Chapter 22 Finally You Can Make Tofu

"Grandpa, this is a tael of silver and two jars of wine from the palace. The rest is cloth and some groceries we bought in the county. This time, my third father and I were given a tael of silver and six hundred cash, and the money was handed over to the family. The money, I bought some things for the family, and the rest I and my third father kept for pockets!" Back home, Song Yingkui paid the bill to his grandfather after eating dinner cooked by his mother.

"What do you and your third father keep so much pocket money for? Each of you keeps a hundred cash, and the rest is handed over to the account." When Song Tianshun took the money, his mouth couldn't close his smile.But he was also thinking about the pocket money left by Song Yingkui's nephew, and felt that they paid too little to the public account.

"Big, it's convenient for us to keep some change in our hands. When we go out, the money you gave to buy the iron is not enough. If we don't collect the change in our hands, we will go to the construction site empty-handed. What Kui Wa said is right, we have to keep some change in our hands. According to your arrangement, we may be stuck halfway." Before Song Yingkui could refute his grandfather, the third uncle Song Xueliang expressed his strong opposition.He had quite a big opinion on his father who only gave him a little money to buy an iron lift when he went out.

"Grandpa, the money left with us ended up being used at home, and we didn't just spend it on our own. We didn't even have a bowl of rice on the way back this time. I kept the money because I thought it would be useful to start a small business on the street during this time." Following the third uncle, Song Yingkui also hurriedly expressed his idea that he didn't want to hand over the money.

Seeing that his son and grandson both wanted to keep pocket money, Song Tianshun's face became a little unhappy.How to go out for a trip, these two people have big ideas now?They all want to keep a few hundred Wen as pocket money, which is a lot of money for the poor Song family.After a year, you may not be able to save so much money in your hands.

"Grandpa, let the two dolls keep the money with them. Kuiwa is now a master carpenter, and there will be many things to do when he goes out to work. The doll doesn't have any pocket money to make it? He will be laughed at by the hirer. This time, when we went out this time, the old fifth and the others didn't bring back anything. When Ding Huanyi came back yesterday, he carried a lot of woodwork, and you were greedy. , the doll needs to leave some change, you still don’t want to?”

At the critical moment, it was grandma who was more sensible, and made Song Tianshun put out the idea of ​​taking back the change after talking about it.

After paying the bill, the whole family took stock of the things that Song Yingkui's uncle and nephew had brought back, while chatting about the family's troubles.Seeing that among the things they carried back, besides a pile of scrap iron and scrap iron tools, there were also two new iron heads, Song Tianshun's mood suddenly improved again.

If you spend money to buy two picks, it will cost you over a hundred cash.These two picks alone are worth the pile of rags that Ding Huanyi carried back.The children and grandchildren are really capable. Others do corvee work for nothing, and their own family earns a lot of money when they go out. Compared with this, Song Tianshun thought that it would be great if he could serve corvée again.

During family chats, Song Yingkui learned that in another ten days or so, it would be time to harvest soybeans. Soybeans would be harvested about ten days earlier than spring wheat.Collect soybeans?Oh, I don't know if there are any old soybeans left, I still want to make tofu.

"Are there any soybeans left at home?" Quickly ask if there are any old soybeans left. It is best to let Zhang Luo take care of making tofu before the new soybeans come down, so as not to have to collect grain and start a new business when it is time, and he will not be able to take care of energy.

"There are some left, Kui Wa, what are you going to do?" Song Tianshun was a little surprised by his grandson's sudden question.He had long forgotten what his grandson said about making tofu last year.

"Make tofu. I think that I will start a tofu business on the street in the future. It can be regarded as a way to earn money. Last year, I wanted to do this business. As a result, the messy things have been delayed until now."

"Do you really know how to make tofu?" Song Tianshun was still a little unsure about his grandson's ability to make tofu.

"Would it be possible, if you can't see it when you do it?"

It's better to do this kind of thing than say it a hundred times.As long as tofu is made, no one will doubt it anymore.

After resting all night, Song Yingkui got soybeans to soak in the tank early the next morning.I am afraid that the soaking time is too short, and the effect is not very ideal.After soaking for a whole day, I took out the soybeans and put them on the small stone grinder at home to grind the soybean milk.

After the ground soy milk is filtered through a fine basket, scoop up the home-cooked milk and start ordering tofu.You can also use gypsum water to order tofu, but there is no such thing at home.Fortunately, almost every household in the northwest frontier knows how to pickle the pulp.The tofu made with physalis water is healthier.

Pour in the slurry water, and when you see that the flocculation in the soy milk is almost done, pour the soy milk in the bucket into the pot and start cooking the tofu.

The soy milk in the pot had a layer of skin on it, Song Yingkui quickly picked it out with chopsticks, it was yuba.

After picking a layer, the soy milk in the pot continued to crust, and Song Yingkui continued to pick it with chopsticks.At this time, it is a slow and worrying job to control the fire of the pot to a low fire state.

"Kui Wa, what are you doing all the time? Doing so would waste a lot of tofu." Song Tianshun, who was watching his grandson cooking tofu, couldn't help asking.

"This skin is not wasted. Take it out and dry it in the sun. It is yuba, and it can be sold as tofu. This thing can be stored, not as perishable as tofu. What I actually think is that in the future, our family will mainly sell yuba instead of tofu." Seeing that his grandfather couldn't react, Song Yingkui explained briefly.

"Kui Wa, this bean curd stick, is it really safe to put it in the sun?" It was Grandma Jiang Shi who asked the question. Although she couldn't see clearly, she also gathered around to see if her grandson could make tofu.

"It can be stored, as long as it does not enter water or get damp, there will be no problem at all for half a year."

"It can last for half a year without spoiling? It's really better than the tofu business. Kuiwa, the business you want, I think it can be done." After all, it came from a rich family. Jiang heard his grandson said that the beancurd sticks can be preserved for a long time, so he immediately judged that this business can be done by his own family.

While talking, seeing that the tofu water in the pot was too thick to boil, Song Yingkui hurriedly picked up the pot and poured it all into the gauze-lined mold made yesterday, let it shape and drain the water!

That night, Song Yingkui's family tasted their homemade tofu. Although it was a bit runny, the taste was no different from the tofu bought from the street, which showed that making tofu was basically done.

"Tomorrow, I will mainly make beancurd sticks! I will make some tofu by hand. The sun is good these two days, and the finished bean curd sticks can be dried thoroughly. We will sell them on the street and try them out on the 23rd." Seeing that the tofu tastes good, Song Yingkui told his family that he would go to the street to buy and try it when he was having dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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