Chapter 105 The Queen Wants to Run Away
"Two gold coins a day, if it is less than one day, it will be counted as one day."

Medusa didn't talk nonsense, she dropped two gold coins, took the house number, and went upstairs with Xiao Xue in her arms.

For so many years, because of war or other reasons, humans didn't know how many people killed her.

And after those humans died, their things naturally became her trophies.

Therefore, Medusa has no shortage of yellow and white things like gold coins.

For the powerhouses of Dou Qi Continent, money is the least valuable thing.

What are really valuable are exercises, fighting skills, elixirs and the like.

In other words, Medusa is not short of money, but... not much.

So, she took Xiao Xue and directly asked for the best room in the hotel.

When she came out this time, she was actually fleeing from disaster. Naturally, Medusa would not show her strength in a high-profile manner.

Pretending to be an ordinary person and integrating into human society is the best way now.

Of course, she won't stay here for too long.

In human society, the longer the stay, the greater the possibility of Xiao Xue getting in touch with the outside world and leaking the news.

Therefore, Medusa planned to wait for Xiao Xue's state to recover, and then lead her into no-man's land.

At that time, you can not only avoid the exposure of your position, but also practice with peace of mind, improve your cultivation level, maybe, you can also...

Love for a long time.

Of course, before that, Medusa needs to prepare some things, such as some water, clothes and so on.

Xiao Xue is only wearing pajamas now, and she is only carrying snake-human costumes.

This kind of clothes should not be too distinctive when worn out, it is very easy to be exposed.

Moreover, if she wanted to go to the Northern Cold Land, it was absolutely impossible for her to leave Xiao Xue here alone.

In that case, it would be very easy for Xiao Xue to have accidents in the Izumo Empire alone, in various senses.

And if you want to take Xiao Xue to the north, you need some warm clothes or other necessary things, so you have to be prepared.

Most of the things are actually available in the snake people, but those things are not in stock.

After all, those who are weak can't go to the North Cold Land, but those who are strong can go, there is no need to prepare.

——The main thing is that one can't be up or down.

Medusa placed Xiao Xue in a hotel suite.

Then, she took out water from the storage ring, heated it with colorful flames, and fed Xiao Xue some hot water.

After watching Xiao Xue fall asleep, Medusa set up an enchantment, then went out and bought some clothes for Xiao Xue.

She also knew Xiao Xue's size, after all, she had measured it herself, and Medusa's memory had always been excellent.

After buying a few sets of clothes, Medusa went around to the military camp next door and stole some dry food back.

After all, Xiao Xue couldn't be allowed to live on blood sucking all the time, right?

Moreover, there is not much to eat in that northern cold land.

Other things in the Izumo Empire may be poisonous. Medusa didn't know much about poison, so she didn't dare to buy things indiscriminately.

However, the food supplied to the imperial army is absolutely non-toxic.

So after thinking about it, Medusa still went to "buy for zero yuan".

I have to say that Medusa is really looking more and more like a person from the Palace of Souls.

Soon, Medusa went back and forth with what she bought and what she "bought".

And Xiao Xue was still lying on the bed in the hotel suite, sleeping soundly.

Medusa touched Xiao Xue's forehead with her hand, and found that her body temperature had dropped a little, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the battle qi was sealed, some characteristics of the water attribute battle qi still existed.

Not to mention, Xiao Xue also has a trace of the blood of the Sky Fox.

Therefore, although her self-healing ability and recovery ability are not as good as those of monsters of the same level, they are not much worse.

After confirming that Xiao Xue was fine, Medusa also had no ink marks, so while it was hot...

After all, if it's late, it's cold.

Every second now is precious to Medusa.

So, Medusa sat cross-legged and raced against time to practice.

The sooner one reaches Dou Zun, the more secure the snake-human race will be.

Even, if she still can't take Xiao Xue down when she reaches Dou Zun, she can go directly to the golden house to hide her beauty.

Anyway, once the Medusa lineage has identified someone, it will remain unswerving until death.

But in this generation, it's...not to marry unless you.

Of course, Warcraft's sense of territory is also doomed, she will not share a partner with others.

So - at worst, just run with the little guy!
The whole continent is so big, unless it is a group of half-saints and fighters, it is impossible to find it.

And Medusa also believed that one day, Xiao Xue would accept her.

Medusa took out the Transformation Pill, threw it directly into her mouth, and then began to refine the medicinal power in it.

Although it stands to reason, Warcraft uses the Transformation Pill, and it takes a long time to rebirth from the cocoon.

However, Medusa's bloodline does have certain peculiarities.

This particularity is not what Medusa said when fooling Furukawa, "Transformation Pill is useless to me";
Instead, Medusa used the Transformation Pill after the seventh level, because her body had already turned into a human form.

Therefore, she does not need to cocoon to reshape her body.

She can directly absorb the medicinal power of Transformation Pill and undergo a slow transformation!
(I don’t know what the original book is, let’s use it as a second design, as long as it’s reasonable, it’s normal for the same person to be a little different)
Several hours later, Medusa exhaled a foul breath and opened her eyes.

If Xiao Xue threw a [Detection] to Medusa, then Medusa's [Aptitude] should be 8 points.

However, there is also a big gap between being able to cultivate to the peak of Dou Zun and barely breaking through Dou Zun with the same [Qualification 8].

And if Medusa completely refines the medicinal power of Transformation Pill, then her [Quality] will be infinitely close to 9 points!
The peak Dou Zun is not out of reach for Medusa!
Time flew by like this, and two days later, Xiao Xue finally returned to normal.

Then, Medusa took Xiao Xue on the road again.

Xiao Xue knew that she couldn't fight Medusa right now, so she could only choose to lie flat and let Medusa take her away.

That night, the two of them came to a city called Nether Poison City to rest.

The Izumo Empire has a huge area. Even at the speed of Medusa, it is impossible to span the entire empire in one day.

Youdu City, in the lower middle position of the Izumo Empire, is considered to be one of the best large cities in the Izumo Empire.

Medusa still found a hotel, asked for the best suite, and brought Xiao Xue to stay.

After washing up, Xiao Xue obediently went to sleep, while Medusa guarded the door and began to practice.

After Medusa entered the cultivation state, Xiao Xue, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly opened her eyes, "Ari."

"Don't lie down when you wake up, get up and work, and you must eat something good."

The ring in Medusa's hand flashed slightly, and a blue smoke slowly floated out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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