Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 461 Looking for fake antiques

Chapter 461 Looking for fake antiques ()
It turns out that I am a backpack tool person...

The flesh on Xu Jie's face twitched unconsciously.

He said with a sad face:

"Boss, can I apply to stay at home?"

The tone was so miserable.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang could only comfort him helplessly:
"Okay, okay, why do you still take it seriously?"

"Don't you have anything to buy?"

"If it doesn't work out, go wholesale some small commodities and come back to set up a stall to earn some pocket money or something..."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up after hearing this:
"Boss, this is a good idea."

"And this is the boss who asked me to work part-time. If you meet me setting up a stall on the roadside, don't say that I'm not doing my job properly."

But her algorithm shocked Zhang Yang.

"OK, then when we go out this time, the division of labor will be clear."

"Well, you said."

"Sister Gao, where are you?"

"Can we stay in Yiwu for a few more days? Think about it. We originally planned to go to Semporna, but now we have changed to Yiwu, which saves us two days of flying back and forth."

Tang Qiyun responded quietly.

"It's okay for me to take pictures." Xu Jie followed.

Xiao Tang happened to be here today, and Zhang Yang took this opportunity to discuss the idea of ​​a new program with her.

"Sister Gao and I are responsible for buying fake goods, Xu Jie is responsible for filming, and Xiao Tang is responsible for editing."

But when he arrived at Yiwu Trade City, Zhang Yang realized that he was wrong.

We were promised a spring outing, but now it's a bit like a business trip.

Zhang Yang is very satisfied with the performance of the employees. At least everyone has the same attitude towards fake antiques.

"I think we have to stay in Yiwu for at least five days this time, right?"

Sister Gao first said something in a questioning tone. Everyone looked at her and quickly maintained their formation:

"I haven't been to Yiwu yet, and I also want to see what the wholesale market is like there. I heard it's the best in the world!"

"Plus the time it takes to travel back and forth to the scenic spot in Semporna."

"I's okay."

Otherwise, it cannot be described clearly using words alone.

Zhang Yang’s main way of exposing fake antiques is to create a “library” of fakes on the platform.

How can this guy set up a stall when his original demon activates after get off work?

After hearing Zhang Yang's thoughts, Xiao Tang nodded seriously:
"I'll have no problem editing."

Sister Gao counted the time on her fingers.

Zhang Yang was fortunate that Sister Gao's original plan was not to go to Antarctica.

Zhang Yang smiled perfunctorily, knowing that Xu Jie was getting high.

"Haha, as long as you like it."

He went on to solicit the opinions of two other employees:

"I have no objection, but can I make a suggestion, boss."

Zhang Yang thought for a while and waved his hand:
"We leave on Wednesday, including the weekend, which is exactly five days."

"No, boss, why do you feel like you've been on vacation for the past five days?"

"Hey hey hey."

Otherwise, we will at least give everyone another month of vacation.

"Then I'll be responsible for buying some fake goods?"

On the way to Yiwu, Zhang Yang felt a little embarrassed when he saw that the employees were all sleepy and uninterested.


"It's okay for me to buy fakes."

"Don't say anything? Then I called your name, Xiao Tang, what do you think?"

“Five days of team building is enough, right?”

"How about it, we already have two votes here."

And who will write these words is also a question.

But he feels that the explanation of fakes can actually be presented in the form of a short video.

Zhang Yang smiled and did not continue the topic.

It’s not that everyone is not interested, they are just recharging their energy.

Before the shopping started, Sister Gao took Xiao Tang and bought a large suitcase for each of them.

They plan to fill a box every day and send it back.

Zhang Yang was originally worried that Xu Jie would be a little uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, he was even more important. He directly chatted with his parents via video chat and discussed what to buy back home to enrich the supermarket at home.

In contrast, Zhang Yang is the one whose purpose is unclear.

He only knows how to find fake antiques.

But the entire Yiwu Trade City, like the Convention and Exhibition Center in Shenghai, is incredibly big.

If you spend five minutes in each store, it would take a year to visit them all.

For a while, I couldn't find the fake antiques at all.

Finally, Zhang Yang found out the location of Yiwu Antique City by asking an old man who set up a stall selling calligraphy and paintings on the roadside.

The employees all went shopping.

Zhang Yang could only silently take a taxi and arrived at the "Yiwu Collectibles Market".

The market is quite large, and it should be established soon.

From a distance, Zhang Yang saw a strange stone shop, an old furniture shop from the Ming and Qing dynasties, a calligraphy and painting mounting shop, a porcelain shop, etc.

In terms of market construction alone, this place is several levels higher than Linhai Antique City.

But the popularity is about the same.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are few people around.

Zhang Yang went in for a while and found that many stores were selling goods live.

He didn't even need to go in. When he saw the ring-shaped light strips commonly used by anchors outside, he immediately understood it.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and first walked into a bronze shop that was not broadcast live.

The proprietress in the shop was checking her cell phone. When she saw Zhang Yang coming in, she didn't even raise her head and shouted in a formulaic voice: "Good afternoon, boss!"

"Want to buy something?"

"I don't understand. Boss lady, can you introduce it to me?" Zhang Yang asked while standing in front of the counter.

The landlady raised her head and was obviously stunned when she saw Zhang Yang's face.

Zhang Yang thought the other party knew him.

Unexpectedly, the landlady said:
"It turns out he is a handsome young man."

"Come and take a look around. If you don't understand anything, just ask me?"

"Thank you, boss." Zhang Yang smiled politely, "Boss, are there any old people here?"

To be honest, at a glance, he saw that the oldest thing in the store was probably the fluorescent tube on the ceiling.

Next is the boss lady.

He wanted to buy fake goods, but he felt a little unable to do so.

Because there are so many types.

"Young man, you don't know the rules very well." The landlady said with a smile.

"We are here to wholesale antiques, not to pick up missing items for you."

"Haha, yes."

Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly.

I forgot that this is Yiwu, it is different from other antique cities.

"Boss, what kind of bronze is the cheapest here?"

"I want to do business with small profits but quick turnover."

The landlady heard Zhang Yang's words and showed an appreciative smile on her face.

She gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up:

"Young man has an idea."

"This is the cheapest."

She pointed to a small bronze tripod on the ground and said.

Is this tripod the cheapest?

Zhang Yang was a little surprised.

From a distance, although the bronze tripod looks a little smaller, it has a rich rust color and various patterns on it.

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn’t be cheap.

At least the process is more complicated.

But when Zhang Yang reached out and picked up the bronze tripod, he was shocked.

Why doesn't this feel like it's made of copper?

Zhang Yang stretched out his finger and tapped it gently, and the bronze tripod made a "pop" sound. It sounded like it was not metal.

"Boss lady, what is this made of?"

Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"Handsome guy, this is a business secret."

"I understand, I'm sorry."

Zhang Yang hasn't visited the antique market much recently and has forgotten the so-called rules. "Then wrap this thing for me."

"Just buy one?"

"Look at what you said, I have to shop around, don't I? Buy one first, and you will earn one first."

"It makes sense, the young man is quite particular."

The landlady was very satisfied with Zhang Yang's answer.

The "bronze tripod" originally cost 25 yuan, but he received 20 yuan.

After walking out of the store, Zhang Yang breathed a long sigh of relief.

A good start, he came to the right place.

He also bought a suitcase at the convenience store nearby.

Now the goal is clear, buy a suitcase full of fakes here and then go back.


At seven o'clock in the evening, when Zhang Yang returned to the hotel with his suitcase, the other three people were already slumped on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

Seeing Zhang Yang dragging a suitcase in, Sister Gao was happy:
"Boss, why did you get a box too?"

"Would you like to join our shopping sister group?"

"That's nonsense, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you to eat." Xu Jie said, touching his stomach.

"No, you won't ask me to treat you to dinner tonight, right?"

"Boss, we are poor..."

"Yes, yes, a poor person can still afford to buy so many new jewelry."

As soon as Zhang Yang entered the door, he saw that many places on Sister Gao and Xiao Tang were shining.

It is estimated that it has contributed a lot to the performance of the small jewelry store.

"Let's go and eat."

"After dinner, I will work overtime and live broadcast for two hours."

Zhang Yang patted the box in his hand and explained:

"I collected live broadcast materials all afternoon, you won't disappoint me, right?"

"Don't dare." Sister Gao shook her head repeatedly, "Has it been like this these past few days?"

"Boss, you go out to collect materials during the day, and we can live broadcast together at night?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang nodded.

This is indeed not bad.

Originally, he didn't really expect that the other three people could help him.

Knowing that they had to work overtime at night, Sister Gao and the others were really rude when they ate, and it was a little too expensive.

Fortunately, in Yiwu, food consumption is at a normal level.

While eating, Sister Gao and the others told Zhang Yang about their shopping experience today.

"Boss, when you buy those antiques, are they cheap?"

"It's cheap." Zhang Yang nodded while biting the shrimp, "What's wrong, didn't you get a bargain?"

"It's so difficult." Sister Gao said bitterly.

She poked Xiao Tang, who was eating and drinking next to her, and asked her to tell Zhang Yang what was going on.

"Sister Gao and I were both deceived by Xiao Hongshu."

"The guide above says that you have to pretend to be the owner of a physical store and ask for prices in order to get low-priced goods."

"After we finished the installation, the boss asked back: Foreign trade or domestic sales? Where to sell? What is the approximate sales volume in a month?"

"He asked us straight away."

"I was sweating when I was asked," Sister Gao added.

"Hahaha." Xu Jie smiled wildly beside him.

After being glared at by the two women in turn, he quickly explained:

"No, I'm not laughing at you for being stupid."

"I'm thinking of something happy, you continue."

"Isn't there any boss who believes in your words?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

Sister Gao nodded and said there were still some.

The price given is twice as expensive as buying online.

After hearing this, Xu Jie smiled and mocked:
"I'm obviously cooperating with you in acting. I want to make fools' money, hahahaha."

"Old Xu is right." Zhang Yang covered his mouth and did not laugh out loud.

"It's okay, just laugh."

Sister Gao put down her chopsticks and showed an indifferent expression.

"Do you know what it means to suppress your desire first?"

"If the two of us hadn't bought a bargain, could we have spoken so forcefully?"

"Come on, Xiao Tang, straighten your waist and tell them, what did we buy?"

oh? And heavyweight?
Zhang Yang was very interested and listened intently to Xiao Tang's words.

The latter said seriously:
"Sister Gao and I found a lot of stores that supply Douyin e-commerce in Weihuo Street."

"The toothpaste inside is 19 cents a piece, but it sells for 9 yuan on Douyin."

"Bluetooth headphones cost 36 yuan. I saw the same model selling for at least 120 yuan before."

“Bodhi bracelets cost 2 yuan each, and even the cheapest ones online cost 29 yuan.”

"Okay, okay." Sister Gao waved her hand, indicating that Xiao Tang could stop.

She raised her head slightly and said proudly:

"How is it? Are you two gentlemen convinced?"

"I'm done with it."

Xu Jie nodded repeatedly.

"Can I go shopping with you tomorrow?"

"Okay." Sister Gao replied haughtily.

"What about you, boss?"


Zhang Yang pointed at himself, in disbelief.

Who gave her the courage?
"My word... After the live broadcast is over, you can bring over the things you bought and I will help identify them."

"Okay, after you finish eating, get ready to go back to work."

Zhang Yang didn't give Sister Gao and Xiao Tang time to react.

His intuition told him that what these two people bought should be pure industrial waste.

Probably not as good as the fake antiques I bought myself.

The 20-yuan bronze tripod can still be put on display.

Do you really dare to use toothpaste that costs 60 cents?

Aren't you afraid of foaming at the mouth while brushing?


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast officially started.

"Brothers, there will be no microphone tonight."

Zhang Yang pointed to the suitcase in front of him:
"As commissioned by someone, during this period, this live broadcast room has prepared a special program."

"It's called "Looking for Fake Antiques Around You."

"When everyone wants to buy the real thing, the anchor is already picking it up in the opposite direction."

Zhang Yang said, opening the suitcase in front of him.

It was stuffed to the brim, mostly red and black plastic bags.

For fake antiques bought for a few dollars, the boss would only give them a plastic bag, but it was impossible to give them a box.

Zhang Yang first took out the bronze tripod.

"Come on, barrages, let's take a guess, how much does this bronze tripod cost?"

[One hundred yuan is the most]

[I feel like this thing costs forty or fifty yuan for just copper]

[Forty yuan for materials, ten yuan for craftsmanship, fifty yuan in total]

[Sold to the uncle of the National Treasure Gang, it can be sold for three thousand]

"OK, let's see what prices are available."

"We will broadcast the live broadcast until the end and then announce the price."

"Now let me show you the characteristics of this thing."

"Listen to the sound first... Do you hear it? This thing is not metal."

"This is a synthetic material, which we call the king of plastics in the industry. It is made of metal powder and glue."

“It becomes soft when it is heated by fire.”

"Everyone, look at the rust color here... Come on, the director will move the camera closer."

"See, there are gray blue, green, gray, and red. These are not chemical dyes, but are made of watercolor paints."

"How do you identify such fakes? Do you have any good methods?"

[Just burn it with fire]

[Take a file and sharpen it to see if you can get the golden color of copper]

[Silly, didn’t the anchor say, listen to the voice]

(End of this chapter)

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