Chapter 38 The Village Chief's Story

Guo Luming was the only son of the village chief, the young man who was publicly murdered by the fire crow according to the villagers the day before yesterday.

A person who should have died suddenly appeared with a sneaky look, no matter how you look at it, there is a big conspiracy.The village chief thought that Jiang Miao would be surprised and even questioned himself.

But when he raised his head, he saw Jiang Miao's expression of "as expected", as if she had expected this matter.

The village chief turned his gaze to Qin Yunshuo who was on the side in disbelief, but the expression on this side was even calmer.Seeing his eyes on him, he nodded.

"Well, it's obvious, we've already guessed it."

Village head: "..." God damn it is obvious, where is this "obvious"?
"It turns out that the two of you had expected it a long time ago. It's ridiculous that this old man thinks that his concealment is perfect."

The village head shook his head with a wry smile, then looked at Jiang Miao.

"Since this is the case, the two of you must have noticed the strangeness of the missing villagers before?"

Jiang Miao saw that Qin Yunshuo didn't want to start a conversation, so she took over the conversation.

"Although I saw the remains of the villagers at the fire crow, I still don't believe that the fire crow did it. I guess, either someone colluded with the fire crow, or heard that I was coming, so they threw the bones of the previously missing villagers in the fire crow hole to wash themselves off.

Moreover, after seeing the sight of villagers' heads being put together in Huoya Cave yesterday, I had some doubts.After returning to the village, I asked Yuan Qing to inquire secretly. Sure enough, when the fire crow attacked the village that day, two people were caught, but only one head was thrown down. "

Following Jiang Miao's words, the village chief's face became more and more ashamed, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

"Deliberately made such a play to escape by feigning death. Thinking about it, the son must have some secret, and this secret is very likely to be exposed as long as he meets us. That's why he used such a loophole-filled way to divert attention."

"Immortal Elder... Wisdom Eye."

Weakly replied, the village head closed his eyes, and after a while, as if he had made some decision, he slowly told the truth.

When the village head was young, he went to the city to work as a teacher. He was not rich and wealthy, but he was not worried about food and clothing.I also married a gentle, generous and understanding wife. It can be said that life is very happy.

But one thing is, the couple have been married for several years, but the wife has never shown any signs of getting pregnant.The two of them sought medical treatment, asked for medicine, and even visited various temples for seeking children, but the problem of childlessness has never been resolved.

Many people advised the village head to divorce his wife, or at least take another concubine, even the wife himself said so.

In this era, if there is no child, everyone will blame the woman, and this crime is enough for the man to divorce his wife.

But the village chief couldn't do such a heartless thing, so he had to comfort his wife, everything is as it is, there is no need to force it.

But with the passage of time, this matter became more and more a heart disease for the two of them. In the end, the two of them couldn't stand being pointed at by others, so they simply packed their bags and moved back to their hometown of Ningyuan Village.

On the way back to the village, the village chief came across a strangely dressed Taoist. He seemed to see the worried look on their faces, so he stopped them for questioning.

After learning about the troubles of the two, the Taoist laughed, saying that this matter was nothing more than a trivial matter.After speaking, he took out an evil baby-like statue from his arms and handed it to the village chief.

"Once a day in the morning, at noon and in the evening, you need to sacrifice with blood. This will ensure that your wishes will come true, but you must remember that once the sacrifice starts, it cannot be stopped, otherwise..."

Otherwise, the Taoist didn't say anything, but he knew it wouldn't be a good thing.However, the village head's wife, who was eager to have a child, was obviously in a hurry to seek medical treatment, so even if the village head stopped her, she still accepted the strange statue and worshiped it with the blood of livestock every day.

Strange to say, since the unnamed evil baby was enshrined, only three months later, the village chief's wife was actually pregnant.

Speaking of this, Jiang Miao and Qin Yunshuo looked at each other subconsciously, and two words appeared in the eyes of both of them: Xiexiu.

Offering blood to evil spirits like this is the most common cultivation method for evil cultivators.And usually, the evil spirits' means of demanding offerings will become more and more intense.

From the blood of livestock at the beginning, to the blood of humans later, and even to the end, offering sacrifices with the souls of living people, step by step, let the worshipers step into the abyss.

Sure enough, the situation of the village chief's family was just as Jiang Miao had imagined. After Guo Luming was born, the evil spirit's demands became more and more excessive.When Guo Luming was five years old, human blood could no longer satisfy him, he needed a living person.

At this time, the village chief felt scared and wanted to discard the evil spirit, but he was worried about being retaliated against.You say continue to make offerings, but where do you ask him to find this living person?Could it be that he had poisoned his own villagers?
In the end, the village head hesitated again and again, thinking that this matter was caused by his husband and wife, and that others should not be affected.So, one morning, the village head wrapped the sculpture of the evil spirit in a red cloth and threw it under the cliff in the south of the village.

Having seen the weirdness of the evil spirits, the village head did not think that his family could escape the disaster. After doing this, the village head rested at home and waited for the evil spirits' revenge.

But one day passed, two days passed, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye, but the abandoned evil spirit never disappeared, as if he had no intention of revenge.

"During those days, the old man lived in fear, but since he never found him, the old man was lucky enough to think that all of this might end here. Sigh! God's will, how can I escape the debt that should be paid?"

"The evil spirit found Guo Luming?"

Jiang Miao rubbed her chin thoughtfully, guessing.

"Yes, in the No. 12 years after that incident, I accidentally discovered that after Lu Ming went up the mountain to collect firewood, he suddenly became a little distracted. He was usually fine and always locked himself in the house.

I felt that something was wrong, so I quietly leaned out of his window, who would have thought that I actually saw Lu Ming offering sacrifices to that evil spirit. "

As he spoke, the village chief's tone became choked up, and tears finally fell from his eyes.

"That evil spirit is clearly the one I threw out back then, and it came back to take revenge, but why did it seek Shang Luming!
I rushed in and asked Lu Ming where he got it from, but he didn't say a word, I wanted to throw away the evil spirit again, but Lu Ming suddenly went mad and threatened me with suicide, I..."

Speaking of this, the village head was completely speechless, but Jiang Miao probably guessed what happened later, and couldn't help showing sympathy for the village head.

I watched helplessly as my only son embarked on an evil path, and slowly began to attack his fellow villagers, but he was unable to lead him back to the right path, let alone be ruthless in killing his relatives righteously.

One side is his own flesh and blood, and the other side is his compatriots in the village. The village chief is caught in the middle. It is good that he is not driven crazy.

"Your wife... I'm afraid she didn't die of an ordinary illness, did she?"


(End of this chapter)

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