The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 146 Consider Restarting Commercial Taxation!

Chapter 146 Consider Restarting Commercial Taxation!

Around the [-]th day of August, the streets of Wuying Town were extremely lively, and taxpayers lined up in long queues every day at the tax collection ground of the town hall.People in this era have a high awareness of paying taxes, and there are very few people who refuse to pay taxes.

There is a difference between taxation and no taxation. Although taxes alone cannot maintain the operation of the entire system, at least the annual military rations are enough.There are many types of grain taxed this year, and with the unified purchase of grain, the grain that can be collected is three to four thousand shi.With these grains, the food shortage in the whole town of Wuying is only about one or two thousand shi.What does this mean?It means that it only needs to solve two thousand shi of grain to maintain the stability of the iron coin value of Wuying Hairstyle, and continue to use iron coins instead of real money to pay wages.

Speaking of iron coins, during this time Song Yingkui considered making this thing a long-term option and no longer regarded it as a temporary measure.If you want to make iron coins long-term, you have to solve the problem that iron coins are easy to rust.Currencies that are prone to rust cannot maintain their reputation. At the same time, the system of Wuying is much larger now, and there are not a few iron coins paid out every month. If the craftsmanship is too simple, it is easy to be imitated.

The most realistic solution to rust-proof iron coins is of course to make them into alloys.According to the current technology, it is most reliable to tin-plate the iron plate and stamp it into iron coins.Tin-plated iron coins are bright in color, not easy to rust, and the cost is not increased much, which is an ideal method.

Tin plating in later generations is mainly done by electroplating. Now there is no condition to do electroplating and it can only be solved by hot-dip galvanizing.Hot-dip galvanizing has high requirements on technology, difficult operation, and difficult to guarantee the quality.But in Song Yingkui's view, this is the advantage of making alloy iron coins.If the implementation method is too simple, wouldn't it be less difficult to imitate?

Another disadvantage of the iron coins that were issued before is that the currency value is a bit high. Iron is iron after all, and it is completely equal to the value of copper coins. Over time, people will always have evil thoughts of opportunism.

"The governor's office plans to officially issue new coins. The new coins are divided into two types. One is a new iron coin. Two new iron coins are worth one Dazheng copper coin. The other is a silver coin. One silver coin is worth a thousand new coins. Iron coins. Silver coins are approximately equal to the current weight of five hundred Dazheng copper coins against silver. In the future, the expenditures of the garrison will be mixed with silver coins and iron coins. Except for use in military supply shops, all shops in the fifth camp, It is also necessary to support customers to use Wuying hair silver coins and iron coins to buy and sell.

In order to ensure that the money issued by the town guard can be circulated under the rule, the treasury set up a exchange bank on Wuying Street. Anyone who holds more than a thousand Wuying new iron coins can exchange Dazheng copper coins at the exchange bank.In addition, military suppliers will open three new stores on Wuying Street along Sichuan City. If other commercial firms have conflicts with Wuying coins, they can buy goods at military suppliers.The goods sold by the military supply bank are all clearly marked and only accept iron coins and silver coins. Except for a few controlled materials such as grain, people are not allowed to buy goods in any way.

The old iron coins that were previously issued will be completely abolished at the beginning of next year. Those who have old coins in their hands must be used up before the end of the year, or they can be exchanged for new iron coins at military supply companies.Token holders can exchange one old coin for two new coins. "

The old coins that were issued before have not been retained by the people, and the impact of issuing new coins should not be too great. This is why Song Yingkui held a meeting of the counselors of the town guard when the new coins were not fully trial-produced. The reason why the currency system is blown.

Now that it is decided to issue new coins, it is necessary to cut the mess quickly, so as not to delay for a long time and affect the hard-won business atmosphere.

The treasury of the governor's mansion now has some money in reserve, and as long as the amount of haircuts is not too large, it can still be paid.While promoting iron coins, we also promoted silver coins. On the one hand, it is to increase the credibility of iron coins, and on the other hand, it is to solve the problem of large-amount currency circulation.Iron coins are too heavy, and if the quota is large, it will affect the scale of trade.Carrying a thousand iron coins with you is already very inconvenient in Song Yingkui's opinion. Carrying tens of thousands of iron coins to do business is a kind of torture for businessmen.

Because silver coins are only strongly bound to iron coins, Tongdui Bank does not support the exchange of Dazheng copper coins with Wuying silver coins, so as long as the hair volume of iron coins is controlled, silver coins can be avoided from being arbitraged.Don't worry too much about the savings in the governor's house being drained.

In the past, Song Yingkui would never have dared to think about starting to issue his own currency in a small town.But things are so hanging rails, all kinds of things come together, and involuntary ambitions are born. Now let him stop making money by himself, I really can't give up!

However, he still remains vigilant about the risks of self-minted currency.First of all, there must be no openings for bad currency issuance, and we must live within our means. Every currency that is issued must be used to generate real value. In addition to paying the wages of military and political personnel, it is at most used to buy labor.The second is to do everything possible to provide credit guarantee for the hair style currency. The supply of products produced in the workshop must be guaranteed, and the product types must be more and more abundant.The copper and silver reserves of the tutelary mansion must also keep up. Copper and silver can be circulated in the market as little as possible, but they must be in hand. Without this thing, the tutelary mansion will have no serious credit guarantee.

"Since May and June, business affairs in our and surrounding areas have begun to turn around rapidly. At the same time, more and more people are engaged in business affairs in our fifth camp. From this point of view, the previous policy of exempting industrial and commercial taxes from the tutelary government is very beneficial to farmers. It's a little unfair to the people. In view of this, the official is thinking about restarting the industrial and commercial tax. How to collect the commercial tax, I will set a tone here first. I will not accept the real thing, but only cash. The cash will be paid by me The money is the main thing. No matter whether you are a tourist or a local merchant, you must levy taxes. The amount of tax should not be too heavy so as not to affect the merchants who come to our five businesses to do business, but it should not be too light. Finally, we must take into account the actual situation of merchants who have goods but no money. We must provide these businessmen with a channel to solve difficult problems. After the counselors are finished, discuss it together, and draw up a commercial tax collection slip for me to wait for approval."

At the counselor meeting, Song Yingkui also raised the issue of restarting commercial taxation!As far as Wuying is a small place, the business tax may affect the enthusiasm of businessmen to do business in Wuying.But in the big picture, if there is no business tax, there will be no cash tax for the entire Wuying, which is not conducive to the recovery of currency, and will also affect the interests of farmers.Agriculture already requires a lot of investment and low returns, and all the taxes are put on them. If things go on like this, who will farm the land?

How to levy industrial and commercial tax is an issue that will test management ability, and Song Yingkui has no specific ideas yet.Let the senior officials of the town government discuss it first. Anyway, if it is to be implemented, it will have to be done after the beginning of next year. Before the beginning of next year, the circulation rate of the new currency may not be popular among the people. Industrial and commercial taxes can only be levied. Copper coins, this does not meet the expected purpose that Song Yingkui wants to achieve through the collection of industrial and commercial taxes.

Money is not in short supply in the current Wuying Guards House. The core purpose of levying industrial and commercial taxes is not to attract wealth!
(End of this chapter)

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