After passing through the cannon fodder villain in the book, the heroine confessed to me

Chapter 39 I don't want to die, so let me go immediately

Chapter 39 I don't want to die, so let me go immediately
"The old wife saw this Nizi offering sacrifices to the souls of people from the same village. Out of anger, she vomited blood and died."

In this situation, Jiang Miao really didn't know how to persuade her, so she was silent for a while, and could only say "sorry".

"Since then, this rebellious son has become more and more serious. I stopped him several times, but he still refused to listen. Later, more and more people disappeared, and this matter gradually alarmed the government. After a search, they decided to invite all the immortals to eliminate the demon.

After that Nizi heard about this, Huo Ya came to the village in the next day. I thought he died in an accident, but that night, that Nizi appeared, and he begged me not to tell that he was still alive. I..."

Now, everything became clear. For some reason, the evil spirit that the Taoist priest gave to the village elders and the elders entangled Guo Luming after being discarded. The villagers who disappeared before should all be killed by him.

The soul is sacrificed to the evil spirit, and the corpse is fed to the fire crow, so that no trace will be left.Ordinary villagers don't have the skills to go to the fire crow's lair to investigate. Even if they find it by accident, they will only think that the fire crow is harming people, and Guo Luming will not be involved.

It was a perfect disguise. If Jiang Miao hadn't been careful and noticed the clues, no one would have suspected a dead person.

I just don't know how Guo Luming hooked up with Huo Ya.However, the village head said that he didn't know about this issue, so he had to wait for Bai Yuanqing to come back later to check.

"What do you think, brother?"

Coming out of the village chief's bedroom, Jiang Miao asked subconsciously, and then realized that he was still in the assessment stage, and theoretically he could not ask his brother for help.What's more, my question is too general, and my brother may not be able to understand what I mean.

With an awkward cough, Jiang Miao was about to change the subject when Qin Yunshuo suddenly spoke.

"After seeing Guo Luming first, as for the Jinghongjian incident, it may not be Tang Xiangling's work, but we need to be more vigilant."

Qin Yunshuo, who holds the script in his hand, naturally knows about Guo Luming, and he is also very clear about the follow-up development.The only thing that happened about Jinghong Sword never happened in the original book. However, this person can't escape those few people. After the task is over, you can find out after a little investigation.

With myself pushing Jiang Miao to catch up with the progress, the mission will be over soon this time.However, in order to prevent the recurrence of accidents, it is better to solve some things as soon as possible.

"Calculating the time, Junior Sister Bai should be coming back soon. Junior Sister can call other fellow students first, so as not to... What's wrong with you?"

Qin Yunshuo, who was pushing the task with peace of mind, turned around inadvertently, but saw that something was wrong with Jiang Miao's expression, and thought she had discovered something unusual, so he couldn't help asking.

Jiang Miao's expression froze, and then she turned her face away unnaturally, thinking: Can I tell you just now that I have a feeling that the two of us have a good understanding?Although our cooperation is indeed very tacit, but this word still makes people feel a little... strange?
"'s nothing, by the way, I just want to ask, isn't this our own trial task? Why does the brother help us over and over again?"

"Not to help you, but to help you."

Jiang Miao:! ! !
"The meaning of the trial is to let you grow from it, so I won't help others. But you are different. With your ability, it is only a matter of time before you solve these things. So I don't mind giving you some hints. If you complete the task earlier, we can return to the sect as soon as possible."

Qin Yunshuo's "just to help you" made Jiang Miao nervous instantly, but fortunately, he gave an explanation in the next second.Jiang Miao breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt a little inexplicably lost.

"Understood, I will definitely not disappoint my senior brother's expectations of me. Then, senior brother, don't rest, I'll go gather your fellow disciples."

"Well, let's go."

Not long after, Xu Tao and other disciples gathered at the gate of the village chief's house. Bai Yuanqing, who was following Guo Luming, also rushed back at this time, and she was carrying an unconscious young man in her hand.Only Tang Xiangling, who was one of the team leaders, was nowhere to be seen at this time, and I don't know what she was doing.

"Yuanqing, what's the matter with you? Didn't I just let you follow him, so don't be alarmed? Why did you still knock him out?"

The one held by Bai Yuanqing was none other than Guo Luming, who had climbed over the wall and left home not long ago.

Jiang Miao deliberately said the news that "Huo Ya has been seriously injured" during the day, and then said that tomorrow he and others will start searching the mountain.The purpose was to shake the mountain and shake the tiger, no matter whether the person who colluded with the fire crow was Guo Luming or not, he would definitely take advantage of the night to confirm it. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to catch both of them.

Therefore, Jiang Miao also specifically told him that it is only necessary to track and find out the location, and there is no need to startle the snake.But now, what's the situation?Yuan Qing is not an impulsive person, is she?

Bai Yuanqing heard the words, and after putting Guo Luming on the ground, she spread her hands helplessly and said, "Actually, I don't know what happened to him. After leaving the village, he went all the way south, and I followed him quietly. Who knew that he passed out suddenly while walking.

I observed in the dark for a while, and felt that he didn't seem to be pretending to be dizzy on purpose, but I didn't find anyone else.However, before he fell into a coma, he had a look of pain on his face, maybe there was something wrong with his own body? "

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen, under the circumstances at that time, it was obviously unrealistic for Bai Yuanqing to leave him there, forget it, just bring him back.

Although the other crimes are still uncertain, the practice of evil kung fu was recognized by several people the first time they saw Guo Luming. This is why Guo Luming made such a fake death before—anyone who has practiced evil kung fu will stand out like a firefly in the dark to other practitioners unless their cultivation level is high enough to hide their own aura.

Cultivators will not attack ordinary people at will, but if it is such a treacherous person who has practiced evil skills, it is another matter.It is not impossible for them to extract confessions by torture when necessary.

"Take him back to take care of him first. Although Guo Luming will be unconscious, there is a high probability that it is because he practiced sorcery, but it cannot be ruled out that someone secretly made a move. Brother Xu, please arrange a manpower. The two of you should keep an eye on him. Don't be careless."

"Don't worry, Senior Sister, I will make proper arrangements."

"Well, besides, has any of you met Senior Sister Tang?"

Mentioning this, the atmosphere immediately became a little heavy.When they met for the first time before, Tang Xiangling showed hostility towards Jiang Miao, and the two had a very unpleasant quarrel.During the day, Jiang Miao's saber had an inexplicable problem, and in the middle of the night, Tang Xiangling suddenly disappeared.

Everyone is a disciple from the great sect, maybe a little naive, but they will never be fools.Right now, anyone can see that Tang Xiangling has a problem.

After a moment of silence, a female disciple said slowly, "Senior Sister Tang wasn't there when we had lunch in the afternoon. I remember she seemed to say she was a little bored and wanted to go outside for a walk. I haven't seen her since then."

"That's right, Senior Sister Tang's expression was frighteningly cold at the time, and we didn't dare to ask any further questions. However, everyone didn't see where she went, and we didn't know whether Senior Sister Tang had returned to the village to rest."

After some communication, it was discovered that Tang Xiangling had disappeared by herself, and several people couldn't help but looked at each other.Seeing this, Jiang Miao waved her hand to stop talking.

"Well, since Senior Sister Tang left by herself, nothing will happen. It's getting late today, if we don't see her back tomorrow, it's not too late for us to look for her. The most urgent thing is to wake up Guo Luming and ask about the situation."

Everyone naturally had no objections, Bai Yuanqing took out a "Xingshen Pill" from the storage bag, pried open Guo Luming's mouth and fed it in.After a while, he frowned and woke up leisurely.

It was just the first sentence he spoke that surprised everyone.

"If you don't want to die, let me go quickly, otherwise, everyone in this village will be buried with you."

(End of this chapter)

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