Chapter 91: Seastone Fortress Falls!
"It's already dawn, why haven't the Fanzi retreated?" That night, the Xifan soldiers didn't organize a large-scale attack, but they didn't retreat either, and endured until dawn.It was broad daylight, and the Xifan soldiers were still wandering outside the chariot formation. Song Yingkui couldn't help asking Yang Shunan beside him.

"That's right! Fighting and not fighting, what do they mean by not going away? Aren't you afraid that the cavalry of the officers and soldiers will receive a letter that will prevent them all from going back?" Yang Shunan also asked a puzzled question.

The Huangshui Valley is an area controlled by the Zheng army. As long as a group of fan army cavalry is found, the cavalry of the official army will definitely be dispatched. Aren't the fans afraid that they will never go back after being wrapped in dumplings?

"The Long Spear Team will draw a few people to cook breakfast for everyone. If they want to cook, they can cook. Half of the members of the Sword and Shield Team will take a rest. Later, they will rotate to let the other brothers rest and see who can consume more energy." Think Song Yingkui did not intend to think about Fanzi's plan without knowing it. The fierce battle last night, the most important thing right now is to let the brothers rest, so that even if the Xifan soldiers want to fight a protracted war, they will not be afraid!
The sun shone on the unresolved snow on the top of the mountain, reflecting dazzling light. The volunteer team and Fanzi were still facing each other in Huangshui Valley until almost noon.

The place where the car formation was formed was far away from the river, which made Song Yingkui a little anxious. He could use unpolluted snow to cover his lunch, but at night he couldn’t cook for everyone with trampled or even blood-stained snow. rice?

The situation is a bit confusing, and the fans must have some purpose for nailing here.What is the purpose?It's not for the tens of thousands of catties of food transported by the volunteer team, is it?Or is it to cut off the food road to Ningxi Acropolis?

When things got to this point, it was obviously not just a small situation where their own volunteer team was blocked by Fanzi and couldn't move.From last night to now, the actions of the Xifan army must be related to the entire battle situation. Now it depends on how the upper echelons of the Dazheng army plan to break the situation.

Before the news from above came, the Xifan army seemed to be unable to hold back. At noon, the Fanzi dismounted one after another and stood scattered in a line.

Could it be that they are going to attack the positions of the Volunteers with a full-line infantry assault?
"Third Uncle brings twenty people and prepares for fire and thunder! The Sword and Shield Team and the Bow and Crossbow Team are responsible for guarding the car formation. The Long Spear Team and the Sentinel Team are ready to attack the enemy." Fanzi wanted to attack from all sides, and Song Yingkui also moved Stud thought about it.First use grenades to blow up their formation, and then counterattack with long spears and sentry cavalry. There is still a certain degree of confidence in this battle.Otherwise, when they rushed to the front of the formation, it would be a one-on-one fight. The volunteer team may not be the opponent of the battle-tested Xifan army.

After organizing the infantry to attack the formation, the Xifan soldiers raised their sabers and rushed towards the formation of chariots howling.

"Light it up, throw mines!" The distance of more than 200 meters is not very far, Song Yingkui ordered to throw a grenade shortly after Fanzi charged, and when they rushed over, the grenade almost exploded.

There is a problem with the design of the grenade, and it can't be thrown very far. Basically, it hits the ground at a distance of 40 to [-] meters.

"Let's hide in the car formation first, and wait for the fire mine to explode before attacking the enemy." The core explosion range of the grenade is not so far, but the throwing distance is only more than 20 meters, and the shrapnel and rubble that are splashed can't be said. It will fly over and hurt people.This is where the danger of exploding too close is not as reliable as throwing a catapult.

The Xifan soldiers who were rushing into the battle were a little puzzled. They were so far away, why did the opponent throw the smoking stone?Are they scared stupid?If I knew that this group of Zheng Junminfu was so afraid of infantry charging, I should have used this tactic in the morning.It's not because they are afraid of their muskets, and they have been dawdling until now, and there is really no time to rush forward.

well?The smoking things they throw out are actually made of iron?Can such a valuable thing be used so miserably?Some sharp-eyed soldiers running ahead saw the grenade falling on the ground, and some of them picked it up boldly to see what it was!
There was a distance vibration from the ground, and the grenades began to explode one after another.

The timing of the explosion was okay, and the fastest rushing soldiers hadn't reached the vicinity of the chariot formation yet.

The means of throwing mines, more than a dozen exploded.The exploding grenade knocked all the fans with a radius of about ten meters to the ground, and some of the fans within 20 meters were also attacked by the monolith, and some gravel and monoliths even flew onto the grain truck.

Fanzi who had never seen such a scene, most of them were frightened and stupid on the battlefield.Fanzi's war horse, 200 meters away from the scene of the grenade explosion, reacted very quickly. When the grenade rang, they all exploded, and screamed and ran around the battlefield.The few Fanzi soldiers who stayed to watch the horses couldn't control the riot of hundreds of frightened horses.

"Go out and kill the enemy!" Seeing that the grenade once again had the effect of deterring the battlefield, Song Yingkui ordered decisively, and the volunteer team attacked from all fronts.

No matter how powerful the army is, once they lose their courage, they will behave like ordinary defeated troops.

The volunteer team rushed out of the position and quickly killed the Xifan army who were stunned on the battlefield!Yang Shunan led the sentinel cavalry, and even had the leisure to catch startled horses on the battlefield!
"Commander, great victory! Not only did we kill Fanzi, but we also captured more than 50 good horses. It is a pity that most of Fanzi's horses ran and people couldn't catch them. Why did they slip away three or four times this time? Hundreds of good horses. Also, this time we beheaded at least 50 to [-] people. It is definitely a great achievement to cut off the heads of these people and bring them to the army." After beating the fans away, Yang Shunan Satisfied, he reported the results to Song Yingkui.

Fanzi who were killed by the bombing counted as a series of cuts, seems to be the case?Except for a few heads that were blown to pieces, about 50 good heads could be picked out.Song Yingkui didn't know how valuable these fan's heads were, but he knew how valuable the captured horses were.More than [-] uninjured horses were caught, and this battle really made a fortune.

Where there is gain, there is loss. From last night to now, the Volunteer Team has killed four people and injured eight or nine others. Two of them are seriously injured. I don't know if they can survive.After returning safely, these horses were emptied out, trying to find a way to compensate the dead and injured brothers.As for keeping all the war horses for his own use, Song Yingkui couldn't afford so many horses now.

Asking Yang Shunan to lead people to clean up the battlefield, Song Yingkui stood on the grain cart and thought about the next thing.What will the Volunteer Team do next?Should we go to Ningxi Acropolis or return to Haishibao?From last night to now, what exactly have the Xifan army been doing?The Fanzi who entered the Huangshui Valley were definitely more than the 200 or so encountered by the Volunteer Team.Because it was past noon, there was no sign of Zheng Jun in Huangshui Valley.

It would be dangerous to act rashly when the battle situation is unknown.

"Move the convoy to the river, and we will formally set up camp on the bank of Huangshui to wait for the military situation!" After thinking for a while, Song Yingkui decided not to leave.Instead, they formally repaired the camp fortifications on the bank of Huangshui, waiting for news.Walking recklessly, he might bump into the Fanzi army.

Move the convoy to the bank of the Huangshui River, order the volunteer team to dig hard into the frozen soil and build a trench, and at the same time send Yang Shunan to lead seven or eight sentry cavalry members with good riding skills to investigate the situation in the distance.The most important thing to understand now is what happened.

When everyone dug the earth and rocks for nearly two hours, and roughly built a wall of earth and rocks along the rim of the car, Yang Shunan came back with his people.In addition to the sentry cavalry, there were also two sentry cavalry from Zheng Jun who were covered in blood.

"What? Haishi Fort was besieged by Xifan soldiers last night, and it has already fallen?" The news from two Zheng army sentries made Song Yingkui lose his composure all of a sudden!
(End of this chapter)

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