Chapter 149 Strong Entry!

From autumn to winter, the Sunan Grassland located on the plateau has an early winter, and the view is full of haze.

It is divided into two roads from the south of Sanchakou, one road enters Hezhou, and the other road can go straight to Sunan along the mountain road.After galloping on horseback, it took three days in a row before the Fifth Battalion Army crossed Mount Taisong and arrived at the border of Sunan.

While staying at Sanchakou, I got some news from the merchants stranded on the street that I didn't know before.The situation of the Heisawa tribe may be worse than imagined. They have been forced out of the base camp of Heisawa Beach by the six coalition forces of Yeli, and they are currently retreating to the mountains in the northern part of the grassland.During the retreat, a large amount of tribal property such as cattle and sheep was robbed, and the Ministry of Yeli transported the robbed cattle and sheep to the streets of Huichuan Town for dumping, which caused the price of local beef and mutton to drop sharply.

Huichuan Town is close to Yeliguan, which is another passageway from Sunan Grassland to the original Zhengdi, and the distance from Sanchakou is not too far.Over the past year or so, the business exchanges between these two places have been frequent, and most of the merchants stranded at Sanchakou are also doing business in Huichuan, and the news they pass on is fairly reliable.

"Send scouts out and find the current campsite of the Heisawa Department as soon as possible, so that our army can join it." The Heisawa Department was driven out of the original settlement, so that the Fifth Battalion Army, which was about to enter the Sunan Grassland, now had no direction to march. .This woman Bai Feiyan is really worrying, since Heizetan can't stay here anymore, why don't you just follow the commercial road to Sanchakou?What about running around with a tribe?While sending scout horses to investigate the military situation, Song Yingkui couldn't help complaining a few words in his heart.

Not long after the scouts sent out, they brought news that they didn't find the Heisawa Department to go there, but they found the soldiers and horses of the Yeli Department brigade blocking the exit of Taisong Mountain Road.

No wonder, Kurosawabu didn't show up on this road, it turned out to be blocked by someone.

"How many people are there in the feudal clan blocked at the mountain pass?"

"My lord, it seems to be around [-]. They set up a camp. It seems that they have been stuck here for a long time."

The time stuck here is not short?How did Yang Shunan and the others get there?If they hadn't been there, where are they now?

It was the first time to lead troops to a strange place, and without instant communication means, Song Yingkui felt that his eyes were darkened, and he had to rely on guesswork to deal with every situation.

"Send the order, the lancers dismount and reload their ammunition to prepare for foot combat, the mine-throwing cavalry mounts their fire and prepare to throw mines to clear the way, and the crossbow cavalry is responsible for protecting the flanks!" The terrain is unfamiliar, and for a while, there is no way to bypass the enemy blocking the road ahead. , Even if you find it, you dare not leave, so the best way now is to rush over.With grenades and muskets, it should be safe to rush into the barracks that are not very strong.

After the soldiers and horses of each team were ready, with an order, the fifth battalion expeditionary force immediately launched a charge against the vassal forces blocking the intersection.

It is hard to justify using firearms to bully the tribal soldiers and horses of the semi-vassals who are poorly equipped and organized.After dozens of grenades were thrown and exploded, the platoon gunners immediately covered up and killed them. After a while, the soldiers blocking the road scattered like birds and beasts!
After digging the channel, the commander of the Fifth Battalion drove for more than 50 miles before stopping.What should I do now?The territory of the Sunan Grassland is still very large, why can't they scurry around like headless chickens to find Kurosawabu?

"Little Tiger, just a while ago, how much food and grass did we seize?" Due to the urgent rescue, the Fifth Battalion Army did not bring much emergency food when they set off, so they were traveling lightly.Originally, I was thinking of reuniting with the Kurosawa Department and getting supplies from them, but now I can't even find anyone.The current supplies can only be captured in combat, and how much is captured is the basis for the next military plan.

"Not much was seized, just a dozen or so cows, less than a hundred sheep, and some vassals ate highland barley tsampa and horses ate soybeans." Regarding the seizure of spoils, many cattle and sheep in the feudal clan were lost in the chaos. Jiang Xiaohu expressed regret when reporting the seizure.

"Almost enough, order to set up camp on the spot! Live animals such as cattle and sheep will be slaughtered to make our army rations. At the same time, let the scouts scatter in all directions to investigate the enemy's situation and terrain nearby." The words of more than 300 people eating and drinking The seizure can last at least seven or eight days.Therefore, Song Yingkui doesn't intend to go any further, so let's stay where we are and get a clear idea of ​​the situation.It is estimated that the Kurosawa Department is also trying to find the follow-up troops of the Fifth Battalion Army.

After camping for three days, they finally got in touch with the Kuisawa Department. It turned out that they were only about a hundred miles away from this place.It's just that because the old and weak in the tribe have a lot of luggage and it is inconvenient to march, they are now surrounded by Yeli tribes.Fortunately, with more than 100 fresh troops led by Yang Shun'an, there is no danger of the entire army being wiped out for the time being. The scout horses and sentry cavalry can still rush out of the enemy's line to contact the outside world.In the past few days, in order to inquire about the news of the Fifth Battalion Army, the sentry cavalry suffered a lot of casualties.

"Deputy Commander, how did you enter the grassland? Wasn't there a vassal blocking the exit from the mountain?" After the two sides met, Yang Shunan led a group of sentries to break through the enemy's blockade and come to meet the fifth battalion expeditionary force. The main force converges.Seeing Yang Shunan, Song Yingkui was the first to ask his doubts.

"We were led by an envoy from the Kurosawa Department, and we found the main force of the White Chief after going out of the mountain from the trail."

"Really, can't you leave a few sentry riders to send us a message to support us? How do you tell us to find people in such a big grassland?" Yang Shunan's reply made Song Yingkui speechless for a while, really unprofessional, Patronizing himself to join Kurosawabe, he didn't think about who else was behind!

"The situation was urgent at that time. We thought that after we joined the main force of the Black Sawa Department, the brigade would go to the mountain pass and attack the Fifth Battalion to open the mountain pass. But we didn't expect that there were so many enemy soldiers entangled with the Black Sawa Department. This made me miss the task of responding to your lord. Fortunately, our Fifth Battalion Army has extraordinary combat power, and forcibly broke through the feudal soldiers blocking the road and entered the grassland."

"Approximately how many soldiers and horses are there surrounding the Black Lake Division?" After listening to Yang Shunan's explanation, Song Yingkui had no time to continue complaining, and instead asked about the current military situation.

"There are about three to four thousand soldiers and horses, and there are more old and weak in the Black Ze tribe. The current situation is very bad."

"Only three or four thousand soldiers and horses? I thought the enemy army was over ten thousand! How about this, you lead the way, and we will rush there to join the Heisawa Department!" Now Song Yingkui's vision is high, three to four thousand and a half vassals In his opinion, the soldiers did not pose a big threat, let alone stop the fifth battalion army from joining forces with the Kurosawa tribe.Therefore, the decision to join Kurosawabe immediately was made without hesitation.

"My lord, when we rushed over, there were quite a few soldiers behind us. It is estimated that they are blocking the road at this time. Are we sure that we will break through the enemy line and join the white leader soon?"

"No matter how many enemies there are, can we use human flesh to block the artillery? The field artillery we brought over has been assembled. After a few shots, I don't think anyone dares to block the front."

(End of this chapter)

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