The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 114 Can Fortification Stabilize People?

Chapter 114 Can Fortification Stabilize People?

"Being on guard, using the food from our fifth battalion to support outsiders, is this inappropriate?"

After deciding to build a city along the Sichuan River, Song Yingkui called Han Yuhong and asked him to allocate some grain from the official warehouse to provide three meals a day for the refugees who fled to the fifth camp, and then used the refugees as labor to build the city.As a result, after hearing such an arrangement, Han Yuhong was a little confused.The grain in the official storehouse was prepared to supply the soldiers guarding the Fifth Battalion. After the refugees used it, what would happen if the Fifth Battalion was short of food in the future?
"This is not counting feeding outsiders with the grain of the five battalions, but hiring outsiders to build the city for the people of our five battalions. Remember, those who participate in the construction of the city will be in charge of food, and those who do not work will not be given a grain of food. In addition, meals are provided every day It should be divided into three grades, the young and strong who contribute the most, the women and half-aged children who contribute averagely, the old and the weak! The more you contribute, the better the food. After the city is built, half of the area will be used by refugees to live temporarily, and the other Half of the place is for the people of the nearby villages to take refuge in the city when they encounter the enemy. The Baizhang Fort, if the planning is reasonable, can house thousands of people temporarily."

You can say it like that, but in all honesty, Song Yingkui is indeed suspected of supporting outsiders with the food of the five battalions.It’s impossible not to support them!For the time being, these people still carry some rations more or less, which can last for a while.But as time goes by, what will they do when the food they bring runs out?It is likely to become an unstable factor.It's easy to get confused if you stay here leisurely as a refugee.Find some work for them, and let them make a living by working, at least not just sitting and eating, and can save their own rations, which will make people feel a little bit at ease.

The construction method of Yanchuan City is similar to that of Shipingguan. First, a city wall is built with raw soil, and then slowly wrapped with stones.All men, women and children who are willing to work can use it. The strong laborers are responsible for ramming the earth to build the city, and other capable people transport the filled earth and stones with frame trucks. The old people and children who are really useless go to the river rocky beach to pick stones. , to reserve materials for the stone wall after the city is built.

Not long after the construction of Yanchuan City started, the construction of the Langguan pass had come to an end, and Song Yingkui was arranging for people to finish the last fort.

"Adjutant Yang, after the wolf is locked up, you don't have to worry about any engineering matters anymore. We have to focus on the military. It has been ten days since the Xifan soldiers occupied Wazhou City. We have to understand what they are going to do next. One more thing, I heard that Hezhou and Didao have been re-entered by half-fans, and we have to find out their movements. They and the main force of Xifan are now one Whatever the relationship, we have to grasp one or two.

You are in charge of spying on the military situation in these two directions, and I will also focus on military training in the past few days.In the past few days, the number of refugees from our fifth battalion has begun to decrease. I guess it won't be long before our side will encounter the enemy. "

The Xifan soldiers were probably busy looting near Wazhou City, and temporarily ignored the poor and remote places like Wuying.But these kinds of phenomena can't last forever. After they have almost mastered the big city, they will definitely set their sights on the fifth battalion and other places.Even if the main force of the Western Fans does not care about the countryside, the half-Tibetans in the Hezhou area will inevitably not.It's probably not their turn to grab a good place.

Both Shiping Pass and Langwa Pass had to be defended, as well as the direction along the mouth of the Chuanxia Gorge. Seven hundred troops were still insufficient.But there is no way, considering the size of Wuying Town, the army can no longer be expanded, and the problem can only be solved with the existing people.

Song Yingkui moved the main garrison point to Wuying Town, and Shiping Pass and Langguan each sent 25 infantry with swords and guns and [-] gunners to guard the pass.When an enemy is encountered in that place, the main force stationed in the Fifth Battalion will support that place.Generally speaking, in fact, he is still confident in defending these two checkpoints, and the most worrying one is along the Sichuan Gorge.

"Uncle Qin, Uncle Tao, the current production in the workshop area and the construction of Yanchuan City are related to my plan to stick to Wuying City, and I don't have much energy to worry about this, so I have to spend more time on it Heart, keep an eye on these two stalls for me." The chaotic situation also brought a little benefit. Carpenter Qin and Blacksmith Tao, who had some friendship with Song Yingkui before, took their families to the fifth camp to seek refuge, which happened to solve the technical problem. The shortage of craftsmen.

After seeing these two people, Song Yingkui hurriedly arrested the strong men, and asked Qin Carpenter to be the chief engineer of Yanchuan City Construction, and Tao Blacksmith to be in charge of the ordnance production in the workshop area.In recent days, apart from building a few iron cannons, the other weapons built in the workshop area are all traditional weapons, and it is no problem for potters and blacksmiths to take care of these tasks.

In addition to arresting these two technical talents, Guo Kaifeng, who fled to the Fifth Battalion, and Jiang Xiaohu, who had been his apprentice for a while, were also arrested as errands.Guo Kaifeng is the big shopkeeper of the Guo family, and Song Yingkui asked him to be in charge of the logistics department of the Shiping garrison. Jiang Xiaohu has studied for a few years, and it is no problem to do some writing and painting work, so he is temporarily appointed to be in charge of the military order department as a part-time job for himself Be a secretary.Lao Fang's cousins ​​and uncles were all caught serving in the army without even asking for their opinions
The current team is the pinnacle of nepotism, and the people used are basically related.There is no way, except for these relatives, there seems to be no one else available!
"Xiaohu, have you heard any rumors outside recently? Are the people in our fifth battalion stable?" Song Yingkui believes that the stability of people's hearts is the most critical factor for Wuying to stick to it. He is too busy to take care of it. Can't ask directly.So he asked Jiang Xiaohu to see if he could hear different voices from his perspective.

"Brother Kui, can the people of our fifth battalion be unstable? The Wolf Pass has been repaired, and such a big city is still being built along the river beach. Now people from all over the world are envious of our fifth battalion."

"Really? You can't be blindly optimistic about this matter. You have to pay attention to the news in this area. If there are rumors about our garrison, you must tell me the content as soon as possible. This is my judgment. The situation is very important. Right now we can be said to be alone, and we must pay attention to any rumors in any direction. A negligence may ruin everything."

"Brother Kui Wa, I know the seriousness, and I will definitely collect all kinds of rumors for you."

"By the way, is there any news about my uncle and uncle in the past few days? Have they arrived in Qinzhou safely?"

The second uncle returned to Xiaoguanzhuang on the second day, he took his family and ran towards Qinzhou.The uncle's actions were also swift, and two days later he took the main members of the Jiang family and fled eastward.Didn't it be agreed that the rest of the Jiang family would run away after the second uncle settled down there?They seem to be impatient.

Among the direct descendants of the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xiaohu's family was the only one who did not run away, probably because their status was too embarrassing.

"After they fled to the east, there was no news. Who knows what happened."

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu's tone was not smooth, Song Yingkui didn't ask any more questions, anyway, whether the second uncle and the others fled to Qinzhou safely has little to do with him.

Song Yingkui, who was worried about people's hearts, asked Jiang Xiaohu to inquire, and found a few people to talk to him from different directions.After making a circle of words, I feel that people's hearts seem to be stable, and the people of Wuying are not panicked because they have become an isolated place.Among them, Zhuyanchuan Castle seems to have played a very important role in soothing people's hearts.Everyone said that Yanchuan City was well built. With such a big city, how dare Fanzi come to Wuying to make trouble?
Fortification actually played a role in stabilizing people's hearts?This was beyond Song Yingkui's expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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