The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 116 The cannon retreats to the enemy, the first battle is a great victory!

Chapter 116 The cannon retreats to the enemy, the first battle is a great victory!
The whistle sounded when the door was closed, and Yang Shunan hurried into the door with a few cavalry after hearing the order.

"Fire!" Seeing that the fan riders following Yang Shunan were about to rush to the pass, Song Yingkui ordered the artillery to fire without hesitation!
"Boom! Boom!" Four cannons sounded after the wolf closed the door!With the sound of the cannon, four solid bullets whizzed out from the muzzle and hit the Xifan soldiers at the pass!

"Reload quickly, another round of shelling!" Song Yingkui ordered the gunners to continue reloading without waiting to see the results of the battle!How can it be done with only one round of cannon?

While the gunner was reloading, Song Yingkui and the closed soldiers had already seen the results of the first round of shelling.A few solid bullets, like pulling blood lines, opened three or four blood grooves in the formation of Fan soldiers outside the pass.The mountain road is narrow, and the enemy soldiers are fighting in a concentrated manner. This round of artillery goes down, and the scene is quite tragic.The Fan soldiers who were shelled were extremely panicked and crowded around. Many people were pushed off the road by their companions and horses, and fell from the cliffs beside the road.

The Xifan soldiers in the front were drawn to the blood line, and the Xifan soldiers on the road behind did not know what happened. The chaotic Xifan soldiers couldn't even retreat and blocked the mountain road.If most of the Xifan soldiers were infantry, the situation might be better. The problem is that they are mixed with horses and infantry. Once the scene is out of control, it will be even more difficult to adjust!
"Boom! Boom!" The sound of cannons rang out again.

After this round of shelling, Song Yingkui led his men and killed them from the closed door.

The musketeers went first, and after encountering the soldiers standing in the front, they shot a round of shotguns, and then got out of the way, and the sword and shield soldiers and pikemen continued to kill.

Cutting melons and vegetables, this battle was simply the most enjoyable battle Song Yingkui has fought since he led the troops to fight.He chopped vegetables all the way, and only stopped when he reached the exit of Langwa Mountain Pass.

The casualties caused by slashing and killing are considered small, and the biggest casualties of the Fan soldiers were caused by falling from the mountain path.After driving the main force of the bandits out of the mountain pass, the soldiers who fell into the ravine on the side of the mountain road were still running out. Of course, most of them were injured and could no longer get out of the mountain road.

"Third uncle, you lead people to clean up the bandits in the ravine, and tell the brothers not to hurt yourself. Find a way to drag the horses that fell down the mountain. Adjutant Yang, take people to clean up the bandits on the mountain road. Let's deal with the corpse of the thief, and arrange for the timid and retreating soldiers to cut off the head of the thief. Xiaohu, you take two people to count the results of this battle, and send the severed head of the thief to the fifth battalion as soon as possible pavilion."

After the bandits were killed out of the mountain pass, Song Yingkui arranged the finishing work for his subordinates, and then returned to Wuying Street with a few sentry cavalry.The people over there are probably looking forward to the outcome of the battle at the Wolf Pass.

After returning to Wuying, after the news of the victory in the battle of Langguan was passed on, the entire street of Wuying was boiling.Excited people rushed out of the street, yelling all kinds of things. At such a time, the news of a great victory is too important to everyone.

After more than an hour, Jiang Xiaohu led a bunch of aficionados into the street.The bloody Bosou did not frighten the rejoicing people on the street. They rushed to the Boss and spit and cursed, and the atmosphere of celebration became much higher.

"Defense, according to the current rough statistics, we have captured more than 340 enemy heads in this battle, and there are still many enemy heads that are beyond recognition and cannot be beheaded. We have killed at least four hundred enemies in this battle. In addition, we have collected more than 200 horses so far. The corpses of the horses, but not many good horses were captured in this battle, maybe only a dozen or so." After meeting Song Yingkui, Jiang Xiaohu reported the results of his battles so far.

"Order the cavalry team to divide the mowed heads into three parts, and hang them outside Shiping, Langguan, and Yanchuan Gorge respectively, so as to shock the enemy's courage and prevent the thieves from attacking my fifth battalion. Here Han Tingwei sent an order to inform the villages in Wuying to send people to Wuying Street to share the horse meat. Today, I invite all the people in the town and the refugees who came to my Wuying to eat horse meat and celebrate the victory together!"

After collecting more than 200 dead horses, Song Yingkui actually felt distressed.If all these horses were captured alive intact, he would make a fortune.But the environment of the battlefield was like that, and it was already very rare to capture ten good horses alive.

In the first battle, more than 400 enemies were wiped out, and the Xifan Zhengbing with more than a thousand people was defeated.The results of this battle are truly exciting.This year's Wazhou defense battle conducted by the Dazheng army may not have caused as many casualties to the main force of Xifan as today's battle.

After this battle, I don't know if the Xifan soldiers dare to send troops into the Fifth Battalion?Strictly speaking, the Fifth Battalion is not considered a strategically important location. It is quite surprising that more than 1000 Xifan soldiers can come this time.They may want to take the shortcut of Wuying, let's go to Didao.

The soldiers moved the horse corpses to Wuying Street one after another, and the villagers who rushed to divide the meat also arrived one after another. Song Yingkui asked Guo Kaifeng to take charge of the meat division.Two horses were allocated to Dazhuangkou, one horse was allocated to Xiaozhuangkou, and ten horses were allocated to the refugees who built the city along the other side of the city.

Whether dead horse meat is delicious is another matter, but at least it is meat, which still has nutritional value.For the villagers who lack protein, it is a rare opportunity to improve their food.

After Zhuang Min and the refugees finished sharing the meat, there were still more than 100 dead horses left. Song Yingkui asked Guo Kaifeng to find someone to peel the meat and fry it into minced meat for storage.Now that the weather is cold, add more salt and stir-fry meat dumplings to keep it. At least there is meat to eat in this winter army, which can alleviate food consumption to a certain extent.

After winning the battle and getting the meat, the whole Wuying was unprecedentedly lively and cheerful. On the second day, the streets of Wuying, which hadn't held a market for a long time, reopened the market.

Looking at the bustling scenes of people coming and going on the street, people seem to forget that the outside world is experiencing unprecedented wars and chaos inadvertently.

"In this battle, we injured more than a dozen brothers, and three brothers fell off the cliff and died in battle. It really shouldn't be. You must know that when we attacked, the enemy had been gutted by the artillery and had no power to fight back. Everyone It is necessary to sum up the lessons of the casualties in this battle, especially the leaders who have casualties in the team, and take the subordinates to hold a reflection meeting after the meeting.

Although our army has achieved great victories in this battle, many problems have been exposed.The new recruits are timid, the veterans have low tactical literacy, the army formation is not firmly established, and the formation is poorly organized. From tomorrow onwards, we must increase the amount of training. Time is not waiting for us. We must train into a truly strong army in the shortest possible time .Instead of defeating the enemy with only firearms as it is now.Only by becoming a strong army can we keep our family and neighbors safe in this troubled world. "After a big victory, Song Yingkui felt that it was time to take advantage of the morale to strengthen the army, so the next day he hurriedly called the officers above the squad leader to hold a summary and reflection meeting after the battle.

In the next period of time, the training intensity will increase, and the training difficulty will also increase.In one or two months, to make the army truly capable of fighting, it is necessary to complete the regularization of the army.Let your soldiers absorb as much of the biggest gain after the war as possible.

The biggest result of this battle is not a dead horse or a boss, but the military spirit, morale and the soldiers' trust in Song Yingkui, the only superior.Follow Song Shoubei to be able to win battles, relying on facts!
(End of this chapter)

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