The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 218: Using fire to make alchemy is a wrong way. I will give you a new direction for making a

Chapter 218 Using fire to make elixirs is a wrong way, I will give you a new direction for making elixirs!
Liu Bintian, who was lying on the hospital bed and wailing, regretted it very much. He was really a fool.The bounty handed out by the city lord's palace has not yet warmed up, so he insisted on treating his friends to a drink.

The price of this drinking was really high. Not only did the alchemy room explode, but also lost an arm. From now on, I will be an incomplete person.Compared with such a huge price paid, the rewards and pensions given by the city lord's palace are simply not enough.

Fortunately, the Lord of the City was magnanimous and not only did not hold me accountable and did not lose his job, he also gave me a pension.It’s hard to find such a good boss in the world!My body will be disabled in the future, but I have to cherish this job and not mess around anymore.

Just when Liu Bintian was lying on the hospital bed, he reflected on his mistakes and decided to change his past mistakes.The City Lord's Mansion sent someone over again.

After meeting the policemen from the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Bintian felt that his wounds no longer hurt instantly.It was really a blessing in disguise. Not only did I get another 200 silver dollars in reward, but I also got a salary increase.Ten silver dollars a month, doesn’t it amount to more than 100 silver dollars a year?With such an income, life in the future will not be easy.In this way, losing an arm is nothing, it is simply too valuable.

Who said you can't mess around anymore? As the saying goes, wealth can only be found in danger.If you don’t mess around, can you get rich and become rich?The wine I drank a few days ago was simply a blessing.

Lying in the hospital bed, Chief Liu regained motivation for scientific research and began to dream of becoming rich.In the entire Danyuan, after hearing the news that Liu Bintian had received the great award, there were many people who had the same idea.What?Is alchemy too dangerous?Don’t you know that wealth can be found in danger?Did you know that Old Liu caused an explosion and got riches all over his body?We must follow the example of Lao Liu and not be idlers who only take salary without making any contribution.

"Didn't I tell you to take precautions against dangers? How come there have been so many explosions in the Danyuan these days? Some people have died after taking pills. This is how you guard against danger." In the City Lord's Mansion, I saw the Danyuan. Song Yingkui was really puzzled by the explosions reported one after another.How come there are more and more accidents as we prevent them, and there are even fatal accidents.

"Sir, all the Danshi are crazy, and my subordinates really can't control it. We set up a special dangerous goods warehouse to collect and store all dangerous goods such as saltwater. As a result, they tried their best to hide these things secretly, one by one. We can't send people to make elixirs at all costs. We can't send people to keep an eye on them all the time to make elixirs!" Zhang Shiyou, the person in charge of the Alchemy Institute, expressed his grievances in a tearful voice. He was indeed afraid of the gang in the Alchemy Institute. Madmen, they transformed the good Danyuan into the most dangerous place in the whole Yun Valley.

"Okay! You go back first and summon the alchemists to the hall of the Alchemy Academy. I will go over and hold a meeting for them later." After listening to Zhang Shiyou's report, Song Yingkui understood what the problem was.The bad thing is that the reward given to Liu Bin was too generous, which caused the Danshi to become mentally ill.

If these Danshi guys continue to go crazy, not only can they come up with new inventions, but they can also come up with new dead people who will definitely not escape.It must be stopped in time and a correct value system and scientific research direction must be established for them.The flammable and explosive work can no longer be carried out in such a disorderly manner. They have to change the target.

"I'm here today. I mainly want to talk to you about alchemy and the direction of your future alchemy research." After arriving at the lobby of the Alchemy Academy and seeing a group of red-eyed alchemists, Song Yingkui said straight to the point that he asked them to come to a meeting. intention of.He cleared his throat and continued: "Since ancient times, when alchemists seek to prove the way of alchemy, metal, stone and fire work are indispensable means, although there are also many unexpected gains. But speaking from the heart, when seeking immortality and elixir, Along the way, the path of metal, stone and fire engineering is to gain nothing.

Therefore, I feel that this direction is not the right path to alchemy.Think about it, what does gold, stone, firework, and other things have to do with the body, hair, and skin?If this thing is used on people, most of it will harm the body instead of benefiting it.How can one use a weapon that harms one's body to obtain a technique that benefits one's body?

So if you want to really get something that benefits you, I think it’s better to take it from nature and use natural things. That’s the right way.What is a natural thing?They are things that can grow and gather the energy of heaven and earth, ranging from beings as big as humans to as small as tiny ephemera.The sage has a saying, he knows the truth when he sees the subtle things. I feel that the way to benefit the body should be hidden in the small details. If you observe the small details, you may be able to prove the great road.Using fire to make elixirs is a wrong way. I will give you a new direction for making elixirs.

Everyone, please take a look at this piece of steamed bun with penicillium in my hand.Why can good steamed buns produce penicillium?Where did this Penicillium come from?How can it live and die like a living thing?Is this Penicillium one species or several species?Where can it be born and where cannot it be born?Is it good or bad for our body, or is it only bad but not good?
In order to prove the way of alchemy, today I will assign a task to all the worshipers of the Alchemy Academy, to gather the efforts of the whole academy to extract penicillium and find out the characteristics of penicillium!How to extract penicillium is to keep only the penicillium without damaging its life, nourish it with liquid, let it live, and hide it so that it will not die.As for how to implement it, it depends on your ingenuity.It is also very simple to figure out the characteristics of Penicillium. If you put it into living animals such as mice, what will happen to the sick living animals and what will happen to the non-sick living animals?If you observe carefully, you will definitely gain something.

For the project of extracting penicillium and studying its properties, the city lord's palace will allocate 200 yuan of silver at the beginning to start the project. Anyone who can put their heart and soul into this matter can receive the silver reward.Every year after that, there will be a silver reward of 200 yuan.If there is a major breakthrough in extraction or trait research, a reward of 500 yuan will be awarded.

In the future, the City Lord's Mansion will favor bonuses for research projects on self-help techniques. Projects that cause explosions will not only not be given bonuses, but will also be punished. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts.I set up the Danyuan, not for fierce fire, but for the benefit of the body and the people. "

Chemical research needs to be professionalized. If we continue to mess around with half a bottle of water, whether we will get any benefits or not, the main reason is that it is too dangerous.So Song Yingkui planned to direct their energy into biological experiments.Anyway, at their level, it is unlikely that they will be able to test out any dangerous goods such as biological viruses.It would be best if the process for preparing penicillin could be integrated.It doesn't matter if it doesn't work out, just think of it as accumulating experience for future biomedical research.

Song Yingkui really didn't understand how to prepare penicillin. He only knew that if penicillin could be practical in this era, it would definitely be used as a miracle drug and would greatly improve the medical level.

With the nitric acid production process and the acquisition of explosive substances such as silver nitrate, the purpose of setting up an alchemy institute has been achieved for the time being.In the future, the main role of the Alchemy Institute will be to collect and enrich materials and conduct biological experiments. The rest of the work will mainly be done by people from industrial schools and mechanical research institutes. When it comes to armament plans, charlatans cannot be relied on.

(End of this chapter)

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