The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 202 Just don’t apply for industrial school!

Chapter 202 Just don’t apply for industrial school!

The difficulty in making a mimeograph machine lies in the ink ratio and operation level. The mimeograph machine itself is not difficult.

I watched the words written on the wax paper with a stylus stuck on the back of the screen, and the roller dipped in ink rolled across the screen to transfer the content on the wax paper onto the paper.The aging second uncle seemed to have seen a miracle, and was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.How could there be such a magical thing in the world?How can people make such beautiful objects?

"Kuiwa, can you equip our administrative office with a silk screen printing machine? Just one will do!" After being in a daze for a long time, the second uncle finally remembered what he wanted to do.Things like printing test papers are already trivial in his eyes. The administrative office must have such a magical device as soon as possible.

Wax seals have already appeared in Dazheng, but they are similar to engravings. The printed products are not as refined as wood engravings. The only advantage is that they are relatively simple to make and can print some publications such as simple drawings.Who would have thought that wax seals could be improved like this?It will be changed to writing directly on the wax paper, and then it can be easily rubbed on the paper.

The things printed by the wax paper mimeograph machine are not exquisite. A piece of wax paper can only be copied a hundred or ten times. There are actually many shortcomings.But, it's convenient to use.It doesn't take many professionals to operate it after a little training.No special space is required, one or two people can do this work anytime and anywhere.

With this thing, the easiest application scenario that Jiang Yunjin can think of is to use it in government affairs offices.When the administrative office distributes documents to its units, it no longer requires scribes to transcribe them. All it takes is two people who specialize in this task.There is no need to spend a lot of time correcting the accuracy of the transcription one by one. As long as the wax plate is carved correctly, there will be no errors in the things printed from it.

"Well! After the mimeograph machine, especially the ink used, has been prepared in the past few days, and the entrance exam has been dealt with, I will arrange for more people to make more mimeograph machines and supply them to departments at the township level and above, as well as schools, military schools, and factories. When departments that require a large amount of official document exchanges will have printing machines in place." When he was building a mimeograph machine, Song Yingkui only wanted to solve the problem of printing test papers.After this thing was developed, I discovered that it seems to have a wide range of application scenarios. This thing can be used in almost all office scenarios.

Many other applications can be developed from mimeograph machines.For example, arrange in advance for the engraving factory to print out paper with headers, and then use a mimeograph machine to overprint the documents. This can not only play the simplest anti-counterfeiting role, but also make the issuance of official documents more formal.Isn't it just that he created a red-headed document for later generations?
For another example, a hand-linked engraving mimeograph machine that is easy to operate can be developed based on this to improve printing efficiency.Things printed on wax paper are not delicate. After replacing the wax paper with copper plates, the fineness will be greatly improved. In the future, books, textbooks, and official documents can be printed with copper plates.On the basis of the engraving mimeograph machine, movable type plates can also be developed and improved!In the near future, newspapers may be published.You can even make money by buying printing machinery, ink, and publishing books.

A small mimeograph machine allowed Song Yingkui to see the broad prospects of developing and prospering the cultural market. In the future, Yungu will no longer be a cultural desert, but will probably become a cultural center.

A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. Before becoming a cultural center, the most important thing at the moment is to run the school well and cultivate a group of cultural talents with relevant foundations.

In early August of the fifth year of Jingli, Taoyang City and Wuying held the first entrance examination of the Yungu system at the same time.The number of people who signed up is not small, more than 800 people, including about [-] scholars from outside the autonomous region.Compared with the previous environment, it can be said to be an unprecedented event.But it's not all good news.Since the independent registration model was adopted, some schools ended up being overcrowded with students, while some schools were under-recruited.

Normal school is not a school that Song Yingkui attaches special importance to, but it is the school with the largest number of applicants. 500 people actually chose this school as their first choice.Although business schools are not as crowded as normal schools, at least the number of applicants is greater than the number of admissions.Only for the technical school, the number of applicants has just reached 100, and the number of students previously planned to be admitted was much higher than this.You can't eliminate all the students and admit all the students who only got a few points, right?

"Normal schools and business schools will fully recruit 100 people according to the original plan. At the industrial school, the first batch of 30 people will be hired, and then the list will be posted for supplementary admission. Students who are not accepted by the normal school and business school can apply to the industrial school, and then Based on the arithmetic scores of this exam, 120 people will be admitted in sequence. In addition, students who are not admitted can also apply to Yungu Military Academy. The admission quota is 40 people. The admissions are not based on the exam results, but in the order of registration. "I think. It doesn't make sense, why there are so few people enrolling in industrial schools that obviously have more development prospects, so we have no choice but to introduce supplementary enrollment measures to recruit enough people.

After the supplementary enrollment measures were introduced, Song Yingkui thought that those students who had not been admitted to the other two schools would cherish the opportunity to supplement the enrollment. However, the results were still not satisfactory. Only about a hundred people signed up to participate in the supplementary enrollment of the industrial school and the military academy. trick.Especially for the Military Academy, the enrollment quota of 40 people has not been filled up!
With grandma's legs, no one has signed up for the official school as long as she is admitted, which is really annoying.Is it really that exciting to be a teacher in a normal school?I would rather fail than consider other schools. It is simply unreasonable.

Of course, Song Yingkui didn't understand the mentality of the students who applied. In his opinion, with the guidance of his own apprenticeship class and the current attractiveness of the treatment of craftsmen and officers in the Yungu system, the enrollment of industrial schools and military schools was not going anywhere. It might be cold like this.

However, in the eyes of students and parents, being able to become a teacher after entering a normal school is not considered a departure from the way of studying.Besides, from last year to this year, many officials in the Yungu system were directly selected from the school teachers.In other words, after entering the normal school, you have one foot in the officialdom.

Only a fool would go to industrial school or military academy when there is such a bright future.No matter how good the pay for graduates from these two schools is, aren't they still just hardworking craftsmen and military leaders fighting for their lives in the killing field?The families in Yungu and outside the country who have the opportunity to study and read are not bad at the moment, and their expectations for the future are not as low as those of farmers who farm.

The graduates trained by industrial schools are not craftsmen who work as coolies!Although this is a fact, you can't explain it to parents who already have inherent awareness!Faced with stubborn parents, Song Yingkui thought of a relative of his before time travel. His children's college entrance examination results clearly meant that they could study in a good agricultural university with good employment prospects. But when they heard that it was an agricultural university, they thought they would become a graduate in the future. Farmers insist on not letting their children sign up.What can you say to such ignorant people?

(End of this chapter)

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