The great hero of the Silk Road, starting from a farm farmer

Chapter 92 Wei Dadao Yang Tieqiang, the Song family's flame double guns!

Chapter 92 Wei Dadao Yang Tieqiang, the Song family's flame double guns!
Taking advantage of the heavy snow blocking the road and Zheng Jun nesting in the camp, most of the Xifan army crossed the mountainous area of ​​Huangshui Valley in the snow, and went straight to Haishi Fort, Zheng Jun's logistics center.

In addition to the large group of troops attacking Haishibao, they also scattered several small groups of troops to intercept the grain transportation team in the Huangshui Valley.It was one of them that Wuying volunteers encountered last night.

In addition to intercepting the food transport team and preventing them from sending food and salaries to Ningxi City, these small troops also took on the task of blocking reinforcements that might go from Ningxi City to Haishibao in sections.

The Volunteer Team of the Fifth Battalion was considered to be the food transportation team that started relatively late, and it was not known whether the food transportation team that started early had delivered food to Ningxi City.If all the food transportation teams along the way are on the way, the situation will completely get out of control.

As long as the army in Ningxi City has food, the morale of the army will not be dissipated. It is not impossible for the army to return to help and recapture Haishibao. There is still room for the situation to turn around.

"Master Yang, select five or six capable men from the sentry cavalry team and select a few good horses, and escort the two sentry cavalry to Ningxi City to see the situation. If you can contact the officers and soldiers, tell them Our department has tens of thousands of catties of grain within the mile. As long as the officers and soldiers take these grains, they can last for three or four days. The army can recapture Haishibao. By the way, I will give you three fire mines The entanglement is tight, igniting the fire and thunder and turning the horse away, it should be able to blow up the enemy cavalry and save their lives." It is necessary to contact the army in Ningxi Acropolis, so that it will be the only one for the entire battle situation and the volunteer team. hope.So Song Yingkui decided to send Yang Shunan to take a few people and risk their lives to Ningxi City.

"Respect the military order!" After Yang Shunan sang a promise, he went down to prepare.After coming to the front line for so long, Yang Shun'an didn't feel the real spirit of the army until now.Rushing to kill with a horse, maybe it will complete the famous killing field that the ancestors failed to do.

After helping Yang Shunan choose the horses and people to send them out, Song Yingkui said to everyone: "Dismantle fifty grain carts, use these wood to build horses, and build a strong camp. Unload all the grain on the carts. The camp is ready. The only thing we can do now is to set up the camp and wait for reinforcements! There are nearly ten thousand soldiers in Ningxi Acropolis, and it is easy to recapture the sea stone fortress."

It was not easy to recapture Haishi Fortress, Song Yingkui had to worry about it, what he had to do now was to stabilize the morale of the army and build fortifications.There are tens of thousands of catties of food in front of the campers by the river. As long as they can hold on, even if there is no reinforcements for ten and a half months, they are not afraid of starving to death.

The purpose of dismantling the frame carts is to obtain wood. In addition to making horses, Song Yingkui also wanted to use the beams of the carts to make some simple lever catapult carts.The length of the car beams is not enough, two can be used to tie them together. In an emergency, it is not necessary to be durable, but to be usable. Fortunately, with carpentry tools in the team, it is still possible to simply make a stone thrower.

When he was leading people to tie the lever and catapult, the sentry in charge of the outer guard rode his horse and reported back, saying that a team was coming from the east, and it didn't look like a fan.

Not like Fanzi?Will it be the team there?Hurry up and order the volunteers to prepare for the battle, and let the sentry cavalry continue to go out to spy.

Wei Jiachuan's bravery?Sentinel finally brought accurate news.It was a celebrity in the volunteer team, and Wei Dadao led the team over.According to the sentry cavalry, the Weijiachuan volunteers who came over were not uniform, there were less than 200 people, and it seemed that they had gone through the battle.

The Weijiachuan Volunteer Team is recognized as the strongest existence among the volunteer teams who came to help the battle, and their relationship is also a bit stronger. They set off later than the Wuying Volunteer Team. They must have also encountered Fanzi last night or this morning. .

"Let Master Wei enter the battle to talk!" We met each other in Haishibao, and since he came here, Song Yingkui hurriedly called Wei Dadao to come to the battle to talk first.

Wei Dadao's real name is Wei Zhenchuan, he is the leader of Wei Jiachuan on the edge of Wazhou City, he is famous for his long-stem and broad-edged saber when riding a horse and slashing, so he was nicknamed Wei Dadao.

"The sons and daughters said that they saw Master Yang riding in the valley on the top of the mountain, so I brought people to look for it. I didn't expect Song Dang's family to set up a camp here with his brothers. Fanzi didn't trouble you last night. Is it?" Wei Dadao talked about the whole story as soon as he entered the camp.

"Why didn't you make trouble? You see, those thirty or forty heads piled up next to our car are for nothing? The people who made trouble for us last night were killed and fled. By the way, Wei, how is your team? ?” The relationship on the battlefield is very delicate, even friendly troops have to be on guard, and they have to find ways to deter them. Song Yingkui asked Wei Dadao to look at Fanzi’s head to let him know his own strength.

"The Wuying is brave and brave. It's no wonder that they were able to retreat with such success. I, Wei Jiachuan, have suffered a great loss. If I hadn't led nearly two hundred sons out of the enemy's formation and hid in the mountains, I might have killed them all. .Since we met Song Dang's team this time, I wonder if you can let my son-in-law join your team for a while, and the two families will fight against the Tibetans together?"

Wei Dadao saw Fanzi's head and the captured war horse, so he recognized the situation and told Song Yingkui to allow his men to enter the camp.

Of course it is okay to accept Wei Jiachuan's bravery, but Song Yingkui also put forward a condition that the two teams must obey his command, so as not to order multiple teams to avoid chaos in the battle.Wei Dadao repeatedly agreed to this.

After sending Wei Jiachuan into the battle bravely and letting them have a meal, Song Yingkui continued to direct everyone to repair fortifications and tie stone catapults.

So when it was almost evening, Yang Shunan came back with his men on horseback, but there were dozens of foreign soldiers behind him.

"Commander Wei, please bring some sons and daughters to support Master Yang into the camp. I will lead people to guard the camp and support you into the camp." Wei Jiachuan's volunteers can ride and fight in a serious manner.

Wei Dadao listened to the order and ordered thirty volunteers riding horses, and killed them from the gate of the camp.After Wei Jiayi fought bravely, he did not achieve the expected results, but was entangled by the foreign soldiers and couldn't get rid of it!
"Third Dad loaded the shotgun, and I'll fight out to meet them into the camp." Song Yingkui had no choice but to pick them up on horseback himself.

The two uncles and nephews of the Song family held their guns and rode out on horseback. After joining Yang Shunan, Wei Dadao and others, Song Yingkui shouted: "The others retreat to the camp, leaving only Wei Ye, Yang Ye, and our uncles and nephews behind. .”

Fanzi didn't listen to Song Yingkui's words, and killed him in a daze regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.Seeing this, Song Yingkui shot Fanzi who was rushing towards him.

After the gunshot, the two fans at the front got off the horse in response.At this time, the third uncle's gun also rang out, and another fan was carried off the horse.And the horse, wounded by a shotgun, neighed and galloped.

With this respite, the uncle and nephew of the Song family and Yang Wei pressed forward, and everyone retreated to the camp safely.The fan soldiers stopped behind, seeing the two muskets in front of them, they didn't dare to cling to each other any more.They don't know that this thing actually only rings once!
"Haha! Today, I have Wei Dadao, Yang Tieqiang, and the Song family's flaming guns in battle. I see what they can do to me?" Back in the camp, Wei Dadao looked up to the sky and laughed, and said bold words!

(End of this chapter)

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