explained the opponent's tactics, and also mentioned the detection method.

It's actually very simple, just look at the broken stubble in the wood.

Maybe this boss didn't stick it with glue, but the old stubble must have been seriously oxidized, and anyone with a little knowledge can see it.

If it is a higher-end product, such as using potions or something, it will definitely not escape even if it is tested.

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he glanced at stall owner B from a distance.

The latter was communicating with the police. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Yang, and happily raised his hand to say hello.

Of course Zhang Yang smiled back.

After exposing the other party's scam, the other party can still greet me so happily. The pattern is really big.

"I didn't have time to take a closer look at the remaining two. How about you go back and apply for expert appraisal?" Zhang Yang suggested tentatively.

After all, Xiao Chu was fucked and sent to the hospital. She came out with him, so she should go and see what was going on.

"Um...Master Zhang, you may not know much about the situation at our grassroots level. You need to apply for price appraisal, and just applying for the appraisal fee is very troublesome."

"If you're not in a hurry, why don't you help me watch it? How about we wait for your live broadcast and then we can even mic you."

"I'm not in a hurry..."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, nodded, and agreed to help Officer Pan.

But now there is no need to plot against the stall owner like before.

The third stall sells jadeware.

As soon as the boss stood up to say hello to Zhang Yang, the latter's appraisal opinion was already spoken.

"The broken bracelets are all dyed with quartzite. Please check the specific value yourself, police officers. I have never come into contact with such low-quality imitations."

Low imitation...

As soon as these words came out, the stall owner was surprised at first, and then forced himself to show an angry expression.

But his performance came too slowly. Zhang Yang had already moved forward and reached the last stall.


"Master Zhang, I have nothing to compensate here, just some worthless gadgets."

The boss smiled coquettishly. Seeing the scene just now, he had a strong desire to survive and planned to fool Zhang Yang first and then change his story when he got to the police station.

But Officer Pan was keenly aware of the stall owner's thoughts.

He asked the young policeman who had just taken notes: "Xiao Wang, what has this boss lost?"

"A feather hat from the Qing Dynasty, an ivory statue from the Ming Dynasty, and some small jewelry."

"Yes." Officer Pan nodded and made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Yang.

"Don't look any further, just arrest this person."

Zhang Yang didn't even bother to identify him, and simply waved his hand, indicating that the stall owner could be arrested.

"Why?" the stall owner retorted.

Officer Pan also said: "Master Zhang, although I trust your judgment, your thinking has gone too far, and we can't keep up."

"Then you still don't watch enough of my live broadcasts."

Zhang Yang chuckled.

He pointed to the flattened feather hat on the stall and said, "Did you see the fur on it? Doesn't it look good?"

"Yeah, it looks good." The young policeman nodded cooperatively.

"Feathers of the second-level protected animal, Golden Pheasant."

"And it looks like it was made not long ago. The feathers are as good as new."

"Understood." Officer Pan nodded and glanced at the policeman beside him.

"Don't worry, I'm not finished yet."

Since the police asked, of course Zhang Yang had to make it clear once and for all.

"Ivory statue? It's fake, just ordinary plastic... But, boss, the ivory piece in front of you is a good brand. It looks like new African ivory. Who did you get it for?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, these jewelry are also very interesting. The blue part on the top is made of jadeite craftsmanship, using the feathers of the kingfisher; the small beads strung on it are ground with the scraps left over from the helmeted hornbill carving. "

"I suggest you check this stall owner carefully. He has already figured out the animal products business."

Zhang Yang's last sudden compliment not only made the police present happy, but even the stall owner selling animal products subconsciously smiled.

Then he realized: Damn it, what did Master Zhang just say?
"I didn't." The stall owner was busy defending.

But the two people who had spoken had already walked away, leaving only the person wearing the silver bracelet for him.

"Master Zhang, thank you for your hard work. This kind of professional matter really needs professionals like you." Officer Pan grabbed Zhang Yang's hand and shook it vigorously.

"You're welcome, I'm very experienced in cooperating with the police."

"Yeah, but I have a favor."

"Oh? What is it? As long as I have the ability, I will try my best."

While Zhang Yang was talking, he looked at Huniu squatting beside the stall in a daze, and thought to himself, the police officer wouldn't let him get involved in Xiao Chu and her matter, right?

That's really out of my control. The two of them have already finished today.

"Is such that……"

Officer Pan reached into his inner pocket and took out a notebook with difficulty:

"Many of us are your fans. Can you sign your autograph for everyone? It would be better if you could leave your personal contact information."

(End of this chapter)

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