Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 459 The real market price of Yuan blue and white flowers

Chapter 459 The real market price of Yuan blue and white flowers
"My friends, can anyone come up with something real?"

Although Zhang Yang does not have any expectations for the treasure friends in the live broadcast room.

There are only three spots left, which is telling.

But the live broadcast lasted for more than an hour, and there wasn’t even a single item that made it onto the shortlist, which was outrageous.

In the past, if more than a dozen items were appraised, at least one of them would be genuine.

It's really weird today, it's like everything real has disappeared.

No one even came to identify the jadeite.

"If that doesn't work, brothers, let's get some jade. Although it's not an antique, I don't mind it as long as the water is good."

"Emperor green or whatever, come and say hello to me."

"Of course, forget about things from before the Yuan Dynasty. Even if they are genuine, they cannot be auctioned."

"Come, let's welcome the next treasure friend with a round of applause."

After Zhang Yang connected the microphone, as soon as he saw Baoyou's face, he felt a little hopeless.

This treasure friend looks so honest, I feel like he will be cheated.

What he brought was a blue and white porcelain plate.

The color of the porcelain body is a bit yellow, as if it has been smoked.

The subject of the porcelain plate is a little man holding a cattail leaf fan, enjoying the shade under a willow tree, which belongs to the traditional Chinese painting style.

"Teacher, although it looks a bit like the National Treasure Gang, I still have to say, I think this is Yuan Qinghua."

"Can you help me see if there is any problem?"

[Is it Yuan Qinghua again?]

[Does it mean that as long as it is blue and white porcelain, it must be blue and white porcelain?]

[I admire Baoyou’s courage, I will probably cry later]

"Yuan Qinghua?"

"Come on, pick up the things and take a closer look."

This time, Zhang Yang didn't give Baoyou's things a death sentence as soon as he came up.

The reason is simple. The yellowing of this blue and white porcelain plate looks vaguely familiar to him.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhang Yang had seen a lot of porcelain like this when he was in Indonesia.

"Here, turn to the back and let me see."

The yellowing on the front cannot be determined yet.

It's possible that there was smoke during the firing.

But seeing the condition of the tire bottom, Zhang Yang made an instant judgment.

"Friend Bao, where did you get this from?"

"This is passed down from my ancestors."

"Really? May I ask if your ancestral home is the East China Sea or the South China Sea?"


Baoyou was immediately embarrassed. He didn't know whether he didn't understand the implication of Zhang Yang's words or was deliberately pretending to be confused.

"Don't be surprised. As long as an expert takes a look at the bottom of this thing, they will basically be able to recognize it. You are fishing for porcelain from the sea."

"Especially the white underside of the tire is yellowish. I originally thought that was the color of the fired glaze, but I didn't expect that the pixels of your mobile phone are so good that you can clearly see the small bumps of calcium deposits on the surface."

"It is conservatively estimated that this thing has been at the bottom of the sea for more than seven hundred years."

[For more than seven hundred years, isn’t that from the Yuan Dynasty? 】

[Let me go, is it really Yuan Qinghua? 】

[This kind of Yuan blue and white porcelain from the sea should not be valuable]

[There was indeed an export business of blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty, probably from the sunken ship]

[The shape and decoration of this thing are very complete, so it shouldn’t be cheap]

"Friend Bao, are you interested in participating in our auction for your mid-Yuan blue and white porcelain?"

After finally encountering the authentic Yuan Qinghua in the live broadcast room, it would be unreasonable not to invite them to participate in the auction.

"Are you sure it's Yuan Qinghua?"

Baoyou sounded a little unresponsive.

"Of course, there is nothing artificial about Hailo porcelain, that's one thing."

"Another point is that the decorations and paintings on your item are very characteristic of the Yuan Dynasty."

"It's basically certain." Zhang Yang said with great certainty.

"I'll go! It's really Yuan Qinghua!"

Baoyou exclaimed and said very excitedly:

"Then I am not free from wealth?"

[Congratulations, stranger]

[I’m jealous, this is Yuan Qinghua]

"Freedom of wealth? Um..."

"Friend Bao, the current market price of this thing is only around four to five million yuan, and it's not easy to sell."

"Is your standard of financial freedom low, or is it a mistake?"

Zhang Yang reminded him kindly.

Baoyou asked almost subconsciously:


"This is genuine Yuan Qinghua. Shouldn't it cost tens of millions?"

"Then...Friend Bao, your misunderstanding of Yuan blue and white, and even porcelain, is a bit too deep."

In fact, there are many people in the audience who have the same misunderstanding as Baoyou.

Zhang Yang took the opportunity to explain it to his brothers.

Not every piece of blue and white porcelain is worth thousands of gold.

In fact, there are very few blue and white porcelains that can actually be auctioned for tens of millions.

"Nowadays, Yuan blue and white flowers with auction prices of tens of millions on the market all have uniform characteristics."

"First of all, the vessels are large, usually large clay pots."

"It is difficult to bake and preserve this type of vessel. Even the large blue and white jars from the official kilns of the third Qing Dynasty cost hundreds of thousands now, so it is normal for jars from the Yuan Dynasty to be expensive."

"The second thing is the good preservation condition."

"This is good, including the tire, glaze, foot, and even the interior."

"The last thing is to pass it on in an orderly manner, such as those that have been exhibited abroad or collected by famous domestic collectors."

"Guardian and Christie's have both auctioned Yuan blue and white porcelain collected by Xiangjiang collector Xu Zhantang. Their blue and white porcelain has been published in the past, so buyers can buy with confidence and can afford the price."

"Friend Bao, please analyze your collection according to the three points I just mentioned."

Baoyou stretched out three fingers in cooperation and counted the characteristics of his collection.

The device is small;
poor preservation condition;
The collection is not famous and no important person has collected it.

It is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the "tens of millions of yuan blue and white".

"Wow, teacher, if you say that, I might still lose money on this thing." Baoyou sighed helplessly.

"Isn't it passed down from ancestors?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that something might go wrong? I got this from an auction when I was traveling in the Philippines."

"What's wrong with the Yuan Dynasty ones? Didn't I ask you just now if you would like to participate in the auction?"

"Oh, yes, yes."

Baoyou realized it later and only then did he react.

"That master photo, if I send it for auction, can it fetch one million?"

"The money I auctioned for this thing, plus handling fees and storage fees, probably cost less than a million."

"If inflation is taken into account, now we have to sell for one million to break even."

"one million?"

Zhang Yangxin said, didn’t he just say that? It’s hard to sell even half a million dollars.

Hailo porcelain can only be seen from a distance. If you look closely with a magnifying glass, you will find that the surface is full of calcification, which makes your scalp numb.

"Friend Bao, I'm holding an auction. Don't always think about making wishes."

"Let's do this. My assistant will add you as a friend later, and you can think about it before you decide."

What Zhang Yang is most afraid of is this kind of "wishing" type treasure friend.

Previously, when they were offline, Zhang Yang and Ding Qiang were blocked by an aunt who asked Zhang Yang why her baby failed to be auctioned.

The last check was that when she signed the agreement, she had to increase the starting price by 50%, otherwise she would cause trouble.

The account manager at the time was timid and really followed the aunt's wishes.

Since then, Zhang Yang and the people from the auction company have reached a tacit understanding.

Collectors who want to raise the price on the spot, or ask repeatedly whether they can get a lot for the auction, will not be entertained.

Directly refuse to make a wish.

In fact, Zhang Yang was not wrong.

Baoyou's Yuan blue and white porcelain from the sea was finally auctioned in Xiangjiang for 45.5.

Not much more than the starting bid of 40.

If you follow what Baoyou said and set the starting price for a million dollars, there is a high probability that the auction will fail.


"It seems that exciting the brothers is really useful." "The Yuan blue and white flowers have appeared, and the rarity aspect has been mentioned; now we are short of a pastel from the Yongzheng Imperial Kiln to raise the price."

Although Zhang Yang’s auction this time was in Xiangjiang, a place where the antique industry is traditionally outside the law.

But his auction items have to be exported from the mainland.

Therefore, it is still subject to domestic cultural relics auction policies.

There is no need to think about the Song Dynasty and before;
Exotic animal products are also prohibited;

Therefore, Yuan blue and white are indeed the highest-level auction items at all levels.

There is no problem in allocating one of the three places to this treasure friend.

There are two places left, and Zhang Yang just wants to earn more handling fees.

"Hello teacher, what I brought is a domino."

"Dominoes?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, it's just dominoes."

What do you mean by dominoes?

Zhang Yang was a little confused at first.

But when he saw what Baoyou took out, he understood instantly.

Oh, it turns out to be the literal meaning.

Dominoes - Hanging tags made of bones.

It can only be said that it is reasonable and cannot find anything wrong with it.

This bone tag is very small, only five centimeters high, and there are no holes in it, so it’s hard to tell how it is worn.

Carved on it are two Buddhist figures resembling skulls.

People who are familiar with Tantric Buddhism should be able to quickly recognize their identity when they see such an image - the Lord of the Twin Corpse Buddha Forest.

It is said that this is a pair of male and female monks who were practicing. Because they entered too deep into meditation, they were beheaded by thieves without knowing it. In the end, they became the masters of the corpse forest.

He became a Buddhist protector who subdued thieves.

If you think about it carefully, this story is a bit of a joke from hell.

When Zhang Yang saw the Thangka of the Lord of the Corpse Dharma Forest for the first time, he was thinking, how could this thing subdue a thief?

How did the original believers come up with this backstory?

But this seems to be the case in Buddhist culture. Sufferings suffered before death are blessings after death.

As an atheist, Zhang Yang really can't understand it.

"Friend Bao, where did you get this thing from?"

Zhang Yang used the word "Qiu".

Because this thing is really famous.

It was carved from primate arm bones.

It is a religious cultural relic with Tantric characteristics.

"I bought this when I was traveling in Nepal."

"Master Zhang, do you know about Himalayan art? I bought it from a local gallery that specializes in this kind of art."

"Is the gallery opened by Europeans?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Hey, it's true."

"Teacher, how do you know?"

"Haha." Zhang Yang smiled calmly.

[What kind of Himalayan art is it obviously art surrounding the snow area]

[This is a concept created by the West]

[Europe likes to count Nepal and Tibet together, and the ambition of the wolf is obvious]

"Anyone who knows how influential Tibetan Buddhism was across the country in the Qing Dynasty will know that Himalayan art is a false concept."

"The gap between Nepalese Buddhist culture and Tibetan Buddhism is actually very large, and they cannot be considered the same at all."

"Of course, this all happened a long time ago, and no one mentions it now."

"Baoyou, this thing of yours is a very typical Tibetan Buddhist style and has nothing to do with Nepal."

"It should have flowed over there."

"It was probably in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, that is, the period of Yongzheng and Qianlong."

"Is he really an old guy?" Baoyou asked in surprise.

He originally bought it as a tourist souvenir, but he didn't expect an unexpected gain.

"Teacher, what's the value of this thing?"

"I'm not good at valuing Tibetan things. For these relatively niche religious relics, you can ask in the corresponding circles."

Zhang Yang didn't dare to put a value on this kind of thing. He was afraid that his private messages would be exposed by Tibetan enthusiasts.

However, he still gave Baoyou a reference price to prevent him from being cheated.

"In my opinion, tens of thousands of dollars should be worth it anyway."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

"I have one last question."

"When I was traveling, I saw a lot of thangkas there. Are such things worth collecting?"

"Is it in the gallery?"

"Some are, and some are sold at roadside stalls."

"Then it's best not to buy it."

Zhang Yang suddenly couldn't hold back his smile.

Because just a few days ago, Chen Yanguang called him to ask if the thangka replica business was successful.

Europe and the United States have a special preference for this kind of Tibetan Buddhist paintings.

It’s probably equivalent to liking Cthulhu culture in China.

Zhang Yang's answer then was the same as now.

"If you really like Thangka, it doesn't hurt to get involved at any time."

"But if it's just to make money, then you can't eat anything that's hot enough."


The last treasure friend of the day’s live broadcast.

What he brought was also heavyweight.

Zhang Yang was shocked when he saw this thing.

He could barely wash the blue and white porcelain millstone.

It can be said to be a model made by craftsmen at that time.

But is this blue and white porcelain scale really usable?
But Baoyou didn't seem to notice the change in Zhang Yang's expression.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was silent, he took the initiative to introduce:

"Teacher, this is a porcelain steelyard with blue and white faucets specially used by the Yongzheng Internal Affairs Office."

"Look at this dragon head, isn't it very powerful and domineering?"

【Is this a dragon? Not a snake? 】

[This thing can be used]

"There is a mark on the bottom of this scale, made in the Yongzheng year of the Qing Dynasty."

"But the most exquisite thing is the scale on the scale."

"Teacher, look, there are a total of sixteen stars on the scale."

“Seven of the stars represent the Big Dipper;”

"The six stars represent the six stars of the Southern Dipper;"

"In addition, there are three stars, representing the three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity respectively."

"This means that if the person who uses this scale is short of a pound, if he is short of one liang, he will be short of blessings; if he is short of two liang, he will be short of blessings and wealth; if he is short of three liang, he will be short of happiness, wealth and longevity."


"Friend Bao, what you said is very good!" Zhang Yang nodded approvingly, "But I have a question. Isn't this thing meant for use by the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"Then this thing should be able to weigh things, right?"

"Yes." Baoyou nodded.

"Then can you use a scale?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I buy this thing?"

"Okay, that's an easy question. Now, in front of everyone, weigh your phone and tell us the weight."

"Hey, this is okay."

Baoyou took out his spare phone from his pocket.

Zhang Yang asked and said it was Xiaomi 6.

When Baoyou weighed it, Danmaku had already posted the standard weight of the phone: 168 grams.

Soon, Baoyou came to the conclusion:

"We weighed it. This phone weighs two kilograms...two kilograms and four taels!"

"How many?"

"Two pounds and four ounces."

"Baoyou, you are Mihei, right? A mobile phone weighing two pounds and a brick?"

(End of this chapter)

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