The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 19 Different people are treated very differently after death!

Chapter 19 Different people are treated very differently after death!
Follow Uncle Wu to the dormitory area of ​​the Yangjiabao Zhuang Ding team. The place is still where it was when we first came, but it has changed a lot, and a bunch of shacks have appeared.It has been several months since I came here, and the Zhuang Ding have tried their best to improve their living environment.

No matter how difficult the situation is, people will always think of various ways to make their living environment better. This is the greatest thing about human beings.

After seeing the security chief Yang Shun'an, after chatting for a few words, he knew why he came here for him.

Wang Liu had an accident and died on the construction site. As a villager, he had to find a way to carry him to his hometown for burial.This is the most simple persistence of people in this era.Yang Shunan has already asked someone to bring a message to Yangjiabao, and asked the people from his hometown to come and carry him.The problem now is that the person died on the construction site at a young age, so there must be no coffin prepared at home.

Yang Shunan's idea was that Song Yingkui would be the head craftsman in the craftsman's camp, and see if he could find a way to find some planks from the craftsman's camp to nail a wooden box for Wang Liu.In this way, it would be easier for Zhuang Shang to carry people when he came over, and Wang Liu would be more dignified when he left.It would be too ugly to let Wang Liu roll up a mat and bury him in his hometown.

"I'll go to Carpenter Qin and ask if I can ask for some wooden planks. If I can, my third father, Ding Huanyi and I will make it as soon as possible." Facing Yang Shunan's request, Song Yingkui didn't immediately agree.However, Qin Carpenter should give this face.There have been a lot of incidents on the construction site in the past few months. Some people used wooden boards from the craftsman's camp to nail wooden boxes for carrying people.

"Kui Wa, you can order some dim sum. The matter of the village is a trouble to you." Yang Shunan said good things, and asked Song Yingkui to go back to the carpenter's camp and ask Carpenter Qin for instructions to see if it can be done.

After finding Carpenter Qin and explaining the whole story, Carpenter Qin nodded in agreement.However, the explanation can only be made of poplar wood, not good wood.The good wood in the craftsman's camp is rare, and it is regarded as something from the palace, so it is not acceptable to use it for ordinary people!

"Carpenter Qin agreed? That's fine! Wang Liu's four boards are still in Kui Wa's glory. After I go back, I will tell the Wang family that I will remember your family." Seeing that Song Yingkui brought good news, Yang Shunan praised him repeatedly.Nailing a poplar box to carry people is already the best situation under the current conditions.

Back at the lumber yard, Song Yingkui hurriedly arranged for Father Three and Ding Huanyi to make the wooden box for carrying Wang Liu first, since death is a big deal, other tasks can be postponed.

Different people have very different treatment even after death.The death of King Sukang alarmed the strong men in a county who brought their own dry food to repair his grave, and they worked for several months.Farmer Wang Liu died on the construction site for King Sukang's tomb, but he was able to carry a poplar box only through the back door.Some strong men who had accidents on the construction site didn’t even have a wooden box when they left, and they were carried back to their hometown with mats rolled up by the villagers for a hasty burial.

Wang Liu's death was an accident, but not an accident.With such heavy work and poor food, many members of the young men's team are malnourished, their feet are sloppy, and it's normal for things to happen when they climb up and down.Yangjiabao's young men's team, at any rate, did some light work with Song Yingkui, and had a few meals in the craftsman's camp. The other young men's teams without any care, the probability of accidents may be even greater.

When making the wooden box for Wang Liu, Song Yingkui thought a lot and felt very uncomfortable.But his ability is limited, facing this bleak environment, there is really not much he can do.Forget it, no matter what, when a person dies, he is dead. King Sukang built such a good tomb, after decades, it will still be a pile of dead bones?Maybe it will be cheaper for tomb robbers.In the end, what is the difference between the person who made the coffin and Wang Liu who was buried with a wooden box on his back?
Conditions are limited, the nailed wooden box is very simple and rough, even the basic polishing is not done.But the speed was very fast. When the people from the village came over the next afternoon, the wooden box had already been completed, and Wang Liu had been brought into the wooden box by Yang Shunan.

Song Yingkui's father, Song Xueqin, was among the old family members who rushed over from Yangjiabao.He carried two liters of millet and some pickles to Song Yingkui and nephew from home.

"You two came to the construction site, and you didn't ask anyone to bring food from your family. It's been a few months. What are you eating? Your grandma shouted every day. I was planning to come to see you in the next few days. I just took this opportunity to recite it for you." Seeing his son and younger brother, Song Xueqin complained and took out something from the back.

"Brother, Kuiwa and I are in the craftsman's camp, where the food is in charge. Kuiwa is still a craftsman now, and he can eat white noodles every day, which is better than what he eats in the house. What is there to worry about at home? Keep the pickles you carry, and let the people in the house eat them. With Kuiwa's ability, we can't do it here."

"Big, rice, you should carry it back. We can earn food here. Is the family doing well in the past few months?" Song Yingkui and Song Xueliang had the same idea. The family's food is not very rich, and they don't need it now, so it's pointless to stay.

"Do you really have something to eat?" Song Xueqin sized up his son and third brother in disbelief, and found that the complexions of the two were indeed much better than the others in the village, especially Song Yingkui, who seemed to have grown taller and stronger again!

"Third brother, Lao Qi, and Kui Wa are doing well here. All of us in Zhuangzi are honored by Kui Wa. This time, the wooden boxes on Wang Liu's back were all wood obtained by Kui Wa's begging for connections, and he brought Lao Qi and Ding Huanyi to make it." The fifth uncle of the old house, Song Xuezhen, came to talk. On the construction site, he was often taken care of by Song Yingkui. .

After talking with my father and other people in the village, the people from my hometown carried the wooden box, bid farewell to the strong men and set off on their way home.They had to go to Yangjiabao overnight to hold a funeral for Wang Liu.Before leaving, Song Xueqin didn't carry all of Xiaomi back because he had to carry someone back.

The two liters of millet were taken by Song Yingkui and lent to the fifth uncle of the old house to eat with him and Song Yinghu (the manpower of the old house was also from the same family, and belonged to the Song family in Yinzanli. The Song family in Yinqianli and Song Yingkui’s family used to be tenants without land. They lived on the Song family’s manpower in Yangyang and rented other people’s land, but later the Song Yingkui family met a nobleman and got a mountain. live).After the work of repairing the grave is finished, I will return it when I return to my hometown.It is not easy to bring food from my hometown to this place, and it is also a great favor to be able to lend food to the old house.

(End of this chapter)

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