The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 145 Lost the opportunity to expand abroad!

Chapter 145 Lost the opportunity to expand abroad!

"This period is the grain harvest season. The soldiers of the guarding mansion have fields at home, and they are all strong laborers. In order to ensure that the grains return to the warehouse, the farming time will not be missed. Starting tomorrow, the army will implement rotations, and each person will have ten days off farming. The rest of the army will be completed within one month. In addition, the workshop should also properly arrange the rest of the production to ensure sufficient agricultural labor.”

Agriculture is the foundation, this sentence has become more and more profound since Song Yingkui took the helm of the Fifth Battalion.During the recent season, the harvest is coming, and the people of Wuying feel much better than usual.If you can eat a full stomach, you will have confidence.

The fifth battalion is small, so it has the advantage of a small place. If the place is large, letting the soldiers take ten days off may not be able to help the family with much work, but in a small town, taking ten days off can make a big difference of.

After arranging the rotation of military camps and factories, Song Yingkui called in Han Yuhong and other government officials to set the tone for the upcoming tax collection work.This is the first tax collection since the establishment of the tutelary mansion, which cannot be ignored.

"Tax collection is a major matter. My principle is that I can't collect one less grain, nor can I levy one more grain. Our territory is only so big, and this officer can still take care of it. No one should give this officer any responsibility on this matter." Be sloppy, or don't blame me for turning my face. The benefits that should be given to everyone are not short, but whoever wants to eat more and take more, this officer will not tolerate it.

Our fifth battalion is a small place. If we want everyone to live a good life in today's troubled times, we must keep our own roles and fulfill our responsibilities.The tutelary mansion has just successfully trial-produced woolen looms recently, and the first batch of woolen looms will be rewarded to the family members. In the future, the families of military officers and government officials at all levels can also buy looms and woolen yarn on credit from the tutelary mansion. Hand it over to the Department of Industry and Production of the tutelary government for consignment or sell it yourself.In this way, people who work for the tutelary government can also have an extra income to subsidize their families. "

If you want the horses to run, you have to feed the horses, let everyone enjoy the dividends of development, and form a real interest group, so that the system of the Five Battalion Army can be truly stable.In the weaving industry, Song Yingkui's idea is to let the management participate and drive it first, and finally develop into a large industry with the participation of all members of the five battalions.

Now the price of cotton cloth is far beyond the normal level, even if weaving pure wool cloth will be competitive.First develop the pure wool cloth industry to accumulate some textile experience and market, and after the successful research and development of blending machinery and technology in the future, it will be smoother to gradually promote the blending industry.

It is said that there should be a market for pure woolen fabrics in the northwest frontier, but there are no good wool-producing sheep breeds in this era, and the production of wool is difficult to be reassuring. Therefore, Song Yingkui thinks that climbing the technology tree of the blended spinning industry should be more promising. a little.

However, Wuying's blended textile industry may take three to five years to truly mature.The estimated period is so long, not because of the concern that the machinery will not be manufactured, but mainly because of problems in the raw material supply market.Cotton cannot be grown locally or within a hundred miles of Wuying. There are some places in the northwest frontier where cotton can be grown, but the local people are not active in growing cotton.Wouldn't it take a long time to mobilize their enthusiasm purely by market means?
I don't know why, even in the real historical time and space, the promotion of cotton in China has been very slow.Cotton cloth became the mainstream fabric, and it seems that it will not be until the Ming Dynasty.It is said that it is because of Lao Zhu's mandatory regulation that every household in a place where cotton can be grown must grow cotton, so that the popularization of cotton cloth among Chinese civilians has been achieved.

Cotton cloth as civilian cloth is the most cost-effective before the emergence of chemical fiber materials. Why is the promotion so slow?It's kind of puzzling!
The people were busy collecting grain, but Song Yingkui, who was staying in the guard mansion, fell into deep thought.Seeing that winter is coming, what will the Fifth Battalion Army do after winter?Before and after the Battle of Zhang Wuliang, the plan in his mind was to launch an external expansion operation after the autumn harvest, so as to make his territory larger and become a real separatist warlord.

But now, it seems that there is no such condition.The tax subsidy system implemented by the people of Xifan quickly stabilized the abandoned land of Xisu.If it expands outward at this time, the opponents of the Fifth Battalion Army will not only be the Xifan Army, but the local forces that really control the governance of the Xisu Abandoned Land do not want anyone to interfere with their interests.

Not only fighting the main force of the Western Domain, but also fighting against the local tyrants, the Fifth Battalion Army does not have that strength for the time being.The progress of the war will definitely be unbearably slow.

Opportunities are really fleeting, if you act a little slower, the right time, place and people will not be on your side.From this point of view, the tax package system is not without benefits. At least for foreign forces, it is a policy that can quickly form an interest alliance with local tyrants.No wonder historical Mongolia was able to develop into a super empire spanning Eurasia in a very short period of time.

Doesn't the lack of external expansion mean that the Fifth Battalion Army will have nothing to do in the future?So is it still necessary to maintain a standing army of more than 800 people?It is actually unhealthy to raise more than 800 standing soldiers in a small town.If there is no war for a long time, there will definitely be problems with this system.

That's all, let's talk about the future, anyway, for the time being, there will be no thunder!Since, for the time being, it is impossible to expand externally, let's focus all our energy on economic development.

The infrastructure construction in the first half of the year was mainly to build water conservancy and reclaim wasteland. More than 2000 acres of wasteland have been developed. Except for the Goujia River and some finishing projects, the water conservancy facilities planned at the beginning of the year have almost been completed.At present, there are not many places in Wuying that can open up wasteland. As for water conservancy facilities, it is best to start construction in spring.After pondering for several days, the work that can be done after the autumn harvest should be repairing terraced fields and roads.

"Mayor, when the grain is almost harvested, the town will issue a notice to let the villages with mountainous areas organize people to build terraced fields and flatten the slopes, so that farming will be easier in the future. The matter of building terraced fields is something that everyone with mountainous areas should do. It is necessary to mobilize and carry out overall planning in the village. It will take five or six years to level the hillside land, and advance by two to three hundred mu each year. The amount of labor from each family will be shared equally according to the number of acres. This is the first year. It’s best for every family to work.” Each village builds two to three hundred acres of terraced fields every year, and the labor force should be able to keep up, which is not considered excessive use of people’s labor.

"If you guard and flatten the fields, the soil will become thinner, which will affect the harvest for several years. I'm afraid the people will not be happy about it!"

Han Yuhong's reply made Song Yingkui figure out a thing that was difficult to understand when he first traveled.No wonder the family has planted mountain land for so many years, but they don't want to level the ground.After so much effort to plant mature fields, once terraced fields are built, won’t it be the same as the newly opened wasteland?Ordinary people cannot afford this loss.

"The decree of the township government states that all terraced fields are tax-free in the first year, half of the tax is paid in the second year, [-]% of the tax is paid in the third year, and the purchase of grain is exempted for three years. In this way, the harvest of farmers should be The impact is not too big, right? In addition, when the villages are notified to build terraced fields, they will send people to Qijia Beach to pull peat. The terraced fields to be built should be paved with half an inch of peat. To restore the strength of the earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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