Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 457 The toughest father in the world

Chapter 457 The toughest father in the world
When Zhang Yang replied to "Da Fei"'s message, he took the jade millstone for appraisal and was eventually kicked out of the venue by security guards. "Xiao Fei" finally arrived home.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his cousin lying on the rocking chair in the yard, playing leisurely on his mobile phone.

Xiaofei couldn't help complaining:

"Brother, you can do this kind of work next time, I won't go."

"What's wrong? Is today not going well?" Da Fei asked without raising his head.

"It's not just bad, it's a disaster."

"I originally wanted to pretend to be a fan, but I didn't expect that bullshit Master Zhang didn't give me any face, and asked the security guards to kick me out directly."

"You didn't see that scene. There were aunts everywhere taking photos and videos. I was being held up by seven or eight security guards, just like the death row prisoners in ancient times were paraded through the streets."

"If the police hadn't come to help, I would have really suspected that the security guards wanted to escort me around the venue..."

Xiao Fei became more and more angry as he talked. He angrily sat down at the table, poured water into his mouth, and tried to comfort himself.

"Okay, it's not like I've never encountered this kind of thing like you."

Da Fei stood up and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"When I was doing "Huashan Lun Jian" before, Bai Hebo scolded me like a pig's head. Otherwise, can I let you go this time?"

"Isn't it because he remembers my face?"


When Xiao Fei heard what his elder brother said, he lost a lot of his anger and sighed helplessly.

He turned around and asked about the delivery situation in the live broadcast room:
"How are the sales today?"

"No need to ask this question. They are sold out in seconds and there is nothing left."

"That's why I said, although the two of us are a little embarrassed sometimes, but for those old people who are not very smart, they don't care at all."

"Look, there is another person here who is asking me to buy something. How many pieces should I buy if one piece is not enough..."

Da Fei handed the phone to his cousin. On it were the chat records between him and Zhang Yang.

Hearing that the Siyang Fangzun was so cheap, Zhang Yang bought several more pieces, and finally collected a total of 20,000 yuan.

Afraid that Da Fei would regret it, Zhang Yang called the money directly.

When Xiaofei saw the transfer record, he couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The depression of the day is almost gone.

He covered his mouth and commented:
"There are really so many gods of wealth now that it's ridiculous."

"Hehehe, yes, the money earned makes people really reluctant to let it go."

"Okay, come here and lie down and rest for a while, I'll go deliver this Xu Jie's goods."

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work, brother."

Xiaofei snorted twice and lay down on the chair comfortably.

In fact, if he had asked more questions at this time and found out that Xu Jie's harvest address was Linhai, he would never be able to lie down so peacefully.

Linhai was the territory of Master Zhang, who was attacking him during the day.

Not to mention that anyone who looks at the map will know that No. 11 Wenbo Road, Guanhai District, Linhai City, is the Hailin Museum?
The fakes were sent directly to Master Zhang’s home base.

If you send something there, isn't it a gift to someone's head?

It's a pity that Xiao Fei wasn't alert enough and didn't ask.

So half a month later, when the Linhai City police and local police came to arrest the person, the two brothers were stunned.

Scam? Or a fraud case in Linhai?
When did it happen?

"We have never been to Linhai in our entire lives. Officer, are you making a mistake?"

Xiaofei still wanted to make a quibble.

But Captain Liu didn’t give him a chance at all:

"This is the chat record when you sold jade."

"When you were chatting, you made it very clear that what you were selling was imperial green jade. However, after identification by the National Jade Institute, it was actually dyed from quartzite, which is significantly different from the imperial green in common perception."

The two brothers looked at the chat history and could barely remember what happened half a month ago.

The two looked at each other, but they still didn't understand. That "Xu Jie" was specifically looking for trouble.

Professional counterfeiter? !
Choosing the lesser of two evils, Da Fei immediately expressed that he was willing to pay:
"Comrade police officer, why don't we pay compensation?"

"According to transaction fraud, if one is fake, three will be compensated. This should be no problem."

"If it's just this case, it's feasible. However, the reports our bureau has received include many victims who suffered the same fate as Xu Jie. The total amount involved exceeds 100,000 yuan. We need you two to go back with us to assist in the investigation. "

"It's impossible. I just sold a single item to Xu Jie. Officer, did you make a mistake?"

Usually in this situation, Captain Liu would not bother to explain and would just handcuff him.

However, thinking of what Zhang Yang had said to him before coming, he patiently explained:
"The people you lie to are constantly introducing you to their relatives and friends."

"That's how the victims were created this time."

"Since you understand transaction fraud, you will get a refund of one and lose three, so you should also know what the concept of multi-person and high-amount fraud is, right?"

"Brother, is this really the case?"

Xiao Fei looked at his eldest brother with a shocked expression.

The latter nodded with some difficulty under the gazes of several people.

However, he still said harshly:
"I thought those people's relatives and friends were all fools. How come there are still people with brains?"

"Haha." Captain Liu smiled.

According to Zhang Yang, maybe their live broadcast room can indeed screen out fools.

But when these fools help them promote themselves as "fathers", "leaders", "colleagues", etc., there is no screening, but indiscriminate fraud.

Zhang Yang discovered through Director Xie's connections that many elderly people who had never watched their live broadcast were also fooled because they were recommended by relatives.

Captain Liu turned around and pointed at the police car outside the door.

The two brothers gave up their struggle completely and walked out the door obediently.


When Captain Liu sent the police, Zhang Yang had already returned to Linhai.

The event at Chang'an Station was very successful.

And it's a success in every sense of the word.

It is said that since CCTV's "Treasure Hunt" program came to Chang'an in 16, there has never been such a large-scale treasure appraisal activity held in the local area.

The audition was not completed for four days.

Finally, at the request of the relevant local departments, Zhang Yang and the experts worked overtime for two more days, and finally managed to receive the enthusiastic treasure friends.

The subsequent auction will be held in Xiangjiang, and Zhang Yang will return to Linhai first.

Nowadays, if antiques want to be exported overseas to participate in auctions, the review process is rather cumbersome.

It is estimated that it will take half a month to complete.

Of course, this is a must.

Although Zhang Yang had read the auction catalog himself, he was sure that there were no orphans or national treasures in it.

But only after all the auction items have been reviewed by relevant departments can Zhang Yang dare to take them out for photography with confidence.

Otherwise it would be too much pressure.

The reputation of an antiquities dealer can crush people to death.

In addition to the auction to look forward to.

The biggest advantage of this trip to Chang'an is that it successfully brought the activities organized by Zhang Yang into the official field of vision.

Originally, Jiangcheng's application was stuck for a long time, but the day after the Chang'an program was broadcast, the approval notice came out.

There were even many heads of cultural tourism departments in prefecture-level cities who took the initiative to call Wang Guosheng, wanting to contact Zhang Yang through his channels and invite Zhang Yang to hold the event locally.

Of course, Zhang Yang politely declined these invitations from third- and fourth-tier cities with Jiangcheng's notice.

Some cities don't even have large venues, so how can we hold events?

Summer is coming soon, and Zhang Yang doesn't want to appraise treasures under the scorching sun at 40 degrees.

If you have this free time, wouldn't it be better to conduct the appraisal directly in the live broadcast room?
Lots can also be collected.

On the first day Zhang Yang returned to Linhai and started broadcasting, he announced the collection of auction items to more than 30,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

They also specially created a small program for registration, and the QR code was placed in the corner of the live broadcast page.

"As soon as the middle of next month, the special auction of "Light of the Ocean Forest" hosted by Christie's will begin accepting reservations." "If there are treasure friends in the live broadcast room who are confident about their collections, they can come to Lianmai for appraisal and take the initiative to scan the upper right corner. Click this QR code to apply for a photo shoot.”

"If you haven't been authenticated, don't scan the QR code. It will be screened out directly. It's meaningless..."

This auction in Xiangjiang was jointly organized by Zhang Yang and Shen Yangling.

And it has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with Christie's.

In fact, Christie's often holds special sales like this, and there is even a precedent of holding special auctions for a member's private collection.

Zhang Yang didn't say much, but Shen Yangling agreed.

But there are conditions:

That is, when Christie's holds subsequent auctions in the mainland, Zhang Yang will provide dedicated technical support.

It sounds like Zhang Yang is lucky.

When he was discussing business with Shen Yangling, Christie's was holding an internal review of the previous year's achievements.

Judging from the auction results, even though it has received policy support, Christie's auctions in the mainland can still be described as "miserable".

This is easy to understand in Zhang Yang's opinion.

Because domestic bronzes cannot be auctioned, and ancient antiques cannot be auctioned, Christie's has lost its aura as a "lawless place". Compared with other auction companies, Christie's has no advantage in the mainland market.

Therefore, “how to break the situation” has become the annual work keyword of Christie’s Asia Division.

Zhang Yang was the first key figure Shen Yangling found to break the situation.

To be able to make the "Light of Hailin" brand famous in just one year, and to be recognized and supported by many well-known experts in the industry, is of course very capable.

They are even exploring the Xiangjiang market.

The words "Chosen Son" are almost written on Zhang Yang's head.

Paying a little benefit to bring Zhang Yang into their own camp is worth it in the eyes of Christie's leadership.

Of course Zhang Yang has no objection to this kind of thing.

He never thought about exploring overseas markets.

Because there is no need to compete with Chen Yanguang for business.

Hedong Group uses high imitations to occupy overseas markets, and claims to use genuine products to bring the domestic antique market back to its roots.

Then wouldn’t collecting from now on mean “the scenery here is uniquely beautiful”?
This time I set foot in the Xiangjiang auction market just to help Chu Ziqiang.

By the way, I also have a close relationship with the people at Christie's to prevent me from being too closely tied to Shenghai's auction company and being manipulated by them.

"This time I have reserved three places for the treasure friends in our live broadcast room."

"Why only three? Because we mainly focus on fake products, not national treasures."

"The most special thing about these three places is that there is no handling fee if the auction is unsuccessful."

"Yes, it's a benefit for brothers."

Zhang Yang solicited auction items in the live broadcast room and was really sincere.

The effect is also very obvious. Even if you scroll down the list of applications, you can’t even see the end.

"Okay, everyone is so enthusiastic, let's quickly connect to the first treasure friend."

After the video was connected, two men's faces appeared on the other end at the same time.

One old and one young.

After introduction, I found out that these two people were father and son.

The person who was the son was Baoyou, and he took his father to appraise the treasure.

Zhang Yang glanced at Mr. Ji in the barrage and said with a smile:

"You two are the fiftieth father and son pair to come to our live broadcast room for a live broadcast."

"Of the forty-nine pairs of fathers and sons before you, only thirteen did not have any quarrels throughout the whole process, and only six of them left. In the end, the father and the son left with a smile at the same time."

"So I hope both of you are mentally prepared."

"Master Zhang, don't worry. My father and I have very good tempers, and we will never be impatient."

Baoyou answered very confidently.

His father echoed the sentiment.

"Okay, let's take a look at your collection."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Baoyou's father took out a wooden token from somewhere and showed it in front of the camera.

The token is round in shape, with the simplified Chinese characters "中书省" written on the front.

There is a big word "order" written on the back.

"Hey, the token from Zhongshu Province?"

"How did you get this?"

"This was me seven or eight years ago..."

Before Baoyou's father finished speaking, Baoyou interrupted him directly.

Then came this sentence:
"This is ancestral."

"Oh, it was passed down from our ancestors seven or eight years ago. It's very powerful."

[laughing to death, forcing ancestral inheritance]

[It feels like a quarrel is not far away]

[If I were Baoyou’s father, I would be speechless]

[It can be seen that this son is really a treasured friend of the live broadcast room]

Perhaps to ease the embarrassment, Baoyou took the initiative to ask Zhang Yang:
"Teacher, this thing should be real, right?"

"I think the color is a bit old."

"It takes no more than five years to make." Zhang Yang replied briefly.

"Why?" Baoyou's father asked blankly.

"Teacher, are you sure? My dad said he bought this seven or eight years ago."

"Oh, I almost forgot about this. Then it will take seven or eight years to make it."

Zhang Yang originally said this after looking at the manufacturing time in the item information, but after Baoyou reminded him, he remembered that he couldn't say that.

Otherwise, it would be too disrespectful to Baoyou’s father.

"Why has it changed again?"

Baoyou's father asked reluctantly.

Zhang Yang felt okay about this problem, but Baoyou himself was a little impatient.

"What's the difference between five years and seven or eight years?"

"Can you not remember when you bought it yourself?"

"I remember it clearly. This is what I bought seven or eight years ago."

"Then what you bought is new, what's the problem?"

Baoyou's father is very tough-mouthed.

Baoyou doesn't like him.

With one sentence from each other, the two people started to quarrel.

Zhang Yang glanced at the barrage:
[This is the fastest father-son feud in history, it only took one and a half minutes]

It was so funny, Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, let's stop arguing for now and let me be fair. In fact, you can tell the truth from the lies about this thing."

“Didn’t you notice that the word [书] in Zhongshu Province is written in simplified Chinese?”

"The correct book should be [book]."

"Simplified Chinese characters are obviously modern."

"This is not important anymore, teacher." Baoyou waved his hand towards the camera and said, "My dad is too tough-talking. I must use your help to make him talk softly for once today."

"Wait a minute, I'll take out all your funny collections and let them be appraised by experts."

"An appraisal is an appraisal, what could be wrong with my collection?" Baoyou's father asked confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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