Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 450 Xiao Chu, you still have a sister

Chapter 450 Xiao Chu, you still have a sister
"Don't worry about it. My personal affairs have nothing to do with our affairs today."

Mr. Yu waved his hand and put his right hand into his pocket.

Zhang Yang was keenly aware that the other party seemed to be touching something, a sharp protrusion, which was probably a dagger.

OK, you want to play dirty, right?

Zhang Yang quickly stretched his hands behind his back and made a "hands on" gesture.

Are you the only one calling someone?

Do I have fewer people to call?
"Zhang Yang, I heard that you have been living a good life recently, and you have become a big anchor. Speaking of which, if I hadn't seen at a glance that you have the potential to be an anchor..."

When Mr. Yu spoke, he had a kind smile on his face, but he was slowly approaching Zhang Yang step by step.

When ordinary passers-by saw him, they probably thought that Zhang Yang and he were good friends who hadn't seen each other for many years and were about to shake hands and exchange greetings.

"Mr. Yu, did you really come to Yanjing without reporting it to the Judicial Office?"

"If you are discovered like this, your probation will be revoked!" Zhang Yang said worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay. Even if it's cancelled, it won't be a big problem."

Mr. Yu's smile was almost overflowing. He was only one step away from Zhang Yang.

Just half a step forward and you can take action.

When the time comes, the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out. After stabbing, he runs away, and the two are cleared from now on.

Before taking action, Mr. Yu wanted to numb Zhang Yang with words.

"As long as I can..."

In the middle of speaking, Mr. Yu suddenly got stuck.

"What can you do?" Zhang Yang blinked innocently and asked, looking at Mr. Yu who was stunned on the spot.

"Haha." The smile on Mr. Yu's face suddenly became a little stiff.

Because just as he put the knife out of his pocket, two uniformed policemen, one on the left and one on the right, appeared half a body behind Zhang Yang.

It's too late to draw the sword at this time.

"Hello, comrade police."

Mr. Yu subconsciously stood at attention and nodded to the two police officers.

Then, he saw Zhang Yang turning his head very familiarly and said to one of the policemen: "Officer Pan, this is Mr. Yu."

"He committed a crime in his hometown and was sentenced to probation. He came to Yanjing without the consent of the local judicial bureau. This is very dangerous!"

"Then he also has a sharp weapon in his pocket. He probably wants to take revenge on me."

"Zhang Yang, I'm warning you, don't slander anyone." Mr. Yu took half a step back, pointed at Zhang Yang's nose and said, "I have already reported that I came to Yanjing. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Yu quickly turned around and ran towards the main road as if running for his life.

Of course he never filed a report with the Justice Bureau.

How could the correctional institution allow a grave robber who was sentenced to probation to leave the jurisdiction and run around?

Aren't you afraid that people like this will dig up other people's ancestral graves again?
So the moment Mr. Yu saw the police coming out, he had already thought about running away.

However, he only ran seven or eight steps before he immediately stopped.

Because on his escape route, two policemen suddenly appeared.

"Okay, Zhang Yang, you kid has already planned it, right? Even the police are here."

Mr. Yu turned around while smiling.

The smile is a little bitter.

He knew he couldn't escape by running, so he could only seize the last moment to vent his emotions.

While waiting for the police to come and handcuff him, Mr. Yu stared at Zhang Yang and asked loudly, "Can you tell me what the hell is going on for you if I dig a temple? You had to send us away at that time." Go in?"

"Ah? Talk!"

"Director Jin, have you gone in too?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Him? He blamed everything on me, and the police didn't even charge him." Mr. Yu said sarcastically.

"Isn't that okay? I've already taught you how to do it, right?"

"Teach me to betray my brother?"

"No, what he taught you is to correct your mistakes." Zhang Yang curled his lips and sighed with regret.

"Mr. Yu, go back and think about it carefully. Is it because I won't let you go, or because you don't want to give yourself a chance to start over?"

Zhang Yang's words stunned Mr. Yu.

His lips opened and closed as if he were saying something, but even Officer Pan, who was closest to him, couldn't hear what he said clearly.


Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Officer Pan put Mr. Yu into the police car.

In the distance, the woman named Yuanyuan witnessed the whole process. She was hiding behind a jewelry stall and looked at Zhang Yang timidly.

He looked like he wanted to come over, but didn't dare.

Zhang Yang only glanced at her, then turned his head without taking a second look.

It was a big help for her to remind herself, but looking at the way she and Mr. Yu were standing together chatting, the purpose didn't seem so simple.

Zhang Yang thought, just don't worry about it, there won't be any intersection in the future anyway.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang at the right time.

Chu Ziqiang called.

After the call was connected, Chu Ziqiang on the other end asked in a very weak voice: "Hey, is this Brother Yang?"

"Xiaoqiang, what's wrong with you, Xiaoqiang?" Zhang Yang asked anxiously, "Xiaoqiang, are you okay? Does the doctor say there is hope?"

"Pfft~" Chu Ziqiang didn't hold back and burst out laughing.

"Brother Yang, even if you call me Xiao Qiangzi, don't call me Xiao Qiang. It's too offensive."

"Listening to your angry voice, it should be fine." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"It's okay. Tigress held it back when she started, otherwise I should be taking oxygen now."

"It's okay. Do you want me to come pick you up?"

"No, no, my sister is here. Where are you? We'll come to pick you up."

"It's right next to the sign of the trading market during the day." Zhang Yang looked up and responded.

"Okay, we'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang frowned.

When did Chu Ziqiang have a sister?
But when I think about it, the Chu family is a family with a courtyard house in Yanjing. It seems normal to have several half-sisters who grew up together.

About ten minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz GLC with a Beijing A license plate stopped in front of Zhang Yang.

The car window slowly rolled down, and a young woman with a ponytail and a black suspender pulled down her sunglasses and glanced at him:

"Is it Zhang Yang?"

"Who are you?" Zhang Yang was wondering who this was when he saw Chu Ziqiang waving to him from the passenger seat.

"Brother Yang, get in the car!"

"Hahaha." Zhang Yang laughed out loud.

Chu Ziqiang must have suffered a serious injury, and there was a bandage tied around his head, like a white hat in the Middle East;
There seems to be something wrong with the arm, too, and it's splinted.

"Chu Ziqiang, can you do this?" Zhang Yang asked immediately after sitting in the back seat.

"It's okay, just a minor injury."

"Come on, Brother Yang, let me introduce you. This is Sister Fu, the master's master."

"Hello, Sister Fu." Zhang Yang nodded in greeting.

The first impression that Sister Fu gave him was that she was a bit naive. Even if there are many high-beam dogs here, if you wear sunglasses when driving at night, you will still get some stains.

Moreover, it is still a bit cold in Yanjing in April, but this sister is already wearing a cool sling. She is so beautiful and chilling.

"Hello, I'm Fu Sixi." Sister Fu's voice was a little deep, "I heard from Xiao Chu, did you miss something tonight?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yang nodded.

Although he was the one who picked it up, there is still a tacit understanding between Zhang Yang and Chu Ziqiang. It must be Xiao Chu who wanted to find a justifiable reason for his own injury before the matter of picking up the leak was involved.

"What did you buy?"

"A deer whistle from the Jiaqing period, and a Zhonghe Shaole Xun from the mid-Qing Dynasty."

"In total, I made 150,000 yuan." Chu Ziqiang added with a smile.

"Oh? Not bad." Sister Fu nodded and looked at the time on her phone. "It's still early. Should I take you home or go to my place?"

"Of course I'm going to my sister's place," Chu Ziqiang replied.

This made Zhang Yang a little confused.

What, does this Sister Fu’s family run a hospital? Xiao Chu is in a hurry to get treatment?
Through the rearview mirror in the car, Fu Sishi saw Zhang Yang's confused expression, covered her mouth and explained with a smile:
"Zhang Yang, you may not know it yet."

"When Chu Ziqiang was a kid, he would stay at my house every time he stayed out too late and didn't dare to go home."

"Oh." Zhang Yang understood, wasn't he the relative who had doted on Xiao Chu since he was a child?

"Otherwise I won't go. I have something to do when I go back tonight."

"What can happen at this point? The handsome guy made up an excuse to get some snacks." After Fu Sishi finished speaking, she locked the car door directly.

"Haha, I'm sorry to bother you then." Zhang Yang smiled a little sheepishly.

It's not that he thinks there's anything wrong with going to Fu's house, it's just that after getting in the car, seeing Xiao Chu's condition, he felt something was wrong.

Chu Ziqiang's friendship with this Sister Fu is not the kind of friendship in the name of brother and sister, but a bit of love between a man and a woman.

Zhang Yang suspected that he was now a wingman.

Along the way, Chu Ziqiang kept chattering.

I don’t know if he did it accidentally or on purpose, but all he talked about was what happened after he met Zhang Yang.

From "Xiajintang" to the archaeological team, and now to visiting the ghost market.

Fu Sishi's aunt smiled throughout the whole process, like a young lady doting on her younger brother, echoing Chu Ziqiang's words, and occasionally making a statement to lighten the atmosphere.

Zhang Yang was miserable. He needed to listen to the conversation between the two at all times and answer them at any time, so as not to leave them in the cold because he didn't hear clearly.

Listening to Chu Ziqiang's hearty laughter, Zhang Yang sighed in his heart:

"As a brother, I can only help you up to this point. This wingman is too tired. It's more tiring than searching for loopholes in a ghost market."

Half an hour later, the group arrived at Fu Sixi's residence.

It is a three-story independent villa, and there are no accidents. The Chu family really has "no white people coming and going".

When entering, Zhang Yang noticed that there was a sign at the door that read "Shuhong Art Trading Co., Ltd."

When we entered the first floor, we saw the same sign.

Is this Sister Fu’s family engaged in art business?

When Zhang Yang was wondering, Fu Sishi took the initiative to introduce him: "Zhang Yang, you are from the museum. I wonder if you know anything about Western art?"

"My art trading company specializes in Western paintings and sculptures."

"Those in ancient times understand, but those in modern times don't understand." Zhang Yang shook his head honestly.

Since he was a child, he received traditional Chinese education and all he saw were realistic Chinese paintings. Zhang Yang really couldn't appreciate some modern Western artworks.

But looking at the decoration of Fu Sishi's home, she must be very interested in the art and culture of the Mediterranean coast. The decoration is very European-style.

There are also many imitations of famous paintings hanging on the walls of the corridor, but most of them have colorful and complex lines, all abstract paintings, which Zhang Yang can't understand at all.

"Oh, I understand." I don't know why, but after hearing Zhang Yang's words, Fu Sishi suddenly sighed and her eyes became melancholy.

"Sister, I need to go to the toilet." Chu Ziqiang suddenly said.

Then he pulled Zhang Yang's arm: "Brother Yang, don't you also need to go to the toilet?"

"Ah, yes, yes, I'm almost exhausted."

Zhang Yang nodded and followed Zhang Yang to the other end of the corridor.

When the two of them came to the corner, Chu Ziqiang used the only good one to hold Zhang Yang's hand.

He said in a pleading tone: "Brother Yang, when you go out later, can you take the initiative to ask Sister Fu about her collection."


"Because the elders in Sister Fu's family are like you. They study traditional cultural relics and are naturally not interested in Western paintings and artworks, so she is very unpopular with her family."

"Your cold attitude just now hurt her a bit."

"Indifferent?" Zhang Yang asked back.

"Well, you're so aloof. It's in stark contrast to your attitude in the car."

Zhang Yang wanted to say that he was just faking it in the car.

Isn’t that for being a wingman?
Besides, you, Chu Ziqiang, have thoughts about Fu Sishi, so it's normal to be so enthusiastic; you don't have any strange thoughts yourself, so you're just so enthusiastic.

"Brother Yang, I beg you, be kinder later and do this favor for your brother."

"I can help, but I have a question." Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, the soul of gossip in his chest burning, "What is the relationship between you and this Sister Fu?"

"You should be able to tell." Chu Ziqiang smiled bitterly.

Thousands of words, summed up in one sentence:

I only regard you as my younger brother.

According to Zhang Yang's experience as a military adviser to his classmates for so many years, Fu Sishi would never accept Chu Ziqiang unless there was a car accident, amnesia, or leukemia.

"Okay." Zhang Yang patted Chu Ziqiang's shoulder.

We are all buddies, so we need help.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yang and Xiao Chu returned to the living room.

Fu Sishi invited the two of them upstairs, and Zhang Yang came directly to the show, pretending not to hear, looking at the abstract graffiti on the wall, in a daze.

"Brother Yang, what are you looking at?" Chu Ziqiang quickly asked in cooperation.

"I'm very confused." Zhang Yang turned around, his eyebrows knitted together, "They say abstract paintings should be carefully scrutinized. I've seen Zao Wou-ki's hundreds of millions of paintings before, but I always felt that I couldn't understand them. "

"Sister Fu, can you help me get in?"

"Are you interested in this kind of painting?" Fu Sishi asked in surprise.

"Of course, I have already studied almost all domestic antiques, and I urgently need to expand my knowledge."

"Yes, yes, Brother Yang is invincible in the field of domestic cultural relics." Chu Ziqiang agreed.

"Hahaha, okay, I can tell you something. Let's talk about it on the second floor."

Following Fu Sishi to the second floor, she took out a picture album and handed it to Zhang Yang.

The first painting I opened was the famous "Girl with a Pearl Earring".

This is a portrait as famous as the Mona Lisa, a truly priceless treasure.

"Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of the most realistic Western oil paintings." Fu Sishi introduced it to Zhang Yang.

Then he took the initiative to come over and help turn to the next page.

"If you abstract the painting, this is what it would look like."


Zhang Yang looked at the colorful squares and circles in the picture and thought to himself, this is really a bit abstract.

(End of this chapter)

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