The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 20 It's melony, isn't the Zhang family tired of carrying a pile of broken wood?

Chapter 20 I'm so melon, aren't you tired of carrying a pile of broken wood home?
In mid-June of the 19th year of Wan'an, King Sukang was buried with glory.The project of repairing the grave came to an end, and the young men began to be sent home one after another.

"Song Jiawa, the higher-ups said that our craftsmen's camp will end the day after tomorrow. There's not much work these two days, so you can pack up your things. By the way, the rewards for the craftsmen's camps from the palace will arrive this afternoon. Don't run far away and wait to receive the rewards." Early in the morning, Carpenter Qin brought good news to Song Yingkui.The corvee for repairing the grave is finally coming to an end.

After spending six full months here and about to leave soon, Song Yingkui didn't feel any regrets in his heart. He absolutely didn't want to go through this kind of shabby work and horrible place again.Although after coming to this place, I have experienced a lot and learned a lot.

The third uncle Song Xueliang was more excited than Song Yingkui when he heard the news that the craftsman camp was going to be disbanded. It is estimated that all the corvees who came to work here were the same, and no one would remember this place as a souvenir.

"Kuiwa, do you think our craftsmen's rewards will be more than those in the village? Other people in the village have received a reward of fifty coins. Can we have a hundred coins?" After the excitement, Song Xueliang became concerned about the rewards.

The palace was not completely indifferent. When it was time to arrive, he gave a little hint to the strong men who participated in the grave repair, and each gave a reward of fifty coins.After six months of hard work, I still brought my own tools and food, and I was finally given [-] Wen, which is no different from that of a free servant.Having said that, it is considered benevolence and righteousness to be able to give some rewards, and most kings don't seem to have the concept of giving money to the common people.

"Who knows? The biggest possibility is that it is the same money as the young men's team." For the feudal dynasty, the current Song Yingkui has no high expectations, and craftsmen will not be more valuable in the eyes of the ruler.

When it was time to distribute the rewards in the afternoon, Song Yingkui realized that he seemed a little too pessimistic.The reward money given by the palace to craftsmen is a little more than that of ordinary strong men, three hundred cash per person.

"Song boy, this is your reward for being a craftsman, a silver bean. There are two jars of wine, you can take it back after you finish it." After receiving the rewards with everyone, Song Yingkui thought that he had nothing to do with himself, but Qin craftsman asked the big and small craftsmen to stay, followed the steward of the palace, and gave out another bonus with silver.Small craftsmen like Song Yingkui received a tael of silver beans.

"Thank you, Uncle Qin, for taking care of the kid. To receive the reward, it all depends on Uncle Qin's cultivation." When the bounty was paid out and the wine was received, Song Yingkui specifically expressed his gratitude to Carpenter Qin.

Carpenter Qin really took care of me being able to receive the silver reward and wine from the carpenter head this time.Without his care, even the craftsman camp might not be able to enter.

"There is nothing to take care of, your baby is rewarded for your ability. By the way, when we leave the day after tomorrow, let's go together. My family is in the county. Go to my house to identify the door, and we will communicate more in the future. If I have some work or something, someone will call you to come and do it, so you can find a way." Carpenter Qin is a very good person.

"Cheng! I'm going to bother Uncle Qin the day after tomorrow. If you have work to take care of me in the future, Uncle, just ask someone to take a message to Tian Chenghao on Wuying Street. It's my second grandfather's shop, and I can receive the letter." Carpenter Qin is a serious carpenter, and he will definitely take on a lot of work.Since people are giving face, Song Yingkui will of course follow through. Could it be wrong to have multiple ways of getting money?

There are caravans passing frequently between Wuying Town and the county seat, and it is a very common way to bring messages and letters to shops on the street through the caravans.The owner of Tian Chenghao is his second grandfather at any rate, and he can always be a contact point.

Arriving at the dormitory with two jars of wine, Third Uncle and Ding Huanyi surrounded him enviously.Wine is valuable, so it must not be opened and drunk here. Besides, it is a wine rewarded by the palace, so it should not be wasted.Looking at the envious two people, all Song Yingkui could do was to let them weigh in.These two jars of wine are very heavy to lift. In fact, each jar of pure wine is only about five catties, and the weight is on the jar.

After receiving the reward, the artisan camp did not disperse. The next thing everyone had to do was to dismantle the site and put it back in order.It is not possible to leave a chaotic mess of buildings around the royal tomb.

Can it be done in one day?Of course not, the real people doing this work are the villagers near the royal tomb. After the grave builders leave, they will take the initiative to do this work, and pick up some sundries left by the strong men.

There is a saying that the more backward the era, the less garbage there is. Although the craftsman camp seems to have nothing, the local villagers can pick up a lot of good things when they come here. Even half a piece of waste bricks can be used after picking them up.

The time left by the craftsman camp is also for picking up garbage, picking up some relatively expensive and valuable things to take home, isn't it also a bargain?This is another benefit that the craftsman camp can enjoy more than ordinary strong men.

"San Dae, come here, what are you doing with Ding Huanyi to clean up the wood?" Early the next morning, when Song Yingkui went to the bathroom, he saw Uncle San and Ding Huanyi and a group of craftsmen rushing to pick up things in the camp area. Seeing what Uncle San picked up, Song Yingkui was speechless and quickly called him aside.

"Isn't it valuable to pack it at home? Kui Wa, you should hurry up and find some good wood. If you pack it up late, it will be snatched up by others."

"There are only two of us, each with a carrying case, how many things can we bring back? What is the value of wood? Let me tell you, you unload all the wood, leaving only the iron ones in the carrying case. Remember, you don't take any wood with you. Iron things, no matter good or bad, are packed in the carrying case. I will find two good carrying cases, go to the blacksmith's stove, and pack some iron things." It's not a place for carpentry in the tomb. head?Wooden things are hard to carry, without cars and animals, how much can you carry with two hands and a strap?Therefore, Song Yingkui's purpose is to clean up the iron guy.Good iron guys are difficult to clean up, but broken ones can still be cleaned up.

"Don't you want sawing beams and the like? If they are good, they can still be used!" Song Xueliang disagreed with his nephew's arrangement. He put away the good things and picked up the bad ones!

"We are carpenters. Can't we make wooden things at home? Iron things, can we find them when we go home? Melons, carrying a pile of wood back home, not to mention taking up space, is tiring. Take the iron back, and I will find a way to tidy it up, and it will be ready for use. Hurry up, don't grind, it's too late, but someone else will take it first!"

There is a blacksmith's workshop in the craftsman's camp. In the last period of time, Song Yingkui went there whenever he had a chance. He also made friends with the blacksmith and tried to practice a few times.Compared with carpenters, blacksmiths are closer to their profession.Running to the blacksmith workshop now is to pick up some scrap iron.Iron materials are good things, but they are expensive and hard to find. Even scrap iron is more valuable than wood made by craftsmen.

(End of this chapter)

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