The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 115: Wolf Baby Mountain Pass Discovers Enemy Situation!

Chapter 115: Wolf Baby Mountain Pass Discovers Enemy Situation!
"After Uncle Qin's city outline is completed, at least half of the people will be allocated to build houses in the city, and winter will officially begin soon. If there are not enough houses, these refugees who poured into our fifth battalion will find it difficult to survive the winter relying on shacks. Today." While inspecting the construction progress of Yanchuan City, Song Yingkui saw that a large number of refugees had set up shacks in the unfinished city.Then he thought that the cold winter was coming soon, and it was difficult for the refugees to rely on the shacks to survive the winter, so they had to build some houses quickly. Even the rough embryo houses were better than the shacks to keep out the cold.

"The guard is worried about the refugees waiting for me. It is a blessing for us to be able to escape to the guard. It is a pity that the world outside is chaotic. Even after this winter, the refugees in front of us don't know what to live on " Carpenter Qin expressed concern about the future of the refugees as he patted Rainbow farts on Song Yingkui, whether it was intentional or not.

As the city wall is about to be built, the safety of the refugees is guaranteed for the time being, but the question is what should these people do next?No land, no job, you can't just stay in Wuying all the time, right?After basically solving the security and housing problems, it is estimated that these people began to think about the future.

"There will be a way. In the spring of next year, I will find a way to find some barren land and organize everyone to open some barren fields. In addition, I will find a way to regulate the river roads and try to move some paddy fields for our fifth battalion. At the same time, Shiping The workshop area on the Guan side needs to be expanded to recruit more manpower, and some workshops can also be set up along the side of Sichuan City, so that everyone can earn money through work."

The number of refugees pouring into the Fifth Battalion has exceeded 2000, and the sudden increase of more than [-] people put a lot of pressure on the small Fifth Battalion.Right now, all Song Yingkui can think of is to open up some barren land, reorganize some Sichuan land, and expand the scale of the workshop to absorb some people's employment, so as to alleviate this problem.

"Defense, I heard that the workshop you built in Shipingguan is very profitable. Can you expand the workshop now and recruit some young and strong refugees to work for the adults?" Carpenter Qin saw that Song Yingkui was willing to enter Refugees from the Fifth Battalion solved their livelihood problems and hurriedly climbed up the pole, asking if they could solve part of the employment problem for the refugees now.

"Now that the trade route is cut off, the things produced in the Garrison's workshop cannot be exported, so there is no way to exchange for money. If there is no exchange for money, there is no way to pay for the newly recruited workers. To be honest, the workers in the workshop now , I have been worried about how to pay people after a period of time. It is said that without waiting for next year, the scale of the workshop can be expanded now, or brick furnaces, lime and mud furnaces can be set up along the side of Sichuan City, and refugees can be recruited to work Yes, but this official is short of cash, so it's really hard to spread the word."

Some time ago, when the business was connected, Song Yingkui felt that he was not short of money, but food.But now, there is still some tax grain in the grain official warehouse, but there is no cash flow in hand.

"My lord, what the refugees are most worried about now is that they have no livelihood. They don't need to pay too much wages, as long as they are enough to survive for a day, even if they convert the daily food into cash and distribute it to the workers. ” Now that everyone is a refugee, how can they expect normal wages?In Qin Carpenter's view, even if the money is less, as long as it is a little money and food, everyone will feel more at ease, at least it can prove that staying in the fifth camp has income.

Use food as wages?This proposal has merit, but the question is how much?Another issue involved is how to achieve uniform wages between the workers at Shipingguan and the newly recruited workers here. It can't be done in a two-way manner, right?If all the wages are converted into grain, and the normal wage standard is used, it will not take long for any grain stored in the official warehouse to be emptied.Not going according to the normal wages means that the wages of those who have already spent their wages will be reduced. This is not a safe way.

"Let me consider this matter for a few days before making a decision. For the time being, everyone is busy building the city and building the house first." Before thinking clearly, Song Yingkui was inconvenient to make a decision directly, so he could only delay the discussion for a few days in advance.

I am so worried that I would say that it is nonsense to separate a small town. You see, how long has it been since now, and a lot of problems have come oncoming?Lack of food, lack of money, lack of soldiers, and the enemy has not yet arrived, and these destructive things that appear can knock people down.

Just when Song Yingkui returned to Wuying Street, thinking about how to solve the crisis in front of him, the third uncle who was guarding the wolf pass sent a letter with a fast horse, and there was an enemy situation in the direction of the wolf pass.

After receiving the letter, Song Yingkui immediately assembled a brigade and rushed to the Langguan with the main force to help.

"How's the third uncle doing now?" Song Yingkui hurriedly asked how the enemy's situation was when they reached the wall of the Wolf Pass.

"Some enemy cavalry came up ahead. I had someone close the road door and shoot them away with a crossbow. Now, the bandits seem to be angry. You can see that there are more and more soldiers gathered over there, and some even got off their horses. , I think they are going to rush to the pass, or send people to climb the mountain and come around from the mountain to attack my wolf pass." The third uncle pointed to the Xifan gathered on the mountain road in front of him about a hundred feet away Bing, briefly reported the enemy's situation.

Song Yingkui took a few glances at the Xifan soldiers in the distance. The soldiers and horses where they gathered seemed to be quite a number, but the road was narrow and the team was very long. It was difficult to estimate how many soldiers and horses there were.

"Did the third uncle not fire? I saw that the nearest bandit is within the range of my artillery?" The distance in front of the enemy is only about a hundred feet, and the artillery currently built can shoot three to five hundred meters away, which is within the range. within.

"I haven't used firearms yet. I want to wait until the enemy brigade comes to attack, and then use firearms. This will injure more people."

"What if the enemy climbs the mountain to attack? Although there will not be too many soldiers who climb the mountain, they can't use horses, but the problem is that we have fewer people, and most of them are recruits. If dozens of people climb over, they may not be able to fight." We can handle it!" The Langwa mountain system is very steep, but not too steep for people to climb up. For the fifth battalion soldiers with few people and weak personal combat effectiveness, as long as some of the Tibetan soldiers climbed up, they would be in trouble.

"Open the door, Adjutant Yang, take a few people with good riding skills and go to the front of the bandit formation to lure one or two, and see if you can lure the bandit formation a little further. Prepare guns and grenades, we must repel the enemy as soon as possible." With few soldiers and low combat literacy, the best way is to be able to use firearms to cause unexpected heavy casualties to the enemy, so as to scare them back.You can't keep procrastinating like this, the longer you procrastinate, the more ways Fanbing can think of

"Decree!" Uncle San and Yang Shun'an sang a promise, and then arranged for personnel to carry out Song Yingkui's military order.

As soon as the door was closed and opened, Yang Shunan rushed over with three or four cavalrymen, and shot a few arrows at the closed Fan soldiers with a cavalry crossbow.

Seeing that the guards in the pass had the courage to switch and send people to harass him, the general of the Fan soldiers immediately sent cavalry to meet him.

Facing each other, their formation couldn't help but press forward, and the front part was within the range of the bows and crossbows of the fifth battalion.

"The order is that the musketeers line up with shotguns, and the spears and swords and shields line up behind the muskets, and they will go out with me to kill the enemy.

Order, artillerymen ready to shell!When you're ready, give me a signal!Jiang Xiaohu was ready to whistle, and when the artilleryman was ready, he whistled to call Adjutant Yang back to the pass. "

(End of this chapter)

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