Dou Po: I am playing with water in the Dou Qi Continent to become an emperor

Chapter 104 Entering the Izumo Empire for the First Time

Chapter 104 Entering the Izumo Empire for the First Time
In the middle of the border between the two countries, there is a large buffer zone, which is an empty plain.

No matter which side sends troops to the other side, on this endless plain, the other side will easily detect it, and then respond in advance.

The scope of this plain is so large that even at the speed of Medusa, it took some time.

It took about one hour before Medusa brought Xiao Xue to the Izumo Empire at the other end.

If it is the Douhuang peak, it will probably take less than half a day to cross this plain.

On a mountain peak at the border of the Izumo Empire, two figures, one large and one small, suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain.

Now Xiao Xue has woken up, shivering while wrapped in a quilt.

Go north!super cold!
Medusa took her all the way north, across most of the snake empire, and then came here.

As their position moved closer to the north, the temperature here was naturally much lower than that of the Gama Empire and the Snake Empire.

Of course, in the Tagore Desert at night, the temperature is very low due to the rapid heat dissipation of the sand.

The temperature in the desert at night is even a bit lower than that here.

In order to avoid being exposed, Medusa carried Xiao Xue on her shoulders overnight.

Her physical fitness reached Dou Zong, so she naturally subconsciously ignored the low temperature.

——Only focus on keeping out the wind, forgetting to keep warm.

And Xiao Xue, whose battle qi was sealed, didn't have a battle qi to protect her body, so how could she ignore the low temperature in the desert at night.

In addition, she was knocked unconscious by Medusa with a hand knife, so she didn't even have the chance to say that she was cold.

So now, Xiao Xue is wrapped in her little quilt, sucking her snot, so pitiful.

"Ah Choo, Ah Choo~"

Xiao Xue sneezed, feeling sad.

Thank you for the invitation, people are fighting and almost freezing to death.

She didn't know how many years, she didn't have this kind of feeling like a cold.

Logically speaking, even if her battle qi was sealed and she had a fighting spirit-level physical fitness, she wouldn't have a cold or fever.

However, the temperature at night in the desert was too low, and she happened to be weak in recent days, so she was taken advantage of.

Medusa's bedroom is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer... Ah no, it's cool during the day and not too cold at night.

Therefore, Xiao Xue's quilt was not very thick, which made her already not optimistic situation worse.

Medusa stood aside, holding the quilt that wrapped her, helping Xiao Xue to keep warm.

After evolving into a colorful python, Medusa is no longer the "cold-blooded animal" it once was.

Even, her body temperature can be raised to a higher level without any effect.

Medusa used her fighting spirit to wrap Xiao Xue and her quilt up to keep her warm.

Then, she stretched out her hand to touch Xiao Xue's forehead, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

It was all my fault that I panicked at the time, and I was so focused on running away that I didn't notice these details.

"Little guy, bear with me, I'll take you to the doctor right away."

Medusa said, picked up Xiao Xue and planned to enter the city.

"Are you sure you're looking for a doctor, Ah Choe~, not a poison master?" Xiao Xue couldn't help asking.

Xiao Xue naturally knows where she is now through the [coordinates] of the system.

At the same time, she also guessed that Medusa brought her here alone, either "fleeing in fear of crime" or planning to silence her.

Now it seems that the possibility of the first case is a little higher.

This can be regarded as one of the few good news for her so far.

However, if Medusa is looking for a doctor in the Izumo Empire, the first type will have to become the second type——

The Izumo Empire is full of poison masters.

It is estimated that when they treat diseases, they also fight poison with poison.

Although it is also possible that there are serious doctors, Xiao Xue dare not gamble with her own life.

"Don't worry about me, little problem, I'll be fine after a night of sleep."

As Xiao Xue said, she closed her eyes and stopped talking to Medusa.

Hearing this, Medusa could only nod slightly, and immediately hugged Xiao Xue.

The two bodies quickly floated into the air, and flew towards the city not far away.

The territory of the Izumo Empire is no smaller than that of the Jia Ma Empire, and even from a certain aspect, it is much wider than the Jia Ma Empire.

However, perhaps due to its proximity to the north, the population of the Izumo Empire is much smaller than that of the Jia Ma Empire.

To give an inappropriate example, it is like Mao Xiong. Although the area is large, the citizens are generally concentrated in a few cities.

In the Izumo Empire, some places near the North Cold Land can be said to be uninhabited.

Maybe there is not a single living person to be seen on the road for hundreds of miles.

Moreover, due to the existence of Poison Dou Qi and the prevalence of poison masters, compared with the Jia Ma Empire, this empire appears to be much more chaotic.

Poison Master, a profession that was almost despised by everyone in the Jia Ma Empire, developed extremely vigorously in the Izumo Empire.

In the Izumo Empire, people wearing the robes of poison masters can be seen almost everywhere.

In every city in this empire, there are also shops dedicated to selling some poisons.

As long as everything related to poison can be purchased in these places.

The more toxic something is, the more expensive it is.

For the little fairy doctor with an Enan poisonous body, this is a good place to practice.

But for Xiao Xue, the Izumo Empire is really not as good as her hometown Jiama.

After all, living in such a place where people can be poisoned at the slightest disagreement is quite a psychological burden for outsiders.

After all, no one knows whether there is poison in the drinking water, maybe they just went out for a meal, and then reopened directly.

A native of the Izumo Empire, because he grew up here and also practiced Poison Fighting Qi, he was more or less resistant to poison.

What is fine to them may be deadly poison to outsiders.

Therefore, no one travels to the Izumo Empire unless necessary.

Medusa took Xiao Xue and landed in a city on the border of the Izumo Empire.

Those city walls, fortresses and guards are naturally useless in front of Medusa of Dou Zong level.

Since it is close to the border, the atmosphere here is quite serious, and there are not many pedestrians on the street.

A few miles away from the city gate, there are still many troops stationed.

Medusa hugged Xiao Xue who was wrapped in a quilt, ignored the surprised eyes of passers-by, went directly to a hotel and walked in.

Behind the counter of the hotel stood a woman in black gauze.

Although the woman is not stunning, she is also a beauty.

Her lips were as red as blood, her skin was so white that she could barely see any blood, and on her long legs were a pair of black high boots.

Medusa said directly to the waiter, "Stay in the hotel, one room, the best room for you."

The waiter looked up at Medusa, then at Xiao Xue who was holding her, and threw out a house number.

"Two gold coins a day, if it is less than one day, it will be counted as one day."

(End of this chapter)

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