Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 458 Diagnosis of illness

Chapter 458 Diagnosis of illness
"Come on, come on, the national treasure gang is here!"

It can be heard that Baoyou was a little restrained just now.

After the quarrel with his father, he stopped pretending. When he took out his father's collection, his face lit up with joy.

It is estimated that he was often disturbed by his father's collection.

[Okay, okay, father is kind and son is filial, my favorite episode]

[Father and son on the surface, hahaha]

[Damn it, his father is indeed a member of the National Treasure Gang]

Generally, in this situation, the anchors and viewers in the live broadcast room will stand on the side of the elderly.

The elders in the family should still be coaxed a little in front of them.

But this time Zhang Yang is on Baoyou's side.

Because what was taken out was so outrageous.

"Master Zhang, you said something like this is fine. My dad said it's fine. Can you help analyze it?"

"Does he really not understand, or is there something wrong with his mental state?"

"Anyway, I kind of suspect that he was brainwashed, but I couldn't find the person who brainwashed him."

When Baoyou asked Zhang Yang, he really couldn't hold back and wanted to laugh.

There is a feeling of wanting to cry without tears and being laughed out of anger.


Zhang Yang returned Baoyou with a gesture.

"I've seen this situation a lot, and I should be able to help diagnose it clearly."

"Here, give the camera to your father."

Looking at the middle-aged man who appeared in the video, Zhang Yang held back his smile and asked:
"Uncle, what is the origin of this thing of yours?"

"Teacher, don't you know? This is Sanxingdui's clairvoyant ears."

Baoyou’s father introduced him matter-of-factly:
"The shape of this cultural relic is famous all over the world!"

"Oh, the cultural relics of Sanxingdui."

Zhang Yang nodded with a dull expression, and then asked:

"Then how did you get such a national treasure?"

Zhang Yang wants to help Baoyou figure out the cause of his father's illness, so he must first understand the symptoms.

The National Treasure Gang and the National Treasure Gang are also different.

Some people want to get rich, so they think of worthless things as rare treasures without logic or connection.

The most classic one is Uncle Huanghuali. Rosewood can be regarded as Huanghuali, which makes no sense.

Some people have been deceived by others. This is the case for many people who bought the "three-piece set for the construction site old man" from Hedong Group.

Others are trying to find excuses for their failed collections. They have been cheated too much, and they have no choice but to make up some stories to comfort themselves.

When Zhang Yang was in Chang'an some time ago, he learned a method from a local teacher to diagnose the symptoms of Guobao Gang:
Ask about the origin of things.

The kind that breaks the casserole and asks the truth.

"This is passed down from our ancestors." The uncle replied without thinking.

Baoyou laughed out loud when he heard his father's lies.

He looked strangely beside him:

"Is it passed down from our ancestors? But I remember that you only had this thing at home when you came back from your trip to Tianfu."

"Could it be that our ancestors are actually Bashu people? You returned to Tianfu and dug up our family's ancestral graves?"

"What do you kid know? This thing has been passed down in our family for decades, but it has never been passed on to you."

"I feel like you have no talent for collecting. This thing is a waste for you. When I die, I will donate it to the museum."

Baoyou's father not only used age suppression.

Even inheritance issues have been moved out.

Baoyou was so shocked that he was speechless.

"Since it is passed down from ancestors, how many years has it been passed down?" Zhang Yang asked.

"My father had it at home when he was a child. It must have been passed down for seventy or eighty years now."

"If it's seventy or eighty years, let me help you calculate it..."

In recent years, Sanxingdui has gradually appeared in the public eye. Zhang Yang is an expert in this field and has a good understanding of the excavation history of this ancient culture.

The first excavation of Sanxingdui was in 1929 in modern times, and it lasted until 1934 and then stopped.

It was not until the 1950s that excavations began again.

But before, these were just small things.

Large-scale unearthed cultural relics will have to wait until the 1980s.

"If you remember correctly, uncle, this thing of yours was either excavated in modern times and spread among the people;
Or it was discovered by the local archaeological team in Sanxingdui in the early 1950s.

Think about it, which one is it? "

Zhang Yang gave two options A and B.

After listening to this, Baoyou's father thought about it and chose the one that was least likely to be proven out of the two answers:
"It should have been excavated in modern times."

"My grandfather was living in Tianfu at that time, very close to Sanxingdui. He might have gone to the construction site to help or something like that. He probably kept one secret."

"This shouldn't be illegal, right?"

The uncle asked Zhang Yang, who shook his head and responded:
"It's not illegal. There was no Criminal Code at that time."

[The uncle has so many words]

[It really made him happy]

[The key is that there is no legal responsibility for modern things]

[This person’s logic is quite complete]

"Okay, uncle, if this thing of yours is real, would you like to donate it to the museum?"

"The museum will reward you with 500 yuan + certificate."

Zhang Yang tentatively asked the last question.

Soul torture directly reflects the underlying motivations of the National Treasure Gang.

The current situation looks like Baoyou's father has brainwashed himself.

"Is the certificate official?"

"Of course, there are official numbered certificates, issued one to one, and it may make hot news."

"Then I'll donate, even if I don't have to pay a penny."

"Anyway, my son has no talent for collecting, so there is no use keeping it."

At this time, the uncle was still thinking about CUE his son.

Baoyou next to him laughed angrily and said repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, you donate this kind of garbage to other people's museums, do you think they want it..."

After listening to the uncle's answer, Zhang Yang nodded to himself.

As expected, Baoyou's father is not the kind of national treasure gang who only cares about money.

Much like investing in antiques and failing, and then having some weird mental shift, brainwashing yourself to gain a sense of accomplishment.

This type of national treasure gang is generally unorganized.

It's all for self-entertainment, it's very harmful to your family and your wallet, but it's not harmful to society.

Now, the symptoms and causes are almost analyzed.

Zhang Yang still wants to reveal the final answer:
"If I look at this thing now, it should be new. It is a handicraft on the roadside, or even a souvenir from the trip to Sanxingdui."

"That's my opinion."

"If uncle, you insist that the things are inherited from ancestors, you can think about whether they have been switched."

Baoyou's father fell silent after hearing this.

He silently returned the phone to his son.

In the video, Baoyou showed a bright smile after taking the phone:

"Hahaha, good!"

"Thanks to Master Zhang, my dad's bedroom is filled with these fake antiques. When you enter, it's like entering a grotto."

"My mother couldn't stand him, so she slept with him in a separate room for more than ten years."

"After today, I'll see if he can still be so arrogant!"

Zhang Yang listened to Baoyou venting these words and smiled at him.

You think too much, brother.

Your father's Taoist heart cannot be broken by a treasure appraiser.

"You may be too optimistic."

"Baoyou, your father should be retiring soon. Does he usually trade in stocks?" "If he doesn't trade in stocks, he spends all his money on fake antiques. How can he still have money to trade in stocks?"

"That's right."

"What's wrong?"

"This problem is very complicated to explain. To put it simply, it is an alienation of mentality."

"Your father's current situation is just like those middle-aged and elderly people who are addicted to stock trading."

"It's not that you have to make a lot of money, but you have to buy monster stocks to prove your ability."

"His current mentality is a bit like this."

"Ah?" Baoyou tilted his head in confusion and thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

"My suggestion is to take him to the museum more often, and then watch the live treasure appraisal video if you have nothing to do."

"I'm not advertising my own, but watching the treasure appraisal live broadcast is really effective."

"There used to be a lot of leeks in our live broadcast room. Since watching the live broadcast, many people have reported to me that they no longer have the mentality of wanting to pick up missing items when they go to the antique market."

[Yes, that’s me]

[If I, Wang Long, approve the anchor with my real name]

[I have read too many novels that I have missed in the past. After watching the treasure appraisal live broadcast, I realized that everyone is a leek]

[In fact, it is a problem of survivor bias. Watching live broadcasts can avoid falling into a cognitive cycle]

[Anchors like Master Zhang have indeed saved a lot of leeks]

The barrage of praise made Zhang Yang blush slightly.

But thinking about it carefully, he actually had a similar feeling when he watched "Treasure Hunt" before.

When I see something worth hundreds of thousands or millions, the most I can do is say "Ah" in my heart.

Polite surprise.

After all, there are too many rich people in reality. Even if someone misses a treasure worth hundreds of thousands, it is nothing in real life.

I don’t feel anything after watching it too much.

On the contrary, if he saw someone losing money buying antiques and talking harshly to experts, Zhang Yang would laugh very loudly.

At the same time, I’m still thinking: I definitely won’t be like this.


With father and son in front of him, Baoyou bluntly said that the pressure on him was much less.

"Hey, no matter how stubborn I am, I still won't come up with something like Sanxingdui."

"Friend Bao, don't talk so full of words yet."

Zhang Yang kindly reminded him, so as not to embarrass Baoyou when the boomerang appeared later.

"It's okay, my collection is very unpopular, and most people probably can't understand it."

"It's not fake like Sanxingdui."

Baoyou turned the camera and pointed it at his collection.

Apart from anything else, this thing of his is indeed not as outrageous as the Sanxingdui mask.

"Teacher, I am a leader in the Ming Dynasty."

"What about the material?" Zhang Yang asked.

There is nothing unusual about the chair, it mainly depends on the material.

The price of hardwood chairs from the Ming Dynasty is estimated to be less than a fraction of a new huanghuali chair.

"The material is of course huanghuali."

"Huanghuali was the most famous in the Ming Dynasty."

Baoyou patted the chair in front of him gently, looking very satisfied with this thing.

"The chairs of the Ming Dynasty are indeed very famous. There is such a pair in the Shenghai Museum, and they are also from Huanghuali."

Zhang Yang agreed with Baoyou's words and then smiled maliciously.

"But the experts from Shengbo told me that they are the only pair in the country that have the best huanghuali."

"It's an orphan."

"Baoyou, you said it's yours and it's from the Ming Dynasty, so one of you or Sheng Bo's people must be wrong."

"Guess who was at fault?"

"Then I must be wrong."

Baoyou quickly admitted that it was his fault.

However, he was also very tactful and changed his words directly:
"Actually, I'm not sure of the date. It might be from the Qing Dynasty or modern times."

"Teacher, please help me take a look."

"Okay, I think your statement is reasonable."

"If I look at it, your chair is either from the Ming Dynasty or a new one."

"Teacher Wang Shixiang's "Appreciation of Ming-style Furniture" is a special introduction to this type of chair, which is from the Ming Dynasty."

"The top positions in the Qing Dynasty were very different from this."

Why is Ming Dynasty huanghuali furniture so expensive?

Why can old Huanghuali furniture fetch tens of millions or even hundreds of millions?

Just like Ru porcelain, their style and quantity are basically certain.

There are few surprises.

As early as decades ago, the earliest collectors in China carefully summarized and summarized the furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

At that time, genuine products were not valuable, and there was no interference from imitations. All we got were real and reliable information and data.

It is precisely because of previous research results that the domestic counterfeit antique furniture market has not developed.

Coupled with the fact that the price of raw materials for rare wood is increasing year by year, there are even fewer fake antique furniture on the market.

So much so that when Zhang Yang heard the name "Ming Dynasty Huanghuali", he was 80% sure without looking at anything:
The things are neither from the Ming Dynasty nor Huanghuali.

It's totally wrong.

Modern huanghuali itself is not cheap, and there is no need to make it into antique furniture.

"Come on, move the camera closer."

"No, brother, your huanghuali has no ghost eyes or wheat ears. How are you sure?"

Zhang Yang asked very curiously after reading it.

Saying that the material of this chair is huanghuali is equivalent to holding a gray clay pot and saying it is Yuan blue and white.

The wood itself does not have ghost eyes, and dyeing must be arranged.

Otherwise, how can we touch porcelain huanghuali?

"This one……"

Baoyou was asked by Zhang Yang.

After hemming and hawing for a long time, he finally said:
"I also heard what the seller said."

[Hahaha, I, Qin Shihuang, make money]

[This big brother was quite confident just now]

[I guess I think no one understands furniture]

"Okay, let me give you a brief analysis."

"This thing of yours is obviously antique furniture made by furniture factories around Yanjing."

"And it's based on the "Ming Style Furniture Appreciation" book."

"I even suspect that they were originally selling them as antique furniture, so they didn't do anything fancy like dyeing them."

"The material used is imported Brazilian rosewood. This material itself is very cost-effective wood, so you can sit on this chair."

"Probably the only thing that's deceptive about it is that the overall look and feel is like an old chair."

"Yes, yes." Baoyou repeatedly agreed with Zhang Yang's statement.

Frankly speaking, I bought it because it felt like an old thing.

"Well, it's actually just using lime water to corrode the surface of the wood."

"The jargon is called killing color."

"It means to suppress the bright color of new wood and give it a trace of use."

"But if you look carefully, there aren't even scratches on this chair. No one has ever sat on it."

"Then is this thing still worth something?"

Baoyou asked with a worried look.

"It's just a better wooden chair. You can sit on it directly now."

(End of this chapter)

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