The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 203: Danshi all over the world are obliged to help Song Yungu’s situation!

Chapter 203: Danshi all over the world are obliged to help Song Yungu’s situation!
You are currently ignoring industrial schools and military academies, but you will regret it in the future.There is no need for us to compete with a bunch of idiots who are ignorant of current affairs.

Song Yingkui, who had figured it out, was not going to do any more make-up recordings.Anyone who has signed up for the military academy will be admitted.In addition to direct recruitment from the general public, wouldn't it be good for the military academy to recruit more from active-duty soldiers?The precious quota cannot be wasted on stupid people.

As for industrial schools, it is enough to select students from those who registered before and those who registered later. Even if the grades are worse, it doesn't matter. Attitude is more important than grades.In addition, there will be an additional [-] places for industrial schools this year. Instead of recruiting from the public, we can recruit directly from the military.Anyway, the military is also carrying out literacy work, and it can still select some talents with a little basic knowledge.

The current population situation in Yungu is much better than last year. After selecting some seedlings from the army, it will be easy to replenish the supply of troops.Regarding the definition of the military, we have to take a broad view. The functions it has to undertake cannot be limited to military affairs and war. The military is also an important talent training base.In the future, officials, craftsmen, engineering students within the system, and those with military background will be given priority.

"Uncle, the normal school should be divided into three subjects, namely mathematics education, Chinese education, and natural knowledge education. Among them, 30 people will be admitted to each of the mathematics and Chinese subjects, and 40 people will be admitted to the natural subject. Principle of division of subjects It is based on voluntariness and supplemented by deployment. Students first apply for subjects according to their own wishes. If the number of corresponding subjects exceeds the number, they will be screened according to their grades. If there is no screening, they will be allocated to subjects with insufficient staff. If they do not obey the allocation, they will be selected. Abandon the academic theory, and then carry out corresponding recruitment for the vacancies."

Since some people don't want to see the school, there will be some people who don't want to see the branch. Song Yingkui is not used to these people's bad habits. You can't fall in love with them!It is estimated that many students admitted to normal schools will be dissatisfied with the natural subjects and mathematics subjects.

"City Lord, is this way of classifying subjects too harsh on the students? It is not easy to study, so you have to be a considerate student. Besides, we are currently short of teachers in Yungu who teach Chinese. If we record more students who will not affect the overall situation, we can also It can be taught mixedly with the other two subjects. It is best to think twice about this matter." As soon as the second uncle heard Song Yingkui's method of dividing subjects, he realized that mathematics and natural science were probably not popular, and Chinese because of the difference with Dazheng It is closely related to the career, and it is estimated that most people will choose Chinese, so he quickly expressed his different opinions.

Glancing at his second uncle who wanted to fight for the welfare of the students, Song Yingkui gritted his teeth and said: "It is easy to find teachers who teach Chinese, but it is difficult to find teachers who teach mathematics and nature. Students in these two subjects can study in primary schools after graduation. Chinese is taught, but Chinese students may not be able to teach these two subjects. The courses we run in these advanced schools in three years will be very heavy, and the coursework will become more and more difficult. It is impossible to cope with academic work if you are multitasking. Yes, specializing in one is the right path."

Seeing that Song Yingkui's opinion was very firm, Jiang Yunjin had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​persuading him to change his mind.This kid is a stubborn person, and it is difficult to change what he has decided in his mind.Judging from his appearance, he was probably angry about the unsatisfactory enrollment in the industrial school, and he vented his anger on the division of subjects in the normal school.Judging from his thoughts, the future of normal school students will be worrying.

What is good from the top will be followed by the bottom. Logically speaking, parents and students in Yungu should know what the leader likes.But, the people below have their own thoughts. It’s not that they don’t want to fall in love with them, but it’s not necessarily clear who they are.If Yungu was as big as Dazheng and Song Yingkui was the emperor of Dazheng, there would be no shortage of students in any industrial school.Dazheng had an emperor who was good at painting. When he was in power, there were more people who wanted to enter the painting academy than those who took the imperial examination.

This is a contest between people's hearts. Jiang Yunjin can neither change Song Yingkui's decision nor the mentality of the scholars. Who can win the upper hand? Only time will give the answer.The people who do the most nonsense in this era are the so-called scholars. After reading a few books, do you really think you are a talent?Especially the scholars in Yungu and nearby areas. Strictly speaking, they are not considered scholars in Dazheng. They have just picked up music. I really don’t know how many bowls of rice they can eat.Sure enough, the poorer the place, the easier it is to give birth to self-righteous people.It's been several days since the entrance examination ended, but Song Yingkui's anger has not subsided, but his resentment is getting heavier and heavier.

The reason for the increased resentment is naturally that it is stimulated by other things.In August and September, there are two things that concern Song Yingkui the most. One is the entrance examination, and the other is the alchemy conference to be held on September [-]th!Comparison only hurts. Compared to the uncomfortable scholars, the feedback from the alchemists who came one after another was too positive. Naturally, the other wave of people were even less favored.

Since the end of July, Danshis have been flocking to Taoyang City in a steady stream.By the end of August, more than 400 people had been registered by the officials responsible for receiving Danshi.

Among the 400 people who came, many came from prosperous places such as Beijing and Chang'an, and some even came from the dusty places such as Yanyun.How far is Yanyun from Yungu?He probably ran over as soon as he heard the wind, right?In other words, it was a bit late to decide to hold the alchemy conference, otherwise it would be possible to gather all the alchemists from all over the world to Yungu.

Suddenly, the monks wearing Taoist robes formed a beautiful scenery on the streets of Taoyang.However, except for a few Taoist priests who are gorgeously dressed, most of the Danshi's clothes are very ordinary, even a little shabby.

On the surface, the Yungu Alchemy Conference is a gathering of talents. In fact, most of the people who come here are speculators who are not doing well, and there are also speculators who are doing well and have bigger plans. In short, without exception, they are all They are speculators.

Are there any serious people among Danshi?Those who embark on this road are either mentally abnormal people or people who cannot endure hardship.The primary reason why they attach so much importance to the alchemy conference held by Yungu is that the living environment in other places is too poor.Compared with previous dynasties, the Danshi of Dazheng should be in the worst era in history.

Dazheng was a scholar-official in power, and they were extremely disgusted with the unrealistic and unrealistic living conditions of Alchemy. There might be an emperor who secretly liked Alchemy and wanted to get some messy medicine to take.But in the face of the strong public opinion atmosphere, they did not dare to blatantly promote alchemy.In addition, alchemists are still facing huge competition. Not to mention Buddhism, even within Taoist sects, alchemists are also vulnerable groups now!
Although Song Yungu is not a powerful force in the world, he is the only one who has territory and power, and also clearly supports the alchemy path and holds an alchemy conference.Whether it is for speculation or for the great cause of alchemy, all the alchemists from all over the world are obliged to help at the Yungu Alchemy Conference on September [-]th!

(End of this chapter)

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