Chapter 103 Did You Misunderstand Something

Medusa held the Transformation Pill and looked at the Protector in front of her, confused.

Who is this person?Do I know you?
When did the Jia Ma Empire have a powerhouse of this level, and they are still my colleagues?

Is it...

Medusa felt a "thump" in her heart, could the other party be someone from Xiao Xue's side? !

However, from now on, the other party still doesn't know what she did to Xiao Xue.

Therefore, Medusa forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and waited for Dharma Guardian to speak.

She still understands the truth that too many words are bound to be lost.

Now, listening to what the other party has to say and acting by ear is the best solution.

Obviously, Hufa has misunderstood something.

After discovering that Medusa was a "colleague", he did not leave, but watched the whole process in the dark.

As a member of the Soul Palace, he naturally knew about Medusa, and had thoughts about the Transformation Pill in Furukawa's hands.

After all, eyes don't lie.

The look in Medusa's eyes when she heard the Transformation Pill was absolutely orthodox in the Soul Palace, and she was definitely influenced by the Soul Palace.

Ordinary people don't have that temperament at all.

And as a member of the Soul Palace, he knows much more than a bumpkin like Furukawa, so he naturally knows that Medusa is talking nonsense.

And now Medusa has taken down the young patriarch of the Xiao Clan, and in the Soul Palace, her future is limitless.

It is absolutely right to establish a good relationship with this kind of person in advance.

Therefore, Guardian Hu was very enthusiastic, helping Medusa, snatching from Furukawa... ah no, I brought the Transformation Pill.

Can the matter of the Soul Palace be called robbery?
What's more, what Guardian Law used at the time was some kind of illusion, or in other words, the secret method of the soul.

In front of Furukawa, he replaced the Transformation Pill with a pill that was similar in shape, but contained a support pill, but Furukawa didn't notice it at all.

In the Jia Ma Empire, there were absolutely not many times when the Transformation Pill could be used. This pill was left in Gu He's hands, and it was also in Najie to eat ashes.

Therefore, when Furukawa discovered that there was a problem with the Transformation Pill, it was already unknown when.

In other words, Medusa doesn't have to worry about "after-sales" issues after being dealt with by Hufa.

For Hufa Hu, this is a piece of cake, but he can gain the favor of a colleague with a bright future.

At that time, if Medusa can remember him, she will speak a few words of kindness in front of Tianzun for him;

Then, he didn't have to continue, shrinking into the corner of the Northwest Continent.

"Jie Jie Jie, Queen Medusa, remember my name, Dharma Protector!"

Guardian Hufa smiled strangely, and dispersed into a cloud of black mist.

Seeing that the unknown powerhouse finally left, Medusa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, she didn't dare to stop at all, and returned to the snake tribe with the fastest speed.

——The Jia Ma Empire can no longer stay here!
Go, go today!Carrying Xiao Xue away overnight!
After Medusa returned to the temple, she immediately went to the four elders and told them some things.

After arranging the family's affairs properly, she ran to the bedroom, picked up Xiao Xue who was sleeping soundly, and ran northward under the cover of night.

Living things cannot be placed in the ring, so Medusa can only use the simplest way to run away with Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly picked up by Medusa and ran away. When she woke up, she was still in a daze.

Then, she saw Medusa carrying her with one hand and shielding her from the wind with the other, using the power of space mastered by Dou Zong to run quickly in the air.

Xiao Xue woke up from fright. Medusa is looking for a place to silence her? !
She began to struggle subconsciously, and Medusa wrapped her in a quilt into a rice dumpling.

Without fighting spirit, she is just an ordinary person, and it is impossible to break free from Medusa.

Xiao Xue released her soul power to interfere with Medusa, and shouted, "Medusa, what are you doing! Let me go!"

Both Medusa's soul and body have reached the seventh level, and the soul strength of the colorful sky-swallowing python is much higher than that of the Ziyou Flame Snake.

Therefore, Xiao Xue's soul shock only made her feel a little uncomfortable, and it didn't have much impact.

Medusa was already on the run, feeling a little irritable, and now she is even more annoyed, "Put you down? Okay."

Saying that, she symbolically let go.

The feeling of weightlessness hit, Xiao Xue broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Now if she really fell down, it would be a real reopening.

"Little guy, be good, I don't intend to silence you." Medusa said with some headaches.

Since the soul resonated that day, there were some particularly intense mood swings, which Medusa could also detect.

Xiao Xue's thoughts made Medusa a little speechless, did you misunderstand something?
Does she look that scary?

"Little guy, go to sleep for a while."

Medusa cut Xiao Xue unconscious with a hand knife to prevent her from affecting her, and then headed towards the northern border of the Snakeman Empire at the fastest speed.


The Jia Ma Empire and the Snakeman Empire are located in the northwest part of the Dou Qi Continent, but they are not the northernmost point.

To the northwest of the Jia Ma Empire is the Snake Empire, and to the north of the Snake Empire is the Izumo Empire.

Continue north from the Izumo Empire, and you will arrive at the Northern Cold Land.

Back then, Yao Lao found the Bone Spirit Lenghuo in the North Cold Land and refined it.

When Yao Lao was still returning, he met an Enandu body in the Izumo Empire, and the two had a fight.

As for why Medusa went north, it was because Xiao Xue's "master" was "the eighth-rank alchemist of Zhongzhou".

Therefore, she naturally hid as far as she could, and definitely would not go inland.

Secondly, in order to evolve with the help of different fires, she went to the northern cold land to find the ice spirit cold spring.

After finding the location of Bingling Hanquan, she faintly felt that something was attracting her.

That is very likely, it is a chance and fortune of her Medusa.

At that time, she only had the Douhuang peak cultivation base, not strong enough, and she was anxious to find the evolution of different fires, so she didn't explore.

Now, she naturally wants to check it out.

And if you want to reach the North Cold Land, you need to cross the Izumo Empire.


On the endless plain as far as the eye can see, there are two extremely majestic and huge mountains towering into the sky.

This kind of towering mountain range is difficult for ordinary people to climb.

And at the gap between the two mountains, a huge fortress stands guard here.

This fortress is like a prehistoric animal, guarding the main road leading to the outside of the Snakeman Empire.

This fortress is the most important line of defense of the Snakeman Empire.

As for why, there is no fortress between the Snakeman Empire and the Jia Ma Empire...

Isn't that nonsense? With such a heavily guarded fortress, how did Xiao Yan go out to find Qinglian Dixinhuo and Medusa in the original book? (cross out)
Because, on the other side of this fortress is the Izumo Empire.

——A country famous for its poison masters.

And with Medusa's current strength, she would naturally not be noticed by the snake people guarding the fortress.

In the morning light, Medusa hugged Xiao Xue, took a deep breath, and then disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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