The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 217 The scientific contribution of a heavy drinking session!

Chapter 217 The scientific contribution of a big drinking session!
"After that, I sent Liu Gongfeng a reward of 40 silver dollars. The city lord's palace bought this technique of his." Realgar can ignite after rubbing with quartz sand, which made Song Yingkui see the hope of developing a primer, so he generously gave Liu Gongfeng a reward. Danshi paid a reward.

Is it so easy to make money?Danshi Liu Bintian was very satisfied with the surprise brought by this unexpected gain and expressed his gratitude repeatedly.It seems that I made the right choice to stay in Taoyang City. It would be great if the Lord of the City visited Danyuan more often.

After leaving Danyuan, Song Yingkui hurried to the industrial school.Now that we have the direction of the ignition powder, we have to figure it out as soon as possible.

When they arrived at the industrial school, they found someone from the chemical engineering department and assigned them a task, asking them to conduct repeated experiments with realgar and sand to see if they could come up with a ignition powder that could detonate gunpowder through impact.

After assigning tasks to the people in the chemical engineering department, he turned around and went to the Machinery Research Institute.The development of breech-loading muskets must also be put on the agenda. Once the ignition powder is produced, the breech-loading musket project can be started directly. There is no need to waste time on front-loading muskets, a technology that is destined to be eliminated.

When it comes to breech-loading muskets, Song Yingkui's first thought was a bolt-action rifle with a large bolt.Before time travel, the film and television images of bolt-action rifles were so classic that Song Yingkui could only think of nothing else but this breech-loading rifle.

However, after carefully considering the current level of production technology, I found that it seems that a bolt-action rifle may not be possible, and even if it is produced, it will be difficult to mass-produce.At present, arsenals are struggling to produce front-loading flintlock muskets. The output is only about a hundred or so per month, let alone bolt-action rifles.After the bolt-action rifle was developed at all costs, the production of bullets was also a problem.Bolt-action rifles have very high accuracy requirements for bullets and cannot solve the accuracy problem of mass production. Bolt-action rifles are just like fire sticks.

At present, the most realistic way is to obtain reloading bullets with relatively low accuracy requirements. Each soldier is equipped with ten or twenty reloading cartridge cases. He usually packs the gunpowder, projectiles and primers by himself, and preloads them in advance during combat. Good bullets.

After much thought, the solution I finally came up with was a fold-back shotgun-style breech-loading gun.This thing is not as efficient as a bolt-action rifle, but the production process requirements are much lower, and the accuracy requirements for bullets are also lower.

I drew a simple drawing and let students from the Machinery Research Institute and the Mechanical Department of the Industrial School try to develop it first.Anyway, until reliable igniting powder is developed, the breech-loading rifle cannot be developed.

In the sketch, Song Yingkui also added the design of a movable bayonet.Before the development of automatic rifles, muskets alone could not cope with complex battlefield environments, and musketeers could not even fight alone on the battlefield.

It is necessary to add a bayonet to the musket. Even if the realgar ignition powder is unreliable, the technology of the movable bayonet can be transferred to the flintlock gun.The musketeers with bayonets can replace the pikemen.In short, in the next one or two years, the Yungu Army will move towards fully equipped with firearms.

"Sir, there was an explosion and fire in the Danyuan, and Liu Gongfeng was injured!" While Song Yingkui was discussing the design of the folding rifle with the craftsmen at the Mechanical Research Institute, the confidential secretary hurried over and reported a Emergency situations.

"Liu Chongfeng? But Liu Bintian, who just gave out the reward the day before yesterday, is going to pay tribute?"

"That's him! Someone who came to report the news from the alchemy courtyard said that one of Liu Gongfeng's arms was blown off, and his alchemy room and several nearby alchemy rooms were blown down, and they are still on fire. "What did this guy do?"How come there is such a big movement?Didn't he just make a tinder using realgar and quartz sand?Song Yingkui, who was a little confused, quickly took people to the Danyuan. He wanted to find out what happened.

When I arrived at the Danyuan, I saw that the scene was simply too horrible to watch.Several houses collapsed, their wooden beams and rafters still smoking.Several Danshi were affected by the explosion and their heads were bruised and bloody beyond recognition.The most miserable person was Liu Bintian, who lost an arm and lay on the bed wailing.

"Why is there such a big commotion?" Seeing such a tragic scene, Song Yingkui hurriedly found the person in charge of the Danyuan, he wanted to find out what happened.

"Last night, Liu Gongfeng invited a few good alchemists to drink together. They drank until dawn, and some of the alchemists took advantage of the wine to make elixirs. It seemed that they mixed saltpeter, silver coins, and wine. They were messing around together, and the alchemy furnace exploded just as they were trying to fix it. Liu Gongfeng's arm was blown away in this way.

It was okay that the alchemy furnace exploded, but in the panic, they hit the saltwater tank in the alchemy room next door. The saltwater splashed on the quilt. When it caught fire, it was terrible, and several alchemy rooms were blown down. "When the person in charge of Danyuan reported the situation, his heart was pounding. Who would have thought that this job could be so dangerous? It felt more dangerous than an artillery battle on the battlefield. It seems that he should consider changing his position.

Nitric acid reacted with silver?And the alcohol thing?Nitric acid will react with cotton to form nitrocellulose, Song Yingkui knew this.But what will happen if you add nitric acid to alcohol and silver?Could it also be a high explosive?
"Arrange doctors to properly treat several worshippers, and provide each injured worshiper with a treatment subsidy of ten silver dollars. In the future, salt water and other items will be stored separately in a special warehouse. The experience and lessons of this explosion must be summarized. To prevent similar vicious incidents from happening again." After knowing the cause of the explosion, Song Yingkui ordered the people at the Alchemy Academy to deal with the aftermath while wondering what Liu Bintian, the Danshi, had done.

Back in Taoyang City, Song Yingkui was very curious and asked someone to get a small amount of alcohol, nitric acid and silver, and started experimenting on his own.

Oh dear, this is incredible, the thing reflected by these three things is really a powerful explosive!It doesn't matter if it's strong, the key is that it's still sensitive and will explode at the slightest touch.

It is not suitable to use such a sensitive thing as an explosive. If the sensitivity can be slightly reduced, it would be good to use it as a ignition powder.

Well, I seemed to have made a mistake when climbing the technology tree of chemical industry. I always thought that three acids and two bases were the basis of chemical industry, but in fact, the participation of organic acids like alcohol seems to be quite important.When doing chemical experiments in the future, you should consider the use of alcohol more and see if you can come up with other useful things.

"Send another 200 silver dollars to Liu Gongfeng, and increase his monthly salary to twelve taels per month. From now on, he will be one of the chief priests of the Alchemy Academy." Liu Bintian, the alchemist, is really a lucky general, and he does it one after another. Something surprising came out.His drinking was meaningful. We cannot lose the scientific contribution he made at the cost of an arm.

(End of this chapter)

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