Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 460 Looking for fake antiques

Chapter 460 Looking for Fake Antiques ()

"Your phone only weighs three taels, how come it weighs two kilograms?"

"Has it been soaked in water?"

Faced with Zhang Yang's torture, Baoyou couldn't answer at all.

He hesitated for a long time before he could think of an explanation.

"Teacher, could it be that the definition of weight in ancient times is different from our current definition?"

"Didn't I say that half a catty and eight ounces are the same before?"

"The angle of your washing is a bit clever."

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement.

Not to mention, if you don't have much logic, you might be fooled by Baoyou's statement.

Weights and measures today are indeed different from those in the past.

In the past, one pound was sixteen taels.

But if you calculate it this way, the weight of the mobile phone is 36 taels, but the actual weight is only 3 taels, which is even worse.

Therefore, the difference in weights and measures does not explain why this steelyard is so abstract.

However, Zhang Yang had no intention of educating Baoyou about ancient weights and measures.

There is no need to try to wake someone who is pretending to be asleep.

What Zhang Yang wants to do is analyze the problem of this thing from the perspective of antiques.

"But it's a pity. Putting aside its usability, from a purely technical point of view, this thing of yours is still full of flaws."

"First of all, ceramic weights are very abstract. Everyone knows that porcelain is a very brittle thing and can easily break if it is bumped a little bit."

"Then, as long as the weight is knocked once, the scale will be useless."

"Even the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be so extravagant with this kind of gameplay."

“Then there’s the snake on the scale.”

"Of course, Baoyou said it was a dragon, so even if it is a dragon, why would a eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs use a scale with a dragon pattern?"

"Are you rebelling against Tiangang?"

"The most outrageous thing is that the blue and white patterns and glazes on yours have nothing to do with the blue and white patterns of the Qing Dynasty. They are completely modern craftsmanship."

"Actually, if you look at this kind of thing from the perspective of blue and white porcelain alone, many people, including you, Baoyou yourself, should be able to find something wrong."

"But because the shape is weird, I feel a little bit more lucky, thinking that this is something unique, and it's normal to have some flaws."

"Often this way, it's easier to be fooled."

Zhang Yang is very aware of Baoyou's mentality.

To put it bluntly, it is the combination of curiosity and luck.

[Master, I understand]

[It’s quite difficult to make a steelyard from blue and white porcelain, right? 】

[The weirder something is, the easier it is to be fake]

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, a sigh came from the microphone on Baoyou's side.

It seems that it was brought to the heart.

"Thank you, Master Zhang."

"You're welcome. You have to pay tuition for collecting."

Zhang Yang is still very gentle towards such a ruthless treasure friend.

People just don’t understand, and it’s not against the law if they don’t understand.

"Okay, please prepare for the next treasure friend."

"Hello, Teacher Zhang."

"Although this thing of mine cannot be auctioned, I still want to use the teacher's platform to show it to treasure friends from all over the country."

"May I?"

At the other end of the video is an old man with gray hair who looks to be in his fifties or sixties.

However, he spoke very methodically, giving people the feeling of a retired veteran cadre.

"No problem, you can also display it. Where is your collection?"

"This is mine."

The old man didn't seem to know how to flip the camera, so he came out holding his baby in his hand.

At first glance, it looks a bit like the King of Tota.

It's just that the tower of the King of Pagodas is black, and the one in the uncle's hand is white.

"Please bring this thing closer and let me take a look."

The pixels of the front camera on the uncle's side were a bit too low, and Zhang Yang could only see a rough outline.

One is: this carving is a four-story tower;
The second is: the material of the tower should be Afghan jade, the main components are calcite and dolomite.

"Uncle, according to your opinion, what era is this thing from?"

"If I look at it, it should be from the Han Dynasty."

"A famous white jade pagoda from the Han Dynasty."

"Pagoda?" Zhang Yang was a little surprised, "Sir, Buddhism was introduced to our country in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, there was no such thing as a pagoda."

"The construction of pagodas really started during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty Xiao Yan was on the throne."

"No, teacher, your statement is wrong."

The uncle retorted very quickly:

"Buddhism has always existed in the Han Dynasty, but when Emperor Wu of Liang was in power, he took all the credit for building the pagoda on himself."

"My own surname is Liu, and my ancestors were the royal family of the Han Dynasty, so I know the rules very well."

"Teacher, you believe me, that's right."

[Do you believe him or do you believe I am Qin Shihuang? 】

[I, Li Shimin, make money! 】

[What a coincidence, my surname is also Liu, my ancestor Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not say so]

[I have some doubts about the uncle’s mental state]

To be honest, Zhang Yang originally thought that the uncle was from the National Treasure Gang.

But after hearing his serious introduction that he was a descendant of the Han Dynasty royal family, his opinion immediately changed.

The uncle may have some mental problems.

No wonder such a pure white pagoda could be imagined by him as being from the Han Dynasty.

The imitations of the Qing Dynasty on the market are all made to have a clear color. How could the ones from the Han Dynasty be so clean?

The National Treasure Gang is even less outrageous than him.

"Uncle, our country has not found any jade pagodas from the Han Dynasty, so this thing of yours seems new to me."

When encountering a friend with unknown motives and doubtful mental state, Zhang Yang’s usual attitude is:

be honest.

The treasure appraisal anchor only focuses on antiques and doesn’t care about anything else.

"Haha, what you said, teacher, is it possible that someone my age would lie to you?"

"Sir, of course you can have your own opinions. But in my opinion, this is new."

"There are obvious traces of machining on it. It should have been carved and polished with power tools."

"Nonsense, this thing has been passed down in my family for hundreds of years. There was no electricity at that time, so why..."

Before the uncle could finish speaking, Zhang Yang cut off Lian Mai directly.

It's so powerful that I can't stand it any longer.

“Let’s give some popular science to my friends in the live broadcast room.”

"The jade pagodas of the Han Dynasty are 100% fake."

"If you really think it's true, then take a plane directly to Yanjing Airport, take a taxi directly from the airport to No. 16 East Chang'an Street, go in and ask the curator of the museum to arrange a display cabinet for you, and you can just hold the pagoda and stand. Show inside.”

"The National Expo will really welcome you."


[You can really show yourself]

[Understood, now go to the National Museum to grab the national treasure, just say it was sent by Master Zhang]

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to get off work.

He stretched slightly.

"Come on, the last treasure friend of the day."

"What treasure did you bring?"

After the video was connected, Baoyou placed a jade carriage in front of the camera.

Zhang Yang had appraised many jade carriages before.

The difference can often be seen in form.

Because the counterfeiters are uneducated and don’t even know the structure of a carriage, they are seriously out of touch with reality.

But this one is different.

The person pulling the cart turned into a unicorn, and there was a dragon lying on the roof of the cart. It has nothing to do with realism, it is entirely an artistic creation.

Then the reason for publicizing the appraisal before will no longer be applicable.

"Teacher, this thing is my father's treasure."

"He asked me to find someone to help him identify it."

"The old man isn't watching the live broadcast, is he?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, he went out to do Tai Chi."

"That's good. The lifestyle is very healthy."

"Did your father tell you the origin of this thing? Was it bought or passed down from ancestors?"

"It has been passed down from our ancestors for hundreds of years, and now I want to pass it on to me."

"If it's a hundred years old, it might be a little off." Zhang Yang analyzed, "The reason is very simple. The material of your item is very authentic Qinghai jade."

"The mining of this kind of jade can only be traced back to the 1990s, so it cannot be more than 40 years old."

Zhang Yang smiled at Baoyou and said:
"So I ask you, is the old man watching the live broadcast."

"Otherwise I'm afraid you will be embarrassed."

"Um..." Baoyou pondered for a moment and asked, "Teacher, is it possible that it is a natural Qinghai jade carving?"

"There are a lot of jade stones, weren't they picked up in the river? Can't we rule out this situation?"

"I know, you want to talk about seeds, right?"

"Yes, it's seed material."

"But no seed material has been found in Qinghai jade, otherwise it would not have been discovered until the 1990s."

"You have to know that the ancients had a great demand for jade. If jade seeds were found in a river, someone would immediately search all the places along the river..."

Thanks to friends from Jiucaigou Bao, Zhang Yang’s understanding of various jade stones is better than that of many experts.

Because treasure friends can always be deceived by all kinds of strange sayings.

Among them, white jade from Qinghai jade was used, artificially made into a shell and then passed off as Hetian jade seed material. In this live broadcast room, it is considered the lowest level of scams.

All the treasure friends in the fan base know that Qinghai Jade has no seed material.


After finishing the afternoon live broadcast, Zhang Yang did not leave the company immediately.

Sister Gao recently wanted to organize a company outing and wanted to meet with Zhang Yang to discuss where to go.

For this matter, Xiao Tang, who had not come to the company much during this period, came over.

Of course, good sisters must give face to the activities hosted by Sister Gao.

After taking off her makeup, Sister Gao asked everyone to wait in the conference room while she went to get the computer to put on the PPT.

"Why weren't you ready just now?" Zhang Yang asked somewhat dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes." Xu Jie also echoed.

After Sister Gao entered the room, she glared at Xu Jie fiercely, and then slowly explained:

"Then shouldn't I consult a travel agency?"

"I also want to save money for the company."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to interrupt her, "Aren't we on a spring outing?"

"Now that the travel agency business is so sluggish, do you still accept spring outing projects?"

"It's a spring outing, but it didn't say it was a spring outing in Linhai."

Sister Gao suppressed a smile and looked at Zhang Yang with an innocent look.

"Spring has passed in Linhai, so we can only look for spring elsewhere."

"Boss, the four of us are all Linhai locals. We have grown up. Are there any places around here that we haven't been to during spring outings?"

"In this case, why not..."

"Okay, okay, just tell me which places you can choose from?"

Zhang Yang understood where Sister Gao was waiting for him.

To put it bluntly, I just want to travel at public expense.

But Zhang Yang was also thinking about going out for a walk.

It's not a spring outing, but he has a very interesting idea in his mind.

You need to go to a place with many antiques and art markets to achieve this.

Linhai Antique City is almost interesting.

Previously, Zhang Yang wanted to create a platform for "live streaming of authentic treasure appraisals".

Recently, after the platform was launched, it has received a lot of praise.

Several treasures have been sold.

Although the commission earned is very small, it shows that this platform is practical and feasible.

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room responded well.

After even Mr. Ma from Yanjing heard about it, he called him to tell the story and praised him:

Dare to think, dare to do, and have a little bit of a sense of helping the world. They have both ability and political integrity.

Wearing this hat makes Zhang Yang feel a little flamboyant.

So he thought about carrying forward his "sentiment of helping the world" again.

Create a platform to expose fake antiques.

Zhang Yang was still hesitant at first, whether exposing fake antiques would affect other people's interests and cause the public outrage of counterfeiters.

But today, after seeing so many outrageous fakes.

He got it.

Those who use high imitations to deceive people are simply kind-hearted compared to the scammers who use industrial waste to defraud old men and women of money.

People use Qinghai jade to pretend to be Hetian jade, but it is still a piece of jade and can be issued a certificate.

Those small workshops that are truly unethical use plastic directly.

The key is that you can really make money.

Zhang Yang's target fell directly on this low-end fake.

He felt that if he went to a larger antique market, he should be able to find a lot of materials.

The difficult thing is to pick out the typical ones, so that when people search for keywords, they will know that they are fakes.

For example, "Blue and White Porcelain Scale", "Han Dynasty Jade Buddha Pagoda" and "Yuan Blue and White Mongolian Yurt".

If it meets the basic item description, it can be directly regarded as a fake.

"Boss, the first place I recommend is Semporna."

"The scenery there is very nice, you can dive, and seafood is very cheap. I have already asked the tour group..."

When he heard that it was somewhere abroad, Zhang Yang immediately reached out and denied it.

There is no flaw in the reason:
"Xu Jie has gout and cannot eat seafood."

"I'm claustrophobic and afraid to go into the water."

"You can't let him watch us eat, right? Let me watch you dive, right?"

"Xu Jie, do you have gout?"

Generally, the first place mentioned is often the place you want to visit the most.

So Sister Gao looked at Xu Jie in shock, as if gout was guilty.

But Zhang Yang said that even if Xu Jie doesn't feel pain, it still hurts.

He directly covered his knees with a painful expression on his face:
"Oh, it's over, it's going to rain tomorrow."

"Pfft~" Xiao Tang burst out laughing on the side.

Zhang Yang covered his mouth and suppressed his smile with a cough.

"Then what, Sister Gao, where is the second place?"

"The second place is Sanya."

"To be honest, going to Sanya is not as good as going to Semporna. In fact, the consumption level is about the same. Xu Jie, I have a magic medicine for gout at home. Do you want to bear with it?"

"Sister Gao, are there any from the province?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Ah?" Sister Gao was stunned when asked directly.

The remaining two people also looked at Zhang Yang with aggrieved expressions.

Everyone is reminded of the fear of being dictated by their parents during spring outings when they were children.

The price/performance ratio outside the province is too low, and there’s nothing fun to do in the province, so why not go to a park on the outskirts of the city for a picnic?

"Uh, don't look at me like that. I've thought of a place that you girls will definitely like."


"You can spend as much as you want there."

"What about me?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Yang expectantly.

"As you say...Sister Gao and the others need someone to carry the bag."

(End of this chapter)

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