The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 148 The 5th Battalion's First Expedition!

Chapter 148 The First Expedition of the Fifth Battalion Army!
"Why did the conflict between your tribe and the Ministry of Yeli finally attract other tribes to attack?" The conflict between the two tribes finally turned into the Black Zebu being beaten by a group. Is their popularity so bad?Song Yingkui mainly wanted to know the obvious reasons and the real reasons behind this situation, so as to judge the current situation of the Sunan Grassland.

"After all, the Yeli Department is the largest department in Sunan. There are already many forces that vassal them. Furthermore, they also promised that the Sanchakou trade route will be jointly managed by all the departments in the future. The hungry wolves naturally united to oppress our tribe. ." The messenger from the Kurosawa tribe briefly explained the reasons why other tribes had united with the Yeli tribe, but it seemed as if they had not been mentioned, and not much information was revealed.

Seeing that no more useful information could be obtained from the envoy of the Kuisawa Department, Song Yingkui stopped thinking.Instead, he started to arrange to go to the Sunan Grassland to help the Heisawa department.

Today's Kurosawa Department and the Fifth Battalion Army are a community of interests. No matter what, they must help them overcome the immediate crisis. The Fifth Battalion Army cannot lose this ally.

"Deputy Commander Yang will lead the Sentinel Cavalry Team and Fan Cavalry Team to set off tomorrow, and will first arrive at the Heisawa Department to help them stabilize the situation. After three days, I will personally bring [-] main forces into Sunan to help the White Leader fight against the enemy!" The battalion was unprepared, so they had to set off in batches to assist the Kuisawa Department.The enemy was fierce, and Song Yingkui was afraid that he would not be able to catch up if they gathered together and set off in a unified manner.

"Master Guardian, can you bring some more soldiers to assist our troops in the battle? There are only 400 reinforcements, and I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with the coalition forces." Seeing that the Fifth Battalion Army only sent more than 400 people before and after, the Heizawa Department asked for help. A little unhappy.

"Envoy, it's not that Song is unwilling to lead more troops, but our fifth battalion only has so many soldiers and horses that can rush to the battlefield in time. The other soldiers are infantry. If they rush to the battlefield, the day lilies will be cold. . When we get to the battlefield, I will review the situation and consider how to use the troops."

The Fifth Battalion Army has more than 400 fast-moving troops, and they have taken out all the family assets that can be taken out, but the leaders of the Kuisawa Department are still too few?Do you think the situation in the Fifth Battalion is the same as that of your sheep herding place, as long as there are people who can serve as cavalry?
After ordering Yang Shunan to take the sentry cavalry team and the feudal cavalry team to prepare for departure, Song Yingkui summoned the senior military and political leaders of the fifth battalion's tutelary mansion and continued to arrange for them to assist the Heisawa Department.

The most urgent task at the moment is to determine what the army needs to carry when entering the grassland to fight.This is an outbound operation, and the time is so urgent that it must be well planned.

You must bring firearms. The Fifth Battalion Army relies on this thing to build an army. The Fifth Battalion Army without firearms goes to the grassland to play horseback riding with the half-vassals, that is, to deliver food.

Heavy artillery can't be carried, and light artillery is also difficult to carry. The final solution is to dismantle the three light field artillery and two bed crossbows, put them on pack horses and carry them to the grassland before assembling them.Normally, light field artillery and bed crossbows can be transported to the Sunan Grassland by traction, but in an emergency, horses can be carried faster than traction.

Muskets used to be more carried this time, muskets are not practical for cavalry battles, but cavalry can be used as infantry, and the effect of forming a musket formation is quite good when dismounting and fighting on foot. It is difficult for ordinary opponents to break through the firepower net of platoons.On the Fifth Battalion Army's side, there are not many soldiers and horses that can actually ride and fight.This time I went to the grassland, no matter what, I had to bring about a hundred flintlock guns.

You should also bring more grenades. In addition to bed crossbow throwing, the army has also practiced a new tactic recently, cavalry throwing.The cavalry used the impact inertia to throw the grenade into the enemy's line and retreated quickly!Because it triggers mines, this tactic is very effective in breaking the enemy's Phalanx and blocking the enemy's charge.If this tactic had been thought of during the battle of Zhang Wuliang, the battle should have been fought more smoothly.

"Each soldier has to carry five catties of bean curds and ten mutated eggs. This time we are going to fight outside the line, so we must prepare for the rations. It can last for a day or two." In addition to weapons, Song Yingkui asked Guo Kaifeng and his second uncle to prepare some emergency dry food to bring to the soldiers.

There are many things that can only be gained after experience. If it weren't for the long-distance battle this time, the Fifth Battalion Army would never have thought of preparing dry rations for the army.If such a situation had been expected earlier, it would be time to get some military rations that were more suitable for long-term storage and carrying.Instead of cramming for a short time, use Biandan and bean curd to do the job.

In addition to the fact that the rations with the army are a bit blinding, a military blanket should be made for each soldier out of pure wool.During marches and battles, army blankets and blankets are spread under the saddle, which does not take up space and makes the soldiers on the horse more comfortable.When it was time to set up camp, the felt was used as a mattress, and the blanket as a quilt. Even if they were camping, the soldiers would not suffer from the cold.

I didn't think of it in advance, and it's too late to do it now, so I can only make do with it.Fortunately, we are not fighting alone this time. On the grassland, there is also the Black Ze Department who can take care of us, and we can get some supplies from them.

After hastily preparing for three days, the Fifth Battalion Expeditionary Force was basically ready, and under the leadership of Song Yingkui, they embarked on a trip to the grassland to fight jointly with the Black Ze Department.

Before setting off, Song Yingkui explained to his third uncle Song Xueliang, who was temporarily appointed as the supervisor of the fifth battalion: "Third uncle, during my absence, I have to take care of all the big and small matters of the fifth battalion. These days, I have to take care of everything." You have also explained a lot. Before leaving, I would like to emphasize a few more points. We have harvested a lot of potatoes this year. You must arrange to crush most of them into flour as soon as possible. The potatoes are not easy to store if they are frozen. Eat. What's more, you can arrange with Li Junhao to find a few people who know how to make wine and try to use potatoes to make wine. If it works, make more wine.

Furthermore, the defense of the Fifth Battalion must not be neglected. Maybe someone will attack our Fifth Battalion while I am not around. "

Except for the planned research on liquid brewing and defense, other things are almost on the right track, which is not too worrying.It was the first time to lead an expedition, and the Fifth Battalion was indeed a bit worrying.The foundation is still too weak. The current Fifth Battalion Army has no one who can lead the way alone, otherwise there is no need to personally lead the expedition.

Facing the cold wind of early winter, more than 300 five battalions of cavalry, under the leadership of the general, left Shiping Pass and went straight to Sanchakou along the mountain road.

The speed of the cavalry was fast, and that night they had arrived at the Sanchakou Market, 140 miles away.Before the opening of the market, there were only a few families in Sanchakou. Due to the opening of the market, there are now many temporary houses here.After the army entered the market, they requisitioned these temporary buildings as camps.Here is close to the Fan Department, and you can also inquire about some military situations that the Fifth Battalion doesn't know about!
(End of this chapter)

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