Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 449 Zhang Yang, I came from hell

Chapter 449 Zhang Yang, I’m back from hell
"I didn't expect that even the police officers would be so enthusiastic now."

When Zhang Yang walked out of the ghost market in the parking lot, it was already 1 o'clock in the morning. Officer Pan specifically asked him if he wanted to send a police car to see him off at such a late hour.

To be honest, Zhang Yang really has this qualification.

The help he just provided can at least save the police at the police station several days of investigation time.

However, because Chu Ziqiang's medical treatment was right at the entrance of the market, Zhang Yang declined Officer Pan's kindness.

Walking out of the ghost market, the road in front of you is full of roadside stalls set up by small vendors.

The variety of products sold is no less than that of the ghost market in the parking lot, and there are even snacks sold, but the quality is much worse than that of the ghost market.

The most classic one is the Jianzhan stall with the slogan "two pieces for five yuan". With its own efforts, it has brought the antique stall at the door down to the level of a vegetable market.

However, those young couples who come here because of the reputation, the little fairies who check in, etc. are still willing to visit this kind of street stalls.

Anyway, I was just watching and didn't plan to spend a penny.

"I knew I would have taken Shen Shuyu out for a walk." Zhang Yang couldn't help but think to himself.

Of course this is hindsight.

Because in Xiao Chu's plan, the two of them wanted to stay in the ghost market until three or four in the morning, visit all the stalls, pick up all the leaks, and wait until the vendors closed their stalls before leaving.

In that plan, it is certainly not suitable to bring women over, after all, staying up late is the natural enemy of girls.

But who would have thought that Chu Ziqiang would meet his nemesis.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and glanced at his phone. The clinic Xiao Chu went to was on the next street corner three hundred meters away. When he walked over, he could just take a look at all the stalls on the roadside.

He was just about to move forward when a girl's voice suddenly came from behind him.

A little flirty, a little familiar.

"Zhang Yang, wait a moment."

Who? How dare you call me by my name?
Zhang Yang half-stepped back and turned around, feeling safer this way.

The person who came was a girl wearing a JK uniform. She looked a bit unfamiliar, but her white face looked a bit familiar.

Zhang Yang wondered where he had seen this scenery before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Zhang Yang, Master Zhang, it's really you." The other party said in surprise.

"Yes, you are?" Zhang Yang scratched his head in embarrassment.

The tone of the other person's words sounded as if the two were old acquaintances.

"I, Yuanyuan, don't you recognize me?"

"Yuanyuan?" Zhang Yang seemed to have heard of this name.

"Really forgot?" Yuanyuan gave Zhang Yang a coquettish look, stretched out her right hand and stretched it into the ravine in front of her.

What is this going to do?
Seeing that the other party was an acquaintance, Zhang Yang came closer and helped her cover her face.

After a slight shaking, a translucent green jade pendant was pulled out of the deep valley by Yuanyuan and placed on her hand.

"Does it look familiar?" she asked.

These two keywords, Jadeite and Giant Rich, immediately reminded Zhang Yang of the identity of the girl in front of him.

Isn’t she the subordinate of Miss Cao from Guangdong Province?
I used to be colleagues with Zhang Yang, but later I tried to turn against him several times, but Zhang Yang always refused me after he got addicted to his eyes.

"Oh, it turns out it's you." Zhang Yang took two steps back and opened a gentleman's distance.

No wonder it's so familiar.

"Why did you come to Yanjing?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

From Linhai, to Yangcheng, and then to Yanjing, most of China has been traveled, which is quite rare among female anchors.

Could it be that she is also learning to be the best in Douyin and singing while walking?
"Our company sent me to Yanjing on a business trip."

"That's right." Zhang Yang nodded.

Cao Jiayun's company has closed down, and it seems that Yuanyuan has found a new job.

However, judging from her appearance and the places she appeared, there is a high probability that she still did not escape the siege of the toy market.

Zhang Yang and her were close acquaintances.

Apart from saying hello, there was nothing much to say when they met. After asking the questions, he was already thinking about how to end the conversation.

But before Zhang Yang could speak, the woman named Yuanyuan revealed her purpose of coming to Zhang Yang.

"Zhang Yang, are you free? We are doing land promotion there, would you mind coming over and helping with publicity?"

"There are many fans of your live broadcast here. If they know that you are coming, they will definitely be very happy."

"Really?" Zhang Yang pretended to be surprised, but then changed the topic and said with regret, "But I have just met the fans from the official support group, those aunts wearing little yellow hats. "

"Oh, that's how it is……"

"That's it." Zhang Yang nodded, and he could see that the other party was thinking of a reason.

But the two of them had no friendship to begin with, and even if the other party came up with a reason, Zhang Yang would politely refuse.

"Zhang Yang, you still remember Mr. Yu?"

"Huh?" Zhang Yang was stunned.

He never expected that after thinking for a long time, such a familiar name would pop out of the other person's mouth.

Sure enough, it has to be those people in Linhai. Any mention of people and events in the past will bring surprises to Zhang Yang.

"What's wrong with Mr. Yu?" Zhang Yang asked.

"It seems that he went in before and was just released some time ago. He is looking for you all over the world."

"Ah?" Zhang Yang was stunned again.

what's the situation? Wasn't Mr. Yu arrested together with his sissy cousin?
At that time, Xiao Chu's archaeological team helped arrest the person.

Whether it is physical evidence or witness, there is irrefutable evidence that Mr. Yu and his gang committed the crime of robbing ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs.

How can it be released in half a year?

"Has Director Jin come out?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I don't know about that. I heard about Mr. Yu from the female anchor of the previous company."

"Do you remember Qiqi? She used to have an ambiguous relationship with Mr. Yu. She just married an honest man a few years ago. Unexpectedly, when Mr. Yu came out, he actually found her at home..."

Zhang Yang can't even remember the people and things Yuanyuan said, but Sister Gao should know it very well.

But none of this matters.

The important thing is that she told Zhang Yang that Mr. Yu was in Yanjing at the moment.

The female anchor Qiqi with whom he was entangled was currently in the same company as Yuanyuan. She also came to Yanjing for a business trip, and Mr. Yu also came with her.

What's even more perverted is that Qiqi, who just watched the whole process of Zhang Yang's justice, has already told Zhang Yang about the incident in Daliu Shu Ghost Market.

Mr. Yu is on his way here.

"Zhang Yang, Qiqi asked you not to blame her. She said that if you could change with Mr. Yu, you would be doing good to the people."

"Haha, thank her for me." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Then now... do you want to go to the ghost market with me? There are many people in the ghost market and there are patrolling security guards. Mr. Yu should not dare to do anything to you." Yuanyuan suggested in a low voice.

After Zhang Yang heard this, he looked at her carefully.

To be honest, Zhang Yang looked at her like this. If he hadn't taken the initiative to remind him, he would have suspected that President Yu had been summoned by her.

Now I feel guilty before reminding me.

But Yuanyuan probably underestimated Mr. Yu's hatred for him.

Although the three people on the archaeological team were enforcers of justice, it was Zhang Yang who really exposed Mr. Yu’s crimes;

Director Jin stabbed Mr. Yu in the back in order to reduce the crime, and the brothers turned against each other. It was hateful to think about it, but it was because of Zhang Yang's intentional guidance that Director Jin thought of telling everything and seeking leniency.

Therefore, Mr. Yu must have the deepest hatred for Zhang Yang.

Especially after coming out, he would feel unbalanced if he saw that Zhang Yang was living so well.

"No, thank you. I'm leaving now. If it's later, I might not be able to leave." Zhang Yang replied.

"Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

"It's okay. This is a society governed by law. Mr. Yu can't do anything to me."

"Okay then." Yuanyuan raised her head and looked at Zhang Yang, with a trace of imperceptible pity in her eyes.

Behind the crispy sausage stall she glanced at, a fat man wearing a leather jacket and a mask was pulling down his peaked cap.

As long as Zhang Yang takes a few steps forward, he will be within attacking range of the man. However, Zhang Yang didn't notice this situation since he didn't have eyes on the back of his head.

"Well, we are destined to meet again."

Zhang Yang waved his hand at the other party.

Yuanyuan nodded sadly in response.

At the same time, the heavily armed man next to the roadside stall also had a glint in his eyes.

But Zhang Yang's next move was completely beyond their expectations.

He did not turn around, but walked past Yuanyuan and walked towards the parking lot ghost market again.

"Hey!" The woman stopped him unconsciously.

"what happened?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'll go in and find a friend, so we can be safe together."

"Oh, that's good."

"Yeah, well, we really see you again this time." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Then, he quickly quickened his pace and walked towards the stall where the conflict had just occurred.

Officer Pan, something big has happened. If you don't mind, can you give me a ride?


After Zhang Yang's back completely disappeared from Yuanyuan's sight, the heavily armed fat man walked up.

"What did he do?" Mr. Yu asked in a hoarse voice.

"Going to find help."

"Help? Tsk." Mr. Yu snorted contemptuously, "What's the use of a helper? I'm just here to trade with him."

"Is there anyone else who would be willing to replace him?"

"It's you, Yuanyuan, I didn't expect you to want to save him. Why, are you attracted to him?"

"You're overthinking. Do you think I can't see that Zhang Yang is annoying me? But if I don't report him, I won't be able to get through this."

"After all, I was the one who leaked his whereabouts to you." Yuanyuan said indifferently.

"That's fine. If he is really your sweetheart and you beg me nicely, hehehe, I might let him go."

Mr. Yu's lewd smile made Yuanyuan frown.

But thinking of the other person's crazy appearance, she did not refute, so as not to get into trouble.

I just want Zhang Yang to come out quickly and have a fight with this lunatic.

About three minutes later, Zhang Yang's figure reappeared at the entrance of the parking lot.

Yuanyuan has changed places with Mr. Yu just now. She went to the roadside stall to buy snacks, while Mr. Yu put his hands in his pockets and hid behind the tree, watching Zhang Yang approach little by little.

He couldn't help but count down in his heart:

5, 4, 3, 2...

"Mr. Yu, come out, I see you." Zhang Yang stopped three meters away from Mr. Yu and said.

Just before Zhang Yang went in to find Officer Pan, he deliberately kept a careful eye and looked this way.

Unexpectedly, I saw the scene of Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan talking.

No matter who the fat man in black clothes was, Zhang Yang assumed that he was a threat to him.

So when he came out, he took a special look at the situation at the exit, and sure enough he found the bloated figure of Mr. Yu.

The food in the detention center may not be bad, but Mr. Yu didn't lose weight.

The thin willow tree could not block his entire body.

"Not bad, you are quite smart."

Mr. Yu strolled out from behind the tree, looking a bit like a martial arts master.

It would have been more like this if I hadn't been hit by a passing aunt and almost fell down.

However, even though he was a little embarrassed by the aunt, Mr. Yu still did not forget his lines:
"Zhang Yang, I'm back from hell."

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

"What do you mean? When you talk about hell, do you mean a detention center or a prison?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I advise you to be careful in your words and actions."

This question directly stuck Mr. Yu.

After a long while, he choked out a sentence: "I won't talk to you, so don't run away, or I won't let you go to the end of the world."

"How do you know I'm going to Hainan for vacation next month?" Zhang Yang asked again.

"I don't care where you go next month, anyway, I'm here to settle a score with you today." Mr. Yu said viciously.

"Okay, let's do the math." Zhang Yang responded easily.

When he saw the man in black who was suspected of being Mr. Yu communicating with Yuanyuan, he had already changed his mind.

Escape is not an option.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against thieves?
If people like Mr. Yu are not dealt with at once, they may pop up at any time to disgust themselves.

"You came to my company for an internship, I didn't feel sorry for you, right?" Mr. Yu asked.

"No, even though you made promises to me and tried to PUA me, I still treat you like a half-human for the sake of your salary."

"Don't say so much, I'm not sorry for you anyway, so why do you want to harm me?"

"I harmed you? Are you kidding? Not only did I not harm you, I also helped you, okay?"

"Help me? Give me a second sentence with a suspended sentence of three?"

"Let's not talk about your imprisonment for now. Let me ask you first, why did your company close down? Is it because Cao Jiayun's boss set a trap for you?" Zhang Yang asked in an anti-customer tone.

"Yeah, what does this have to do with you?"

"I sent Cao Jiayun and his boss in." Zhang Yang said calmly, "If you don't believe me, you can search. The major case of cross-border smuggling of cultural relics and jade in Guangdong Province happened last year."

"The client was sentenced to thirteen years. Cao Jiayun almost escaped. I asked her again and sent her in. I guess she will be sentenced in a while."

"Do you think I helped you get revenge?"

Mr. Yu: "..."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Mr. Yu remained silent for five seconds.

He really couldn't think of how to reply to Zhang Yang. That's all he had to say. Logically speaking, he should say thank you to Zhang Yang.

But when I think about the hardships I endured in the detention center, I can’t even say thank you.

"That's your own leisure, it has nothing to do with me."

Mr. Yu thought about it for a long time and finally came up with this solution to the problem.

To his surprise, Zhang Yang didn't have any mood swings after listening.

He just shrugged and replied, "Okay then."

"Tell me, what do I owe you?"

"You still have the nerve to ask?"

When Mr. Yu thought of his tragic experience, he immediately became angry.

When he was arrested, he wanted to hit Director Jin because he stabbed him in the back, and the two brothers completely fell out because of this.

As a result, after arriving at the detention center, his cousin was in the next room, constantly bribing the suspects who were in the same room with him, instructing these people to beat him frequently, forcing him to sleep in the bunk next to the toilet every day, and having to clean the toilet.

Unable to endure such a hard life, Mr. Yu directly confessed to his crime when he was interrogated. He didn't want to defend himself and just wanted to go to prison to serve his sentence.

Unexpectedly, the public prosecutor and the procuratorate believed that he had a good attitude in admitting his mistake and gave him a suspended sentence.

"Half a year, do you know how I got here in the past six months?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yang shook his head and asked, "By the way, didn't you judge? Why did you get out?"

"Because I was given a suspended sentence. Unexpected, right?" Mr. Yu said proudly.

"Probation?" Zhang Yang was stunned, "You were sentenced to probation. Aren't you required to report to the judicial office regularly? Why did you come to Yanjing?"

(End of this chapter)

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